Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1964, p. 15

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Thursday. T)f>cemb*r 10, ^964 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Is Two^i*ag# SfctlSl^ <86^ Legal ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATION For The Fiscal Year landed June 30, 1064 JOHNSBURCi ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTIIIST 12 COUNTY OF McHENRY GENERAL Size of district in square miles -- 10.25. No. of attendance centers -- 1 No. of full-time certified employees -- 20 No. of part-time certified employees -- 2 No. of full-time non cerlified employees -- 5 No. of part-time non certified employees -- 0 Average Daily Attendance -- 450.16 Average Daily Enrollment -- 470 No. of pupils enrolled per prade' -- K-133 1-78 2-66 3-59 4-43 5-54 6-44 7-50 8-51 Spec. ifil-6 Total 584. Tax Bate By Fund: . Kriucation -- .714 Building .188 Transportation - - .020 I.M.Fi.K. .012 Bond & Interest .191 Working Cash .050 Total district assessed value -- $16,370,175.00 Assessed value per pupil in A.I).A. - $36,365.21 Assessed value per pupil in A.D.I'/. -- $34,830.15 Total bonded debt June 30, 1!H>4 $273,000.00 Per cent of bonding power obligated currently -- 34% Value of: Land -- $106,500.00 Buildings .-- $410,742.50 Equipment. - $27,900.00. Teachers, Training and Salary Range 0-5 Yrs. Exp. Without $4,500-$4,800 Carol Bolger Nancy Tibbits. 6-10 Yrs. Exp. Without Degree $4,800 - $5,700 Doris Clinansmtth Mary Sigworth Grace Murphy Mabel Weber Ronald Koerber Adeline Albert U Yra. Exp. and Over Without Degree $5,700 - $<1,500 Robert Prince 0-5 Yrs. Exp. B.A./S $5,000 - $5,750 Marion Alford Geraldine Moerschbaecher Mary Rose Donald Truckenbrod 6-10 Yrs. Exp. B.A./8. -- $5,800 - $7,000 Catherine Evans Ferol Tomlineon James VapBopch 11 Yrs. And Over B.A./S. -- $6,000 - $6,500 Ellon Phalin G - 10 Yr». Exp. M. -- $7,000 - $0,000 Duane Andreas 11 Year* Exp. and Over M. -- $9,000 - $11,000 James Bush Half Time Teachers 0-5 Yrs. Exp. B.A./S. -i- $2,500 - $3,000 Mary Hadley 5 - 10 Yrs. Exp. B.A./H. -- $3,000 - $3,500 Marilyn Truckenbrod Substitute Tenehers $1600 Per Day Mary Brinkman ... $48.00 Mary Butler 32.00 Dorothy Hollander .-112.00 Win. Pictor 13.0; Elaine SchmaKng ..104.00 Rita Simpson 240.00 Grace Vvrluna • 552.00 Joan 192.00 Other salaries personnel and gross amount paid: Lafe Ahern $ 73.50 Lucille Ke^ser .... 2,620.43 Agnes Freund • • • • 156.40 Clemens Freund .. 4,152.00 Kenneth Freund .. 185.63 Gale Long 51.00 C. R. Page 100.00 Nancy Piatt 4,500.00 Crescentia Sorenson 1,774.78 Irvin Sorenson .... 5,898,50 Kenneth Thoren .. 713.33 SupfUies Ace Hdwe. $ 187.65 Associated Libraries • 100.26 Buckleys 126.50 Bungalow Farm Market 2.061,61 Colonial Baking - 495.55 Consolidated Foods .. 400.75 Diamond Janitor Supply Co 320.15 Puro Test Corp 127,94 Ernie's Sport Center 240.63 Field Enterprises Educational Corp 244.60 Fox Lake Office Supply 123.11 Laidlow Co 632.55 Ludwig Milk 4,518.41 Lyons and Carnahan, Inc. 301.38 McWilliams Insurance 614.00 Main Paint Store .. 292.58 Nat'l School Studios 94244 Palmer Co. ........ 108.50 B. A, Rajlton Co 1,220.12 Science Research Assoc. 196.61 Scott, Foreman & Co. 1,441.73 Thermo-Fax Sales, Inc. 117.10 Wilcpx & Follett Co. . 149.21 $4,963.38 Service H. E. Buch & Sons . .$ Crystal Lake Public School Ccraid Hetterman . • Til. Bell Telephone Co. Northern III. Gas Co. Win. Pierce Pollock Insurance .. 1 Public Service 2 Frank Schaefer • • • • 4 John J. Weingart .... 4 Michael Weiser 1 Woodstock Public School 347.31 670.69 ,600.00 366.60 ,157.82 900.00 ,385.99 692.67 ,600.00 ,600.00 ,350.00 353.13 $26 ,024.21 Capital Outlay Brunswick Corp. • • • • 724.80 Elgin Typewriter • • • • 269.55 Palmer Co 250.00 Thermo-Fax 357.32 Tonyan Construction 164.76 $1,766.43 Bond Principal and Interest Payments: American National Bank & Trust Co. of Chicago $28,420.25 Payroll Deductions Remitted: Teachers Retirement System of State of Illinois 8,008.66 Internal Revenue Service 17,914.29 Illinois Municipal Retirement System • • 508.36 WONDER LAKE NEWS WARY LOT7 HARTOO 053.7170 Houdas New Grandparents Have you noticed lately that certain glow about Lorraine and Bud Houda. You can just tell that they are brand new grandparents and I'll just bet they will snap out pictures of the grandson and heir before you can get your bifocals on to look. Their son, Frank, and his Missus are the proud parents of a brand new young son. The young couple live in Indiana where "Pop" goes to Purdue. Congratulations to all the Houdas! Mail - Please I haven't heard from our far away subscribers for a long while. C'mon now -- you've been reading our news all year^ how about giving with some. 'Tiz Christmas you know, and the season to contact old friends so why not let me hear from you so I can talk about you in the column. These folks around here have been quite stingy with their news lately so why not show them up and let me hear from you and tell me what you are doing. OK? Lot's see how many far away letters I can get before Christmas. I must have some friends out there. Wonderview Women's Auxiliary The Wonderview Women's auxiliary held its latest meeting on Nov. 19. There is to be a Christmas party for the young people of Wonderview on Dec. 19 in Borta's garage at 8203 Gerson Drive. From 6 to 8 p.m. for those from peanut size up to 12 years old, 9 to 11:30 p.m. for the "older" ones who are 13 and over. Gifts and refreshments for all. The next meeting will be at Account Title Account No. RECEIPTS REVENUE RECEIPTS: Taxes 401.0 From Governmental Divisions 402.0 Book Rental 403.11 Sale of Supplies 403.12 School Lunch 403.13 Athletics 403.2 Fees 403.61 Reimbursement from Education Fund 403.65 Other 403.8 Interest On Investments ....* 405.0 TOTAL REVENUE RECEIPTS" ..;; RECEIPTS NON REVENUE RECEIPTS: Account Title Account No. Return of Imprest Funds 451.0 Anticipation Warrants Issued 453.0 Other Funds 456.0 Payroll Deductions 457.0 Deficit Transfer from Educational Fund 458.1 TOTAL NON REVENUE RECEIPTS Beginning Balance -- Cash on Hand July 1, 1963 ADD Receipts (Revenue and Non Revenue) TOTAL LESS Disbursements (Operating and Non Operating) .. Ending Balance -- Cash on Hand June 30, 1964 Tax Anticipation Warrants Outstanding June 30, 1964 • • Net Cash Position July 1, 1963 Net Cash Position June 30, 1964 Illinois Municipal Educational Building Retirement $ 65,095.45 $ 17.139.97 $ 1,192.98 $ 23,820.42 3,724.98 624.10 10,882.01 111.38 216.12 45.58 $104,304.12 $ 17,356.09 $ Trans- Working Bond & portation ('ash Interest 1,823.27 $ 332.34 $ (976.38) 7,301.63 122.40 434.10 1,192.98 $ 9,681.40 $ 332.34 $ (976.38) Eduetional 1,000.00 47,000:00 14,900.00 25,971.35 $ 88,871.35 $ 3,463.39 203,813.08 207,276.47 202,995.72 4,280.75 47,000.00 3,463.39 4,280.75 Illinois Municipal Trans- Building Retirement portation 2,415.55 6,660.83 $ 2,415.55 $ $ 6,660.83 $ $ 10,417.98 $ 1,553.87 $ 796.17 $ 20,341.14 1,093.74 16,420.11 30,759.12 2,647.61 17,216.28 28,119.73 1,454.63 17,216.28 2,639.39 1,192.98 2,639.39 1,192.98 Working Bond & Cash Interest $ 474.18 $ 10,029.65 14,758.16 17,414.22 15,232.34 27,443.87 14,900.00 28,420.25 332.34 ( 976.38) 332.34 ( 976.38) (Net Cash Position at any date is the total of cash on hand, investments and loans receivable less the total of tax anticipation warrants outstanding, loans payable, taxes received in advance, and unremitted payroll deductions.) In compliance with the statutary requirements to publish a record of financial and school district information, the foregoing is certified correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. R. PAGE School Treasurer into the largest, most luxurious and best-selling Ambassador ever built 1965's most sweepingly changed car--Ambassador is already a smashing success. Sales up a record 91% over last year. Come see it. So much more luxurious, so excitingly styled and powered-- Ipnger wheelbase, too. Thrilling new sport options: big V-8s, up to 327 cu. in.; floor shifts; Power Disc Brakes. Double- Safety Brakes, separate systems front and rear, standard. See your Rambler dealer today for 1965's big new car buy. American Motojrj--Dedicated to Excellence. Largest and Flint of the Ambassador--Largest and Finest of the New Ramblers Classic--New Intermediate-Size Rambler American -- The Compact Economy King Only Rambler has all these Extra-Value Features at no extra cost: Weather Eye Heating • Advanced Unit Construction . Deep-Dip rustprooflns • Ceramic-Armored exhaust system . Lustre-Card Acrylic Enamel, many others - ^ ! IBEL MOTOR SAI >, 4611 West Route }20, McHenry, III. the home of Clara Meyers on Dec. 17. There is to be a brief business meeting followed by a Christmas party for all members. Bring a dollar gift for the grab bag. Home From Hospital Mrs. Stella Amundson is home from the hospital recuperating from surgery. I understand she is doing fine and would appreciate hearing from some of her friends. Welcome home, Stella. Glad it's all over. More Surjjery For Dale Dale Burlack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Burlack, recently underwent, more surgery. He is at Wesley Memorial hospital at 204 E. Superior street in Chicago. He would very much appreciate hearing from some of his friends. Dale is the young man, now 18, who was injured two years ago when he dove from a pier into shallow water at the lake and injured his neck and spine. Since that time he has been under constant medical care and has been in and out of the hospital Several times. If you are in the ciiy why not pay him a visit or let him hear from you. Spending your time in a hospital can be a pretty lonesome business so let him hear from you. Bridge-Canasta Tournament Dee. 13 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bolggr, of McHenry are the lucky couple leading in high points in the bridge group. They also bid and played a grand slam at the November games. This was a very exciting evening for the Bolgers all the way!! June and Joe Novak had a series of 19,935 for the evening, putting them in second place with a grand total of 42,800. But the top couple is still those two Canasta experts, Helen Reuter and Kitty Hinz, who are holding down first place with 48,170 total points!! There will be an enjoyable evening of play this Sunday, Dec. 13, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at. Christ the King hall. eon and party. Mrs. Lorraine Young, Kachina Neighborhood Chairman, welcomed the ladies and reminded the leaders of the drive for Christmas cookies for the Veterans hospital at Downey. Several of the troops are planning on baking them and they are to be packed in small boxes in order to avoid breakage. They will be delivered to the Red Cross headquarters in Woodstock Dec. 17- 18. A reminder was given by Dolores Wines concerning the all out drive this Christmas for gifts for the children and young adults at Dixon, Lincoln and Centralia State Schools for the mentally retarded. A list of suggestions was printed in last week's paper. The gifts are to be wrapped and labeled and brought to the designated meetings of the Troop. They will be picked up from the leaders the weekend preceding Christmas. A rededication ceremony followed with all participating and led by Mrs. Young. Kay Christopher led the group in a medley of lovely Christmas songs. This was followed by a delicious luncheon and a gift exchange. Wonder Lake Klwanls Club Nov. 30 The last meeting of the month was turned over to committee reports and a discussion period. President Floyd reported on installation night, which was Dec. 5. Lt. Gov. Jess Mudgett. presided at the induction of the new officers, as well as the new members. Jqe Sullivan was master of ceremonies. Monday night was the steak and bean dinner. At the present time the Cristy team leads the Mathews team. The losers served bean soup, bean salad baked beans, and jelly beans for dessert. The winners enjoyed a steak dinner. Guest for the evening was Rev. Johnson, the new pastoi of the Nativity Lutheran church. Rev. Johnson gave a brief talk. His first pastorate was at Lamont, III., where he served for three years. The club voted to sponsor Division 20 Sports Day, this summer along with the McHenry club. The outing will be held at the McHenry Country Club July 21. Work is well under way as far as thr> Christmas baskets are concerned. Dec. 14 - program will be presented by Jim Gianola. Dec. 21 -- program, each member will bring a small wrapped gift for the Christmas gift grab bag; those who forget to bring their gift, or do not attend the meeting, will be given a "trick or treat" assignment. Up to now Bill Cristy, along with his interclub attendance, has maintained almost a one hundred per cent attendance record, until now that is. He missed last night's meeting and his name was drawn for the Battle Axe Award! Too bad Bill! MILITARY STUDENT FOR Cadet Michael Boskelly, is a student in the Roosevelt Military academy located at Aledo, 111., was cited for. excellence at special ceremonies honoring award winners for the first quarter of the school year. Cadet Boskelly is the son of William Boskelly, 2610 N. Lau» derdale drive, McHenry. Cadet Boskelly was presented an award for excellence In conduct and chorus. He was also promoted to the rank of cadet private. , The awards were presented by Colonel Glen G. Millikan, superintendent of Rooseyelt Military academy. Cadet Boskelly has attended Roosevelt' for one year and is a sophomore. Roosevelt Military academy is located in Northwestern Illinois and has an enrollment of 160 cadets. TED FROM ItSHOPE 100% WOOL Ladies' Winter Coats $fofl and $115.95 Tweed -- Mohair -- Loden Girl Scout Leaders Christmas Party About twenty-one Brownie, Girl Scout and Cadette leaders and committeewomen gathered at the Nativity Lutheran church last Wednesday for their annual Christmas lunch- DRNDL • » • a n d WINTER 2-PIECE DliiiiS . . . $7.60 • A W >/ ' , ! • ' ' * 1 J wm f ' 1 ;;i mm Ladies' 2-Piece Winter Suits .. $12.51 More Exciting Gilts and Goods A IMPORTS. Inc. i Vr* ^:|ftgsl^pZT^" ^ \ ^ MEN's't^ON*! • • "The World's Best Merchandise" IMPORTS -- EXPORTS 1C2 Crystal St* Gary, 111. 630-3000 and 630-3748 BOLTER'S 1959 N. Greeit : McHenry ifONE 385-4500 / / / / / / / / , W/Msw/)/m PLYWOOD TABLE TOPS For mounting ELECTRIC TRAIN Available in Various Slh@et Sizes ROAD RACING SETS Table Legs of Various Lengths & Styles mmm. mmm Far workman fir •r pr#f«»j!gj3c;3 craosCaanlc. mm P're ii the ideal in- •Spenslve workbench . • • Ptrhcl for home work •hop. |pragc, work deik, or hobby bench, ftuggrd, high lenii|« *«i| tuo| pn| •seludva "K>> de* lign provide rigidity. Can be failfjied »• Wall pr (|oor If 4a<iMd« Siandardi lltWbed i> attractive foteit green. Any teaclh to «ujt year •pace, and the backboard can ba varied for W at a tool banger. FaraiUied complete Milk pre-cut lumber apt} all nut«. bolp* and hi|m included for only I, (Price feparf m 4 length, Prices very zvUh i "A Family S Gift" i+ Unpainted • Re^d^ to Assemble Offfid tessketE ill BACK BOARDS • Regulation Size • Easily Erected -Watch the Danny Kaye Show on CBS-TV, Wednesday evenings- 1 ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. I > THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER 8 On Hif ftiway 31 South of IMpi Street - MeHenry, Illinois | PCraine' 385-1 r>.

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