• v Seclloa Tv^"~ ("Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday* Marcfy 18,1965 JOHNSBURG NEWS BETTY HETTEBMANW S83-129U HOLD ANNUAL COMMUNION DAY FOH FORESTERS St. John's court 96 of the Catholic Order of Foresters is holding their annual adult and juvenile Communion Sunday With breakfast to follow on March 28. The members will receive in a body at the 8 o'clock Mass which will be offered for all the court members. Breakfast will be served jn the community club hall immediately following the church service. All adult and juvenile members of court 96 are cordially invited to participate on this Sunday. Recently court 96 held their annual bowling, get-together at the local bowling establishment. Many of the members were on hand over those couple of weekends to demonstrate their bowling skills. Some of the '.'pin topplers" who came out on top were: Bob Brennan, Bernie Schmitt, Loren Freund. Tom Oeffling arid Wally Frett, Who combined their efforts to Shoot 3150 and capture first place. Roger and Maurice Stilling shot 1279 to win the trophy for first place in the doubles event. On top in the singles event was Tom Oeffling who rolled 685 for three games. All events, scratch, was taken by Norman Freund who posted a terrific 1744 pin count. Tom Oeffling won his second trophy by shooting 1977, with handicap, for all events. High game during the get-together was shot by Norman Freund, a 235. I'd say some of those scores were pretty darn good. To bring this endeavor to a close properly, the members had their wives or girl friends in for dinner at the community club. It was a most enjoyable gathering for all and one they will be anticipating again next year. Finals in the 19th. Annual C.O.F. Basketball Tournament were held in the McHenry high school gym last Sunday. Heavies No 1 team found our own St. John's No. 96 the victors and St. Gregory's in second. All the teams who participated in this tournament played with everything they had in them. They are to be congratulated on the terrific sportsmanship. Near the close of the activities, state court trustee, Richard Dehn of Johnsburg was called upon to present the first and second place trophies to the winners in the Northern Illinois Associated' Courts Talent Contest. • Birthday Surprise My husband, Jim, was pleasantly surprised on his birthday last Sunday by a phone call relaying special natal day greetings. The call came from his sister, Mrs. Jack Keenan, in Pompano, Beach, Fla. Needless to say, we were all happy to hear her voice. She made us a little envious though. The temperature was in the mid 80's. Oh well, spring is just around the corner. comes word that Albie Adams is cbming along nicely and hopes to be home in a couple more weeks. His progress has been slow but sure. Although, considering the seriousness of his accident, he is lucky to be alive. We hope everything is on the upgrade for him from now on. Helen Decker has also been a hospital patient for quite a lengthy period. She underwent recent skin grafts at the Condell Memorial hospital. Bob has been doing a wonderful job of keeping things running smoothly at home and keeping the three boys "in tow". We hope it won't be too long before Helen can rejoin her family. ' We are most happy to hear that Father Raymond Hettermann is recuperating nicely after undergoing surgery at the Home hospital in Sterling. I understand Father was quite a sick man for awhile after the operation, but things are looking upward now. all send our sincere wishes for a speedy recovery to Father Hettermann. Rescue Squad Calls I'm most happy to report this week that the squad members were only called out on one call within the past seven days. This call came on the 9th at 3 p.m. The call took them to Chapel Hill subdivision where a victim suffered a possible stroke and was taken in the squad ambulance to the McHenry hospital. Some very helpful safety, hints from our own Johnsburg Rescue Squad this week are quite timely. Parents please urge your children to stay away from the ice during this current thawing. The squad members have gone out on calls where children have fallen through the ice and say it is one of the most dreadful sights to witness. Please don't let this happen to your little ones. Also the nice weather from time to time has brought out a lot of bicycles which were put away for the winter. The children are a little lax for the first few times they have the bikes out so please use extreme caution while driving. There are several vital things people should remember when they are calling into the rescue squad for assistance. First of all, give the nature of the call so the men can prepare themselves on the way. Be very sure of the location. Give the correct name, address and telephone number. Knowing the subdivision name is also a great asset to the fellows \yhen they receive a call. Please keep control of" yourself when placing the call so you ,can give all the correct information. All this will enable your rescue squad to serve you with utmost, fast assistance in your time of need. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rauen, to the sponsors and the Ed. Hettermann family. A Victim Of The Pox Chicken--that is. I'm refering to young Bobby Hettermann who came down with the troublesome disease last week. The poor little fellow has really "blossomed" out. Get - well wishes to him from all of us. And so the news from in and around our town of Johnsburg comes to the end for another week. Keep your interest in this column alive by phoning in your news items each Monday by noon. Saltpeter, used In the production of gunpowder for the War of 1812, was mined in what is now Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, and hauled from there to Philadelphia, by ox carts. V. F. W. AUXILIARY NEWS by Renee Jende The regular meeting of Fox River Post 4600 Women's Auxiliary was held March 8 at the post homo. The various chairmen were called on to give their reports. Sunshine Chairman , Florence Tussy stated that she had sent congratulations to Marge Hess on the birth of her baby. She also sent a sympathy card to Pearl Sanders on the recent loss of her husband. Our deepest sympathy to Pearl. Vi Abbink, community service chairman reported three wheelchairs "were returned and were promptly taken out by othersPin need of same. Vi is a very busy girl these days, working day and night compiling the community service books. This is a big job and she is being very thorough in her efforts. Inez Young, Americanism chairman, reminds us that May 1 is Loyalty Day. As you know, the Veterans of Foreign Wars inaugurated this special day several years ago as a countermeasure against Communitsts who were publicly demonstrating their scorn for our American way of life. The V.F.W. were fed up with the Red spectacle and decided to make May 1 a day for declaring loyalty to our flag and country. We as individual Americans must, bear in mind what the Communists are trying to do and show our scorn for them by our own demonstration on May 1, Loyalty pay. National President Marie SOCIAL SECURITY SERVICE CHANGED IN McHENRY AREA Bernard Barnett, district manager of the Waukegan Social Security office, announced a change in service to the residents of the McHenry arelf. Starting next month, the representative will visit the Woodstock post office , twice per Klugow visited Illinois on March ll, 12 and 13. She attended a reception in her honor in Villa Park, given by the Villia Park Auxiliary No. 2801. Attending this function from our au^ilniarv were 5th District Senior Vice-President Daisy Smith and Post 4600 Auxiliary Color ..Bearer Sylvig. Hess. The next regular meeting wi-11 be March 22 at 8 p.m. at the post home." montth. He will be there every second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mr. Barnett said that the change provides afternoon interviewing hours as well as morning hours. This, he added, should make for more complete service to the area. To avoid delays fin travel should , those who contact the district office at 2500 Grand Avenue on the west side, of Waukegan. The office in Waukegan is open Monday through Friday, and Mr. Barnett suggests- that callers to his; Office arrive sometime between 8:45 a.m. and 4 p.m. BE WISE -- ; USE CLASSIFIEDS!: INCOME TAX SERVICE 3721 W. Elm St. for PHONE Appointment 385-0343 Hospital Patients From St. Therese hospital Baby Baptized Little Julie daughter of Bob In Church Hettermann, and Barbara Hettermann, was presented to the foijit of Baptism last Sunday afternoon. Serving as her godparents were her aunt and uncle, Kathy and Joe Hettermann. Dinner was served later in the home of the maternal MAGEE AUCTION Having decided to discontinue farming, and having rented out the farms, the undersigned will sell the following personal property on premises located midway between McHenry and Crystal Lake on the McHenry-Crystal Lake blacktop, on Sunday, March 21, at 12:30 CATTLE -- 23 head high quality Shorthorn steers and heifers, weighing 900 to 1,000 lbs. These cattle are good enough to kill, or can be fed to higher finish. They will be sold in one lot. HORSES -- Registered 5 gaited sorrel mare; 2 Sorrel mares, 4 & 5 yrs. FEED -- 150 ton of first and second cutting alfalfa and brome hay; 4,000 bushel of 1963 and 1964 ear com in good cribs; over 100 tons of corn silage with high corn content in bunker silo with cement floor .and easy loading. Ample time will be given to move the silage. FARM MACHINERY & MIC. ITEMS -- 1964 Case 631 Diesel tractor with triple range transmission, power steering, live PTO, Eagle 3 pt. hitch, hydraulic and comfort cover and Case heavy duty loader with large snow bucket and manure fork; John Deere No. 70 tractor with PS, and 3 pt. hitch, recently led; 2 John Deere "A" tractors; Oliver tractor; John No. 45 combine with 10' grain platform with Hume reel and No. 10 com head; New Holland No. 67 PTO baler in good cond.; New Holland No. 33 green chopper; New Holland hay conditioner; 40* hay and grain elevator; Case 6A combine; JD 494 4-row planter with liquid fertilizer attach: Case 16x7 grain drill with fert. and grass seed attach.; Anhydrous applicator, like new; trail type sprayer with drop nozzles; JD 10' flexible wheel disk; JD 10' KBA disk; John Deere 2 & 4 row cultivators; JD 3x16 mounted plow; Oliver 3x14 plow on rubber; JD 2x16 slat plow; McC. 2 bottom plow; New Idea 10' fert. spreader; Case ensilage chopper with corn and windrow heads; Ensilage blower; grain blower; 3 running gears with self unloading boxes; wagon jack; Calhoun side unloading forage box on gear; McC. 4 bar side delivery rake; JD manure spreader; 8' cultipacker; 4 row rotary hoe; 9' field cultivator; elec. oat roller; 2 hyd. cylinders; 4 sec. Lindsay harrow; JD No. 226 corn picker; Doctors buggy in good condition; woven wire; stock handling chute; 4 port, fans for show barn; show equip, and many other items. This machinery has been well * housed and maintained. WESTWARD WAY FARMS M. L. MAGEE, Owner -- AUCTIONEERS -- Gordon Stade, Grayslake, Illinois -- 312-223-5155 Wm. Stade Jr., Mundelein, Illinois CLERK -- McHenry State Bank Usual terms with credit. -- Not responsible for accidents ZoelMer Lunch on Grounds. A*P's "SuperrRight" Corn Fed Beef CHUCK ROAST V. M Roasts An Center Madi M 2. No Neck Cats Offered for Sak 3. Outside Fat Over V4 Inch b kemwd Prtar to Packaging 4. Mom An Priced Higher A*P*» Super-Right Quality fc Tifca flwwlwi A Batt«r Volw ON aM cab. "Check A Compam.** BLADE CUT SOLD AS ROASTS ONLY Alfs Super-Right Arm Cut 39 lb. CHUCK ROAST 1. Short Mb Are laweeJ 2.0«tiW« F«t Over Vi feck It ImwvW DOUBLE-YOUR-MONEY-BACK MEAT OFFER! Yoe must b« 100% satisfied with your weekend purchase of Super-Right TOP QUALITY meat or DOUBLE YOUR PURCHASE PRICE' wiU be cheerfully rafundodl We Know A&P's "Super-Right" Is Good AAPs "Super-Right** Fully Cooked Hams Top QoaRly and Valve-- Check These Point* & Compare-- *Ne Watar MM-Uu Shrinkage Shank Portion Ceofced Mot Jest Smoked Shank I Bett Partem Have ft Carter SBcn hdvded ™ ™ *JUPMSanair*CrtfromUlk Sfaad 39! 49; | tr 99: AT A«P YOU ALWAYS GET EXCLUSIVE WELCOME NEIGHBOR SERVICE... LOW, LOW PRICES PLUS VALUABLE PBID STOMPS A&P's Super-Right King ef the Roosts Standing Rib Roast Roasts sold from the first 5 Ribs Only to Assure Better Value if Excess Short Ribs Removed if Rib Bones Carefully Cut At Backbone for Easy Carving, Uniform Cooking * Outside Kat Over K Inch * Kb length WBI Not Ixcaed 7 Mill for Extra Vaiee 4th A 5th Ribs 69 Lb. 1st thru 3rd Ribs Super-Right FRESH Beef Brisket Super-Right FRESH Ground Beef Super-Right Beef Stew Super-Right FRESH Ground Chuck Cap's John's Fish Sticks Cap'n John's WlieU or iatf Cut (Tltl Cut lb., t9c) 3 Ik. Pfcg. •r Mart (UtMT QtS. lb.. 53c) Faecy. Wan Stripi a u. na. •r Mora (Wfisr Qtfi U-. lit) Moisf and Delicate Flavor •b. 79c » 49e 85c 69e ^39e lb. lb. 79! | »£? 7Si Breaded Shrimp loo*, pfc* ARIZONA H3 SIZE ^ VALENCIA AQt ORANGES Sultana Fine Quality Tuna Flakes Realprune Brand Prune Juice SaUds, Sandwiches 6 Cmsrelm Keeps Yon Regular Taste* Soothim Good! A4P Brand--Frozen Orange Juice Shellie Beans 2«49e Topic Milk «£* Carnation Milk sHsf *95e Folger's Coffee 2-M63 Nescafe Inst Coffee^^'l09 eight? O'CLOCK COf f THINK IT OVER! AfcP wholc-bcan Coffee saves you money, and you enjoy big. fresh, wonderful Coffee Mill Flavor ... fresh-ground flavor you can't get in a can... at any pricc. STRAINED IONA Select Quality Halved or Sliced frozen 65e Dole Sliced Pineapple Dole Fruit Cocktail va':'y 2 Apple Pie Filling E 3 Diet Delight Peaches Royal Anne Cherries Die-15-ei. tetic can Dietetic A !•&. cans 4-o z. cans 15-or. Diet Delight 8-ox. can Diet Delight Maple Syrup49* Chocolate, lemon, Banana, Strawberry A Neapolitan Morton's Cream Pies "jge fix&A/eednt Be Expensive j YOUR CHOICE: PURE PEACH, PINEAPPLE or APRICOT j • PRESERVES nrnr---.Affi&t! or GRAPE JELLY More Ann Page Values! A&p's Finest SLICED BEETS 2 - 1 9 Jane Parker Fresh j EGG NOODLES • • i-LB. PKG. 29c IO'/a-OZ. CAN •Ocj l-LB. BAG 73 3-LB. BAG *2.13 RICH AND FULL SODICD RID CIRCLE :«75<I3.V2.I9 VIGO»OUS AND WINEY B0KAR I.'Jc 77'13.«'2.25 (restmont Ice Cream Cherry Pie Reg. 89c Vz Gal. Ctn. 79c Jane Parker Fresh Yeast Raised Glazed Donuts Borden's Sour Half & Half Or Granulated Sugar Deiwts 8 Inch size box of 12 Pint Ctn. Kosto Pudding Apricot Nectar Beechnut Getter's Sliced Mushrooms Or Pie Filling Heart's Delight Strained Baby Food Strained Baby Food 10 10 Dawn Fresh 1 3-or. Ipkgs. 14-oi CM 4%-ot. jars 4H-0Z. I«r» 2V4-or. jars 32< 55' 99* 9* 29* Pretzel Sticks Brachman's Brand 12-oz. 1*9- 39c Morton's Dinners Your.Choice ll-o*. of 5 Froitn Varieties Dinner 39' Worn/a r APRIL ISSUE NOW ON SALE 15< EIGHT PAGE COOK BOOK and guide to storing & cooking all types of HAM dozeni of luscious new recipes plus basic directions for baking, broiling and glazing Special gardening feature: SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS chart shows when, where and how to plant for summer bloom". Frozen ! 8-oz. 1 pkg«. Frozen |i-- Bonquet Dinners 6* * 29° Danquet Tuna Pies Macaroni & Cheese Hoffman House 39c Superose Sweetner Substitute w65e One Pri;«...One Quality...At All AAP Food Stores All Prices effective Thru March 20,1965 MED. YELLOW ONIONS ... NEW GREEN CABBAGE FRESH GREEN ONIONS FRESH BROCCALI 3 lb. bag 29c 3 lbs. 29c 3 for 29c 29c bunch CRISP RED RADISHES FRESH CARROTS FLA. SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT FANCY VINE RIPE TOMATOES 6 oz. pkg. 3 for 29c 1 lb. pkg., 3 for 29c 8 lb. bag 69c 29c lb. 29* 49* *V 35< 29c Hydrox Cookies £49c Rap-ln-Wax ^ 21* 49' Dog Yummies Mountain 2pkgs. 39* Chiffon Liq. Detergent1 "^49* L