Thursday* March 25, 1965 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Three -- Page S«ven PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS ROSEMARY LtJlZ HYatt 7-3814 SCOUTS RECEIVE AWARDS AT PACK MEETING MARCH 10 Cub Pack "452'"s monthly meeting of Wednesday, March 10, was enjoyed by all that attended. The' meeting opened with the posting of colors by £)en 4. The boys who worked very hard to receive awards at this meet ing were Thomas Fiedler, Wolf badge and gold arrow, Stan Walczynski, Bear badge, Mark' Wiggerman, silver arrow, Mark Maule, silver arrow, Nickey Diedrich, silver arrow and Envin Kreidler, Wblf badge, gold and silver arrow. Congratulations boys. The theme for March, "South of (he Border" was carried out by the singing of two Spahish songs by the boys of Den 3 and 7. The spring and summer schedule was outlined by Scoutmaster, Henry Zenner. It is as follows: On Saturday, March 27, .there will be a bowling party. The Cub Sccyjts will carry flags representing the colonics in the Memorial Day Parade, through the Highlands. In Che very near future the boys will bo going to Junesville, Wis£., to tour an auto factory* T h e - K i s h w a u k e e D i s t r i c t (which includes our pack) Scout-O-Rama will be held on May 15 at the county fairground building in Woodstock. The -boys will enjoy a kite derby, hi the very near future. In June' the pack will hold a Pfnewood Derby and family picnic. TheiV are also two ball games planned for the summer, these games will be viewed at Milwaukee, Wise. After the meeting the colors were retrieved by Den 8 and everyone looked over the Spanish rHsplays. Mount Hope C hurch News The greeters for the March 14 services wore: Mr. and Mrs. John Larsen. The candle lighter vPas Richard Morley. Rev. Doeriecke delivered the sermon and chose the topic "Never Further Than the Cross". Dolores- Oakley was the organist and "the Lay Reader was 'Arthur "Vanderstempel. The entire proceeds from the Lentgn dime folders will go toward. the building fund. Additional folders can be obtained in the rear of the church. It is still not too late to make arrangements for the third annual ^spaghetti dinner. Serving time-is from 5 to 8 p.m. This dinner is sponsored by the Women's Society of Christian Service. * eari'ings, costumes or parts of costumes for adults are needed. Everything will be returned to you, so please properly mark each item. For further information call Hazel Morley at HYATT 7-3320 or Ruth Petrov at HYATT 7-3827. Cleaning Day April 6 all the women of the parish of St. John's Church and especially the mothers of the Confirmands and Communicants are asked to please join the members of the Blessed Virgin Sodality with an all out clean up detail. For further information please call the President of the Sodality, Kay Sielisch at HYatt 7-3814 or any of the other officers. New PTA Officers At the monthly meeting of the Johnsburg PTA the new officers for" the coming year were elected. Once again Richard Morley will be president. -Articles Needed For ^ Country Store Again this year a white elephant sale will be a part of the fun fair. These items will be displayed in the country store. ItemS are needed, anything at all will be greatly appreciated. Some- of the items to be sold are: ^knick-knacks, glassware, games, toys, children's books, household articles or any other useful item. Should you have some of these items, there is a very helpful lady, Gayle Long, who will tye very happy to come to your door and pick up what you have." Her number is HYATT 7-3563. The? fun fair is April 3, so there' isn't much time, please look -around your home and gathef the articles together then rail Gayle*s number and she'll 'collect your ware. The^ ways and means chairmen, .Hazel Morley and Ruth Petrov, would like to know if anyone has strings of outdoor Christmas lights that may be borrowed for the fun fair, it would be greatly appreciated. They i:an be brought to school «'ind given to Mr. Bush with yourjyme, address and phone number on a tag attached to the lights. They can also be sent with your child and left at the office. They wish to use these for decorating the gym. Also any silk scarfs, dangling EXPERT GROOMING (All Breeds) BOARDING *. (Individual Kennelsf •TRAINING ••BATHING Rudy Becker's : Kennels 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry Phone 385-2436 '(1 Mile East of the , Skyline Drive-In) Coming Event On April 1 the Pistakee Highlands Women's Club will hold a spring luncheon and card party at the community center. A fish and meat dish will be served. There will be a child's plate, so don't let the little ones keep you home. I can guarantee you a delicious lunch and an enjoyable afternoon with friends and neighbors. Happy Birthday Wishes to Hazel Morley who will be celebrating her birthday today, to Lily Hovseth whose birthday is March 26, Doris Hansen on March 29 and to Kurt VanZevern on March 31. Many happy returns to all of you. Anniversary Congratulations to Steve and Geri Vrbik who will be celebrating another year of wedded bliss on March 25. Here 'N' There Betty Warczak has accepted the co-chairmanship for the Blessed Virgin Sodality's luncheon and card party. This will be held on May 5 at the Johnsburg Community Club. Association President, Richard Farwell, went through the Highlands and noticed a number of cars, not in running condition, standing in drives of rft&ny of our residents. The zoning ordinance allows only one car, not in running condition, more than one constitutes a junk yard. He would like these junks eliminated, if it is not done on your own further steps will be taken. I am very happy to report that Wally Sielisch has recovered from his recent surgery and w°as back at his job on Monday. Jim and Jane Malek are very proud to announce the arrival of a nephew, Jeffrey is his name and March 13 was his arrival day. The proud parents are Jim's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Herdzina, this is their -first baby. Congratulations to the parents as well as Uncle Jim and Aunt Jane. When the Association nominating committee calls you, for office, have your yes ready not a no. On June 1 the new slate of officers should be presented and they should be elected by August 1, or sooner. TMs depends on you. As in the past officers are hard to come by and if the association is to continue on the nominating committee will have to come up with Some candidates. No association means, no snow plowing, no grading, no road maintenance and no community center, which means that there will be no meeting place for many organizations. So remember it's up to you. A gala evening was had at the community center on Saturday, March 13. About twenty- two couples kicked-up their heels and let their hair down. The evening was really an»enjoyable one and everyone is looking forward to the next dance, which will be held the end of May. More on this at a later date. . John and JoAnll Weingart were very happy to have John's parents and grandfather, from Chicago, for the weekend. It's always a happy time when loved ones get together. Last week hot lunch was served at St. John's and I don't think enough has been said about the good job five of our residents have been doing. Betty Warczak and her committee: Lee Conway, Audry Misavice, Jenny Emmerich and Lorraine Ullo have been preparing hot lunch, once a month, for the children at St. John's. These ladies have been working on this for 2 years and have really done a wonderful job. They leave on hot lunch day at 7:30 and have pots of delicious barbecue ready in time for the children's lunch. Besides the cooking they do all the shopping, counting of money, bagging, cutting and what have you. A verbal bouquet to all of you. Well that's it for another week. Hope by next time--Old Man Winter will be ready for a long rest and spring will be on its way. SUNNYSIDE ESTATES FRAN OLSEN ,885-5740 ST. PATRICK'S DAY OBSERVED BY O'G&RSTEINS ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY An' shure an' begora yud hav ta. go dawn ta O'State Street ta fine a real celebration of good ol' St. Pat's, day, God rest 'is soul, fur shure an' it seems the Irish o' these Estates were doin' on ol' St. Patrick's Day what on Ol' Sod; doin' nuttin'.!! The only celebration this reporter could scoop was a splash: Don and Delores.O'Gerstein got soaked that night--but not the way some get soaked on March 17:,The Gersteins attended another swimming party at a pool in Fox Lake. Nearly everyone had a holiday in the way of a day off, but didn't consider the shoveling of this heavy, heavy \>feaven's deposit much of a party plot. •'Even the Good Lord mustn't have remembered the great American tradition of painting the town green on St. Pat's Day, for the snow came down white, as usual. So, it was for the most of us: Business as usual. Come, Come, Ladies For a hat, for a howl, for ball, for a shift, for some style, for a lift, for awhile: attend the Lucky Ladies hat party this Wednesday, March 31, at the DeFrancisco home at 1621 ! W. Joyce beginning at 8 p.m. Lighter moments assured: Tha't's a bonnett? What's upon it? Your Easter bonnet? There's nothing on it. Like this chapeau? The one with the bow? This frilly little thing. What comments will it bring? Eeeek, You've sat on my hat! Now think of that.! And more seriously: tables are needed. Preferably the long, folding kind, if anyone has such to loan out for the evening. Please call Pat Killiams at 385- 0639. Thank you. And surely the Ice Age will have passed by the 31st, no? But -- come rain or shine (moon) -- come. Food For Thought Sunnyside Estates Homeowners Association, Inc., members whose dues are delinquent are subject to a lien! Mail or deliver your dues on or before April 1, the date of the next regular meeting, to SEHOA treasurer Jean Gerke, 1814 West Grandview. Don't let Jean lien on you. HOW TO BEAT HIGH REPAIR COSTS High repair bills, as well as the nuisance and inconvenience of having your car tied up for one or more days, can often be prevented. Here are some routine services and checks that should be made regularly on your car. Follow the recommendations and your car will run better and will be worth more at trade-in time. DO THIS DO THIS DO THIS Examine the front boll joints periodically for signs of wear as well as leakage of lubricant TO AVOID THIS Align front wheels, making certain caster, comber and toe-in are set to right specifications TO AVOID THIS Inspect, repack and adiust the front wheel bearings at the intervals recomrr.ended by car manufacturer TO AVOID THIS Worn or broken ball joints that can cause erratic steering and loss of control of vehicle > Irregular front tire wear and poor handling, especially on crowned roads and on curves Pitted or broken bearings, which con lead to excessive tire wear and erratic steering COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 3021 W. Route 120 Mtllenry, III. PHONE 385-0778 Open Daily 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. -- Sundays 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. CARPET SALE Warehouse Clearance! Largest Selection of Quality Carpets and Rugs Ever Offered At Reduced Prices In Northern Illinois All Rolls Priced from $1.00 to $9.00a Sq. Yard Off Reg. Retail Price OVER 400 ROLLS OF CARPET 700 ROLL BALANCES RANGING IN SIZE FROM 9'xl2' TO 15'x24' IN STOCK IN OUR WAREHOUSE During This Sale All Straight Cuts & Edges Finished At No Charge--Immediate Delivery FREE-Extra heavy rubber coated waffle ,pad with any purchase from our carpet warehouse. S&H GREEN STAMPS For Cash Or Bank Financing Available Sale Dates -- bi Thursday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Saturday 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. March 25 - 26 - 27 Special Sunday Opening, March 28th -- 1 to 5 p.m. Worth of Door Prizes and Registration Prizes No Purchase Necessary | Come In Now and Make Your Selection I In Advance TIDY Carpets-Rugs Jet. Rts. 120 & City 14--Phone 338-1000--Woodstock, I1L H&ppy Anniversary To Emma and Gunnar Johansen who are celebrating fortyfour years today. To Stan and Joan Walczynski who will celebrate their eleventh on the 27th. On the 29tH to Jack and Lu Davis who in just one more year will be celebrating their silver anniversary, and Lu still looks like a bride. A very happy day its wished each of you, with, blessings abundant. Candle Capers "And don't any of yovi leave this room. There are other people using other rooms in this building. All of you keep your voices down so we don't disturb the others. All right. We'll begin the meeting," Began Leader Alice (Pepper) Bieschke. Meeting underway . . . Ended . . . Then: "Pepper, come here, there's something we have to show you." shouted the scouts of Cadette Troop 41 as they raced out of the room as though it was on fire. With no one left to say "Hush!" or "Stop!" to, Alice followed the exodus, expecting to find the drinking fountain jammed with bubble gum and overflowing down the hall. "SURPRISE!" the girls shouted. All set and ready was a party with gorgeous cake made by the recent recipient of the chef badge and decorated with yellow roses (the Girl Scout flower) and miniature troop and American flags, all for their leader's birthday, which is the same day as the birthday of Girl Scouting. "How they did it, I'll never know," remarked Alice, flooded with emotion at the thoughtfulness and imagination of her girls who obviously effected highly refined, well defined plans in order to accomplish this in complete secrecy. "So much initiative and effort!" said Alice. Since they all sang to her and had candles in the cupcakes on the previous Sunday, Alice didn't expect even a verbal mention of her birthday on the 11th. A fine t:ibute,.to an especially fine leader. To celebrate the fifty-third birthday of Girl Scouting, troop 88 invited troop 41 to their party at which the guests taught their hostesses a series of Scout songs. Troop 88 leader Sylvia Von Obstfelder.prepared a lovely three-tiered cake with fiftythree candles for all the scouts to extinguish in one united blow-out. Fun night on March 12. For his tenth birthday Mike Maule (and Mother Charlotte) took all his guests to the movies. Among that moving-movie group were Jimmy Fuqua, Stevie Kuntz. Jimmy Williams, Donny Rose, and of course brother, Pat. After the thrilling science fiction feature, there were games and goodies at the Maules. Great Sunday afternoon. Too great: no one wanted to leave the party! Wishing Well Wishes . . . t o K e l l y B u t e w h o s e t u m my ache resulted in an emergency appendectomy on the evening of March 15. He is due- to be released from McHenry hospital on the 19th. . . . t o H e n r i e t t a R a u w h o w a s released from Harvard hospital in time to spend her birthday at home, much to her pleasure. Karl reports she is'feeling fairly Veil but nothing to brag about yet. . . . t o M a r t y P a l m e r w h o threatened to follow Kelly Bute into surgery. False alarm. Marty is rine. Happy Birthday Today to Johanna Matuszak, to A1 Stephens, and to Ron Schelle. Tomorrow to Tony Sertkerik, to' Karen Schneider, and to Carol Frisby. On the 28th to Claire Hoet- -tels, to Michael Davis who will be there, and tdfDonny Jensen who also will be three years old. On th« 29th to Herb Fischer and to Lu Davis. • And on the 31st to Karl'JMrtj and to th« Fail twins, Melody and Merily, whd %ill be eight years old. ' i Many happy returns of th# dfty to each Of you and may your day be mOfih brighter than this weather. Your Reporter . . v for the next column will be Velma Stephens. She'll be awaiting your calls at 385-3423. Keep her phone busy today. We both thank you in advance for your cooperation. BE WISE -- USE CLASSIFIEDS! T .J Dear ftienda, traveirdeath°frfnCr<!>sln* °ceurs^away arrange We can °f * deceased e T** retu« Professional rm,* °Vgtl >°Ur funeral dir^r* * with U.S. or® throughout burial i« ^ • a distant point Xred likewise w»plete ' csn arrangements. the WWUMCJ SERVICE J85-OOKS Respectfully^ If you think you're seeing more and more jPlymouth Furys on the road, you're right. This is the hottest-selling Fury in history. Here's why: Fury for '65 is the biggest, plushest Plymouth ever... but still solidly in the low-price class. Big on the outside, its wheelbase is a whopping 119 inches. Big on the inside, plenty of headroom, legroom and hiproom. And new curved-glass side windows add to Fury's contemporary styling. The plush part is the beautiful interior. There's rich upholstery to compliment the exterior finish, wall-to-wall nylon carpeting and a smart, readable instrument panel. No wonder you're seeing more and more Plymouth Furys on the road. If you want more good reasons for buying Fury, see your Plymouth Dealer. He drives one too. WE ROARING FURY BELVEDERE VALIANT BARRACUDA Thjmtxdfi See the Hot Line at your Plymouth Dealer's. PtfMOirni DfVMOn1 FURY MOTORS, Inc. 2508 W. Route 120 McHanry, Illinois