SCCtlon Two--Page Eight THE McHENftY PLAINDEALER *?>* *> $ m-, N O T I C E -JIN THE MATTER OF THE) APPLICATION OF HER-) BERT H. FREUND, GEORQE) G. GILPIN AND BARBARA) GILPIN FOR VARIATION) OF THE ZONING ORDI-) NANCE OF THE CITY OF) MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. ) Notice is hereby given in compliance with the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance that a public hearing will be had befpre the City- of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals iij connection with the application ifor variation and amendment \of the City of McHenry Zoiiipg Ordinance of the following described property; Pftrt of the NE*4 of the SE^ o^ Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 8 feast of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: beginning on the east and west quarter section line at a point 12:87 feet west of the east line of said Section 27; thence west 185.95 feet to the easterly right-ofway* line of the Chicago and North Western Railway ,Company; thence southeasterly along said right-of-way lirte 168.3 feet to a point; thence easterly along the nOrth line of Maple Avenue 152.05 feet; thence north 164.12 feet to the Slace of beginning, in Mctenry County, Illinois. Sftid property is located at 4012 W. Maple Avenue in the City of McHenry, immediately east of the Chicago and North Western Railway, and I is improved with a single- p family residence occupied by the George G. Gilpin family. Said property is in a district classified as "R-3" Single- Family District. The Petition requests a variatioh to permit construction of a garage with basement and tunnel 50 feet in length for construction of a private rifle and pistol range, to be used occasionally by State and City Police officers. Said hearing will be held on Friday, v January 28, 1966 at -^he hour of 3:30 p.m. in the CS$ Hall at McHenry, Illinois, at which time and place any person desiring to be/heard may be present. CITY OF McHENRY ZONING B0ARD OF APPEALS RICHARD j. ZIEMAN, Chairman Attorneys If or Petitioners: JOSLYN, KELL & CONERTY 116 BentonlBtreet Woodstock. Illinois Telephone: 33fe-ll35 (Pub. Jan. 13. 1966) First Avenue McHenry, 111. i§ the^ Administrator;; Allen & Herrmann, Woodstock, 111. and Daniel S. Shulman, 110 S. t>earborn St., Chicago, 111. are the attorneys. 9 (Pub. Jan. 6, 13, 20, 196G) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, February 7, 1966 Is the 'lulm date in the e^.etr of Alfons P. Adams deceas.-d, No. 65 P 323, Circuit Cojjrt, McHenry County, a Illinois* Irene J. Adams of 3406 West N O T I C E IN THE MATTER ..OF THlE) APPLICATION OlF WEST) AVENUE BUILDING CORP-) ORATION. D. E. JOHNSON) TOOL AND MFG. CO.. INC.,) AND McHENRY EBY-) BROWN CO. FOR VARIA-) TION OF THE ZONING) ORDINANCE OF THE CITY) OF McHENRY. ILLINOIS. Notice is hereby given in compliance with the City, of McHenry . Zoning Ordinance that a public hearing will be had before the City of McHenry Zoning Board of App e a l s i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e * application for .variation', ajja amendment of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance of the following . described property: Part of the Southwest Quarter of Fractional Section 26, Township 45 North, Ran^e 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the southeasterly corner of Matthews- Tonyan Addition to McHenry, according to t-he Plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office in Book 7 pf Plats, page 1; thence southeasterly on a continuation of the southerly line of said Addition G7.06 feet-, thence southerly on a line forming an angle of 59 degrees and 56 minutes to the right, with a prolongation of the last described line a distance of ]00.03 fppt to a point 'for a place of beginning; thence southerly on a continuation of the last des- I cribed line, 47.15 feet; j • thence northeasterly on a ! line forming an angle of 87 j degrees and 23 minutes to | the left with a prolongation j of the last described line for a distance of 142.6 feet: ! thence easterly on a line ! forming an angle of 9 de- ! grees and 17 minutes to the j right, with a prolongation of ! the last described line for a I distance of 83.35 feet; thence northerly on a line forming an angle of 88 degrees and 53 minutes to the left, with a prolongation of the last described line, for a distance of «®02 feet; thence westerly at right angles to the last described line. 159.25 feet; thence southwesterly on a line forming an angle of 67 degrees and 49 minutes 'to the left with a prolongation of the last described line, 198.6 feet to the place of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of West Street and. Borden Lane in the City of McHenry and has at postoffice address -of 3953 W. I , rr> 'A West Avenue, McHenry, Xlli-? nois. Said iproperty is classified as "I-4'r Heavy Industrial District; the Petition requests a variation to permit the use and occupancy of said property by . McHenry /Eby- Brown Co., for the conduct of its wholesale and distribution business (presently located at 3808 W. Elm" Street, McHenry, Illinois), which use is permitted in a "B-3" Commercial District. . Said hearing will be held on Friday, January 28, 1966 at the hour of 3:00 p.m. in the City Hall at McHenry, Illinois, at which time and place any person desiring to be heard may be present. CITY OF jkcHENRY ZONING -BOARD OF APPEALS RICHARD J. ZIEMAN, Chairman Attorneys for Petitioners:* .. JOSLYN, KELL & CONERTY 116 Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois Telephone: 338-1135 (Pub. Jan. 13, 1966) 4 <a£? McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTEjpTIOiV DISTRICT McHenry County, Illinois ORDINANCE *NO. 11 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE McHENRY TOWNSHTP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, THAT; SECTION 1. ADOPTION OF FIRE PREVENTION CODE. There is hereby adopted by the McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the Fire Prevention Code,. Abbreviated Edition, recommended by the American Insurance Association, being particularly the 1965 edition thereof and the wjaole thereof, of which code not less than three (3) copies have been and now are filed, in the office of the Secretary of the McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, located at 3610 West Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT. SECTION 2. ENFORCEMENT. The code hereby adonted -hall be enforced by the Chief of the Fire Department, or a duly authorized agent of the McHENRY TOWNSHIP FI^E PROTECTION DISTRICT. SECTION 3. DEFINITION. Whereever the word "Muni^ i^alitjf" is. used in the code Hereby >adctote<jf, it shall be hel$ to mean'"" the McHENRY ;rj -n ' ; 'OWNSHIP FIRE PROTECFLO| A DISTRICT. * SECTION 4. ESTABLISHMENT OF LIMITS OF DISTRICTS IN WHICH ST6RAGE OF EXPLOSIVES AND BLASTING AGENTS, STORAGE OF FLAMABLE LIQUIDS IN OUTSIDE ABOVEG R O U N D T A N K S , A N D BULK STORAGE OF LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GASES IS TO BE RESTRICTED. The limits referred to in section 53b of the code hereby adopted, in which storage of explosives and blasting agents is prohibited, the limits referred • to in section 74a of the code hereby adopted in which storage of Class I liquids in outside aboveground tanks is prohibited, and the limits referred to in section 114 of the code are hereby adopted. SECTION 5. MODIFICATIONS. The Chief of the Fire Department, or a duly authorized agent of the municipality, shall have powef to modify any of the provisions of the code hereby adopted upon application in writing ^by the owner or leessee, or a duly authorized agent of the muncipality, when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the code, provided that the spirit of the code shall be observed, public safety secured, and substantial justice done. The particulars of such modification when granted or allowed and the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department, or a duly authorized agent of the municipality, thereon shall be entered upon the records of the department and a signed copy shall -be furnished the applicant. SECTION 6. APPEALS. Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department, or a duly authorized agent of the municipality, shall disapprove an application or refuse to grant a permit applied for. or when it is claimed that the provisions of the code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department to the Board of Trustees of the McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT within 30 days from the date of the decision appealed. SECTION 7. PENALTIES. a. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of the code hereby adopted or fails to comply thpyewith, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order made thereunder, or who shall build in violation of any detailed , / j ' ' ; p ; statement of specications . or plans subtnitted" and) approved' thereunder, or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, and from which no appeal has been taken, or who shall fail to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by the Board of Trustees of the McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed herein, shall severally for each and every such violation and noncompliance respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanbr, punishable by a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $500.00v or by imprisonment for not lefes than three days nor more than 60 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified, each ten days that prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate ofrense: b. The application of 'the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions. SECTION 8. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. All former ordinances or parts thereof conflictions or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance or of the code hereby adopted are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. VALIDITY. The McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT hereby declares that 'should any section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this ordinance or of, the code hereby adopted be declared for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of the McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT that it would have passed all other portions of this ordinance independent of the elimination Thursday# January 13,196$ EARL M. HUGHES WILL LEAD SOUTH AMERICAN TOUR Leaving Miami, Fla. on Jan. 30, thirty-two Illinois agricultural leaders will undertake a twenty-three-day tour of five South American countries on a goodwill trip. The tour will be headed ' by Earl M. Hughes, prominent agricultural and business leader from Woodstock. Hughes described the purpose of this tour" under the People-to-People travel pro^ gram as educational and informative. The men and women will visit with farm people, ranchers and government agricultural officials in Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. ^ J .. The tour is geared- to take the members to ranches, coffee plantations, the Buenos Aires s t o c k y a r d s , a g r i c u l t u r a l a n d herefrom of any such portion as may be declared invalid. SECTION 10. DATE OF EFFECT. This ordinance shall take eff^ brtv and be in force from and afte^/its approval as required by law. Passed by the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT and approved by the President this 8th day of'Januarv, 1966. J. L. ALTHOFF President. Attest: H. G. RODENKIRCH, Secretary. Passed: Jan. 8, 1966. Approved: Jan. 8,-4966. (Pub. Jan* 13, 1966) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, March 7, 1966 is the claim date in the estate of Mary Grace Serio deceased, No. 64 P 208, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Rose J. Iannelli of McHenry, 111. is the Administrator, Karl A. Koch of Woodstock, 111. is the attorney. (Pub. Jan. 13-20-27, 1966) ALUMINUM SIDING ^ Fireproof -- Waterproof -- Rustproof Reynolds -- Alsco ALSCO Premium "30" Siding with the DuPont Finish 30 Year Written Guarantee Storm Windows, Doors & Awnings iry Wfedow & Awmlmf Co. S318 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, I1L PHONE 385-1180 Qladiio4te\ BARGAINS GAL© ICE-A-YEAR VALUES DURING OUR January Clearance • REFRIGERATORS > FREEZERS • WASHERS • DRYERS • DISPOSALS • DISH WASHERS • TELEVISIONS • STEREO HI-FI PHONOGRAPHS > RADIOS • VACUUM CLEANERS • ELECTRIC KNIVES • HAIR DRYERS • ELECTRIC TOOTH BRUSHES • STEAM & DRY IRON •-Huiumiwilllllll GIA N T inter Cle SAVE 20%. to 4©% On Famous General Electric Products SOME ARE FLOOR SAMPLES DEMONSTRATORS Limited Quantities All ^Merchandise ( invies Our Ueyiilif^ (iiuiruntee & Service -- Frew Delivery & Normal Installation CONVENIENT TKHMS! 1241 N. Greet* «*!• Phone ,ibS o5(JU Men's & Boys1 Girls' & Ladies' Drastic Reductions! ..STARTING THURS.. JAN. 13th a i ' /W / .• ' ': - Veterinary science colleges and livestock breeders. i • "A major purpose of the trip is to meet farmers in the South Americian countries and improve communications with citizens of the countries we visit," explained Hughes. Although this is not a government trip in any way, governments of participating countries cooperate and appreciate its value in generating better understanding among people of the countries concerned. The P e o p l e - t o - P e o p l e p r o g r a m which organizes this trip was inspired by President Eisenhower in 1956. It was established as a "non-profit, non-governmental, non-political organization in 1961. ' , About 2,000 kinds of marine life, from bacteria to fish, are found clinging to hulls of ships, marine installations, pilings, and buoys. JEROME ZEIGER .. AWAITS DEGREE ;• AT WHITEWATER . ; Jerome Henry Zeiger, son o£ Henry Zeiger, 2006 W. Grandview, McHenry, will be grant-; ed a baccalaureate degreefrom Whitewater St£te university at the school's second mid-„ year commencement ceremonies Sunday, Jan. 16, at 2:30" p.m. in the university auditor-- ium. The 149 members of the class, will receive their degrees from- President Walker D. Wyman. after hearing an address by- Dr. James H. Albertsori, president of Stevens Point State, university. - - Zeiger, who is a graduate of the McHenry Community high* school, will receive a bachelor' of education degree in second-^ ary education. He majored- in» geography and minored iri t>ioI£ ogy at WSU. pf ^ 385-0182 d t CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITEJ> r McHenry 1219 N. Green mm 1963 FORD XL 2-DR. HARDTOP Bucket Seats, 8-cyl., Cruisomatic, White $11 Walls, Radio, Heater, Burgandy • 1965 FORD MUSTANG 6-Cylindcr Engine, Standard Transmission, Radio, Low mileage, Red in color. 1963 FORD ECONO-VAN Low mileage, Like new, A real buy. Customers Car. $li§5 *1375 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC 4 Door Priced to Sell 1S62 FORD STATION WAGON Country Sedan, 4-Door (J-Cylindcr, Standard Trans. 1S63 VOLKSWAGEN Very Clean, low mileage 1964 COMET 4-Door, Very clean, 6-Cyl. Automatic Trans. 1961 FORD ;, T. TRUCK S-ft. Styleside Body 1963 FORD XL CONVERTIBLE Lucicct Seats, 8-cyl., Cruisomatic, While Wails. Radio, Heater, Black 1SG1 STUDEBAKER LARK 4-DR. SLandard Transmission 5575 $850 $1 *§®5 *1450 *295 1965 FOED LTD. 4-DOOR (DEMO) Fully Equipped. List was $3900. WILL SELL FOR ONLY 1965 FORD LTD. 2-DR. HARDTOP (DEMO) Fully Equipped. List was $3875 ^2(|i(f§5 WILL SELL FOR ONLY 19SS FORD GALAXIE 500 4-DR. Fully Equipped. Former School" training car. List price was $3475. 1963 MERCURY METEOR 4-Door, Automatic Transmission 8-Cylinder, Radio, Heater '995 Several Older Cars To Choose From -ZZ BUSS FORD SALES |/ "Home of Quality Transportation" 3936 W. Main Street Phone 385-2000