Thursday, September 16, 1965 BiSiS *•*•* +i*p **-x • * " >:> *v., *tF /fs $f|'-: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER i-sdsu* Section Two. .Page JOHNSBURG NEWS HETTY HETTERMANN Mfr-UM W.C.OJ". JUNIORS GIVE TALENT SHOW AT COURT MEETING The September meeting of St. Agatha Court 777, W.C.O. F., will be held in the community club hall on Tuesday, Sept. 21, beginning at 8 p.m. At this time there will be a talent show by the junior court members. Committee for this evening will be headed by Clara Tonyan. She will be assisted by Agnes Freund, Marily Smith, Agnes K. Freund, Catherine Pierce, Clarice Freund, Kathy Schaefer and Pat Weber, All court members are invited to attend this meeting. Bound For Rome Father Claver Smith, our Carmelite priest who has been saying Mass at St. John's, is the son of the Joe Smiths of Sunset View and the nephew of the George Tusseys. Father Smith left Sept. 14 for his post at St. Albert's college in Rome, where he is professor of Theology. The Tusseys have been enjoying entertaining friends from Hazelcrest, 111., Dubuque, Iowa, Chicago and vicinity, as well Father Smith. Cutest Sight You Ever Saw And that's just what little eight month old Beth Klapperich is since she started sporting her new "cheaters". The sweet baby is the daughter of Willie and Estelle Klapperich. Beth has had eye trouble since birth, thus the use of glasses for such a young one. The doctors have high hopes for the future development of Beth's eyes so be sure to say a little prayer that it will be a reality. The glasses that she wears are so small that it doesn't seem possible that they could be constructed and they are pink to make this little one look just as sweet as she really is. Topic Change Dorothy Himplemann reports that due to a mix-up in dates of obtaining the V.F.Whall in McHenry, a mistake was made last week on what the topic would be discussed for the first talk on Sept. 22. The series is being presented by the John Birch Society. The topic for this particular evening will be "Get the U.S. out of the U.N." "Civil Rights" will be the topic for the following weeks meeting. The United Nations is an organization which is not understood by a great many people, Dorothy reports. She is sure we can all learn a lot by attending this series of lectures which will give food for thought. The entire list of subjects and speakers appears elsewhere in the paper. Read it over carefully and pick out the topics which will interest you personally. New Residents All of us in this vicinity wish to extend a very warm welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gaugush and their two children who have taken up residence at 4104 N. Spring Grove Road. This family moved here in August from McCullom Lake. Their sixteen year old son, Bill, is attending the McHenry high school while their nine year old daughter, Angela, is a third grade student in St. John's school. Mr. Gaugush met his wife while he was in service in Germany, married her and came to this country to make their home. They have been a very happy family since Bill and Angela arrived to make their life's pattern complete. We sincerely hope they like our town and make it their permanent address. Wedding Bells Ring Loud And Clear Two young ladies from here changed their names . as of last Saturday, Sept. li.. Both ceremonies took place in St. John's church. Donna Frett became Mrs. Swartzloff in a afternoon church service which took place at 3 p.m. She and h e r n e w h u s b a n d g r e e t e d guests at" a reception and dinner held at Chapel Hill Country Club later in the day. Upon return from their honeymoon, their future home will be in Richmond. Middle avenue will be the place for Janice and Terry Tvaroh to "hang their hat" when they get back from their honeymoon trip. This young couple repeated their marriage vows at a nuptial Mass at 11 o'clock in the morning. Dinner and supper, followed by a reception was held in the Johnsburg Community Club hall to fete the newlyweds. The bride is the former Janice Huff. To both of these newly-married couples we wish much health and happiness in their lives together as man and wife. People On The Go Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller returned last week after taking a trip to New York. They brought their daughter-in-law and granddaughter, Pam, and Stephanie Hiller, back with them. The girls have spent the summer in New York with Chuck. Chuck was also here for a few days when the MetS' played at Milwaukee. Paul and Virginia Pitzen, along with sons, Paul and Loreri, visited Joyce at Alverno College in Milwaukee last Sunday. Mrs. Joe Smith received many visitors while she was laid up with a broken arm recently. Her sons, the Robert and Bill Zimmermanns and their families, made trips here from Rockford to make sure she was getting along alright. Mrs. Smith's aunt and cousin fom Mlwaukee paid a call on her also. Ann Doran of Chicago came out during this period to give her sister a helping hand. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bishop, daughters, Janet and Karen, of Hoffman Estates were Sunday afternoon visitors in the home of Frank and Agnes Freund. Kansas State in Manhattan was the destination for Bruce Christiansen on Sept. 2. He along with his mother, Betty, and grandmother, Mrs. Jeppe Jepsen, made the trip in one day. The ladies returned home after getting Bruce settled for his second year in the school. Hank and Clara Nell are spending a few days seeing the sights on Mackinac Island. They expect to be home the middle of this week. Congratulations Corner A very happy, even though it is- late, birthday wish to Joe Smith of Johnsburg Road who observed his eighty-third natal day on Sept. 8. Coming up on Friday of this week will be the fourteenth birthday of Jean Hettermann. Many happy returns of the day to Hank and Clara Nell who observed 45 years of "togetherness" on Sept. 15. Luncheon-Card Party In View The public is cordially invited to attend the luncheon and card party which will be sponsored by the members of the Blessed Virgin Sodality in the community club hall on Sept. 29. Lunch will be served at noon, followed by a social afternoon. Anyone wishing to donate for this gathering is asked to contact any of the officers. New Addition Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce are in line for congratulations this week. They welcomed , a baby girl on the 5th of this month at the McHenry hospital. The Bill Pierces are the proud grandparents. Best wishes to all. Entertain* On Sunday The Althoff home was visited by Miss Martha Althoff, Mrs. Evelyn Carney, Mr. and Mrs. Carney and daughter, Mary, all of Kenosha, last Sunday. Time to bring this column to a close for another* week. Take your family to church next Sunday. Prayer is the answer to all things. Remember noon on Monday is the deadline time each week. Call me.... Some people live by their wits, and others, by lack of other people's wits. A gal needs to keep on her toes to avoid heels. DEMOCRATS OF DISTRICT HEAR STATE REPORT While strengthening Schools, mental health, courts and the highway system, the Kerner a d m i n i s t r a t i o n h a s s l o w e d down the growth of state government payrolls in other areas, Michael J. Howlett, state Auditor of Public Accounts, said Saturday afternoon. Howlett, the chief fiscal officer of state government, spoke at Democratic Women's Day in Rockton. Democratic women's organizations of the 12th and 16th congressional districts sponsored the event. Delegates attended from Boone, {-.ake, McHenry, Catroll, Jo Daviess, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside and Winnebago counties. ADOPTIONS NOTED Adoptions in Ihe state for the fiscal year ended June 30 totaled. 7,791, according , to Dr. Franklin D. Yoder, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health. This is the total number of children for which birth records were prepared but does not include adoptions of children born in another state (927) or adoptions where the adopting parents did not want a new certificate (48). It does not include foreign-born children adopted in Illinois and 1,103 Illinois- born children adopted in other states. Of the 7,791 adoptions, almost half went into homes where there were other children and 65 of this sroup went into families where there were already six or more children. Again, boys were more popular than girls. While about 85 per cent were under 10 years of age when the adoption took place, 1.211 were over 10, and 81 of this group were age 20 years and over. Sixty-four adoptions were made by single, unmarried persons. *JnmaseJJos now featuring Live Entertainment Every Friday and Saturday in our Main Dining Room. Beautiful Cocktail Music to enhance your Dining Pleasure. ALL COCKTAILS . . . . only 50c (Tuesday thru Friday from 5 to 7 p.m.) THURSDAY SPECIAL -- LASAGNA FISH FRY Every Friday all you can eai SUNDAY SPECIAL • • • CHICKEN DINNER all you can eat 96 $150 3312 N. Chapel Hill Rd. Johnsburg, 111. PHONE 385-1475 l S chodStous jUSDA CHOICE i USDA CHOICE ^Plii FAMOUS U.S.D.A CHOICE BEEF ALL CUTS OF THE FINEST BEEF AT EXTRA VALUE LOW PRICES. U.S.D.A. CHOICE BLADE CUT U.S.D.A. CHOICE ROUND BONE OR BOSTON CUT LB. Roast FRESHLY GROUND Ground Pick Of the Crop Fresh Fruit! _ FANCY | Jonathan What happened to the water ? Who's taking a shower? 1? taking on the water in < pmt fit yow home seduces pressure in another part, this is one thing you don't have to tolerate. All yoa need do Jb nk m to end yomc water •apply problems with a Red Jacket Town 'n Country Submerga Pump. It will give you all the water yoa need... *H fte time •. • at every outlet And only Med Jackei fe&* tares engineered aimplicity ... fewwr moving parts* compact dfwign, longer life with Httla BMintaianoe. Capacities to preridi abundant water for hornet or farms. Selflubricated note and pump an down in the well... out oI sight, out of mind. Stop in and see at soon. ha^psn to you? one always ssema to ba fairing a shower jurt what you're ready to do dishes or wash clothes. And you haven't enough Water pressure. Well* that feeble stream of HdO is a aura symptom that- your pump is pooped, or just plain too small for your family. The am? A Red Jacket Jet Pump, of course, featuring saovaag parts for unfailtng operation -- and the capacity you need to have oaths water you need--~-o£ the time! Stop to and sea us soon -- start whenever you need it with a low oost Red Jacket Jet--Installed so fast you -wouldn't believe itf L; % FLUID SYSTEM PRODUCTS McHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% Miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Road Phone McHenry 385-5252 or Residence 885-0713 ydev* Colorado CANNING 17-lb. $ PEACHES box ^ - - LEMON CREAM, BANANA, APPLESAUCE SPICE OR PINEAPPLE REG. PRICE 43c IBESTJ v.XXXX.f Piilsbury Cake Mixes "4c OFF" LABEL Piilsbury Flour PRICI LARGE - REG. 39c Sunsweet Prunes BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY, SALISBURY, ITALINA OR HADDOCK Banquet FROZEN ooie Dinners ^eweiJ f-^astried j-t PKGS. 16-OZ PKG. REG. PRICE' 49c All 8 inch Size WHIPPED CREAM CAKES reg. $1.39 and $1.29 $125 our Ramify Lightly Glazed CINNAMON BREAD . Cherry Delight COFFEE CAKE . . . 16-oz. loaf . *5* reg. 69o . 5* V: