One --- Pag® Two '••T-- -W, THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Thursday. January R196B Trr Uen Mitfers Wed 40 Wed Recently u 3 :~r ' y i i ' - * , . . . %y%\ • ' '<&! ;-swk:-S Wi ? , * * .flp I"#"-*!. Pifeff MRS. DANIEL KERWIN ,Vhe First Congregational church of Western Springs w;is the scene of the holiday candlelight wedding of Miss Chris Nelsen and Mr. Daniel William Kerwin. Rev. Robert Stickney officiated at the Dec. 18 nuptial rite. Miss Paula Wiest of Ridgewood, New Jersey, was the bride's maid of honor and Miss Jane Nye and Miss Carol Armbruster were bridesmaids. James -Kerwin was his brother's best man. Walter Kerwin, Stephen Kelly, Joseph Oswald and George and Jerry Shaheen acted as ushers. : The bride is the daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Raymond Christ Nelsen of Western Springs and Pistakee Bay. The groom's parents are Mr and Mrs. Wal-' ter Kerwin of Wheaton. 'Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Oak Brook Polo club.- Out-of-town guests included many sailing frjends of the Nelsens. Mr. Nelsen is past commodore of the Pistakee Yacht dub. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hancock and Wonder Lake Girl Engaged to Wed their son, Steve, and Lanny Liebkie were guests from Oconomowoc, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nelson and Mr. and M r s . W a l t e r K e r w i n w e r e guests from Peoria. N Chris is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Nelsen of H i n s d a l e a n d M r s . H e n r y Schrieber Wolff of Hinsdale and the late Mr. Wolff. She is a sixth generation from this area. Both young people are students'at Bradley university and will be home after - Jan. 1 in Peoria. STEVE SCHMITTS HOLD RECEPTION ON ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Steve S. Schmitt of rural Elkhorn, Wis., invite friends and relatives to an open house reception and dance at the Moose I/>dge hall, Elkhorn, on Saturday, Jan. 15, 1966, at 8:30 p.m. The occasion is their silver wedding anniversary. Estelle May of Spring Grove and Steve Schmitt of Johnsburg were married Jai^. 15, 1941, at St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg,. hy . Rev. John Daleiden. ® Attendants at fheir wedding were Mrs. Alma Freund of Johnsburg, Mrs. Shirley Sanders of Richmond, Rev. Everett Hiller, now chaplain at St. Joseph's hospital, Belvidere. They now reside on a- farm east of Elkhorn which they purchased and where they moved in 1958. The couple has five children, LOuise (Mrs. Robert Bleser) of Elkhorn, KennetfC Sharon, Janeen and Lisa at home;i two g r a n d c h i l d r e n , M e l i s s a a n d Robert Bleser. Ben and Signa Miller were guests of honor at a surprise party celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary on Sunday, Dec. 26. The.event proved to be a double surprise. Told that relatives would gather that afternoon in honor of the anniversary and go out* for dinner, the bride and groom of forty years found themselves being entertained by their two daughters, Mrs. Florence Petersen and Mrs. Esther Karbin; two sisters. Miss Elsie Anderson and Mrs. Ida Jorgensen (a bridesmaid at their weddingi; three grandchildren, Marie Bvkowski and her husband, Robert, and Valorie and John Karbin; also a' rtleee and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rol>ert Alfrejd. Gifts from the family wqfe opened at the house prior to the dinner and many pictures ta'cen. As th^y ate dinner at a clubhouse, the Millers were " "unaware that an even bigger surprise ^'waited them later. Following dinner. Mrs. Karbin, the hostess, claimed to have received a phone call telling them that some friends were waiting at home. The small gathering they expected turned out to be about 100 persons waiting for their arrival at the Legion home. Old and new friends came from near and far for the celebration. Among them was the closest frier-d of the groom from former days, Tony Miller, and his wife, Hazel, now residing in Chicago. Coming the farthest were a brother of the bride and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson and daughter, Boc-ky, of Jenera, Ohio. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waterstrat*, who had not seen the Millers in twer.ty-five years. They formerly made tneir horhe in Mc- Henry. There were many gifts and cards presented the couple, including a money tree given by members of the Evangelical Mission church of Crystal Lake. Coffee and punch were served, along with a four-tier wedding cake. > ae floral arrangements and iges were made by Mrs. Robert Bykowski, a granddaughter of the Millers and a recent graduate of a floral school in Chicago. The lovely table decorations consisted of red roses, white pom poms and evergreens. Two of them contained a hurricane lamp in the center. The bride wore a dress of electric blue and had a large white orchid corsage. GOODWILL REQUESTS G o o d w i l l I n d u s t r i e s , t h e agency serving handicaped men and women in this area, is now appealing for post- Christmas surplus of toys, clothing, shoes and housewares in order to expand its services during the winter, according to Agnes T. Adams, local Goodwill representative. The Goodwill truck will be in McHenry, Friday, Jan. 14, to make house calls. Since Goodwill only • gOes where it is invited, the local residents are asked to call 385- 0863 for pick-up arrangements. ALLEN BOELTER CLAIMS BRIDE IN WISCONSIN MiSs JoAnn" Winkel man, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Winkelman cf Irma, Wis., became Ihe bride of Mr. Allen BoeHer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben BoeUer of McHenry, in a candlelight ceremony, performed Dec. 23 at 7 p.m. in St. John Lutheran church, Merrill Wis. Rev. A. W. Ludwig performed the double ring ceremony-: ^ Miss Carol \Virikelman of Irma. sister of the bride, acted as her maid of honor. Best1 mart was Peter Leisken of Merrill, cousin of the bridegroom. Following the ceremony, a reception and dance were held at the Merrill town hall. .The groom is serving with the Navy as a shipfitter and the bride is employed at Precision Twist Drill Co., Crystal Lake. $>- - Out of town guests attended from McHenry and Richmond; also Milwaukee, Loana, Wausau. Rhinelander, Merrill and Irma, Wis. The bride will live in McHenry, until her husband is released from Navy service. I Wi'son-Brefeld 1 Engagement T°ld NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED INTO McHENRY CHURCH MARY JO WILSON Despite a busy holiday season, reception of new members was once again in the order of service at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. Welcomed into the congregation were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bergdahl, Mr; and, Mrs. Kenneth Betts, Sandra and Kenneth Jr., Karen, Willian, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell. Robert. James, Jund and Martin; Mr. and Mrs. James Heard, Elizabeth Ann, James, Joyce, John and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter LAKE GARDEN CLUB TO HEAR PANEL ON ROSES Wonder Lake Girl To Wed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Wilson of 3308 W. Golf View, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Jo, to James J. Brefeld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Brefeld of 801 N. Green street. Miss Wilson is a 1964 graduate of McHenry high school, where her fiance completed his education a year previous. Both are employed in McHenry. NEW TROOPERS Gov. Otto Kerner last week welcomed 20 new state troopers to state service. The group comprised the 35th class to graduate from the Stat£ Police academy at. the fairgrounds in Springfield. New troopers serve a one-year probationary period before being certified in their positions by the State Police Merit Board. The Wonder Lake Garden club looked back this week Wi a fine year _ of achievements^ with active leadership ^nd good membership. Attendance was nearly 100 per cent ^t all meetings, including an enjoyable Christmas party at the home of Mrs. C. Kopp Dec. 10. The club's first regular meeting of the year was held at the home of Mrs. A. Hoppe, 1719 W. Ridge road, on Jan. 12 at 8 o'clock. Dessert luncheon will be served by the hostess. Apanel discussion by four well informed members on the culture of roses will be interesting and useful. Nuss, Mrs. James O'Day, Lynn and Kevin, Mrs. Alpha PederseiV-^Miss Jeanne Wettland and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilhplmx Cori and Scott. It was particularly inspiring at this time of the year to have so many children and adults baptized, including Robert and Beverly Hromec, children of Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Hromec, sponsors/ Mr. and M r s . J o h n Z e m a n ; M a r s h a Lynn Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle E. Miller; Liana Marie Verlinde, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. A1 Verlinde, sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brodigan; Lynn Ada O'Day and Kevin Ralph O'Day, sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Betts and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas- Jameison, Jeannette Maurene O'Day was also baptized. Shepherd of the Hills bid farewell to 1965 with Ne^v Year)s Eve services. Refreshments and Christian fellowship followed. Gemette Kupec Observed Birthday Gemette Kupec celebrated her tenth birthday anniversary at the Moose lodge in McHenry on Jan., 3. The "ac tual date was Tuesday, the fourth. Guests were Christine, Celeste and Cynthia Doherty, Linda and Clarence Justen, Melanie and Rosalind Rees and John Janowiak. Susan Clark and Lawrence Huck, Jr., were unable to attend. Games provided diversion for the young people and refreshments were served. Gemette received many lovely gifts. Mothers dub Will Meet In Church Hall The next meeting of St. Patrick's Mothers club *will be held Tuesday, Jan. 11, at) .3 p.m. sharp in the church RallVi This will be a general meeting and among topics to be discussed will be the prospect of new uniforms for the school children. All members and interested persons are urged to attend to present their views. During the afternoon there will be a vote on future activities for the organization. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Lawrence Klapperich and the fifth grade mothers at 3 p.m. Baby sitters will be available. STUDENT TEACHERS School bells rang last Monday for 262 Northern Illinois university seniors and graduate students as they resumed their student teaching stints after the holiday break. They are intern teaching for nin£, weeks in schools in seventyfive northern Illinois communities. Among them are Carol Jean Andersoh and Roy Brodersen of McHenry and June Setzler of Wonder Lake. ( HOMEMAKERS OF COUNTY OPEN NEW YEAR JANUARY 14' A McHenry County Home-, makers Extension associativa committee fea will be Hel* Friday, Jan. 14, at the Fgygg Bureau building auditorium*. Woodstock. Registration pry cedes the tea, coffee, aftS Christmas cookies which' be served promptly at 1 Following the refreshments;- Mrs. Fred -Hachmeister, engo, county council secondvice- chairman, will open -tjttr business agenda. Chair mj&JL and second vice-chairmen - <j|* each local Homemakers sion association unit will -b*- asked for concrete suggestions on how to Acquire and keep, members in the organization*.--** Mrs. Hachmeister and Mrs*. Franklin Berryman, couwttfr' chairman, will hostess JSC group. All unit cha-irmeh, second vice-chairmen or their repy rescntatives and council m^tribe rs are urged to attend this policy - making meeting. Mrs. Katharine Neumann, home adviser, and Mrs. Gail B" Nqrman, •assistant bonfire^-^advisetvr also will be present. t Homemakers to Meet In McHenry The McHenry unit of the Homemakers Extension association met at the home of Ann Nagle recently for the annual holiday party and gift exchange. During coffee and . dessert, Alice Provok and Rose Schiddell showed Christmas wreaths they had made from instructions of the last craft day they attended. The big surprise of the day came in opening beautifully wrapped gifts, all of which were for the ne*» baby of the past chairman, Kay Mitchell. The next meeting will be at the home of Alice Provok, 4907- W. Rt. 120, McHenry, on Jan. 11. Ever Notice?? There's aV most as much 'ire' in Ireland, as 'land'. WALTERINE ROCHOWICZ Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Rochowicz of Wonder Lake have announced the engagement of their daughter^ Walterine, to Thomas M.r' O'Brien, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. O'Brien of Wonder Lake. Miss Rochowicz is a 1964 graduate of Marian Central high school and also attended St. Dominic college in St. Charles. She is presently employed by a doctor in Mount Prospect. Mr. O'Brien is a 1959 graduate of - McHenry high ^school and attended college in California. He is now serving on board the Polaris submarine, the USS Raybum, out of Charleston, S. Carolina. The young couple, who became engaged on Christmas, have not set a definite wedding date. Shop 'n Save Every day 9-9 Sundays 9-6 HORNSBY'S HAVE UNBELIEVABLE VALUES FOR YOU DURING OUR HALF PRICE You'll be surprised at the savings to be had NOW, at HORNSBY'S -- Scores of items are NOW featured at ONE HALF their original price! Unbelievable? Yes! But true! Come down NOW and see for yourself!!!! KATIIRYN KOSTAL Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Kostal of Wonder Lake- announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathryn Mary, to Vernon E. Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petersen of McHenry. Miss Kostal is; attending Northern Illinois university and is a member of Sigma Lambda Sigma service sorority. Mrs. Petersen is attending Bradley university. No wedding date has been Bet. - DRAPERIES SLIPCOVERS SHADES SHUTTERS WALLPAPER L P CALL OR SEE McHENRY TAILORED DRAPERY 3717 W. Elm 885-2531 FREE ESTIMATES cross fr</h|;, the Jewel Friday and SatuftLay January 7 & 8 -£ WINTER DRESSES Groups . Were $17.95 $29.95 <$42.95 NOW! Closeout on V2 Sizes HOURS: Daily -- 9:30 to 5:30 .p.m. Fridays -- 9:30 to 9:00 p.m. $12.95 $20.95 illview Shopping Renter Richmond, IB.. FEATHER TIP IrMsSa Sk.M L XL Jumbo. Boufant Reg. $1.00 s GOOD QUy! DISH CLOTH Coiton Knit Keg. 10c Val. BR SUN CHOC Your ChoSca off Vanilla - Carmelg - Peppermint - Nougat - Coconut Reg " ~ lb Hagdy and Durable 12 Qt. Plastic PAIL Reg. 59c Value 2 for 59* Economy -Pack 300 Count Filler Paper Reg. 79c Val. c Large 20 Oz. Can EASY MONDAY SPRAY SMRCH GIRLS Cotton Dresses Sizes 1 thru 14 $1.98 to $4.98 Aerosol Can Reg. 69c Val. 2 for 'Blfe A1B Vi Prase , iitajsaMaJi BIG & DELICIOUS WHITE & COff/)KED powm H@iiE Ltiisfes Ileuses Candy Bars Reg. 15c Val. 2foe3 IS© Reg. 1 $1.00 # !•••••• MB • AU Purpose Clean-Up S^ONSIS 6x4x1 8x3x2'/S Reg. 15c Reg. 29c Assorted - Artificial F L O W E R a y - Many Prices & Kinds To Choose From g. w ^ for the m mm i price of A Be Sure To Discover Our TREASURE. Ml ^ First Quality Items at VH - .^ . -** *• amazbp IRESIDE LOT OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 -- SUNDAYS 9 to 6 Shop 'n Save At Hornsby's Here in McHenry And In Nearby Buffalo Grove