< ; Paction Two -- Page Six WIFE > OUT ON DUHING WAR C. S. Ames of the husband of the form- Louette Hartmann, daughter }%Pt Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. "Bud" ^rtrnonr, of Rav '«• \%ow stationed in Da Nang, Viet -in. jt-uuowing twenty years t>f service, he had requested to receive his discharge, but instead was sent to Viet Nam. During his absence, his wife and three sons, Skipper, Curtis and Clayton, and Mrs. Ames' sister, Lynn Hartmann, are residing in Concord, Calif. Answering a question posed by her mother as to her acceptance of the situation, Mrs. Ames wrote the following: "As for my accepting this situation, it's a must for my Own self-preservation. It's not something that happened1 over night and I was prepared even before I took my marriage vows. This life was my own choice, and I wouldn't trade it for anything, even now. I also realize this attitude helps my husband 100 fold in what he feels he must do and this, in return, benefits me even more. It's simply life's interchange and when we accept our Have SANTA come to YOUR House This Christmas! Make Tour Reservations -- NOW -- Dennis Huff _ Experienced Phone 385-0258 present situation, think how much better life can be. The due is to think positively. Maybe you will better understand if I quote you a portion of my letter to Carl on Thanksgiving: "Today, on this Thanksgiving day, despite our separation, loneliness and your desolation, 1 am thankful for a great many things--our health, happiness and affection, your safety, our children which are a product of our love, complete :a< k of finam jal worry, self satisfaction and thanks to you, snd so many like you, a worryfree" future. "Pertaining to this, my greatest^ thanks is that you are able yf fight for and voluntarily defend a country that promotes these virtues and values in which we believe, not forced through fear and subversion to protect ideals completely unobtainable and opposit of individual freedom. The fact that you can completely believe in what you are doing does make our personal hardship worthwhile. For all this, I thank God, our country, which is not one without its faults but is 'he greatest in the world, and you." THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEB Thursday. December 16.1965; SHOP IN McHENRY MAYOR TO MAKE FIRST TOUCH-TONE CALL ON MONDAY McHenry Mayor Donald P. Dohertv will make McHenry's inaugural TOUCH-TONE call, Illinois Bell Manger S. F. Jozwiak has announced. The call will be made to Crystal Lake Mayor Louis Goossens at 11 a.m., Mond;iy, Dec. 20. Crystal Lake lias hid TOUCH-TON K service since June 7, 19G5. The TOUCIT-TGNK telenhone that Mayor Doherty will be using for the call h:is 10 buttons instead of the conventional dial. Each button has its own number and its own distinctive tone. When a button is pushed the tone it produces is understood by telephone switching equipment which completes the call. Historically TOUCH - TONI-! service is only the fourth basic change in the telephone since it was invented in 1876. The other changes occurred in 1878 when separate ear and mouth pieces were first used; in 1892 when the first dial exchange was introduced, and in 1900 when the power source was first nlaoed in the telenhone central office instead of the customer's home. M a n a g e r Jo/wiak said TOUCH-TONE phones permit callers to tap out a telephone number in less than half the lime to dial the same number. This is possible because callers do not have to wait for the dial to spin back before dialing the next digit, \yith TOUCHTONE phones tapping a "O" or a "9" takes no longer than tapping a "1". After-dinner speeches need a lot of shortening, too. NEW FOR XMAS The Famous Kent of London M Now at Nyes. Plus Many More Scents NYE DRUG m frsten & ,Son WQMM funeral (Kotn* Mchenry, **p***-- Dear friends, sue™: fCrheihStminJeaSOn <resn, inspiring arrav anrf tSi° ®nd drama to radio television - such a welandVeiief fr°m the frantic ™ J ry fare of other thp iJf'j "ne can on'y imagfne the wholesome effect on community behavior if this "Plifting Christmas entertainment prevai Jed throughout toV6ar; Is this too much " a God nation? -'°Vinga Sincerely, Santa's Letters Letters appear each week as received. "Dear Santa: "I want a pretzel maker for Christmas and a doll for my sister and I want a merry Christmas for every one. "Love, "Theresa Funk "5015 Willow Lane" "Dear Santa Claus: "I have been a pretty good girl. 1 would like a Tiny Tears doll, table and chairs set and a small suit case of my own for stay overnite at my grandma's. And for my brother Bobby, a rocking horse and blocks. "Thank you, , "Laura Tonyan" "3G14 John street. "Pear Santa Claws: "For Christmas I .would like •i baking set so I can cook like mommy. I would also like a l o l l i p o p m a c h i n e . M e r r y Christmas and don't forget my pre/ents. "Loves, " Pooch ie Newkirk^ "P.S. -- I'm a gud girl." "Dear Santa: "'i li ink you for all the toys you have brought to our house. "Will you please bring me an old car that goes marooom and please bring Davy an ironing board and iron. And if you have room will you please bring mommy a cricket stool and daddy some booties for his golf clubs. "We love you, "Greg Moore (almost 6) "Daivd ^loore (almost .'>!*») "Dear Santa: "I would like Da by Roo and Hands Down and a baton. "Jean Marie Oxtoby "7704 Blivin St. "Spring Grove" "Dear Santa: "I saw you in the park Sunday and I forgot to tell you everything I wanted. I want Snuggle Bun, copper sink, stove and refrigerator, a Barbie doll, dolly darlings and a Heidi doll and that's all. Mommy helped me with this letter. I am 4 years old and love you. "Thank you, "Mary Beth Smith "4115 Crestwood Drive" "Santa gives us lots of toys. I wish I kood have a vanity. "Jeanne Cummings" "Dear Santa Claus: "For Christmas I went a ice cream maker and a vanity and all of the rest a surprize. "From Kitty Ruth Cummings" "Dear Santa Claus: "I was a good girl. I want for Christmas a dog and a baby doll and a coloring book and school things and a doll house and Mary Popins cutouts and Santa Claus doll and a Cinderella doll and a purse and a play ball. "From Peggy Cummings" "108 Riverside, Rt. 6, Lakemoor" EDDIE the EDUCATOR nss Education has contributed to the development of the Space Age ond the Atomic Age. It will influence greater changes in the future. Illinoii Educotion Association "Dear Santa Claus: "Please leave me a ring, a Barbie bed, a watch, stretch pants, a skipper doll, Baby Two Shoes, Baby Cheryl, Spooky Dolly. I love you. "Cheryl Thacker "6 years old" XMAS TREES Largest Selection of Scotch Pine & Balsams in McHenry DON'S Dairy Frost \'z Block East of River Bridge tt&Vlcs Jts-ooo m $ ffolid&ys f pom owet'woc Poinsettias -- Azaleas Choose from over 1,000 beautiful blooming plants. FRKE DELIVERY Order now for best selection. CALL 459-0200 J mm# HOLIDAY CENTERPIECES Choose from a large selection of original design* NATURAL ARTIFICIAL FLOCKED Arranged to match any decor $2.50 and up OPEN SUNDAY 9-5 Holiday Candles To connote warmth, conviviality, festivity, glamor and romance "A Selection of 200 Varieties" Sec tile New VICTORIAN ROSK CANDLE cwerwoc HIGHWAYS 14 & 176 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS J HOIKS: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PHONE 459-6200 SEZ: Go Where The Savings Are... Go Where The Selections Are mil FREE PARKING--OPEN EVERY NIGHT--FREE DELIVERY! 320 EAST ROUTE 14, CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS Makes Carving & Slicing a Pleasure. Cuts Meats, Fowls Breads -- Cheeses. Anything You Cut with a Carving Knife. ELECTRIC SLICING KNIFE With the Purchase of 79.99 ELECTRIC or More With the Purchase of 79.99 or More PURE Ot 30,000 sq. ft. of Lovely niture at a Savings OPEN EVERY NIGHT Till 9 -- Closed Sunday CONVENIENT FRIENDLY TERMS ACRES OF FREE PAVED PARKING ALWAYS FREE DELIVERY