, v: Two -- PageFow f THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEft Thursday, October \ 21; 1965 I JOHNSBURG NEWS 585-1290 ttRGE PARENTS TO HEAR PRIEST TALK ON "SHARED TIME" The next regular meeting of association will • be of special assoication will be of special interest to all parents, not just those who have children in school right now. It also concerns those whose children are small, but have school in their future. Every parent with youngsters from the ages of 0 through 13 are urged to participate at this meeting on Oct. 25, in the Johnsburg community club hall. It will get underway at 8 p.m.--SHARP. Th? all-important topic will be "SHARED TIME." Ycu will find out what it is, how it will affect you and your children, as well as the schools, taxes, the parish. Please try and keep this date open so you can be informed. Come and get the answers. The seventh and eighth craders w ll baby sit. On the subject of St. John's Home and School association, 1 would like to print th^, names of the new officers. They are Fran Olsen, as president, Irene May, as vice-president, Eleanor O'Connor, secretary and Betty Schmitt treasurer. Best wishes to them in the forthcoming year. Please try to lend them as much ass stance as they require. It will make their tough job just a little bit easier. Two In One Marge Barth will act as godmother for a new baby at the baptismal rites which will take place in Buffalo Grove next Sunday. The baby is the daughter of her niece and husband the Frank Nespors. Marge had also been the godmother for Mrs. Nespor. The young lady was warmly welcomed on Oct. 2. She weighed in at a nicc healthy 7 lbs., 2 oz. Not only is Marge going to have the distinction of bein^ godmother to her niece and her daughterV but she made Mrs. Nespor's wedding dress and has just completed the baby's complete christening outfit. Some talent, eh. Res-ue Squad Calls With the calls listed below, the running count has pushed its' way up to a staggering figure of 2,517. On Sept. 26, our local firemen answered a call at the Villa Rest Home. The squad members were on standby during this time. A possible heart attack took them to Edgebrook Heights on Sept. 29. The same type of ailment was their call on Oct. 5, which summoned them to Oeffling's subdivision. Also on the same date a young boy passed out in Mineral Springs and needed their medical aid. Two of these parents wfere taken to the hospital, in the rescue squad ambulance, the other was transported to the hospital in another ambulance. Regncr Road on .Oct. 8 was 'he scene of their ca'l. A student fell on a picket fence and was t?ken into the McHenry hospital by the squad for further treatment.. A fatal attack was suffeied by'a" victim i i Whispering H lis on Oct. 9 Respiratory trouble was suffered by a local resident on the 16th. and he was taken into the McHenry hospital by the squad ambulance. Later 'hat day they answered another call where a patient suffered a possible heart attack. Harvard hospital by an ambulance was the destination for thi; victim. Their last call during this week came on the 17th They were callcd to Mc'-'ullom Lake to assist at a drowning Notes From St. John's Ct. 93 Just a reminder to all members of St. John's court 96, C.O.F., that on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 24 at 1:30 in Hampshire, the Northern Illimis Associated Courts are having a joint class in tiat'.on into tho Catholic Order of Forester.*. So if you have not- been initilted as yet and vvi=h to be, please call either 3S5-6171 o." 385-1276. Transportation is to he furnished to and from Paul Pitzen's home at 2210 W. Johnsburg Road. The men expect to leave by 12:30. Please try to go along if you have not been initiated as y^t. Please keep in mind the regular monthly Forester meetngs are held in the Community Tiub hall every second Thursday and begin at 8 p.m. Congratulations Corner Belated birthday wishes to SPRING GROVE NEWS EVA FREUND PHONE 673-2133 Joe L: Frtund who celebrated his seventy-sixth natal day last Saturday evening. Many happy returns to him. Joe Dehn will be in line for happy birthday wishes on Oct. 25 when he celebrates birthday number 12. Our very special wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Debrect of Hillcrest Place who are observing their fortieth wedding anniversary on Thursday of this week. S'ncerc happy wishes to these two very nice people from all their many friends. Young Scott Barth turned seven and haijd a party after school to celebrate the occasion. The' lads who joined in on the birthday festivities were: Chris Getschell, Timmy Hadley, Peit Atherton and Andy Oakley. Please remember that Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund will host an open house celebration ] n the community club hall j starting at' 8 p.m. next Saturday evening honoring their fifty years of wedded life. They would be most happy .to greet a lot of their oldtime friends at this time. ' RINGWOOD NEWS DELORES BRENNAX 653-9045 Attends Ceremonies Paul and Virginia Pitzen, along with sons, Paul and Loren, and Martha H. Freund attended the ceremony of investiture of academic cap and ?o\vn of the freshmen class at Alvcrno college in Milwaukee 'ast Sunday afternoon. The Pit/ens' daughter, Joyce, was in the class. Away From It All The Bernie Schmitts of McHenry, Dick and Dorothy Hil- !er, as well as Chuck and Pam H l!er, returned over the weekend to their respective homes. The group had spent a week "getting away from it all" up north. Day Of Recollection Attended Mar>e Oeffling, Virginia Pitzen, Susie Ilillcr and Anne Guyscr attended the Women's Catholx Order of Foresters Rockford Diocese Association Day of Recollection at St. Joseph's church in Elgin of Thursday. Forty H)urs Devotion St. John's church will betrin Forty Hours Devotion of the Blessed Sacrament next "Friday monvng at the 8 o'clock Mass. Please refer to the church bulletin for full details for times of devotions and confessions. : Another week has come to a close. Please be very kind 'o one another. Goodbye for now- hope to see you all right '.ieie again next time. WOMAN'S SOCIETY OBSERVES SILVER ANNIVERSARY Twenty-five years ago the women of the Methodist church adopted a new title. Instead of the Ladies Aid or the Home and Foreign Mission Societies, the comb'ned group was organized as the Woman's Society of Christian Sen-ice. At the October meeting of the local society, this silver anniversary was given special em- j phasis. Ten ladies who are I chartcr members were honored j and presented "baby mum" ! corsages. A dessert luncheon j was served at 12:30 p.m. fea-1 turing a birthday cake beauti-j fully decorated with the soci- i ety's emblem in blue and silver. ! Mary Sutler and Clara C\"'sty. | two active charter members. | poured. K a t i e~\ Christopher, president, served the cake. A special program was prepared by Clara Cristy which reflected upon past years' activities; present day problems -and hopeful prayers for the future. Program and worship were conducted by Althea Walkington, Bcbbi Fos..um and Mertie Harrison. Of course, an informal tim^ was had recalling the work and good fellowship over the years. Rev. Anderson was present and took pictures to mark this spe-? cial occas:on. Mrs. Mary Muzzy of Marengo. one of the charter members unable to attend, sent her con gratulations and good wishes Mrs. Dorothy Benoy of Alden mother charter member, telephoned her regrets in not being able to attend. Those who attended had a very enjoyable and relaxing time before getting to the work projects coming up. The ladies are conducting ? rummage sale this Friday and Saturday, Oct. 22, from 9 a.m until 9 p.m. and one the 23rd from 9 a.m. unt:! 2 p.m. Coffer •md cake or rolls will be served :ilso. There will be a UNICEF paity on Oct. 30, for all the workers, after the collecting. The annual bazaar and din ner, which will be held on Nov. 13, also was planned More details will follow a little later on. The Woman's Society workr and worships together and always welcomes new hands. Monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month and this year are held luring the day. A 12:30 p.m dessert luncheon followed by the program and business meet- PLAN SMORGASBORD HALLOWEEN PARTY FOR OCTOBER 26 Don't forget the smorgasbord and annual Halloween c^.rd pariy at St. Pc'er's hall, Spring Grove, on Tuesday. Oct. 26, 12 o'clock noon. Card game", and bunco. A prize for every table. Everyone wclcome, come and bring your f: iends. Attend Federation Meeting Mrs. Frank Heineman, Mrs. Gordon Sergeant and Mrs. Russell Rudolph attended a meeting of the McHenry County Federation of Women's club It was held in the Presbyterian church at Woodstock. Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 13. Mrs. Jones, president of the eleventh distr ct, was present. The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Peters of Algonquin. Wis"onsin Trip A group of ladies from McHenry and Spring Grove en- j joyed a sight seeing trip into j Wisconsin on Oct. 11. Sim? of the points of interest they visited were the House of' the Rock, Little Norway and Swiss Village. Book Fair St. Peter's school will have a book display from Oct. 21 until Oct. 26 in the parish hall. All who are interested in viewing a fine selection of children's reading material are invited to come in and browse after school hours from 3 to 5 p.m., also o.i Sunday, Oct. 21. Tr'.p To Europp Mr. and Mrs. Joreph Kobirstine have just re'urn^d from a tour of Holland, Switzerland, Italy and in Germany they vi-.- ited some relatives. They als > enjoyed s ghl :,ce;ng trips u;> the Rhine River to R)tteidam and Basel, Switzerland and one to Barcelona, Spain. They returned home on the steamship liner, Leonardi De Vinci. In Hawaii Sah Ilanssen and Theresa Khuk a'e out gallavatin' again. This t'me Hawaii. I'll just bet they are out there doing a fancy hula-hula and being smothered in orchids. HUMANE MOVEMENT Local members of the Humane Society of the United States recently attended a con- I'p'rn-'p held in Whconsn whc'tc thr» general membership ""is ir crd to support H iusc Bill 10010 introduced by Rep. r. Rogers of Florida. This bill w'-u'd provide for the best care, welfare and safeguard against suffenn-; for certain an mals n-rrt f^r sr>:entific purposes without impending necessary research. Endorsements from individuals and clubs are asked by the general public and should be sent to Representatives and Senators from this district. Other information concerning the society-may be obtained by writing to headqu-trj tors at 1145 19th street, N.W., I Washington, D.C., 20036. DREAM OF SPRING Beautiful Ornamental Flowering Trees FLOWERING CRABS I FLORIBUNDA RED SILVER HOPA GOLDEN HORNET ALMEY RADIANT THE HAWTHORNES PAULS SCARLET WASHINGTON AUTUMN GLORY Many other varieties of Ornamental and shade trees to choose from. Compare Our Prices And Save We Deliver cwerwoc J Rl. 14 ai 176 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. Mon. - Sat. 8 - 5:15 Sun. 9 - 5 Our Radio System Gets Fast Results The two-way radio in our Radio Dispatched Cab enables us to contact it immediately and sent it to your door promptly. McHenry Cab " Phone 385-0723 What happened to the water ? Who's taking a shower? If turning on the water in one part of your home reduces pressure in another part, this is 6ne thing you don't have to tolerate. All you need do is us to end your water «upply problems with a Red Jacket Town 'n Country Submerga Pump. It will give you i all the water you need ^. all tfao time ... at every outlet. And only Red Jacket features engineered simplicity ... fewer moving parts, compact design, longer life with little maintenance. Capacities to provide abundant water for homes or. farms. Selflubricated motor and pump are down in the well . .. out of sight, out of mind. Stop in and see us soon. .river happen to you? Someone always seems to be taking a shower just when you're ready to do dishes or wash clothes. And you haven't enough water pressure. Well, that feeble stream of H,C> is a sure symptom that your pump is pooped, or just plain too small for your family. The cure? A Red Jacket Jet Pump, of course, featuring engineered simplicity--fewer moving parts for unfailing operation -- and the capacity you need to have all Che water you need --all the time! Stop in and see us soon -- start getting all the water you need whenever you need it with a low cost Red Jacket Jet--installed so fast you "wouldn't believe it! > McHENRY COUNTY RED JACKET WELL & PUMP FLUID SYSTEM PRODUCTS 2'/a WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS Located in the Village of McCullom Lake Miios Irom McHenry on McCulloin-Wonder Lake Road Phone McHenry 883-.V252 or Residence 385-0713 • ing. Nursery carets prdvtdedv so we hope those with young children will keep this in mind. C. C. Halloween Party This is the time of the year that tjje spooks, hobgoblins, and witches, among others, come alive. The Ringwood community is cordially invited to join the WHATSITS AND WHO'SITS on Friday, Oct. 29, at approximately 8 p.m. in the Ringwood school for an eveling full of fun and mystery. "So, get on your thinking caps, ind come up with some horrible or beautiful idea and join is in the fun. You'd be sur- >rised at how many people and youngsters you won't bo able o figure out. There are some vonderful ideas put, into cosume each year. As usual, there will be prizes ^iven out to a boy and girl n each of the following groups: jre school; first and second; hird and fourth; fifth and .ixth; seventh and eighth; high ;chool and adult; and one for he grand prize of the evening. There will be a group of three iudges to have the job of picking said winners. All we ask to admit a family to the fun night is a dozen of lonut£, and of course a small fine to all not in costume. The committee will serve cider, pop and coffee to all at the end }f the evening. Please come in a getup if possible, and join us. UNICEF Collecting On Saturday, Oct. SO The young people will be out >n Saturday, Oct. 30, to solicit unds for U.N.I.C.E.F Since his is such a worthy cause, try o be as generous as possible. More details next week. Hot Lunch Servers Servers for the hot dogs on 'he 27th will be Marian Winders and Joan Preston. On Nov. 1, Joan Preston and Marilyn Radloff are scheduled to serve. The schedule for. serving is being printed now, and will bo ^iven to you this week. Keep it handy, and call if you are unable to serve on your day. All the information will be on the sheet, and also, I wiL try to keep each week's list up to date in the column. The hot sandwiches are going real good. Last week, seventy-five hot dogs were consumed by the youngsters and teachers. All reports from school are good, keep it up ladies. Here 'N' There Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Harrison were Gay and Herb Cooney and son Gray of Chicago. Mrs. L. E. Hawley spent -Wednesday in Chicago visiting ^ Miss Ma^'HvietlfICh an# Urli Flora Carr called on. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whiting in Richmond on Thursday. Miss Alice Peet visited in the Mr. and Mrs. John Read home in DeKalb on Sunday. On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle called on friends in the Villa Nursing home. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Harrison, Mrs. Edith Dowell and son, Billy, spent Wednesday and Thursday visiting with their nephew, Donald Harrison, at the University in Carbondale. Donald is a senior this year, and the son of the Clarence Harrisons. Misses Marian and Alice Peet attended the Adams- Diedrich wedding reception at the Johnsburg Community club hall on Saturday. Miss Mae Wiedrich and Mrs. Flora Carr attended the Chyrl Wiedrich and Lawrence Hinklc wedding at Capron on' Saturday evening. . . Dinner guests in the John Hogan home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Rchard Thompson and sons of Greenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sonnemaker and family of Detroit, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and Tracey of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hogan and Tommy of Elgin; Mr .and Mrs. Tom Parsley of Woodstock ani Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hogan and son, Mike. Miss Patsy Wiedrich of Burlington called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., on Thursday. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. J $olf Shadle wej# ..Elgin! vis- ( ltors. : i ii /* M " ' J I On Saturday, Mrs. Mary > Hcnne, Mr. and Mrs. Loren " Harrison, Mrs. Boyd Dowell ! and son, Billy, enjoyed a din- ' ner in honor of David Harri- * son in the Clarence Harrison * home. ^ Mrs. Flora Carr and Miss * Mae Wiedrich called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates in Woodstock on Thursday. 1 The newlyweds, Pat and Dave M'ller. have returned from their honeymoon and are at home on Barnard Mill Road. Welcome to Ringwood, and the very best of everything to both of you. Happy birthday on the 27th, to J. C. Pearson and Kevin Bauer. That's it for another week, don't forget the party, rummage sale and U.N.I.C.E.F. BE WISE USE THE CLASSIFIEDS - FOX LAKE HEALTH CLUB - (Under Now Management) OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK (CLOSED SUNDAYS) HOURS FOR WOMEN -- Mon., Wed., Fri., 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tues., and Thurs. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. HOURS FOR MEN -- (5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Tues. & Thurs. Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. A VISIT INCLUDES: Hot and Cold Showers, Sauna Bath and all Types of Exercising 30 VISITS WITHIN 120 DAYS -- $30.00 20 VISITS WITHIN 70 DAYS -- $20.00 10 VISITS WITHIN 30 DAYS -- $10.00 INDIVIDUAL VISITS $ 2.00 We can now announce that we have massages for both men and women: $3.50 FOR WOMEN and $5.00 FOR MEN. Keep your blood circulating and live an extra 20 yrs. of healthy life. Lady instructors and lady masseuse on duly every day. Please call for appointments for massage. WE ARE NOW EXPANDING OUR HEALTH CLUB TO THREE TIMES ITS PRESENT SIZE. Starting October 1st we are giving a door prize every week. Your visitor number will be put in a jar and the owner of the lucky number will be given a free massage. You must make one visit every week to keep your number in the jar. All visitors to the club will be eligible for the door prize every week. U.S. 12 AT THE. STOP LIGHT FOX LAKE, ILL. -- JU7-5033 Automatically! that's how you roast a turkey bake a-pie cook some carrots make a souffle simmer a sauce brown the biscuits brew the coffee or even "rotiss" a roast with a MODERN GAS RANGE Every day's a cook's holiday with today's automatic gas ranges, planned for easydoes- it cooking. Automatic gas features serve you better because of the wide range of precise heat control possible onjy with gas. Jake a good look, soon, at the new gas ranges. See latest model Caloric, Crown, Hardwick, Magic Chef, RCA-Whirlpool, and Roper Gas Ranges at Northern Illinois Gas showrooms or your appliance dealer's. ft 11 H Hilt Automatic Top Burner. .. makei every utensil automotic; enrls boil-overs, scorching and pot watching. Radiant Broiling --a new and wonderful way to flavorful, nutritious food goodness. It's extro fast, too. Automatic Programmed Oven --a modern oven control, precision-cooks a meal, then holds food at serving temperature for hours. Automatic Rotisserie . . . popular gas range feature gives foods a delectable '"open flame" flavor, browns meats to a turn. 30* eye-level gas range with'two ovens, radiant broiling, and all the special automatic features of gas cooking. Clean Smokeless broiling, o long-time favorite gas feature, is standard on modern gas ranges. You con broil with the t - cc-.,' closed --keep smoke and heat out of the kitchen. Phone: 385-2081 Gas makes the big difference... costs less, tool 4