Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jan 1966, p. 6

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\ B93B5SPS "w- THS McHENRY PLAntDEALER '.Ol -i - j Thitsaday 13.1966 r > ' '* ji y fit i BATES First Insertion ?. 1c per word -- $1.40 minimum No ads counted less than 20 %o;-ds. Repeat Insertions -- 6c per word -- $1.20 minimum 25c Service Charge oh All' Blind Ads. Situations Wanted, Wanted to Renf* and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance. The Plaindealer Is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first Insertion. Check your ad the first week and call our attention to any mistakes. ^CLASSIFIED COIUMNS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD RATES Display Classified First Insertion -- $1.30 Per Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions -- $1.15 Per Col. Inch 4 Lines 8 pt. Type Per In. with 18 pt Signature. COPY DEADLINE -- x Classified Display -- Tuesday, 4 pittL Regular Classified -- Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.» OFFICE HOURS -- Daily -- 8:30 to 5:00 Saturday -- Closed. AUTOMOTIVE Replacement Parts For Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY .AUTO SUPPLY \ Route 120 N1 Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2-4-65-TF AUTO RADIO ^WEINGART REPAIRING ADAMS REPAIR SHOP 3102 N. Chapel Hill Road 385-0434 6-17-65-TF '64 THUNDERBIRD. Excellent condition. Air-conditioned. Reasonably priced. '65 Honda Super Hawk, excellent condition. Reasonable. Phone 385- 1-6-66TF 1957 CHEVROLET, 4 door, 6 cyl. automatic, radio. Yellow and white. White walls. Excellent condition. $400. Call after 6 p.m. 385-1404. 1-13-66 '53 CHEVY, very good running ^condition. 6 cyl. Phone 385- 3158^ 1-13-66 FORD 1959 Station Wagon Fordor, 6 cyl., Fordomatic, radio, heater, new snow tires, extra wheels. Good condition. $375. Owner, 653-4592.. 1-13-66 BUSINESS SERVICES UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St. McHenry. Illinois ART'S Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 2-4-65-TF 1960 FORD Fairlane, 4 door sedan, automatic transmission, power steering. Good condition. Like new tires including snow tires. Must sell fast --$300 or best offer. Phone 385-4434 after 6 p.m. 1-13-66 1964 FORD Econoline Club Wagon. Low mileage. Loaded with heavy duty extras. Mast sell. Call after six. 385-0838. 1-13-66 FORD % ton pick-up with brand new snow plow. Truck in good running condition. Price $590. Phone 385-6521. 1-13-66 1957 CHEVY. 385-7271. $125. Phone 1-13-66 1957 BUICK hardtop super. $125. Good condition. Phone 385-1912. 1-13-66 1962 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 4 door, 6 cyl., standard transmission. 13,500 miles. Like new. $950. Phone 653-6376. 1-6-13-66 BOATS & MOTORS T R I T O N Marine Service /vv # Johnson Motors # Skiff Craft Boats # Trailcar Boat Trailers COMPLETE SERVICE FACILITIES for Boats -- Motors -- Storage Gas & Oil -- Rest Rooms 1208 N. Riverside Dr. McHenrj PHONF 385-1076 2-4-65-T^F BUSINESS SERVICES i Cfcko&iY Sales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry, 111 385-6027 2-4-65-TF CLEANING • CARPETS • RUGS • FURNITURE -- Call 385-2050 -- Krestbrook Carpet 1330 N. Riverside Dr. 4-22-65-TF - Paving and Excavating Sand, Gravel, Fill Septic Systems Installed Trench Digging Call 385-1300 1-6/2^66 ^McHenry Disposal Service PHONE 385-2221 FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED CONTAINER "SERVICE .WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 5-6-65-TF TREES AND bushes trimmed and removed. Call 385-3560. 8-12-65-TF ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 2-4-65-TF FOR SALE WHITE. TOY Poodles, A.K.C. Like Hew 12x12 royal blue fug with pad, 10 months old, $150 value for $75. Phone 38.^- 1237. 1-6-13-66 FOR SALE (-;AS ,i : S4h likr- ri.'W, maple baby chifferobe, $20. Dresser, $10.. 21" T.V. Combination. $65. Vacuum cleaner, $10. Twin size bed cofripleto, $10. Phone 385-0233. 1-13-66 TWO PLANTERS size Sx 31-!j ft. Ideal for office or home dividers. $25 each. Roth Shoes. 1248 N. Green St., Phone 385-2027. 1-13-66 BUSINESS SERVICES • PIPE THAWING • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS ' • SEA WALLS • PIERS New and Repairing / All Types Welding FREE Estimates Phone 385-4929 or 385-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (V2 mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) 12-2-65TF • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE Estimates Phone 385-4929 or 385-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) 8-5-65-TF INCOME TAX SERVICE Prompt Handling of Your Tax Problems and Preparation Of Your Tax Return McHenry Accounting and Tax Service 385-1*410 4410 West Route 120 Accounting and Taxes COMBINATION WINDOWS $10.00 -- MANY SIZES -- Hundreds to Choose From Brand New, not seconds or rejects Perfect for enclosing: • PORCHES • RREEZEWAYS, ETC. •-- Also -- Used Comb. Alum. Doors Some Jalousie Doors CHUCK'S Glass & Mirror .... 4304 W. South Street Cooney Heiirhts 385-3560 9-30-65-TF JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE 9', 12' and 15' rdffs of 1965 colors 4n acrilan, nylon and wool carpeting clearance priced at $5.00 per sq. yd. Save 10% to 60rr. Double S&H Green Stamps with this ad on January purchases. Offer expires January 31, 1966. Ad No. 4. Open to 9 p.m.) Mon., T'nurs., Fri.; to 5:30 Tues., Wed., Sat. TIDY RUG, June. Rts. 120 & City 14, Woodstock, Illinois. Ph. 815-338-1000. 1-6-27-66 1ST CUTTING Alfalfa®frnd Alfalfa nixed hay. Phone 675- 3531. Blazel & Stahl, Inc. Newburg, Wis. 1-6-66TF -- LEAVING STATE -- Hideabed, mctple sofa & chair, bookcase, gas dryer, lamps, 3 bar stools, electric fry pan, deep fryer, gas refrigerator with ice maker, double rollavvay bed. alcohol stdve, 6 ft. boarding ladder, boat hook ancj misc. 21' Chris Craft with ! railer completely refinished. Phone 385-5299 1-13-66 McHenry. Illinois Our Onlv Business 1-13-66TF 1966 LICENSE PLATES 24 HOUR SERVICE CHAUFFEUR'S & DRIVER'S LICENSE RENEWAL LICENSED AND BONDED REMITTANCE AGENT FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS -- Just Sign, We'll Do The Rest -- u Smitty's Sinclair Routes 120 and 31 McHenry, 111. PHONE 385-9803 12-2/3-3-66 STORE WIDE 1* SALE Buy l'item at^pur regular price. For only lc more you gel the second item Plenty of Free Parking -- COUNTRY FASHION SHOP 1709 W. Route 120, McHenry 385-9757 1-13-66 OAK FIREPLACE WOOD 1007 N. River Road McHenry, Ill.inois Split and delivered $17 per ton McHenry Fence Co. Specialists in Fence Building of All Types -- SNOW PLOWING -- Call 385-1469 1-6-66TF McHENRY SCHOOL OF" BEAUTY CULTURE CUT, STYLE, PERMANENT & SET Complete $5.00-and up Manicure Included With Better Permanent Work done exclusively by students under supervision of skilled instructors. No appointment necessary. -- OPEN -- Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and Saturday -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -- Closed Mondays -- 3031 W. Lincoln „ Road 385-2290 McHenry, 111. 9-16-65-TF McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 West Elm Street MdHenrv, Illinois 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS - RECORDS ALBUMS - • SHEET MUSIC and HOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE EXCELLENT CONDITION One Duncan Phyfe dark mahogany coffee table with glass top. - One Duncan Phyfe dark mahogany two liered occasional table. One pair of matching tall modern pottery lamps'.... One pair of end tables, blonde mahogany. One pair gol/1 upholstered fireside pull-up chairs. Good Condition - One enameled top kitchen table with side extensions. One wrought iron telephone bench. * 2815 N. MAGELLAN DR. PISTAKEE BAY 1-13-66 TODDLER SHOP January Clearance S A L E Now in progress 20 - 25% off COATS - SNOW SUITS - JACKETS - DRESSES Sizes (Infants - 14 girls) 1 Infants - 7 boys) 3430 W. Elm St. 385-0746 1-13-66 TWO DOWNY comforters and nil.lows for twin size bed, $15 each. Phone 385-4267. 1-13-66 WIRE HAIRED TERRIER. A.K.C. Registered, 8 months )ld, male, $25 or best offer. Also DeEorest cop^ole TV 21", rood irfctur,e, Phone Wonler Lake "65^/4652. 1-13-66 UPRIGHT PIANO -- $40~ Phone 385-5941. 1-13-66 6 YEAR CRIB with matching wardrobe. Also youth bed. Call 385-3733. ' 1-13-66 1-6-66TF RED FRIEZE CHAIR BED, •4 ray fringe trim, 32" wide, open.4 to 60" long. Very attractive, original price $100 will sell for $40. Phone 385- 6350. 1-13-66 FOR SALE AFTER CHRISTMAS Clearance Trade-in sewing machines. Singer No. 319 Desk model, $95. Singer 15-90 Desk Model, $69.50. Singer Portable $19.50. Two Singer 99 Portables, $33.50 each. Singer Company, 21 N. Williams, rCrystal Lake, 111. 1-13-66 2 WHITE WALL tires mounted on wheels 7:00-7:35x14 four ply, practically new. Charles Lawrenz, 385-1933. 1-13-66 1955 BUICK runs good ^for $150. Also Gibson Freezer, New -- never used, $150 or best offer. Raymond Cunvnintjham. 803 W. Broadway, 497-3753. ' 1-13-66 SAVE Big! Do your own rug and upholstery cleaning with Blue Lustre. . Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 1-13-66 FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM house, livingdining room combination with fireplace. Den. Two baths. Large kitchen, disposal. In town, close to business district. Newly decorated. $150 month, gas heat included. 385-1682. 1-6-13-66 4 ROOM furnished apartment near business district. Adults only. Phone 385-0440. 1-6-66TF DELUXE one bedroom apartment. Air conditioned- Swimming pool. $130 pdr month. 3705 W. James St. Plhone 385- 0923 or 385-5478. 1>6-66TF MODERN OFFICE space available. Air conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone\385- 0184. 12-2-65TF STORE for rent in bakery building, Lakeland Park. /Approximately 450 sq. ft. ideal for barber shop, delicatessen or specialty house. $90\per month. Stop at site or call Arnold N. May Builders, Richmond 815-678-2861 10-7-65-TF OFFICE SPACE in new modern building on Route 120. Heat, air conditioning, and ample parking included in monthly rental. Phone 385- 0343. 1-6-66TF 14 ROOM HOUSE, large living room, fireplace, heat, stove and refrigerator furnished. Adults only. Available Jan. 15. Phone 385-0430 or 385-5291. 1-6-13-66 4 ROOM APARTMENT, refrigerator and range included. Phone 385-1185 evenings or 385-5855. 1-6-66TF 2 BEDROOM APT. carpeting, range, refrigerator and gas heat included. Concord Manor. Mgr. 3611 James St., Apt. C. Phone 385-2260. 1-6-13-66 DECORATOR designed furnished 2 bedroom apt. Heated and air conditioned. Concord Manor. Mgr. 3611 James St., Apt. C. Phone 385-2260. 1-6-13-66 4 ROOM second floor aparP" ment on Main street. Phone 385-6515. 1-13-66 3 BEDROOM house, 1 mile west of McHenry. Built-in kitchen. 2 car garage. Phone 385-3562. 1-13/20-66 AVAILABLE now small one bedroom house. Excellent location. Phone 385-4611. 1-13-66 SMALL HOUSE suitable for 1 or 2 persons. For further information call area 312-695- 0875, 307 Venice, Lakemoor. 1-13-66 Female Help Wanted FULL OR PART TIME cook and part time waitress. Phone 385-9877. 1-6-66TF BOOKKEEPER Full Charge - Machine experience preferred Willing to accept responsibility McHENRY HOSPITAL MRS. ALTMANN 385-2200 1-13-66 : V JUDICAL RECORD L I B R A R I A N REGISTERED Full Time -- McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. Corcoran 385-2200 1-13-66 SECRETARY Experienced Full Time McHENRY HOSPITAL Mrs. Altmann 385-2200-" 1-13-66 GIRLS WANTED for light factory work, in transformer and coil manufacturing plant in Johnsburg. Bleffsant working conditions. Triwec Transformer Co., 3521 Chapel Hill Rd. 1-6/27-66 " FULL TIME pay for part time work. No investment, collecting or delivering. Show Beeline Fashions' at home parties. For interview call 653-4800. 1-13/27-66 WAITRESS wanted, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., six days. Phone 385-9798. 1-13-66 McHenry FOB HEMT 3 ROOM OFFICE, 2nd floor, 3325 W. Elm St., Phone 385- 0743. Dr. Goetschel. 1-6-66TF 3 BEDROOM tri-level homexIn McHenry Shores. Attached garage. Phone 385-7299. 1-13-66 STORE FOR RENT -- 3322 W. Elm St., Newly remodeled. 1200 sq. ft. Parking. Ga"?toge. Call 459-5252. 1-13-flBTF AVAILABLE February l$t in Johnsburg -- One bedroorrNapartment newly decorated and new floor coverings. Refrigerator and gas range furnished. $75. Call 385-1905 mornings or evenings. 1-13/27-66 WATERFRONT new apartment. 1 bedroom, large living, room, studio ceiling, balcony, carpeted, boat dock. Refrigerator and stove included. Marine Apartments, 3710 Millstream Dr., McHenry, Phone 815-385-3868. 1-13-66 CRAMPED FOR ROOM? THIS MAY BE THE PLACE YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR, MR. BUSINESSMAN! Mahogany Paneling Throughout Private Rest Room Reception or Secretary Office 9' x 15' Main Office 12' x 18' Utility Room 7' x 7' Air Conditioned Individual Controlled Heating Units Tiled Throughout Built-in Storage Cabinets • * To See This Office Contact: LARRY E. LUND McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm Street * McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0170 11-4-85 Female Help Wanted WORLD'S LARGEST COSMETIC COMPANY, has openings for qualified ladies in local neighborhood. Part time work earning to $50 a week showing Avon Products. Write Avon Manager, P.O. Box 302, Libertyville, Illinois 1-13/27-66 WOMAN wanted for sales, work. Some sewing experience helpful. ..Will train. Phone for appointment. 459-0551. 1-13-66 WOMAN wanted to stay with two school age children two afternoons per week, 3 to. 30. Phone 385-5063. 1-13-66 WANTED TO BUY GUNS--For Cash $$$. McHenry Gun Center. 3325 W. Elnrdtfeet Phone 385-7320. 3-25-65-TF WAHTED TO RENT. S A L E S R E P R E S E N T A T I V E with family of four desitfes 3 to 4 bedroom home. References available. Reply Box 341, c-o MtrHenry Plaindealer, McHenryt 1-6-27-66 Femal^Hel^J^i^©^ FEMALE HELP WANTED No experience necessary. Permanent position Good starting wages. Paid vacations, holidays, birthdays and insurance. ADMIRAL CORP. 3908 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 1-6-G6TF SECRETARY - STENO Oak Manufacturing Company has an immediate opening in'its purchasing department for a secretary-steno with one to two years experience. Candidates for this permanent position must possess good shorthand and typing ability. Good starting salary with full range of company paid benefits including Profit Sharing. * -- Apply at personnel office -- Oak Manufacturing Company DIVISION OF OAK ELECRO/NETICS CORP. S. Main Street Crystal Lake, 111. PHONE 459-5000 ( An Equal Opportunity Employer ) 1-13-66 GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! Want to work in the factory known for the best working conditions in the area, and receive free benefits, such as Life and Hospitalization Insurance and Profit Sharing? OAK HAS OPENINGS FOR GENERAL FACTORY- ( Light Machine Work or Assembling ) FOR FULL TIME DAYS OR NIGHTS -- I M M E D I A T E L Y -- -- Apply at Personnel Office -- Oak Manufacturing Company DIVISION OF OAK ELECRO/NETICS CORP. S. Main Street Crystal Lake, 111, PHONE 459-5000 ( An Equal Opportunity Employer ) 1-13-66 LADIES NEEDED - f o r - . 1st and 2nd Shifts Minimum age 17. Paid group insurance and m|iny other employee benefits. Excellent earnings opportunity. APPLY BETWEEN 7:00 A.M. AND 4:00 P.M. OR PHONE PERSONNEL MANAGER 815-385-3964 or 653-2841 Modine Manufacturing Co. RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS "An Equal Opportunity Employer' 1-13-66 STENOGRAPHER For customer Service department. Dictaphone experience desirable. Interesting varied duties. Permanent position with excellent employee benefits. V apply -- j Aeroquip Corporation BARCO DIVIglOM 500 N. Hough -- Barrington, 111. "An Equal Opportunity Employer" 1*13-66 >

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