Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1964, p. 19

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Thursday. December 10.1964 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEH Section Three -- Page Thiif EASTWOOD MANOR EDIE IVERSON FEIEDA DURKIN -- 885-5072 HOLD CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY DECEMBER 19 The Eastwood Manor Property Owners Association's annual children's Christmas party is to be held on Dec. 19. Let's circle that day on the calendar. Now, In order to have your child attend they want the names and ages of each child under the age of twelve. There will be tagged gifts and free refreshments for all. Right now call either Kay Mitchell at 385-4058 or Pat Borcovan at 385-3812 and give them the names and ages of your childen so that no child will be disappointed. This party is given by your Association and they are inviting both home owners and rentors to attend. The new deadline for getting those names in is Dec. 10. The children always have a lot of fun at these parties. Let's see yours there! Time, place, and further particulars will be in the next column as the plans are still being made. Much depends on how many children will be at tending. Will yours? Thanksgiving Day News The Tom Birmingham fam ily went to Oak Park to the home of Helen's brother, John Deasy, for Thanksgiving din ner together. Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyers and family drove to Bloomington which is the home of Anne's sister, Janice Porter, for the Thanksgiving holidays. Accompanying them were her newly married sister and hubby, Nancy Bachman. Roger and Gail Crokin went to the home of her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Johnson in McHenry, for their Thanksgiving get-together. Her brother was also there from Purdue with a friend just for the weekend. They had a wonderful gab-fest besides feast. The Len Hansen family remained at home Thanksgiving day and received a phone call from their son, Dennie, who is married and in the service stationed in Little Rock. Dec. 2 was his baby Kenny's very first birthday; the following day is the birthday of Ricky Hansen. , Thirteen sat down to Thanksgiving dinner in the home of Bob and Pat Kellogg. Guests were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Potter from Northbrook, an aunt and uncle, Madge and Niel Peterson, from Chicago, and Pat's sister and husband, Lloyd and Barbara Baldwin, and two children from Indianapolis. The Richard Hansen family went to the home of Pat's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reed, in Long Lake, Thanksgiving, and spent the day. Jack Dal ton's aunt, Alice Mc- Nanara, came out to spend a week and Thanksgiving. After returning her to the city they stopped to visit Marie's dad, Steve Stattman, in Elmwood Park. Matt Mersch's mother, Mrs. N. Mersch from Chicago, came out to visit the family over the Thanksgiving holidays. The Harry Durkin family enjoyed the company of the children's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lach and their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lepper, at the Thanksgiving table. Little five-year old Kenny was sorely missed and they took turns going into the McHenry hospital to visit with him. George and Nancy Marcotte and family enjoyed their Thanksgiving dinners in the home of her sister, Mrs. Ray' mond Lorden, in Palatine. The Richard Fenner family enjoyed the company of Lydia's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Zgorski, and her sister, Mr and Mrs. Ben Loveless, and children for Thanksgiving. Cheryl was presented a chocolate cake with pink horses on it and some real lovely presents. The Francis Pickett family went to Lake Zurich to the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burke, for their Thanksgiving dinner. Delores Pickett spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her grandmother, Mary Jones, in Waukegan. Everyone gathered in the Bill Huemann home for their Thanksgiving dinner which was cooked by Judy's aunt, Mrs. Florence Long. Guests were Jerry Harth of McHenry, cousin, Emily Falsetti, and friend, Dennis Smith, and grandmother, Mrs. Ben DeCicco, Sr. Don and Phylis Schweikert and small son went to the home of his family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schweikert in McHenry Shores where the whole family gathered to celebrate the Thanksgiving day together. Around the Manor Walter and Eleanor Kuck and brother, Bill, along with Frank and Delores Woolwine went to a restaurant for a big dinner with the Power Squadron. After dinner the Kucks went to the home of friends where they played drums and juke box and danced all night. Sunday the Kucks attended the christening of their new baby niece, Deborah Jean Weyde, in Lake Zurich. Eleanor's folks and many relatives also attended and afterwards they all sat down to a big wonderful dinner. Jack and Marie Dal ton, Jack and Elaine Rogers and Bud and Joan Borrelli from McHenry went into Chicago to watch the Chicago Blackhawk hockey game and then had dinner in a restaurant. The Richard Fenner family went out for dinner in a restaurant as a special treat on Cheryl's birthday. A small cake with candles was brought to the table as a nice birthday surprise. Dick and Lydia Fenner and Tom and Rita Simpson were invited as guests of the World War I Veterans installation of officers. A big ham dinner with all the trimmings was served. Sympathy We wish to extend our sympathy to the Mersch family as Jean's uncle, A1 Timmons of Detroit, passed away just recently. He was laid to rest in the Mount Carmel cemetery in Chicago. Sick List David Kellogg missed out on some schooling last week as he was home with a virus. Marie Dalton's mother, Mrs. Mizerka, is in the McHenry hospital. Marie, herself, is scheduled to go into the hospital in Skokie to repair a broken ear drum. The Huemann household is being visited by mumps just now. So far it is keeping company with just one small son. Kenny Durkin has been transferred to the Wesley Memorial hospital in Chicago for further tests. Frieda went to Chicago to be with him. This poor little one is undergoing so many tests we all wish they would very soon discover the trouble and rush him back to his family in A-l condition. Judy Huemann's grandfather, Ben DeCicco, Sr., became very ill recently and was taken to the Woodstock hospital. He is now recuperating nicely in his home ih Lakemoor. Club News Judy Huemann was hostess for the bunco club Wednesday evening when they met in the home of Edie Iverson. Judy served a cake with a delicious crunchy broiled topping. Joyce Engstrom won first prize, Judy won bunco prize, and Jean Mersch took booby. We had more fun than usual with Don na Rohrer as guest and using three tables instead of two. The bunco club met in the home of Georgia Sigman who served banana bread and fruit salad. Bert Stoll won first prize, Florence Tucker won the bunco prize, and Irene Betke won the booby prize. MCHENRY SHORES BERNICE WILSON 885-4MO UTILITY COMPANY COMPLAINS ABOUT BROKEN LIGHTS Demonstration Party Frieda Durkin served coffee and cakes to twelve at a demonstration party in her home Friday evening. She baked a delicious layer cake and also made a big tasty cheese cake for the occasion. AUCTION Due to ill health, I will sell the following property at public auction on my farm located on Charles Road, 1 mile East of Route 47, 3 miles North of Woodstock, 9 miles Southeast of Hebron, 7 miles West of McHenry. GVfesniay, 0@e®rafe®r 14, 1f64 at 12:80 P.M. LIVESTOCK 23 Registered & grade Holstein Cows; 1 Grade spring Heifer; 8 Vaccinated Holstein Heifers IV2 to 2 years old (open); 3 Vaccinated Holstein Heifers 6 to 8 months old; 4 calves 2 weeks to 2 months old; 12 Cows and 6 heifers are registered; Sired by Duke, Glamar Boy, Raven Jim, General, Winn & Jason; Have used NIBCO Bulls for 18 years. This herd has been on D.H.I.A. for 7 years. Being the top producing herd in McHenry County for 5 years and top herd in the State of Illinois in the 1962-63 year. Herd average at this time, 645 lb. butterfat. Top Cow in herd produced 887 lb. butterfat - 21,666 lb. milk., FEED 36 ft. Silage in 14 ft. silo; 2500 bales mixed 1st & 2nd cutting hay (no rain); 250 bales mixed hay, 2 yr. old; 500 Bales oats straw; 400 Bu. oats - Certified Goodfield last year. MILK HOUSE EQUIPMENT 160 Gal. Cherry Burrell Bulk Tank, 1462 lbs.; DeLavel Motor & pump; New 1% inch pipe line & stall cocks; 3 DeLavel Mag. Units, 1 new 5 gal. DeLavel Pail; Van Dale Silo unloader for 14 ft. silo; Auto Hot Water Heater with hot air blower; Hedland Hay Hoist with 2 H.P. motor & rope; Double rinse tank S.S. Stewart Clippers, pails & strainers. Living room set; Barn fan. H "SSFIELD, Owner Phone 888-5578 AUCTIONEERS: W. H. Russel - 888-2268 Gordon Stade - 312-BA 8-5155 TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over this amount, one-fourth down and the balance In six monthly payments, with Interest at 6%. Make arrangements for credit with clerk before sale. McHENRY STATE BANK - Clerking Faith Presbyterian Church News On Dec. 10, Thursday--Choir practice will be held at 8 p.m. Dec. 11, Friday--Jr. choir practice at 3:30 p.m. Dec. 12, Saturday -- Confirmation class will meet at 10 a. m. Dec. 13, Sunday--7:30 p.m. Adult Bible study on the book of Jerremiah. Dec. 16, Wednesday--Brownies at 4:15 'till 5:15 p.m. Last meeting until after Christmas vacation. Brownie Troop 211 At the Dec. 2 meeting of the little Brownies the girls drew and colored pictures and also elected new officers. Their new president is Cynthia Iverson, scribe is Maureen McCormack, treasurer is Cheri Landin and the hostess is Diane Rogers. Dec. 9 the cookie hostess is Barbara Johnson. At this meeting they will work on their Christmas gift projects for their parents. Dec. 16th Lynn Kellogg will be the cookie hostess and this is the date of their Christmas party. They will have a forty-cent grab bag gift. They will also bring cannitl goods to be given a needy family for their Christmas. This will be the last Brownie meeting until Jan. 6. Birthday Greetings Happy birthday today to little four year old Wally Barry. Tomorrow, Dec. 11 it's best wishes to Sandy Leonard. David Borcovan will be 11 and Larry Tucker will be 10; Lea Congdon will be five years old already. Dec. 12 young Greg Schaeffer will be six. Dec. 13 The utility company has complained about replacing the broken light bulbs on Idyl Dell and Hilltop roads. This bulb has been broken three times within a few weeks and it is expensive to replace, so if we want a light at that spot it would be well to prevent it being broken. If any one sees children shooting or throwing things at lights please report same to Bob Harper or Herb Clausen who are deputy sheriffs in the area and they will follow it from there. Birthdays Best wishes for a happy birthday go to Ellen Misiak on Dec. 12, Shirley Harper and Marshall Jacobs on the 14th and Dorothy Vilim on the 16th. Anniversaries On Dec. 12 David and Marie Addante will be celebrating an anniversary and Charles and Leona Wagner will add another year on the 15th. Best wishes for continued happiness to both couples. Lynne Munroe Makes Honor Boll Ed and Doris Munroe are proud of their daughter Lynne's achievement having received straight A's on her report card and getting on the honor roll at Kelly Iverson will be four. Birthday greetings to Harold Slove on Dec. 14. De<j. 15 Lucy Hawkins will be six and that small boy Edward Petersen, will be all of four. We wind up this week with Dec. 16 which is the natal day of Don Schweikert. Hope you all have a very nice birthday. Anniversaries Two weaaing anniversaries in the subdivision this week so we wish many happy returns of the day to Mr. and Mrs. James D'Incognito on Dec. 10 and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Filip cm Dec. 16. Moving Day Sunday was the moving day for George and Nancy Marcotte as they moved into their house on Eastwood Lane. The house was just completed and is located very near the woods so they are fortunate to have some lovely shade trees when the hot summer days return again. It is a very beautiful home and we all wish them lots of luck in their new home. We are so glad they chose Eastwood Manor as their permanent home. AUCTION Three miles West of Woodstock on South Street Road; then one-half mile North or eight miles Northeast of Marengo -- Starting at 11:00 a.m. Dememfer litis 58 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of the following: 31 Holstein Dairy Cows, all T.B. and Banks Tested, 20 of these cows are close springers, due in 30 days; 6 Holstein Heifers, bred to freshen in March, 1965; 15 Holstein Heifers (open). All Heifers Calf hood Vaccinated. MACHINERY MM Model UB Tractor w/2 & 4 row Cultivators; McD. Model M Tractor; McD. Model H Tractor; Case Model SC Tractor and Cultivator; McD. 3-16 Plow on Rubber; McD. 3-14 Plow on Rubber; J.D. 2-16 Plow on Rubber; Krause 10' Wheel Disc; N.H. Model 77 Baler w/mntor; J.D. No. 490 Corn Planter; New Idea PTO Mower; New Idea 2-row Corn Picker, 2 years old; Fox Ensilage Blower & Pipe; J. D. 10' Grain Drill; New Idea 4-Bar Rake on Rubber; N.H. PTO Manure Spreader; McD. Manure Loader; McD. Field Chopper; Case Field Chopper; Kelley Ryan 32' Elevator; 4-Section Steel Drag; 2- Section Steel Drag; N.H. Wagon w/self-unloading box; 2 Wagons w/self-unloading boxes; 2 Bunk Feeder Wagons; Rubber Tire Wagon & Rack; McD. Silo Filler; 2-Wheel Trailer w/Grain Box; 8' Lime Spreader; 8' Corregated Roller; Wagon Unloader w/motor; Tractor Cab; Bob Sled; Wheelbarrow; Scale; Tractor Chains; 2 h.p. Electric Motor; Hay Hoist; Buzz Saw; Walking Plow; Steel Feed Cart; Barn Fogger; Numerous Other Small Items; 4 Surge Milkers; Surge Pump & Pipe Line; 1955 Dodge % T. Pickup Truck; Van Dale Silo Unloader; 2,000 Bales Alfalfa Hay; 1,000 Bales Straw. CHARLES HOBE STATE BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerk -- Usual iBank Terms WILLIAM RUSSEL - EDWIN SCHMIDT, Auctioneers J. HOLDEN Tuesday, 9-12 a.m. -- Thursday 9-12 a.m. Saturday, 9-12 a.m. By Appointment Only Telephones: 385-7893 -- 385-1795 8701 N. Spring Grove Rd. McHenry, I1L 688 N. Butrick Waukegan, 111. McHenry high school Congratulations to the family and Lynne for a job well done. Tonsillectomies Two of our younger set parted company with their tonsils last week, Kathy Harper losing hers at Woodstock hospital and Missy Calvert at the McHenry hospital. Both girls are home now and getting back to normal, although Kathy caught a cold and is trying to get rid of it. We all wish them a speedy recovery from their operations. Around the Shores Helen and Kelly Simonsen attended a wedding at the Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago and then went to the reception at the Blackstone hotel Saturday afternoon. On the Sunday before Thanksgiving Helen entertained their son and his family for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner, having turkey and all the trimmings. The Wetzels entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. Wetzel of Edison Park and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wetzel and their two children from Palatine for the holiday. Doris says the evening ended with a 'hot' poker game, the only complaint being they did not leave 20 percent for the house. The Olbinskis had Gerry's mom, Mrs. Frances Conway, for the holiday and weekend. Glad to see she feels better and is up and about. The Senior Versteges had quite a gathering including Ron and Bev Verstege, their son, Jack, and granddaughter, Dorinda, Mrs. Lillian Sviontek and son, Larry, who are Bev's mom and brother. The Pogors took a ride to Chicago and spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cynar. The Gruners spent Thanksgiving Day with the Denigans, Mrs. Mary Johns and Charles and Mary Meyers of Antioch, the brother of Mr. Gruner. The dinner and get together was enjoyed by all the guests. Last Saturday the Denigans drove to La Grange to see one of their numerous grandsons make his first communion. Anne Gruner reports that she is learning how to drive and if you see her coming step aside as last Saturday on one of her trips around the Shores she zigged when she should have zagged and ended up in the ditch and had to be pulled out,--but nothing daunted she is going to continue until she gets her license. Reva Peters left by jet on Nov. 7 to attend a convention in Los Angeles. Lawrence Welk and his group put on a special performance and Reva sang two numbers and danced with quite a few of the boys. She went to Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farmer's Market and other places of interest in and around Los Angeles. The Peter's daughter, Karen, who is supervisor in one of the hospitals in Hollywood and Reva took a 2,200 mile motor trip seeing Solvang, Carmel by the Sea, Monterey, San Francisco and Las Vegas and the desert with snow, no sand visible. They were in San Francisco during the time they had the earthquake which was a little scary. Reva same home in time for Thanksgiving dinner with her husband and their daughter, Mrs. Ben Tibbs, and family and guests from Mt. Prospect. Their son-in-law, Specialist 5th Class Ben Tibbs, who has been in Korea for a year will return home the 21st of December in time to spend Christmas with the family, which will make it a happy holiday for all. The William Tennerts' daughter, Doris Hildebrand, and her husband and two boys drove in from Grove City, Pa., to spend the holiday and also celebrate Mrs. Tennert's birthday. After leaving the Shores they went to Skokie to visit friends and then back home. The Tennerts expect to return the visit before Christmas. Results of Meeting A few hardy souls ventured out on Dec. 3 to attend the meeting of the McHenry Shores Club. Five names were given by the board for new directors to be elected in January. Mr. Coates, A1 Mieritz, Ray Pogor, Jack Verstege and Mildred Snively. Sample ballots will be sent out in 10 jiays and voting will be at the January meeting from 7 till 9:30. Three are to be elected. As is the usual custom the club will offer three prizes for Christmas decorations to homes in the Shores and the committee will be inspecting and judging during the next between Christmas and New Years. Car stickers are now available for William Tennert at FINE ARTS OROUP PRESENTS "AMAHL" AT OPERA HOUSE One of the most moving adaptations of the Christmas story is Gian-Carlo Menotti's one-act opera, "Amahl and the Night Visitors". On Sunday afternoon, Dec. 13, at 2 o'clock, in the Opera House, John Monkman, director of music at Kirkland high school and the Methodist church in Woodstock, will present his interpretation of "Amahl." The cast is composed of students of Monkman at Kirkland, many of whom are first prize winners in state high school voice competition. "Amahl and Night Visitors" portrays simply, yet beautifully, the magic of Christmas in music. It is the story of a crippled child and his widowed 3216 W. Beach drive or at the meeting. Well, as I sit here typing this it is blowing and snowing like mad so am going to see if I can get to town and turn this in to the paper. See you next week. mother who live in abject pov4 erty, and because of their many4 hardships have become comfl ,! pletely dependent upon, and de«i voted to each other in a mah4. ner which exemplifies the trutlfi and beauty of mother andL child. On this first Christmajf three kingly travellers stoppfetf at Amahl's crude hut to see If food and shelter. Amahl aruf his mother willingly give them lodging, and the kings tell of their wondrous journey, guided by a bright star in the East, in search of a special newborn child. During the night the magic of Christmas and the miracle of Jesus' birth manifests itself in the healing of Amahl. The opera premiered on NBC Dec. 24, 1951, and since then has become one of the annual hallmarks of the Christmas season. "Amahl and the Night Visitors" has meaning for all members of the family, and the music has won the highest of critical acclaim. Tickets may be reserved by calling the Opera House, 338- 1663, or obtained at the door. A man's acts are usuall; right, but his reasons seldom are. iV ty" Ml isssf Dear fiends, funeral service. e the famiiy't w*0 *he. wishes of Priate appro_ Re<J"est numbers „ ,!BTice' °rder. e a^ways in in nusilTsYj Preference time funeral rr"Tlned at the being made. ran*eDlents are Respectfully, IVKS A i M@II at PBW SKlMiSR FURY MOTORS, 2508 W. ROUTE

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