Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Nov 1964, p. 10

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-- Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thui^jg^JT^mhet l&^aHU J-^er&onaii -- Charles Vycital returned Wednesday from a visit in the home of his son, Mark, and <?ife in Del Rio, Texas. He flew there on Thursday of last week to attend his* don's graduation and see him receive his wings as a jet fighter pilot in the U. S. Air Force at Laughlin air force base. Robert J. Frisby, Sr., accompanied by his nephew, Francis Lerche. of Waukegan, left Monday for a visit with relatives in Sioux Falls, S. D. Mesdames Elizabeth Schoewer, Alpha Pedersen, Kathryn Worts and Mabef Johnson joined a group fropi Woodstock, Crystal Lake and Algonquin for the monthly meeting and pot-luck luncheon of""the.Mc- Henry County Past Oracles Club of the R.N.A. at. the home of Mrs. Margaret "PJSsOn in Algonquin on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Freida' Behtens will be hostess for the Christmas party at her home in Algonquin on Tuesday, Dec. 1. Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan, accompanied by their niece, Mrs. Larry Donnski, and children of Carpejjtersvilie, were entertained in fhe home of their granddaughter, Mrs. Thomas Morris, in- Oaklawn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Donatelle and Mrs. Connie Valenzio of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. .Leonard Jacobson of Chicago".were guests of Mr. and Mrs. "Kpfyert" J. Frisby, Jr., Saturday/'Evening. , Mrs. George Fitzgerald and son, Raymond, of Mayycrest, Kankakee, spent a recent " day with her mother, Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch Charles Steilen of fcjinsdale visited his mother, Mrjs<, Kathryn Steilen, Wednesday bf last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dobinsky of Bloomingdale were entertained in the Dale J)ixon home Sunday. "* Mr. and Mrs. WxHiam Richter of Silver Lake, Wis., were guests of Mrs. Fred* Bienapfl, Thursday, and accofhpaAied her to the harvest dinner and Christmas bazaar at the Zion Lutheran church. • Mr. and Mrs. Carter Givens of Elgin and M*. and~Mr&. .Glen Dickinson of Rockford spent a recent day in the "WiHiamr Jordan home. The Jordons were guests in the Dickinson home on Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Josie Smith attended the funeral of her brother- in-law at Spring Valley, 111. Elizabeth Thompson, Helen Heuser, Ann Rodeijfcirch* Irene Guffey, Rose Staine§,„J8,ertil!a Freund, Bobby Maip^ri^Joan Freund of the C.EXM tertained the boys *i5lHDo\«ney, it a Halloween, party, Wednesday evening of last week. Miss Charlene Klapperich Was a weekend guest of her brother, David, a Student at Culver-Stockton College in Canton, Mo. ^ ' Miss Shari Nellis ijpd J^arold Bell, Jr., attended Sn-entertainment at Old Orchard (Country Club Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Irven vSchmitt and Mr. and Mrs. *Le«£;$lake motored to Greendale,". Wis., Sunday, where they-picked up Sister Jeremia and their went on to Campbellsport where they visited her sisters, Sisters Arcadia and Ildefons. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Wirfsi visited his father „ George Wirfs, at Freeport Sjynd&y. Sister Charles Magie^bf-KaiVkakee called on heK^parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sun-- day enroute to Milwaylfe^. !Donnie, of Peoria, were dinner guests in the home of her brother, M. L. Schoenholtz, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisby. Jr., were recent visitors in Elmwood Park, where they helped Mr. and Mrs. Herbert DeGrenier celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kirchoff have returned from a month's trip to the west where thoy accompanied Mrs. Elsie Latas, by car who has moved from •Lake Defiance to Leisure World, Calif., to make her home. The return trip was made by train and bus doinj* much sight-seeing and calling on friends enroute. Miss Judy Conway was home from Chicago for a weekend visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conway. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz, were Saturday visitors in the home of his brother, Gerald Schoenholtz, in Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. A. P. Freund, Mrs. Arthur Tonyan, Mrs. Irvin Freund and Mrs. Ben Jung were entertained in the home of Mrs. Evelyn Petitclair in Waukegan Wednesday of last week. The Martin Foley family has moved from the Anderson apartment, at 809 N. Center street to their new home in Millstream subdivision. Mrs. Carl Blanner, son, Vernon, of Rockford and Mrs. Thomas Spantideas, of Crystal Lake were luncheon guests in the Robert Conway home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Antonelli of Newburg, N. Y., were visitors in the home of their aunt, Miss Mary Tonelli, at 3008 W. Parkside avenue. They flew from N. Y., and their plane was docked at the Edgewater subdivision. Dinner guests at the Josie Smith home on Sunday were Fuller Boutelle, of Lake Geneva, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Crystal Lake. JEROME BtCH Pictured here is Jerome J. 'Such. He 'has been a member .of Company One of the McHenry Township Fire Protection district since 1946. He resides at 3707 W. Anne and is married to the former Ethel Kunz. They have three boys.N Buch received his education locally and is a native of this area. He is in business for himself, operating a plumbini and heating firm. His favorite hobby is fishing. He is a member of the Rotary club, American Legion, and the Knights of Columbus. He invites any individual over 21 years of age to secure an application and see if they qualify to become a member of this elite group of men. The island of Ouespant, off France, has wipds^so strong that haystacks need to be "roped down, slate roofs cejnented-- and piles of stone 'scatteredy over pastures to Mrs. Doyle Mi 11 er_'and,J>obJprovide shelter for sheep. SEim<D® IS ©m BUSINESS Color - Black & While Phonos - Stereo - Radios -- Exclusive Dealer for' -- R.C.A. -- G.E. -- Curtis Mathes -- Columbia We Service All Makes (Color & Black & White) Our Policy: Guaranteed Quality Parts. Efficient arraE,Hooest Service at a Fair Price Experienced TecKMfclaiis: WALTER HOJS&CKI ALLAN McMt FRANK WILKINSON Hours Daily: Mon. thru Thurs. 9-7 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 9-9 p.m. S u n d a y 1 0 - 1 p r a . SALES sad SERVICE 1326 N. Riverside Dr. Ph. 385-0979 McHenry, 111. (Established In McHenry Since 1948) Quality Radiator Repair By Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 11 Years Experience Every job FLO-TESTED For Your Added Protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE BR@I. RIPAIft SERV. Mmsi to V.F.W. Phone 385-0783 W. m McHenry, HL Ringwood News DELORES BRENNAN 093-2045 WSCS SPONSORS BAZAAR, TURKEY DINNER, NOV. 21 The Ringwood Methodist church will have their bazaar and turkey dinner on Saturday, Nov. 21, sponsored by the W.S.C.S. The bazaar will feature homemade candies, aprons, rugs and many, many other gift items for the coming holidays. The bazaar will be open from 3 p.m. on thru the dinner. Starting at 5 p.m. until ?? will be the family style turkey dinner. Mr. Gobbler will be surrounded by dressing, mashed potatoes, cranberries, salad, vegetable, rolls, coffee, milk and homemade pies. Why not bring the family out for dinner? Miss H«>gan Honored On Sundav afternoon a group of approximately fifty ladies gathered in the local church basement to honor Pat Hogan at a miscellaneous bridal shower. After a few interesting games, Pat opened her many exceptionally lovely gifts. Following, the ladies were served several tastv salads, lu-cious cakes, punch and coffee. In just a couple of weeks? Patricia wiil become the bride of Tom Parsley. •'.".00" Club The 500 Club met at the home of Mrs. Gerry Kunz on Wednesday afternoon. Bud Whiting took high for the day with Ruby Shepard taking low. Bunco Clnb Met Last Thursday afternoon the Runco Club met at the home of Mrs. Flora Carr. Agnes Doheity was high with Mae Wiedrich second and Lizzie Thompson, low. Barnard Mill Teen Chib The Barnard Mill Teen club will hold a hayride on Saturday. There will be a record hop every Friday night unless otherwise specified. Publicity Officer, Roger Barker Here 4N' There Mr. and Mrs. Duane Andreas and family of 'McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Weldort Andreas and daughter, Margo, spent Sunday evening at Ivanhoe visiting with, Mrs. Marion Schweimn, Mrs. Andreas' sister. There will be a W.S.C.S. meeting at the church on Wednesday. On Saturday, Mrs. Allen Ainger, Mary and David of Hebron, Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. were Randhurst visitors. Mr. and Mrs. John Fleiner of Chicago were callers in the home of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn" on Thursday. Mrs. John Klapperich's brother visited them on Saturday evening, before leaving for Germany where he will be making his home. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Blackmon and son, Tommy, of Antioch called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seegert of Mineral Springs spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Ruby} Shepard. Will Claxton of McHenry was a dinner guest on Sunday in the home Of his sister, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. That's it once Ringwood. again from- BOWLl*W*XRTY The Mithodist Youth Fellowship will meet at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 15, for a bowling• party, followed at 6 o'clock by a meeting on Missions. The fallowing Tuesday there will be«- a cpuncil meeting at 7 p.m. ^ WATER SOFTENER SERVICE SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES & MODELS- • Service • Rebuilding • Repair • Cleaning On* • Overhauling • Installation • Reconditioning • Removal ALL WORK GUARANTEED WATER SOFTENER SALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT JCA 3CM544 OtenO WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois LET OtP'm§81TE©«S Sri* "WWW*- Hill II11II11111 smi PEOPLE SHOW YOU A'P HOfPItALITY! A&P's FINE BRAND HOSP1TA LITY' INCLUDES--1Quality [Foods!©our fee® Help! A&P SUPER- T@P-QUMITY-- Fully Drawn FRESH. FRVBtS lb. lark Mill ^^35* Fryen, While Meat *""139' IroundBeef (leuerQt*. lb. 53c) *49* Puliy Cooked 10 to 12 lb. Sins bwhtmud Discount Prices R0U-0N ot Deodorant sizt 15c Off Label Jofinion A Johnson mm r tf 47 Q Reg. $1.85 15c Off Supreme 15-n. 49* IM« witk Frist Cookies BpTmntoM fcefHe w M I;;:::: ^ Savings NORTHERN WHITE PARKER 10 lb. bag 20 lb. bag Avocados Florida 2 *or 29c Cucumbers Slicing Onions Semi-Boneless Hams 2%». 69° Pork fet least 4 ^ ^33c Sparetilt ». 39c WHOLE WHEAT Fresb Peaeb & E39< DOllllfo Sugared, Golden Brown In * Ann Page PeaiHt Butter Ann Page Presides pineapple jar FIRAAjr RIPE BANANAS 34-oz. E ® jar MS peach or^ 1 SuSyo S&®ti7iipo wafilrD $2.2® m eff ©By ifaasto feaaS i LB. incafe Inst Ceffe 'T*!" lupine 55 m 2^11® prine Hit Yams Beef Stew Jack-O-Lontem Brand Dinly Moore 2S OQ Hee, 9" SipwteSmrtwr Sugar t-**., Substitute bi!. All Tuna leg. 2c Off ft. Label eta. Friiii W®t§i Instant 7-n. Mashed pk|» Stokley Van Camp )?•&., , eCc3 1 Your Choic. 21^ V«netiis 41m frozen lii^ufi ISiBirs s Banquet Pot Pies & 5^l9t " becuc ffiSL'Ur MiW-Concontrcrted Downy 89 FABRIC SOFTENER 34-oz. bh. SAVE 5c on your purchase by redeeming your Procter & Gamble Mailer Coupon. c CREAMY, PINK THRILL SAVE 5c on your purchaso by redeeming onia Top Job ComabImUnI Hwoci^i Cllanoi? 15-oz. Size WONDDtS Of YM AHSMAL KIHSISM 9th IE® WESD k coUectte* of 410 besutifcS, C-soZz? p."3fcra c5 Qo vntUft MhMit. Tmk to cad pcsSo b o ethni nil il>--i. PtifcjQ Vczhati 2 Ctro 2? asa cq osis. Only 19c mcM (Mi IMPW at ywtr MP f--4 Mm PICTURE ALBUM and PICTURE PACKET ^1 FREE Ihta iNpM ky an (Ml •r • (MM HiMfrnM by an aM. I I No nmhm N«c«»ary H | . uj Thli Offer 6ee4 Thro Setvr^ey, Nev. 31,1944 Fleecy White Bleach IwyLj^Mpt . Bifergeit .Deter^ ai Plastic Wrap CMJoldCups lfret 39c »• M. Trtnd-Clear 1 fit., kL or Pink c« size 3» For 100 ct. Drinking pbg* Clnf* DESSERT DISH Facial Soap W 4^i2c TiieietergeBt '^ll* Igleliftilori Personal iwiy Soap 4- 29c M detergent 2'^T^ ime iant fm I - II8 On# Pric«...©KO <3uolltj70(>oA& ABS AGP P@@dl StorisT^y^^ fillfijfAII a. TllM ^"•B* CRfAI AILANIIC li PACIHC TEA Tf*U tff MfftMBnttn "TSC 11 Henher Woa o»m «• 35* 1 llle? fAmafe Iiiim THISI PRICKS IfPiOlW FOi 14# 1964 1 iLilii| 1 illli 1® JUIw «• #1 |' THIS SOUK'S Aap COUPOKiS ; 1t Currlor a Ivm OlMtBT BISH wltfe « IS.C9 or Rura pvrthaoo •Jr H« Off 9n a 4-PIBCI PLACE gOTTIRO *!•< OPf en B PACKAOID OMIT of chaica Id Carrier A l*os Pimm Bin *" 'teM iimw »int MM pardMH ef ItJI er mtm M Pnill * VawtMla latitat *** r*<M llaaif* wim a UM ar Man auto*lit* ta>»cia ana iHMiim WE INVITE YOU TO SHOP AT A&P SAVE CASH AND PLAID STAMPS T@@l 3710 W. ELM STREET STORE IppUHS: DAILY $46 6 McHENRY. ILL. THUBS. 8c FRI. 9 TO 9 S-v*

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