Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1964, p. 9

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Thursday, December 10. 1964 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEH X«U * * J * ^ SacHonTwo -- Pag* Om t- Perionaii -- Mesdames Alpha Pedersen, Kathryn Worts, Elizabeth Schoewer, Mabel Johnson, Beatrice Peterson and Agnes Wissell of the Royal Neighbors of America attended the Christmas party of the McHenry County Past Oracles Club held at the home of Mrs. Freida Behrens, in Algonquin, last Tuesday, Dec. 1. They will now discontinue meetings until spring. Mrs. Ida Mueller of San Diego, Calif., has been spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Carl Lobitz, enroute to visit her sons in Pennsylvania and New York. Mrs. James West of Itasca was a visitor in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Tuesday of last week. Miss Ann Frisby, who had spent the past week in her home returned to McHenry with her. Out of town guests entertained in the Robert Thompson home, recently, included Mrs. Leota Waldron of Austin, Minn., Miss Estelle Thompson of Lansing, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thompson, Janice and Kay of Western Springs and Mrs. Floyd Thompson of La- Grange Park. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Jung and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blake have returned from a visit in the home of the latter's daughter, Mrs. Thomas Keenan, and husband in Atlanta, Ga. They also visited the Donald Hettermans while there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl visited her sister, Mrs. Alma Riggs, in the George Merkt home in Silver Lake Sunday. Mrs. Jeanette Vance of Clearwater, Fla., a former local resident, who was spending some time with relatives in Elmwood Park, was a recent guest in the Nick B. Freund home. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz spent a few days at Oconomowoc, Wis., where they attended the funeral of their brother-in-law, William Auccutti. Mrs. James Wagner . and daughter Marie, of Milton, Wis., spent a few days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon, and other McHenry relatives. Airman 3/C Michael Meyers of Lowry Air Force Base, Denver, Colo., is spending a twelve day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meyer. Friends here have learned of the death of Morris Taxman, a former McHenry resident, which occurred in Phoenix, Ariz., a few weeks ago, where the? family now makes their home. . Survivors are his widow, Irene, and two sons, Barry, who resides at home and operates music studios in Phoenix and Scottsdale, and Harold who, with his family, lives in Brazil. Mrs. Marie Vales has received anouncement of the engagement of her granddaughter, Louise Marie Vales, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Vales, of Omaha, Nebr., to Edward Erickson of Omaha. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Creighton University in Omaha and her husband-to-be is studying at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Joe May, Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch, Mrs. Irene Cjuffey and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson went to Downey for the Christmas party last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan visited Chicago friends Friday, and on Sunday were dinner guests in the John Schoenberger home in Woodstock. Frank Kemper, Sr., Frank Kempfer, Jr., and children, Albert, home on leave from the Navy, Debbie, Michael and Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Glosson, Mrs. Marie V,ales, son, Albert, were in Chicago recently to attend the silver wedding of the former's daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Simon. Michael FitzGerald and Tim Ballowe, who have been stationed with the Army at Fort Knox, Ky., are spending a furlough at their respective homes here, before leaving for their new assignment at Fort Carson, Colo. Mrs. Clinton Martin of Belleview, Fla., is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Tomlinson, making the acquaintance of her new granddaughter. Mrs. David Powers was a visitor in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Burge, in Grayslake a few days this week where she attended a gatherins Thursday evening honoring her grandson, Gary Burge, who was confirmed at St. Gilbert's church that evening. Susie and Sandra Neumann of Sunnyside spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, while their folks were vacationing in Hot Springs, Ark. If you are over 35 years old, you may be losing your sight because of glaucoma and not know it according to the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness. Have your eyes tested for glaucoma nl least every other yonr find be snfo. Legal ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATION For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1064 RINGWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 34 COUNTY OF McHENRY GENERAL Size of district in square miles -- 9.25 No. of attendance centers -- 1 No. of full-time certified employees -- 4 No. of part-time certified employees -- 0 No of full-time non certified employees -- 0 No. of part-time --non certified employees -- 1 Average Daily Attendance -- 65.88 Average Daily enrollment -r- 66.88 No. of pupils enrolled per grade -- K-0 1-11 2-14 3-7 4-10 5-5 6-11 7-9 8-5 EMH-3 Total-75. Tax Rate by Fund: Education -- .907 Building -- .056 Bond and Interest -- .352 Total Tax Rate -- 1.315 Total district assessed value -- $3,009,152 Assessed value per pupil in A.DA. -- $45,738.79 Assessed value per pupil in " - -y- 1 A.D.E. -- $44,993.30 Total bonded debt June 30, 1964 -- $110,000 Per cent of bonding power obligated currently -- 69.85% Value of: Land -- $4,065.22 Buildings -- $106,484.03 Equipment -- $2,116.29 TEACHERS B. A. Degree 6 - 10 Yrs. Exp. Salary Range $5,500 - $6,500 Arthur Smejkal Without Degree 11 ¥rs. And Over Salary Range $5,000 - $5,500 Arline London Luana Lumber Vanetta Mecklenburg Substitute Teachers -- at $18.75 per day. Violet Van Landuvyt -$18.75 Ruth Saw 18.75 Mrs. Owen Richardson 18.75 Mrs. Pat Lee 18.75 Barbara Smejkal .... 18.75 Mrs. Bruce Breneman 131.25 Barbara Slatter 37.50 James Hermes .... 18.75 All other salaried personnel to be listed showing name and gross amount paid. Janitor -- Henry Aissen ... ...$1,300.00 Other Salaries -- J. P. Walkington .. 180.00 Music Part Time -- Gloria Ritt 612.00 SUPPLIES Beckley-Cardy Co. . •$ 309.06 J. S. Latta & Son .. 217.39 Laidlaw Bros. 117.05 SEEK INFORMATION ON PHONES 2.500 TIMES DAILY Over 2,500 times a day, area telephone users who want to call someone but don't know the number, dial "information." and 98 percent of the time, information operators get the 153.12 127.94 528.54 114.03 J. I. Holcomb 102.40 Diamond Janitor Supply 126.90 Scott Foresmlan Co. • • 223.11 Science Research Assoc. Amer. Publishers Corp Webmor Dairy Distributors Elgin Paper Co. SERVICES Weiser Bus Service . 1,000.00 General Telephone • • 159.80 Public Service 692.70 Northern Illinois Gas 689.76 Ivan Fredricksen & Son 119.60 Stoffel & Reihansperger 202.87 The McHenry Plaindealer James M. Mclntee • • George's Welding Serv. Jedele & Cain Woodstock Elementary District No. 72 • • McHenry State Bank CAPITAL OUTLAY Beckley-Cardy Co. - - 745.29 Weingart Paving Co. • 1,915.25 149.42 550.00 105.00 400.00 600.00 358.36 Account Title RECEIPTS Account No. Educational Building Bond & Interest Site St Construction From Governmental Divisions Book Rental School Other Revenue . 401.0 $ 13,131.00 $ 834.31 $ 5,665.43 $ • 402.0 3,492.39 . 403.11 388.47 . 403.12 66.59 . 403.13 236.29 . 403.8 249.84 . 409.0 132.91 $ 17,564.58 967.22 5,665.43 Account Bond & Site & Con- No. Educational Building Interest struction 300.00 13,400.00 2,600.00 5,076.00 $ 21,376.00 9,338.68 38,940.58 $ Account Title RECEIPTS NON REVENUE RECEIPTS: Return of Imprest Funds 451.0 Anticipation Warrants Issued 453.0 Sale of School Property 454.0 Other Funds 456.0 Payroll Deductions 457.0 TOTAL NON REVENUE RECEIPTS - Beginning Balance--Cash on Hand July 1, 1963 ADD Receipts (Revenue and Non Revenue) TOTAL 48,279.26 LESS Disbursements (Operating & Non Operating) 45,335.49 Ending Balance--Cash on Hand June 30, 1964 2,943.77 Tax Anticipation Warrants Outstanding June 30, 1964 13,400.00 Net Cash Position July 1, 1963 (3,869.92) Net Cash Position June 30, 1964 (15,340.43) (Net Cash Position at any date is the total cash on hand, investments and loans receivable less the total of tax anticipation warrants outstanding, loans payable, taxes received in advance, and unremitted payroll deductions.) In compliance with the statutary requirements to publish a record of financial and school district information, the foregoing is certified correct to the best of my knowledge and belief^ .; RICHARD L. TAZEWELL School Treasurer J. P. WALKINGTON i School Clerk 1,000.00 7,400.00 55.21 8,455.21 (62.20) 9,422.43 9,360.23 9,146.51 213.72 1,000.00 2,291.49 I 3,600.00 (195.87) 9,265.43 9,069.56 10,360.00 (1,290.44) (390.44) 1,730.52 1,730.52 J,830.52 (100.00) (100.00) Letting your Savings earn less than they could or should mBefore you invest lililillilllilllllllll savings . . . chan \\ earn most! or re-invest your change to where ydu'l] f / • ^Go straight to McHenry m m Savings . . where your savings earn more Savings earn AND LOAN ASSOCIATION WSST . • McHEN»¥> ItUNOfc. * Phon« $85-3000 iiiiltvniiiiin ii lit number for them. The average time required for a McHenry county number -- 30 seconds. - But if the request is for a number in Chicago or its suburbs, that number is not readily available to the county operator. "A person can get a Chicago or suburban number easily and quickly by dialing direct to the Chicago information center, 1 312 555-1212," said Mrs. Margaret Barton, Woodstock's chief operator. Calls to the center are referred to the information operator who has the numbers for the particular area the person wants to call. "That's why we refer all people who request Chicago and suburban numbers to the Chicago information center number -- it really means faster and better service for the telephone user," Mrs. Barton said. Calls for numbers in McHenry county could lead to a longer search if the operators didn't first ask, "information, for what city please?" "When customers give us the name of the town with their request, it helps us to give them the fast, efficient kind of service they expect and want from us," Mrs. Barton said. The Woodstock information center is one of twenty-one Illinois Bell local information centers maintained throughout Illinois, excluding those in Metropolitan Chicago. The state staff numbers 213 and handles about 100,750 requests on an average business day. In the early days of telephoning, operators handled information duties as well as many others. But the increase in telephoning and a growing need for communications speed, dictated that information-finding be handled by specialists. The unecessary kindnesses seem to be so much more appreciated than the necessary ones. OVER COUNTER SALE OF LICENSE PLATES BEGINS Over-the-counter sale of 1965 'motor vehicle license plates in Springfield and Chicago and mailing of plates will began Tuesday, Dec. 1, Secretary of State William H. Chamberlain has announced. Feb. 15 will again be the deadline for displaying current plates, marking the tenth consecutive year that date has been observed. Secretary Chamberlain emphasized that Feb. 15 is a deadline for having the 1965 plates displayed on the vehicles, not merely a deadline for submitting applications. To meet that deadline, motorists applying by mail should have their applications in the Secretary of State's office by Feb. 1, Mr. Chamberlain said. He again reminded motorists registering 1965 model cars that they must answer the question on the application blank concerning the presence of safety seat belts in the front seat of the vehicles. State law requires that all new cars sold in Illinois after last July 1 be equipped with the seat belts. Plates will be mailed, at the rate of about 35,000 sets a day, in numerical and alphabetical sequence, a procedure made necessary by space limitations which prevent having a large number of plates on hand at one time. Motorists who requested reassignment of numbers with letter prefixes in which the first letter is in the middle of the alphabet will not receive their plates until those letters are reached in the sequence, but they will all receive their plates in time for the display deadline, Secretary Chamberlain said. Attend the church of your choice Sunday. ^ SEfcK PATIENT GIFTS > Sweaters and bed jackets, new or in good condition, are being sought as holiday gifts for all of the patients at Elgin State hospital. Anyone wishing to contribute may send articles to the Elmhurst Police station, in care of Mrs. Kenneth Ellis. READ THEL CLASSIFIEDS : Most any fire could be put Out with a cup-full of; watw» if applied at the right time. Fleurs de Rocaille - Nye's MM CCS 'S mmmMamMimmmi&mmmmmmafiimmmi SALE! AVE UP TO 33V3% On a Nationally Advertised GRUEN Men's or Ladies' Wrist Watch! All Are Guaranteed For 1 Year SALE RUNS NOW TIL CHRISTMAS WHILE THEY LAST! And while you are there, why not get your FREE watch check-up. If needed your watch will he repaired featuring: • Free Estimates • All Parts and Labor Guaranteed • Waft dues Cleaned by Marshall Ultrasonic Cleaning Device • This is the same method used to Clean Delicate Missle Parts to Perfection NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE AT fFRElTS Precision Watch Shop 1222 N. Green Street McHenry, 111. Look What We Have in Santa's Ba GIFT CERTIFICATES "ALWAYS AN APPRECIATED GIFT" for "Grampa A Wilkinson Sword Garden Tool Made in England $3.95 - $19.95 for "Gramma' Early American Floor Planters from $5.50 to $11 t „lor |£ / the Family , i Fireplace Fomishings FIRESETS .... $6.95 & up BELLOWS .... $10.95 & up COLOR LOGS $5.95 & up GRATES .... $3.95 & up WOODHOLDERS $7.95 & up FLAME LOGS $2.19 box 2? 8 FOR "BROTHER s A mounted "Treasure of the Sea." Salt-Water Fish Re productions. Italian Glass or Imported Ceramic Figurines $2.00 to $25.00 for The "Shut-In" BIRD FEEDERS $1.50 to $29.95 MOM Imported Hand Cut CRYSTAL CRUET SETS $7.75 and $8.50 Cundelabras and Wall M AA Sconces, Wrought Iron and up $2.75 to $29.95 sx&sssxftreacsflixs for your "Pet" CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS WINTER COATS TOYS -- BEDS "DAD" Martini Cocktail Sets ^4Iog§0 and Up Old Fashioned Glasses Snowbird Snow Throwers SANTA'S COMING Sunday, Dec. 13 (1-3) Sunday, Dec. 20 (2-5) ow rwoe HIGHWAYS 14 & 176 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Phone 459-6200 Daily 8-9 -- Saturday 8-5:30 -- Sunday and up i.99 m m Monday thru Friday

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