Section One -- P*ge Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, November 12, 1964 ' Married In McHenry THE DANIEL BENGSTONS Miss Patricia Miller became the bride of Mr. Daniel Bengston in a lovely wedding Oct. 10 at St. Mary's Catholic church. John Kerr Weds Gwen M. Paton Westminster United Presbyterian church in DesMoines, Iowa, was the setting for a lovely fall wedding last Saturday, Nov. 7, when Miss Gwen Marie Paton became the bride of Mr. John T. Kerr. Dr. C. T. R. Yeates officiated at the nuptial ceremony performed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Miss Paton is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R< W. Paton of 7313 Douglas, DesMoines, and Mr. Kerr is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kerr of 1401 W. Channel Beach avenue, McHenry. Miss Jan Thurber of Davenport, Iowa, acted as organist. Miss Patton was charming in a white, street length dress of paisley print brocade, with which she wore a white velvet crown to which was attached a veil of white tulle, shoulder length. Miss Dana Gammage of Farmer City, 111., acted as maid of honor, wearing a pale blue dress of peau de soie and a blue velvet crown topped with short, blue tulle. Phil Dylhoff of Iowa City, Iowa, acted as best man and groomsmen were James Hoban of Iowa City, and Robert Kerr of Ellsworth Air Force base, South Dakota. The bride's mother wore a pale blue wool dress, blue shoes, white gloves and small, blue pillbox hat. Mrs. Kerr chose a pale blue brocade sheath with jacket, blue shoes and other accessories in white. Following the wedding, 180 guests gathered for a reception in the lounge of the Westminster church. The couple will make their home at 3501 N. Narragansett, Chicago. The bride attended S. U. I. at Iowa City, from which the groom was graduated with a BA degree in sociology. The new Mrs. Kerr has been employed as a stenographer and her husband is a credit reporter for Dun & Bradstreet. HOLD PRE-CANA CONFERENCE IN CRYSTAL LAKE A Pre-Cana conference on marriage preparation will be held at St. Thomas church, Crystal Lake, beginning on Sunday, Nov. 15, at 1 p.m. and continuing Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 8 p.m. Although all Catholic engaged couples are expected to attend, this program is open to every engaged couple in McHenry county and surrounding cities. Subjects to be discussed will include marriage as a vocation; the role of women; physiological adjustment; job versus home life; money and the growing family; conjugal spirituality; how love grows or declines; and many others from in-laws to over-population. Reservations may be made by calling Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Osmus at 459-1813 or Mr. and Mrs. Paul Csech at 459-5369. AREA SECRETARIES ENTERTAIN GUESTS AT FINE PROGRAM Ninety-four members and guests of the Shoreland chapter of National Secretaries association, International, enjoyed their annual guest night which was held in Waukegan on Monday night, Nov. 9. Guests from this area included Myrtle Voss of McHenry, Sue Bradish of Cary, and Ethel Taylor, Crystal Lake, who attended with Florence Noonan. Also from McHenry were Bettina Johnson, Marjorie Adams, Dorothy E. Miller, Boots Davis, Marian Carlson and Helen Haynes. Stewart Speikings, representing a Chicago company, demonstrated many ideas for making Christmas decorations for the home. Members and guests were also entertained by Mr. L.s Concert Choral group, which presented a program of songs from many hit musical shows. Background music for the evening was furnished by Mr. Hackert at the organ. There were prizes, and light refreshments were served. The next regular meeting of Shoreland chapter will be held Monday evening, Nov. 16 with 6 p.m. dinner at Ted's Downtown restaurant in Waukegan, and business meeting and program immediately following at 7 p.m. Speaker will be Mrs. Erich Weis, who will discuss parliamentary procedure. Guests are welcome, and anyone interested in attending may phone Florence Noonan at 459-1600 during the day or 385-2628 in the evening for further information. McHENRY CHURCH SCENE OF LOVELY FALL WEDDING PANHELLENIC HOLDS BENEFIT FOR SCHOLARSHIP "Dollars For Scholars", the annual benefit card party sponsored by the Women's Panhellenic of McHenry County, will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. in the McHenry high school cafeteria. Coffee and dessert will be served on arrival. There will be lovely prizes for each table and a highlight of the evening will be an informal showing of fashions. Since this organization gives a scholarship annually to a deserving McHenry high school girl graduate, it is hoped that attendance will be good. Tickets may be purchased from any Panhellenic member or at the door. TEEN DANCE There will be a teen dance sponsored by the Viscounts at the Legion home Friday, Nov. 13, from 7:30 to 11 p.m. Girls are asked not to wear slacks. CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone for their many acts of kindness shown to me during my recent stay in Chicago Wesley Memorial hospital. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 11-12-64 Gladys Moreton Alio insurance Cancelled? NO ONE REFUSED -- ANY AGE KessomaMe Mates Financial i@§p@nsibility Filings Stay out of "Pool Insm-ance" and have Full Coverage TEENAGE INSURANCE -- Full Coverage MAR insurance 385-7667 A vision of loveliness was Miss Donna Harris last Saturday morning as she came down the aisle of the Community Methodist church holding her father's arm, to be united in marriage with Mr. Thomas A. Kacprowicz. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vogel of Powers Lake, Wis., and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray DeWitt of 5006 W. Orchard Drive, McCullom Lake. The Rev. Ernest C. Carder performed the douhle ring ceremony. For the 11 a.m. service, the lovely young bride chose a floor length, white taffeta, princess style gown, featuring a rounded neckline, embroidered with seed pearls. The long sleeves of the gown came to a poind at the wrist and were buttoned to the elbow. The full skirt flared in the back to a sweeping chapel train. The bride's shoulder length veil was of chant illy lace, held in place with a flowered crown, and she carried a hand bouquet of yellow roses. Around her neck, she wore a single strand choker of tiny pearls, a gift from her bridegroom. The groom's sister, Mrs. Patricia Miller, served as matron of honor and was stunning in a ballerina style gown of dark beige taffeta, trimmed with lace, and wore matching accessories. Her corsage was of white carnations. The bride's twin brother, Dilbert Harris, was the best man. Mrs. Vogel wore a beige silk sheath with matching accessories and a corsage of white carnations for her daughter's wedding. The groom's mother was attired in a pink lace suit with matching accessories and a corsage of white carnations. The groom's paternal grandmother, Mrs. May Harvey of Skokie, chose a costume of royal blue crepe with accesories to complement her outfit. Following the ceremony, a reception for fifty guests was held at the Wayside Inn in Powers Lake. Upon their return from a honeymoon in the Wisconsin Dells and surrounding area, the newly wedded couple will reside at Pistakee Bay. The groom attended McHenry high school and is currently employed as a buffer at Woodstock Die Casting. The bride attended high school in Powers Lake and will concentrate her duties on homemaking. VERLENE ROUSEY Young-Couple Set Wedding Date Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Rousey of 5820 Wonder Woods drive, Wonder Lake, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Verlene Martha, to Christopher Ducey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ducey of Wonder Lake. The young people have set Nov. 28 as their wedding date in Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, at 5 p.m. Honor Joseph Mays On Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May wore surprised by a .group of relatives and friends at their home on John street Saturday evening. The occasion was the celebration of a belated thirtyfifth wedding anniversary, the actual date falling on Oct. 26. The party was planned and successfully carried out by their daughters, Mrs. Joanne Kelley of Antioch and Mrs. Lois Welke of Woodstock. Cards furnished entertainment and lunch featuring a prettily decorated cake made by Joanne Kelley was served at the close of a very enjoyable eve- GARDEN CLUB TO HOST TEA, DEMONSTRATION The McHenry Garden club will hold a tea and demonstration on "The Art of Making Christmas Decorations" on Thursday, Nov. 19 at 1 p.m. at the Methodist church in McHenry. The demonstration will be presented by Nancy Ranta of Zion. Proceeds will go toward Christmas stockings for the more than sixty men and women in the various old folks' homes in the McHenry area. The Junior high school home economics class of Miss Saum has been invited to attend the demonstration as special guests of the club. Tickets may be purchased at the door. For further information call Mrs. Fred Dodge, 385- 7745. The public is invited to attend. BOOK REVIEW Florence Bourke-Ellis, well known throughout the county for fte|j book reviews and travel monologues, will present the second program in "Creative Living", sponsored by the Women's Guild of the Woodstock Fine Arts association. Miss Ellis will review a current best seller and enlighten the group on the latest children and adult Christmas book selections. She will appear in the Woodstock Opera House on Thursday, Nov. 19 at 10 a.m. Tickets may be purchased at the door. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend a sincere thank you to all our friends and neighbors for their cards,, memorials and other expressions of sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement. The family of William Blake 11-12-64 WCOF Holds One Meeting This Month Because Thanksgiving falls on the regular second meeting date of the month, the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters, Court 659, will meet only once, on Thursday, Nov. 12. This will be a combined business and social meeting. ELEANOR FREUND McHenry Girl Engaged To Wed Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Freund of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor June, to James Langer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Langer of Whitehall, Mich. Wesley Players Appear For WSCS The monthly meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Community Methodist church will take place in the church sanctuary on Thursday, Nov. 19, at 8 p.m. This is the only evening meeting of the year. The program will be given by the Wesley Players of the Wesley Foundation of Northern Illinois university, DeKalb, and will be entitled "Youth Looks at Life". The presentation utilizes various art forms including speech, drama and music. Rev. Ronald Russell is the pastor. Members may bring guests. Invitations have also been extended to the Woman's Societies of Methodist churches in Ringwood, Mt. Hope, Spring Grove, Greenwood and Ingleside. Devotions will be conducted by Mrs. Charles Peterson. Refreshments will be served by the Louise Landon circle. VICKIE JESSKI Local Couple Plan Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Florian Jesski of 1615 West Oakleaf drive, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Vickie Ann Marie, to Gary Krispin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Krispin of 104 Hilltop Drive, Pistakee Highlands. The bride-to-be and her fiance are both 1964 graduates of McHenry Community high school and are now employed in Skokie. A July wedding is planned. Hold Party For Inter-com Fund "Lurtcheon is Served" will hg held by St. Patrick's Moth- ^rsclub on Monday, Nov. 16, at 1 o'clock in the church hall. A demonstration of holiday wrappings will be given • by Mrs. John Justes. Chairman of the event is tyrs. Thomas Landre. Proceeds will be donated to the fund for the new school inter-com system. Surprise Diedrichs On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Diedrich of Waukegan street were surprised Saturday evening by about forty-five relatives and friends who charivaried them in honor of their wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in visiting and a delicious lunch was served by their children, Mr. and Mrs. James Abner and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Diedrich, who planned the delightful party. MISSION SERIES AT CHURCH WILL BE CONCLUDED The Community Methodist church will have the last in a series on Mission Festival on Africa", Sunday evening, Nov. 15, beginning with a family fellowship supper at 6 p.m. Guest speaker is Dr. Werner Wickstrom, who was president of the College of West Africa in Monrovia, Liberia, from 1953 to 1961. Dr. Wickstrom will present an illustrated lecture on Africa. He is new pastor of the Fox River Grove Methodist church. MISSION SPEAKER. GUEST AT CHURCH SOCIETY MEETING The Christian Mothers and Altar and Rosary society of St. Mary's parish, McHenry, will have their regular monthly meeting on Nov. 13. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be held at 7:45, and immediately following will be enrollment of new members into the society. The meeting will be in St. Mary's school. Miss Gertrude Staudemeyer will be guest speaker. She is well known to many of the members for her always interesting and informative programs concerning work with the missions, as well as lay support of missions in various fields. Mrs. Vincent Adams will have a display table showing some of the articles members can save for the missions, as well as a sample of the layettes and hospital gowns which may be shipped to the Mission society each year. The Christmas party will be discussed during the evening. Refreshments will be served following the program by a committee which has Mrs. E:igerie Hamer and Mrs. Virgil Pollock. as co-chairplen. . All ladies of St. Mary's parish are cordially invited to attend this meeting. McHenry Hospital Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Douglas Selby, Island Lake; Nancy Smith, Randall Dunning, John Faellaei, Hulda Holland, Bruce Knopek and Lynn Chmiel, Crystal Lake; Florence Bugner, Leona Sparenberg, Daniel Fulton, Jean Aleo and David Hahn, Wauconda; Robert Boroff, Mundelein; James Pilat, Sheldon Modar and Alvina Pilat, Wonder Lake; Irene Hartmann, Round Lake; Vivian Kendra, Long Lake; Raymond Burandt, Grayslake; James Reichert, Woodstock; Ingred Blankenberg and Hulda Wiegman, Fox Lake; Goldie Dickie, Barrington; Minus Parsley, Blue Island; Margaret Vachy, I n g l e s i d e ; L i l l i a n F r a n t z , George Espe, Nancy Nett, Patti Beaman, Leo Miller, Walter Sheahan, John Hosie, Margaret Pickett, Angelo Siciliano, Margaret Stoffei, Angeline Sass, Janet Walters, Westley May, Debra Hensley, Margaret Thomas, Leonard Blades, John Caldwell, Christine Hermon, William Lennon and Mary Ellen Hayes, McHenry. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Chester Anderson, Robert Moore and Mrs. Andrew McCarroll of McHenry were pateints during the past week in Harvard hospital. Memorial Hospital Woodstock During the past week admissions to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Karl Haisani, Josephine Hanson, William Cameron, William Miller, Maxine Berryhill, Julian Maluszewski and John Losch of McHenry; and Hilmer Anderson, Cynthia Seeman and Richard Joosten of Wonder Lake. JOB'S DAUGHTERS On Thursday, Nov. 12, at Job's Daughters there will be a real pow wow of the Potawatomie Indians of the McHenry county area. This will follow the semi-annual election of officers. Don't miss this surprise "attack". Come with a big "wha-hoo", and sit around the ceremonial fire and join in the snake dance. Wear Indian garb. CARD OF THANKS TO THE VOTERS IN PRECINCT 12 Thanks for your co-operation. George Luto Eugene Piotrowski Precinct Captains 11-12-64 CARD OF THANKS Thank you tor your support. Harley Mackeben Republican Candidate for County Auditor McHenry County 11-12-64 Now We offer you Newly Enlarged, Modern, Private Banquet Facilities for All Occasions, Business or Social Make Reservations Now--Phone 678-6617 Ordoiu 9 lini A 'Food That Creates Conversation' Aged Steaks -- Lobster Tail -- Prime Rib of Beef Turkey -- Duck -- Blue Points and Clams on the Half Shell "Complete Selection of Italian Foods" Junction Hwys. 12 & 31 Richmond, HI. • 4 Solid Shelves & 4 Door Shelves • 420-lb. Capacity • 9-Posilion Temperature Switch CA1ET APPLIANCE INC. 1241 N. Green Street Plica© 235-6500 Wed Recently "3^ - S'i,J1, "viifefi THE KENNETH HETTERMANNS St. Patrick's Catholic church was the setting for a beautiful wedding on Sept. 19 wljich united in marriage Miss Colleen Jean Mahoney and Mr. Kenneth D. Hettermann. McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ostrowski are parents of a son Nov. 1. A son was born Nov. 2 to Mr. and Mrs. John Powers. A daughter was born Nov. 2 to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brough. Mr. and Mrs. James Foerester of Huntley announce the birth of a daughter Nov. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frantz became parents of a daughter Nov. 3. A son was born Nov. 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Suratte. On Nov. 4 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dancy became parents of a son Nov. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Switzer announce the birth of a son Nov. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bartmann are parents of a son born Nov. 7. A 6 lb. 12 oz. girl was born just after midnight, on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacobson of Wonder Lake. She has been named Marri Helene. The young lady has three teen-age brothers. Memorial Hospital, Woodstock On Nov. 8 Mr. and Mrs. James la Greca of Wonder Lake became parents of a son. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cepulis announce the birth of a son in Sherman hospital, Elgin. The average feller will drink anything set in front of him, but is mighty careful about what oil goes into his car motor. RECOGNIZE 4-H ... LEADERS NOV. 12 AT COUNTY DINNER Mrs. Vera Dean Webel will be the featured speaker at the' 4-H Leaders recognition banquet on Nov. 12. Mrs. Webel will tell of her experiences as an International Farm Youth exchangee in the county of Malaysia. The banquet will be held in the cafeteria of the Woodstock Community high school, beginning at 7 p.m. The affair is sponsored by the McHenry County Home Economics and Agricultural' Extension councils in cooperation with the McHenry County Homemakers Extension association, McHenry County Farm Bureau and McHenry County Farm Service Co. Presentation of 4-H leader awards and club - of - year awards will be made during the evening. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for, their visits, cards, flowers and many kind .deeds during my recent stay in the hospital, • I will always remember your thoughtfulness. 11-12-64 Howard Dowell Te Tie W®f@r§~ IN McHENBY TOWNSHIP Your Support Was Greatly Appreciated. Theresa Olsen Schultz FREE Hers EVERY SATURDAY ONE FREE HERSHEY BAR WITH EACH GALLON OF J & L GASOLINE (Buy 10 Gallons -- Get 10 Hersheys Free) PERMANENT ANTfMPREE • • o Gallon Cam Uf gtutcuriif* Route 120 East of McHenry in Organs - Pianos and Guitars 10% OH Large Selection of Records LPy $1 J® Stereos $3 JO 45's (Top <§©! 65* eseii JusS Received iAK T<ape Recorders Now on Display McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 8834 W. Elm St. McHenry, I1L PHONES 385-2251 or 385-0202