fiecilon Two -- Page Six, THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Thursday. November 19# 1964* LIKELIID PARK NEWS BARB MEUREK - KAY DRUMCL S85-4356 ~7. SCOOTS PICK UP DIXON GIFTS SATURDAY. NOV. 21 This Saturday, Nov. 21, our Boy Scouts and their leaders will be going through the subdivision to pick up all gifts you have gathered to be wrapped, tagged and taken out to the residents of Dixon. This is the second year our troop has done this and last year's drive was a huge success and it's hoped this years will be equally as big. If you find you will not be home and would like to have your donations picked up please call Scoutmaster "Ed Druml at 385-3070, or Committee Chairman Jim Daurio at 385-3160 and they will be more than happy to pick it up. The donation of gifts can continue until//Jljfov. 30 which is the highM^t aside for the wrapping (pnd tagging at the Community House. Any residents of any other subdivision who would like to donate to the drive can do so by calling the above numbers. Community House Schedule For any reservations or cancellations please, contact Mrs. Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. Thursday, Nov. 19, Regular Board Meeting at 8 p.m.; Monday, Nov. 23, Girl Scouts at 4:30 to 6 p.m.; Tuesday, Nov. 24, Boy Scouts - from 6:30 tjo 9 p.m.; Wednesday, Nov. 25, Little League Open Meeting at 7:30 p.m. getherness. Happy birthday wishes to you all and may all your wishes come true. A belated birthday wish goes to Pauleite Rizzo who celebrated iast Monday. Nov. 16. News Deadline Because of the Thanksgiving holiday we must have our colurrjn in by noon on Friday, Nov. 20 instead of our usual Monday deadline. Please, get your news into us by Thursday evening, if at all possible or at the very latest on Friday morning, early. In order to have a column we need your help. Brownies The girls put in a lot of hours preparing for the investiture which took place on Tuesday, Nov. 19. We will have the names of the girls who were invested next week. Darlene Gladman was picked for hostess of the Nov. 24, meeting. The committee mothers served Tuesday. out as top player for the Evening was Delia Julian and Ivy came in second. Also enjoying delicious refreshments were Ann Herzog, Ruth McMahon, Louise McEnery, Lucille Deitz, Joyce Braun and Gayle Laursen. Sharon Wagner spent Saturday evening attending the hayride sponsored by the Ringwood Youth club. Following the party Sharon was the over night house guest of Susie Lowe. Mr. and Mrs. Thilges were evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald last Saturday. This foursome enjoy playing "66" no end. On Sunday, the Oswalds were guests of their life long friends, Barb and Joe Herman of Lake Marie. Veteran's Day was marked by the Oswalds attending the American Legion dinner with Lil and Mike Druml of Wonder Lake. Helen Kraskiewicz's home was buzzing last Friday eveing, Delia Julian, Louis McEnery, Ruth McMahon, Edna Hountras, Grace Mandziara, Ivy Lezak and Ann Herzog had all gathered for a session of T r i p o 1 e y, conversation and more of their famous high caloric refreshments. Little League Meeting There may be a brisk nip in the air plus the smell of burning leaves which leads us all to believe that fall and winter are here and on the way. You may think of Little League as only for spring and summer but really moms and dads there is a lot done during the cooler months to run this league for your sons. Why not go down to the Community House on Wednesday, Nov. 25, at 7:30 and offer to give a hand to some very wonderful men who are begging for new blood and new ideas to help run your son's league. We both hope the officers of the league will give us a report that there '"ere many new faces at the meeting. Volunteers Needed Stanley Lezak has asked us to please ask our residents for volunteers for the finance drive that is being conducted for the addition to McHenry hospital. Please, give Stan Lezak a call at 385-4915 and give him an hour or two of your time to help go door to door. Birthdays And Anniversaries On the 19th Beulah Hoard, Johnny Zimney and Paul Rogers all celebrate, John being 14 and Paul turning 9. Patty Ann McCarthy celebrates her 11th birthday on the 20th. Mark Koch will be 4 on the 21st. On the 22nd, Dottie Becker celebrates as does Jay Wimmer who will be that precious age of 1. On the 23rd, Donna Lee Barwig will be 6. Mary Jane Hodges celebrates on the 25th. Clark Biermann will be 10 and Evelyn Osman will celebrate another year both on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26. On the 24th of November, Eleanor and Clar Haerle will celebrate 19 years of togetherness. Hope they have many more years of to- Strolling Through The Park Bev and Jim Wickenkamp had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Guy and Mr. and Mrs. Crane and a total of seven sons between them, plus the mother of Mrs. Guy and Mrs. Crane. They enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner. Having demonstrations on Monday were Evelyn McMillian and Barbara Meurer. Raymond Roach took three days to celebrate his second birthday in the last two weeks. On Nov. 8, Grandma Clow and Aunt Kay Kairis and their two children and his Uncle Art Roach and Aunt Ruth who is also his godmother. Ruth served a delicious ham dinner plus cake and coffee. On the 10th of November Ruth had a "Romper Room" birthday party for Raymond with Kenny Bottari, Tom Creutz, Beverly Hromec, Bobby and Gail Hutt, Tod and Pam Stoltz, Danny Veenhuis attending. Cupcakes, ice cream and soda were served, with cake and coffee served to their mothers. On the 11th, mother and daddy took Ray out for a supper of hotdogs for their own celebration. The Humann family minus Carole and Barbara went in to Skokie for a birjthday party Sunday for their cousin Peter. We are happy to report that Billy Oakford has recovered nicely from his tonsillectomy. The Meurer family attended the last in a series of three mission studies at the McHenry Community Methodist church on Sunday. The study has been on Africa with Rev. Wickstrom from the Fox River Grove Methodist Church showing slides this last Sunday and telling about his life over there. With Africa so much in the news lately it has been a very inspiring three weeks. Lovable little Eddie Gerstad and cute little Terry Kozy attended the fourth birthday party of Lizzy Dolby in Cooney Heights. It was Eddie's first party and he came home just bubbling with excitement. He had won a prize for throwing balloon in a basket. The youngsters really had themselves quite a ball. Hope you've purchased a ticket from a Boy Scout for their show in January. Bridge was enjoyed last Wednesday evening at the home of Ivy Lezak. Coming the home of Matt's sister an brother-in-law, Rose and Geopge Lunghofer, for a gathering of the Grizely clan. On Sunday they went into the city toythe home of Matt's mother for the day. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the Grizely family on the recent death of Sue's 15 year old nephew in California. Graduation exercises for Airman Eddie (Buddy) Druml, Jr., were held last Tuesday at Chanute Air Force Base. Buddy was third highest in his class and was promoted to the rank of Airman 2nd Class. Bud is now home on leave before he reports to Holloman Air Force Base and White Sands Proving Grounds in southern New Mexico for more schooling and on the job training. Bud is in electronics. While he's home he's busy catching up on some badly needed sleep and seeing old friends. Our heartiest congratulations are extended to the former Jackie Noel daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Noel of Knoll Avenue. Jackie became Mrs. Dennis Bowe on Saturday, Nov. 14 at a 4 o'clock ceremony at Community Methodist church. Dennis is a Pfc. in the Army and is stationed in North Carolina. A reception for 150 people was held in Crystal Lake at the Legion home. Jackie is honeymooning in North Carolina. We hope they find nothing but the very best In their future. Last Tuesday was the Marine Corps 189th birthday and to celebrate the occasion the Marines stationed at Great Lakes, as well as those all over the world, held a semi-formal dinner dance. Marine first class David Druml had as his date for the affair. Miss Donna Smith of JohnsDurg. The pageant, dinner and the whole evening was a great success from all Donna and Dave told us Jim, Mick, Jimmy and Tommy Daurio all took Mary out to a new terrific restaurant on Sunday to celebrate her birthday. Later Kay and Ed Druml joined Mary and Jim for the balance of what Mary termed a very wonderfui birthday. Bette and Bill Kamp attended the afternoon wedding of Bill's uncle Gene in Chicago on Saturday. The reception followed the ceremony and they had a wonderful time. Ann Herzog had long time friends, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Benda of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Johnson of Elmwood Park, as guests on Sunday. Gerry and Lloyd Wagner and Gerry's sister and brother-inlaw, Jane and Jim Um,barger, all celebrated their anniversaries at a well known restaurant in Crystal Lake. Gerry said she enjoyed the organ music immensely. Toots, Don, Del, Sue and Roger Gerstad all enjoyed the ice show to -the utmost last Sue, Matt and the Grizely^Wday. On Sunday the Gerchildren went into Wheaton to istlad family journeyed to Sun Prairie, Wis., to help Toot's dad, R. C. Birkinbine celebrate his 71st birthday. The dinner was just like a Thanksgiving feast Toots reports. They were 's>uoj S.UOQ p3UjOf l|B and Mrs. Otto Gerstad, for the afternoon and for another feast at supper time. The table was set with the finest of everything last Thursday at the Richard Wimmer home. The duck meal that Charlene had prepared for her good friends and neighbors, Nedra, Les and Billy Eckhart, was just out of this world. Nedra had supplied one of delicious butter scotch pies. All in all it was a very wonderful evening. Michael Miyaki celebrated his eighth birthday with several of his chums. It was an all boy party that everyone enjoyed in true fashion. Helping Michael Giddings, Barry, Mark Malin, Roger Gerstad, Junior Siewrski and Harold Brunow. The Eckharts spent Saturday evening entertaining Nedra's mother, Mrs. Chamblin,' Nedra's brother, Wayne, hisf wife, Florence, and their son, Bruce. Sue Funk spent Sunday going into the big city to visit with her mom, Mrs. Roth. Please, remember to wish her a very happy birthday for me, Susie. Bowling News This Saturday evening at 9 is another night for our mixed couples league to (bowl, the added feature tor this session will be the turkeys. Please be on time, bring your best bowling scores and may the best two coupler, have their Thanksgiving as their reward. at ST. •S CHilCH McHenry Susaiay, Nov. 22, from 3 to 5 p.m. Sacred Vessels and Vestments will be on Display Everyone is Cordially Invited to Attend What happe the water'? Who's I EF toning ©m Skg In part of yew tones seduces pressure In asmtiha? parfc, fthm it <m© fihirag you don'fc have to tolerate. AM you meed do Is ask us to end yeaa? water supply problems mfe a Red Jacket Town 'n County Sub* merga Pump. It will giva you all the water you need. the time every outlet And only Red Jacket features engineered simplicity' ... fewer moving parts, compact design, longer life with little maintenance. Capacities to provide abundant water for homes or farms. Selflubricated motor and pump are dowm In £he well. .. out of sight, out of mind. Stop in and aee as soon. Ever happsa to p&a? one alw&ys sseasas to ba foalrmg a shower jsssfc ready Ca do @3 Haadfa clothes. And you enough water ppsssure. Well, thct feeble stoaam of H*0 Is a sure symptom fchat- your pump is pooped, or just plain too small for y®ir family. Hie cure? A Red J®skQ& Jet Pump, of course, feafauring eagmswsS simplicity--fewer moving pajrte for unfailing operation ami the capacity you need-fas have all the water you meed--all the t&ne! Stop In and ese us eooia -- start getting ©IS ths water you need whecsveir yoai stssdl at with a low <5G3ft Med Jet---installed so fast yon -wouldn't IbelieveitJ FLUID SYSTEM PRODUCTS 2% WELLS DRILLED OH DHIV1M / We Repair and Service ALL MAKES ©£ PUR2IPS Located in the Village of McC©H@aa Lake Miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Road Phone McHenry 885-5262 or 885-0718 RINGWOOD NEWS DELORES BRENNAN 658-2045 McHENRY COUPLE TO SPEAK BEFORE COMMUNITY CLUB This coming Tuesday evening at 8:15 p.m., the Ringwood Community Club will meet with the program featuring the very well known Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stinespring of McHenry speaking on "THE HOME". Since this topic concerns all of us, a special effort should be made by all to attend this particular meeting. It makes no difference if you have children in the Ringwood school or not, all are invited. This will give you a chance to bring anything up for discussion that happens to be your particular problem. Bring your neighbor along. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting. Thanksgiving Vacation There will be NO school on Thursday and Friday, the 26th and the 27th, in honor of Thanksgiving. School will be in session at the usual time on Monday, Nov. 30. This is for the Ringwood school. Henne-Harrison Nuptials Miss Ruth Henne of Chicago became the bride of Mr. Loren Harrison at a ceremony held at the Greenwood Methodist church last Saturday evening. Mrs. James Wegener of McHenry was soloist with Mrs. Frank HarHson as the organist. Following the ceremony a reception was held at Martinetti's in Crystal Lake with a turkey dinner served to approximately 120 guests. After a two week's honeymoon in Arizona, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Harrison will be at home on Barnard Mill road in Ringwood. Persons from here attending were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and son, James; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison; Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Everett and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brennan. H e a r t i e s t c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s and best wishes for a very happy future to the Harrisons. "500" Club The Ringwood 500 Club enjoyed a very tasty dinner at Crystal Lake on Thursday. Here 'N' There - Congratulations to Randy Bauer on making his first Holy Communion last Sunday. Randy had the mumps at the time the other boys and girls had the First Communion, so his had to be postponed. Birthday wishes are extended to Mrs. B. T. Butler of McHenry -"$md to Phyllis Ackerman. Both celebrate their natal days on the 25th. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley visited at Crystal Lake on Tuesday and took Mrs. Floyd Howe to dinner, then they visited Mr. Howe who is a patient in the Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page of McHenry spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ruby Shepard. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Popenhagen of Woodstock called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenry called ify the Bob Brennan home on Tuesday evening. On Thursday, Mrs. Carlson of Waukegan called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Loren Harrison was a supper guest in the Bob Brennan home on Wednesday. On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frazier, Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn attended the supper at the American Legion hall in McHenry. Will Claxton of McHenry Now We offer you Newly Enlarged, Modern, Private Banquet Facilities for All Occasions, Business or Social Make Reservations Now--Phone 678-6617 9 Uni A 'Food That Creates Conversation4 Aged Steaks -- Lobster Tail -- Prime Rib of Beef Turkey -- Duck -- Blue Points and Clams on the Half Shell "Complete Selection of Italian Foods" Junction Hwys. 12 & 31 Richmond, 111. called on Mrs. Ruby Shepard on Sunday. Mrs. Anthony Appelt and children, Kathy, Steve, Suzie and Julie of Wadsworth spent the day on Wednesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan. Before signing off, I'd like to ask for a favor, PLEASE give me a call if you have any news for the column. There is an early deadline for the coming week's news. I must have your news by 10 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 20. I thank you for any help you can give me. Bye for now. There Is a total of 240 acres to be painted on the San Francisco Bay Bridge. It takes some 25 painters, working full time, 3 years to cover it all, then it is time to start all over again. SHOP IN McHENRY LOST SKILL Backing, says the Institute for Safer Living, is becoming a lost skill among many motorists. Reason, modern improvements in highways, approaches, barking areas, and driveways, have eliminated many "backup" problems. Still it pays to be a safe and skillful backerupper when necessity arises. Why not take a few minutes to practice backing now and then? Helps to make you a better all around driver. PRESENT AWARDS The twelfth annual award for the volunteers at Elgin State hospital is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 15, at 2 p.m. in the< occupational therapy room of the Veteran's Diagnostic ccnter. More than ninety individual volunteers and thirtysix • organizations will receive awards and certificates signed by Elgin State hospital superintendent, Dr. Ernest S. Klein, and by the director of Illinois' Department of Mental Health, Dr. Harold M. Visotsky. The 'Jeep' Gladiator with 4-wheel drive has twice the traction of ordinary pick-up trucks. sSissss . » - A Can you imagine a truokwith 2-wheel drive handling mud this deep? The 'Jeep* QIadlator with 4-wheel drive can get through •tormy weather and rough terrain that would stop any conventional 2-wheel drive pick-up. That'a b»> cause it has twice the traction* 'Jeep' Gladiators plow through snow, slush through ntud, sail through downpours and give better control on Ice. And because It Is built to take It, a 'Jeep' Gladiator Is worth a mint when you get ready to sell It It holds Its value because It stays versatile. Go to your 'Jeep* dealer and test drive a 'Jeep' Gladiator. Ndtlce Its passenger car smoothness. Then find a hill. A steep one. Try It halfway In 2-wheel drive. Now throw the 'Jeep' Gladiator In 4-wheel drive. And hang on. You'll know then what separates other pick-up trucks from the "Unstoppables." gw New kind of pick-up truck for twice the traction. 'Jeep'Gladiator with 4-wheel drive. IteHENRY GARA3E 926 N. Front St. Phone 385-0403 McHenry, 111. See 'Jeep* vehicles in action on TV . . . "CBS Evening News with Walter Cronklte" (5:80 p.m. Ch. 2) DAYS LEFT Model DE 105 ihbiii gular Low Price $149.95 iMiilic Service PSscount $ 2 N O W . . . $ 0 9 . Dries All Your Wash Quickly, Safely, Correctly. Choose The Right Temperature, The Right Time For All Fabrics. # Fully Automatic, Flexible Controls • Simple Push-button Temperature Selector • Dynamic Disc Lint Filer # Big Capacity Drum # Full Opening Door • Quiet Operation • Flush to Wall Installation • Safety Door Switch # Zinc Coated Cabinet Defies Rust # Economical Operation and ... MAYTAG Dependability. CAREY Appliance, Inc. 1241 N. Green Street Phone 385-5500 N§w--buy a asw dfeettic iff®* and mwe up to $60 Get normal savings of $20 to $40 when you buy t Hazeless electric dryer in* stead Of gas--plus a gpe« cial $20 cash discount from Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Com* pany. LIMITED flMEOFFBB