S C*K^ y ,; " * v " * " "' "* ? * ^ 7^^/,'C • f ^ -"~ 7 \" \ -M,'11 :vi:- :-y,- • '. - . --, , ' >* **">, ,•^* ,,-iVv **, •• B<Mt»fa Two -- Pm yw-<a' ' ^I^ne, daughter of the jHerb» Ctt Rotherings, Sue, daughter of Mrs. Paul Gerasch and Carol, daughter of the Alvin Millers, came home Tuesday evening of last week to spend the holidays. They will resume their studies at St. Xavier in Chicago on Jan. 17. Mrs. Betty Nielsen of Seal Beach, Calif., is a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Johnson, for the holidays. Miss Mary Kinney and Mrs. Kathryn Bask left Wednesday tor Wayzata, Minn., where titty will spend the next couple 6f weeks. James Doherty is home from Robert Morris Junior college In Carthage to spend the holiday vacation with his parents, tiie James Dohertys. Mrs. Ray Rode and daughters, Julie and Valerie, are Visiting relatives in Ft. Meyers, Fla. Gregory Green, who is attending college in Boston, is a holiday guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green. tt*. and Mrs. W. W. Pape and children, Joanne and Joe, of Chicago, are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews, before leaving for San Antonio, Texas, to spend the winter. Miss Carolyn Pollock left Wednesday < by train with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Divita, of Chicago, to spend the holidays with an uncle in LPs Angeles, Calif. Mrs. LeRoy Smith and Mrs. Raymond . Smith motored to Naperville Tuesday of last tyeek to pick up the former's 89®*, a student at North Central college who came home to stay over Christmas. His classes will not be resumed until Jin. 28 but Rich returned to Naperville the first of the week ^here basketball games and practice will be continued durftR vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steilen. son, Terry, and Mrs. Steil- 6n's mother, Mrs. Emma Hocffleur, of Hinsdale, were Sunday guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Kathryn Steilen. Miss ' Rita Martin was a weekend guest in the home of her niece, Mrs. Richard Smith, and family in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. William F. jSofcerty entertained at a family gathering and Christmas party 'on' Sunday, Dec. 19, w|th their seven children, their Wives and- husbands and twen* ty-one grandchildren present. Dinner was served, a 4 social afternoon and evening enjoyed and Santa called to present the gifts. Those who enjoyed the h a p p y o c c a s i o n w e r e t h e James DOhertys of Lakeland Park, the Robert Dohertys, McHenry, the Dick, Phil and Bernard Dohertys of Edgebrook Heights, the Thomas Babcocks of Walkup Woods and the Peter Weingarts of Arlington Heights. One son, William, has passed away but his widow, Virginia, and son, Stevie, were among the guests. Carl Adams of Dallas, Texas, was a holiday visitor in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams. Henry Kraus of Santa Ana, Calif., who was called to Chicago by the death of his mother, Mrs. Mabel Kraus, a local summer resident, paid a brief visit to McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bigelow, Sheryl Ann, Bobby and Keith have returned to their home in Fort Jennings, Ohio, after a several days visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake. It was three months old Keith's first acquaintance with his grandparents. Miss Betty Bauer of Detroit, PEACEFUL AMD HAPPY NfW YEAR May all your fondest wishes come true during a New Year of peace and prosperity. McHENRY CAB 385-0723 Operating New Year's Day Mich., was a Christmas weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer. Dinner guests in the John R. Freund home on Christmas were the Jay Seymour family o f W h e e l i n g , t h e N o r m a n Freund family of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing of Libertyville. Gary Lock wood is home from his studies at Iowa Wesleyan college, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, to spend two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood. Christmas guests in their home were the Lavern Lockwood family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jacobs, Lake Geneva, Wis., the Dallas Davis family of Lake-in-the-Hills and Dave Maylick of Algonquin. Sunday visitors were Mrs. Lockwood's sisters, Miss Amanda Behrens of Woodstock and Miss Lillian Behrens of La Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rietesel entertained at their annual family Christmas party on Ch^stmas eve. Those present for the happy occasion were the Herbert and Walter Fenske families, the Kenneth and Bruce Douglas families of Chicago; the Herbert Fenske, Jr., family of Oxnard, Calif., the Rietesel family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh and Mrs. Gerald Newman. The Carl Elshoff family of S p r i n g f i e l d i s s p e n d i n g t h e week with her father, Herb Simon, and other relatives^ here. • . r j Dinner guests in the •• Leonard Thennes home on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs.< Michael Thill, Janice and David, David Laycock of Aurora, Mrs. Anna Diedrich and Van. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sherry, daughters, Maureen and Eileen returned to their home in Boston, Mass., Thursday . after spending a few days with relatives here where they were called by the death of their uncle, John Danko, Sunday. They made the trip by plane. Harold Phalin and daughter Diane of Waukegan and Clifton Sargent of Kenosha, Wis., called on McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swantz and family visited relatives at Fond du lac, Wis., a few days this week. The James Wagner family of Milton, Wis., were overnight Christmas guests in the home of her father, Herb Simon. Their visit here was cut short' hy the de:ith of Mr. Wagner's nephew, Wesley Wagner, of Milton, in an auto accident. Mrs. I r e n e A d a m s a n d daughters, Joan and Joyce, were dinner guests in the Willi n-n wnish home in Fox Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H°ward Phalin of Winnetka were Christmas visitors in the Mrs. Eleanor Foley home. HOLIDAY SPECIAL! THURS., FRI. - DEC. 30. 31 Any Snowsuit 89 { cleaned & pressed Any Car-Coat $129 cleaned & pressed Richard's Cleaners 1208 N. Green St. McHenry, 111." ;The George E. Johnson family of Arlington Heights, were Sunday visitors in the George H. Johnson home. - Mrs. Mary McDermott, who has been spending several months with her brother, Joseph Wegener, returned to Chicago last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Anton Sidiak were Christmas guests of their daughter, Mrs. Griffith, in Des Plaines. Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan entertained their son, William, and wife of Downers Grove, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ulrich and Miss Helen Modine of St. Charles were dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Rita Ulrich on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Popenhagen, Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wendt and Mrs. Elsie House of Crystal Lake were Monday evening visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TOPIC A consideration of the nature of Diety will be the theme of this Sunday's service on "God" in McHenry Christian Science church. The sermon will consist of correlated readings from the Bible and from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, he Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. XSwi iA,( ON ALL WINTER WEARING APPAREL UMTI Suiift • • 1315 N. Riverside Drive Sepals sta OWMtWA (6utuMUUt/ ftui/Cwfe SMa Sale starts Thursday, December 30 imirn it; McHenry, 111. PHONE 385-0238 HAPPY NEW YEAR YES We Have Them Here Ice Cubes and Crushed Ice For Your New Year's Eve Party OPEN 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. NEW YEAR'S DAY HOLLY'S Texaco Service Station 8307 West Elm Street REVOKE THREE LICENSES; TWO ARE SUSPENDED The office of Secretary of State Paul Powell has announced the revocation of the driver's license of Helen C. Collender of 5515 N. Lake, McHenry, Robert H. Diggins of Woodstock and George C. Fjeld of Barrington, all for driving while intoxicated. Suspensions wdre ordered for John R. Allyn.of Crystal Lake and M. B. James of 615 N. ^iver rood. McHenry, both for three violations. y Probationary permits were issued to Arnold W. Adrian and Rose P. Cobb of Crystal Lake, Dale B. Hinspater of 3104 W. Kinley Blvd., McHenry, and Ronald W. Jarvis of Woodstock. Secretary of State Paul Powell has announced the drivers' license division of his office has rescinded the suspension of the license of Miles H. Vess, 6111., State Park road, Spring Grove. This action was taken following review of record which I - MeupNea/f aUlUU To all the fine customers we enjoy serving we send greetings. Adams Bros. Repair McHenry, 111. Teachers Talk Teachers are very close to the children they teach, and because ° of this closeness, teachers tend to become a type of lay child psychologist. Here is a bit of child psychology by an anonymous author: If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight. If a child lives with fear, he learns to be appreciative. If a child lives with pity, he Thux^^y»'DeoexxiberdO# 1965^1^'^^ learns to feel sorry for him- * disclosed that duplicate reports cor a single conviction were received from the Circuit Court of Salem for the offense of speeding. Therefore, Vess' record does not presently show three or more offenses within .welve months. self. If child lives with jeal- * busy, he learns to hate. ' If a child lives with encdtfF. • . agement, he learns to be confi-: ' dent. ---fJ If a child lives with praise/0 he learns to be appreciatth^x , If a child lives with accept* , ance, he learns to love. If a child lives with approyr , al, he learns to like himself. If a child lives with recognition, he learns to have aV,!,' goal. < If a child lives with fair-, ness, he learns justice. If a child lives with honesty; he learns what truth If a child lives with friend-.4' liness, he learns that ,tb#; world is a nice place in which, to live. Read The Classifieds juw Good health and good fortune to you in the New Year! And may we take this opportunity to thank you for •vour support in the year just past. F.M. Radio & Television 1326 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, III JANUARY WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SALE VA - y3 - VI or MORE OFF A beautiful free gift with every purchase of over $40.00 We must sell $30,GC9 worth of furniture S appliances Eq make room for incoming stock. We have combed our warehouse and are offering fantastic bargains in qualify merchandise at give-a-way prices. Below Are a Few Examples of the Bargains We are Offering 150 In Stock Living Room Sets $179.95 Set $79.95 $199.95 Set $99.95 $239.95 Set $139.95 150 In Stock Dinette Sets $89.95 Set $49.95 $109.95 Set ... $79.95 125 In Stock Bedroom Sets $179.95 $89.95 $189.95 $99.95 Over 50 Assorted Tables and Odds & Ends Being Sold At 50% to 75% OFF Hollywood Outfit $119.95 Hollywood Outfit $109.95 Sofa Bed $109.95 Bstnk Bed (complete) $4995 $5995 $6995 $7995 $267.90 9 Pc. Living Room Group . $1599S $359.00 7 pc. Colonial Living Room Group . $229°° $299.95 8 pc. Colonial Bedroom Group . . $16995 $49.95 Hoover Vacuum Cbener . . $3488 A.C.A. $39.50 Innerspring Mattress or Box Spring . . $19.95 Large quantity of Mattresses or Box Springs Reg. to $100.00 each As Low as $ j^95 to $1^95 Largest.Stockof Furniture in North^rn illi^ 'SHI- WA1 FURWTLRK City 14, at 47, Woodstock Hours - Tues., Frl. W, Tfe> $ - VStib 338-0404