Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Feb 1966, p. 13

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" 1 Thursday, February 1968 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Two -- Page Five EVA FREUND POST OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON FEBRUARY 22 The Spring Grove post office will be closed all day Tuesday, Feb. 22, Washington's Birthday. There will be no dispatch of mail and no rural delivery. The lobby will be open from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. AI>out Rural Delivery Service The post office department has instructed postmasters to advise all rural patrons to keep clear the approach to their mail boxes. After heavy snows, there is mud and water, making some r<5ads impassable. Patrons who have this problem should relocate their boxes temporarily, arrange to receive their mail through other patron boxes or make some arrangements with the post office. Unless approaches are open and roads passable it may be necessary to temporarily withhold delivery of mail. Busy Stork A baby boy, weighing in at 7 lb., 1 oz. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kagan at St. NEWS PHONE 675-2135 Therese's hospital on Feb. 9. Grandparents are E>r. and Mrs. Louis Kagan and Dr. and Mrs. Philip Schoen. The baby has two sisters, Mary Irene and Catherine, to welcome him home. Mr., and Mrs. Jack Freund are the happy parents of a 6 lb., 7 oz. girl born Feb. 6. She has been named Amy Beth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert May of Western Springs, HI., have another boy. The little fellow weighed 8 lbs., 6 ozs. The Mays now have two boys and a girl. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles May are the proud grandparents, not only of this grandchild but of all of their twentyfour grandchildren. Entertain Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets entertained in their home last Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sheets and family of Rockford, the Del Smith family from Dyer, Ind., and friends from Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. David Wutke, son, Marie, and Pvt. Ronald Johnson from Fort Hood, Texas. Happy Birthday The family of Anton May llflllE KAREN SCHNEIDER 885-4977 BIRTHDAY WISHES EXTENDED AREA CELEBRANTS Kenny Simmons who" will be seven years old today, Feb. 17. The eighteenth is the birthdays of Nonnie Lindstrom, Katherine Bute and seventeenth birthday of Kathleen Senkerik. Celestine Michels celebrates her birthday on Feb. 20. Kasey Anderson will be ten and Johnny Kanter 7 years on Feb. 21. Feb. 22 will find birthdays in the homes of Irene Roy and four candles on Bobby Von Oepen's cake. Wednesday is Paul Bute's, Ruth Dettlow's and the first birthday of little Julie Dowe. On Recovery List Little two year old Chris Walczynski is back to the activities of toddlers after a household accident which - required several stitches after a fall. Janice Major is recovering from her bout with chicken pox. Cathy Palmer came home from Illinois Research hospital on Friday Feb. 4, and by the time this is in print, she will be in the old routine of school, and all the other teen activities. Stop and Go • Go Dance Several local couples attended St. John's Home and School Dance, Stop and Go-Go. The dance was held at the Johnsburg Community Club on Feb. 5. Some of the local folks in attendance to enjoy the festivities were; the Donald Gersteins, James Fuquas, Arthur Kennebecks, Alfred Mays, Peter Mikklesens and the !j>tan Walczynskis. According to all reports, the evening was perfect. with a great band, beautiful decorations, and everyone haveing a memorable time. Birthday Celebration There was a small dinner party at the Stanley Walczynski home on Sunday, Feb. 6, to celebrate Stan, Jr's. eleventh birthday. His aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Zmudzski of Mt. Prospect, and Grandma Walczynski stopped in after the Zmudzkis took their daughter back to school in Milwaukee after her midterm break. They enjoyed dinner and other party trimmings. Later in the day the Peter Mikkelsens and Grandpa Holtfodt came to continue the enjoyable day long party. Young Stan was only sorry that his other aunt and uncle from Joliet could not attend due to previous commitments. To Stan, my apologies for robbing him of Jten years of his life--due to a typographical error on my part, I wished him a happy first birthday when it was his eleventh birthday. A lot of folks probably Wish that they could shed those ten years. r"""' Happy Anniversary To Rose and Mike Tilllch celebrating their twenty-seventh a n n i v e r s a r y , t o d a y . M a n y more years of happiness to you both. Heart Volunteers As you all know February is Heart Month, and Feb. 20 is is Heart Sunday, and weather permitting the volunteeers will be out that day. The teens are going to be collecting, they are Mary Farley, Judy Walczynski, Mary Anderson and other teens. Farm Service Way Insured AUCTION LOCATION: 2 miles South of Richmond, III., on Route 31, or 4 miles North of^Ringwood on Route 31, Or V2 mile South of Whiskey Corners. REASON: Farm Sold. Auction To Start At 1:00 p.m. 19 PROUTY I1L Rt. 31 TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT -- W.D. 45 with 2-row cultivator; Ford Fergeson with cultivator; Allis Chalmers tractor; Ford jack; plow, model 100-heavy duty 3-16 in. mounted; Ford 2-16 in. plow mounted; No. 37 IHC 10 ft. wheel tandem disk; New Idea No. 200 manure spreader; field digger; 2 drive belts; weed sprayer, complete; IHC power mower with conditioner and green feed attachment; New Holland hay baler with motor; 2 corn planters, IHC 2-row and John Deere 290; 2 elevators, 40 foot; 52R-I.H.C. combine with power; New Idea No. 7 corn picker; IHC 8 foot grain drill; Cultipacker; lever drag, steel 3 sections; 2 wagons with hay racks; corn sheller; IHC side delivery; electric motor; double wash tanks; 2 wheel trailer; snow fence; post digger; buzz saw; scales, silo cart; wheel barrow; cider press; 3 bales of twine; 1 ton chain hoist; table saw; tractor chains 12x28; A.C. ram; silo filler; New Idea 4-row husker. FURNITURE --Gas stove, dining room set, odd chairs, gateleg table, rockers, antique bed^ deep freezer, Jet pump, Emery arbor, meat block, 2 antique stoves. MISCELLANEOUS: Chicken Crates, rubber wheel milk eart, pony saddle, bridles, halters, sleigh. Stewart cow clippers, many articles too numerous to mention. LIBERAL TERMS: Auctioneers: Henry A. Freeman, Hebron, IU. end! Kob Brerauan Cashier: Wally VanEgmond, Clinton, Wisconsin. Clerk: Farm Auction Service, Lake Geneva, Wis. helped him celebrate his eighty-seventh birthday in „ the May last week. Those present hom4 of Mr. and Mrs. Charles were Mr. arid Mrs. Martin May, Mr. and Mrs. J o n n Sheets and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer. Sto^rt 4-H Greup A meeting to organize 4-H will be held" in the town hall on Saturday, Feb. 19 at 1:30 p.m. All girls who were nirn. years old before January 1, 1966, are eligible to join. In attending this meeting it is requested that one parent accompany the child. Discussion Will be on activities, projects and the requirements to join 4-H. Anyone desiring further information may contact Mrs. Jack Schmitt, 2101 Sunset Road, Spring Grove, Phone: 675-2060. Clubs The birthday club met on Tuesday at the home of Tillie May. Prizes in cards went to Mary Klein, Susie Rudolph, Mame Tinney, Frankie Sliotliff. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Ben Busch was hostess to the members of her club. Cards were, played and prizes were won by Minnie Pierce, Tillie May, Mary Klein, Frances Busch and Frances Shotliff. A lunch was served. Engaged Mi*, and Mrs. Sy Hedge announce the engagement of their daughter, Peggy, to John Neal of Ringwood. A wedding is planned for June. Passed Away in Montana Word was received of the death of Clinton Sanders, who died of a heart attack at his home in Montana. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders were visiting other children in California at the time. They left San Francisco to attend the funeral and will return home with members of the family, who attended the funeral from here. Those who drove to Montana on Saturday, Feb. 5, were George Sanders, Mike Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Westman of Woodstock. A man is as happy to see his name in print as a woman is to see her face in a mirror. YOUNG DEMOCRATS TAKE ACTION TO DISBAND GROUP The Young Democrats of McHenry County held their monthly meeting at Ray's Chalet in Crystal Lake on Feb. 9. The main business topic of the meeting was the presentation and approval of a resolution sponsored by R u s s O'Hara, president; Jim Mc- Kinley, first vice - president, Dick Sager, second vice-president; and Don Kinsala, program chairman; to immediately dissolve the McHenry County Young Democratic organization and that after all bills were paid, the remaining funds in the treasury be donated to "The Paul H. Douglas for United States Senator" campaign fund. Some of the reasons given for dissolving the organization were as follows: 1. Lack of support from the McHenry County Democratic Central committee, for membership drives and other YD activities in the county, such as our "Medicare and You"^ program and the Mental Health program. 2. T h e McHenry County Democratic Central committee has continually failed to provide qualified Democratic candidates. For example: It was brought up for consideration at the January Central Committee meeeing that the organization approach one of the Republican candidates for McHenry County Sheriff to see if he wpuld accept- their endorsement 3. Tr?e present YD execvitive committee has never received any communication from the state or national YD organizations. It was further stated in, the resolution that those present at the meeting will continue to work to support the ideals and principles of the Democratic party, will work to support qualified Democratic candidates, and will also try to encourage all Democrats within the county to play an active part in working toward the improvement of the party. The first artificial snow was produced in 1946 by Vincent J. Schaefer of Schenectady, N.Y. PHYLLIS 8CHWEIKERT iW@ !L@nn©n2 S@n Dave and Gwen .Lennon have announced the arrival of a new baby boy. Michael Patrick Lennon arrived Feb. 5 at 2:20 p.m. and weighed in a,t 7 lbs. 10 ozs. and measured 20 V2 inches long. Grandparents are Mrs. James Lennon and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wiedenhoeft. Maternal g r e a t-grandparents are Mrs. Alfred Wiedenhoeft and Mrs. Christine Walsh. Michael is the Lennons' fourth child and second boy. Celebrate Birthday Richard and Delores Sokolwski and Karen and Ken Crook of Lakeland Park spent an evening out for dining, bowling and dancing to belp Delores celebrate her birthday which was Feb. 2. Meet Your Neighbor This week we visit Richard and Delores Sokolowski and their son, Tommy, 3, at 217 Hill road . The Sokolowskis have been in the subdivision since December of 1963. Richard is assistant manager of a food store in Waukegan and likes to hunt and work with electronic kits. Delores likes to sew and enjoys reading. This week we wish a happy birthday to Mark Alcott who was 9 on the eleventh, to Melissa French, 8, on the twelfth, and Wayne Frantz also on the eleventh. Richard Layton, 13, on the sixteenth and Don Carlson on the seventeenth. HERDRICH AUCTION LOCATED at 801 No. Draper Rd., being 2 miles West of McHenry, 111. on Highway 120, then IV2 miles South on Draper Rd. REASON: Discontinuing dairying. at 12:00 Noon Sharp 51 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE: 35 Milk Cows. This herd is mostly home raised and calfhood vaccinated. This is a typy and well uddered dairy of cows and anyone desiring replacements will do well to-attend this sale. Many of the cows are fresh or springing and there are cattle in all stages of lactation. 10 open heifers 12 to 18 mo. old; 1 bred heifer; 4 heifer calves 3 to 6 mo. old! 1 good 2 yr. old breeding bull. FEED: 1000 bales 1st cutting alfalfa & brome mixed hay; 400 bu. oats; 6 ft. silage in 14 ft. silo. MACHINERY AND MISC. EQUIPMENT: New Holland No. 616 ensilage chopper with corn and direct hay cuts, used 2 seasons; J.D. gear and rack; McC. gear and rack; 2 flare boxes and running gears; Elec. wheel running gear and self unloading forage box; 20 ft. green chop feeder box; MC chopper; 8 ft. fert. spreader; Case hay conditioner; 10 in. Gehl PTO portable hammermill with crusher head; Mayrath 18 ft. hay conveyor; 16 ft. alum, elevator with 4 ft. ext.; 12 ft. harrow; clod crusher; New Idea No. 19 PTO spreader; portable loading chute, new; 2 cattle oilers; 3 hog waterers; 49 heavy duty creep feeders with sow feeders attached, 150 lb. capacity; usual wagon load of small items. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: 150 gal. Creamery Package (DeLaval) bulk cooler; DeLaval milker pump with magnetic pipeline; SS wash tanks; elec. water heater; 2 DeLaval milker units; 2 feed carts; 22 Starline cups with storage tank & pipe; 24" barn fan. John Herdrklh, Auctioneer: Gordon Stade, Grayslake, I1L - 812-228-5155 Win. Stade, Jr., Mundetein, 111. - 812-566-8555 Clerks: McHenry State Bank. Usual bank terms. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch available. ACT ON MENTAL HEALTH BOARD Board members of th£ Mental Health Center for McHenry County are shown here following their election at the annual meeting.. From left, front: Joe Gitlin, president; Arnold May, vice-president; John Sterling, secretary-treasurer; Virgil Pollock and Mrs. Ralph Nichols. Back: Harry Beck, Miss Lillian Barrett, Dr. R. S. Loewenherz, Bill Tammeus, Robert Blazier and Richard ZukowskL Five members were not present for the photo. SCHOOL DISTRICTS ARE SUPPORTED IN MANDAMUS WRIT A MandamUs writ filed against County Treasurer Audrey Walgenbach was ordered issued in court action last... week before" Judge Philip Yaeger, presiding in Circuit court. Action followed a petition filed Feb. 3 by Woodstock Community Consolidated School District 10, District 72 and District 152, requesting the' court to issue a summons to Mrs. Walgenbach asking that she appear and show cause why the writ should not be issued against her requiring her to file a sworn statement of all monies collected by her and to be distributed to the plaintiffs. The districts charged that. 1964 tax monies collected were unlawfully withheld. In a reply filed by the treasurer, Mrs. Walgenbach admitted collection of the monies but denied that she unlawfully failed to distribute them. The defendant withheld distribution of taxes for the year 1964 as they were paid under protest, and §he attached an example. The writ was for £53,393.71 withheld from payment to District 10, S89,910.94 to District 152 and $58,918.71 to District 72. The treasurer also was ordered to file in court a statement of the monies collected in 1964 protested taxes. j-^erdonai& Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landgren of Crystal Lake, former local residents, left Friday by plane for Phoenix, Ariz., where they will be guests in the home of their daughter, Mrs. William Coleman, and family for two weeks. Mrs. Robert Green has returned from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where she spent a few weeks with her son, Daniel, and family. Included in the folks who attended funeral services for Rev. Fr. Edward Coakley in Chicago last Friday were Rev. Fr. Letftiard Guzzardo and Rev. Fr. David Beauvais, the nuns from St. Patrick's, Ray McGee, Hugh Fanning, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese. Mrs. Grace » O'Brien, Mr.and Mrs. Donald Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lamz and family, Miss Frances Michels, Miss Mary Kay Schmitt, Mrs. Maureen Pintozzi and family of McHenry and Mrs. Dermot Fleming of Lake Geneva, Wis. Those who attended the Mass at Freeport on Thursday morning were Mrs. Grace O'Brien, Mrs. Donald Bauer, Mrs. Carl Weber, Misses Frances Michels, Nellie Doherty and Mildred Kinsala, Walter Bolger and Dick Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Justen have returned from a two weeks trip by plane through the west with California as their destination. Mrs. Charles Sourek of Cicero visited relatives here a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hettermann have returned from an enjoyable twelve days vacation by plane in which they visited Mexico City, Phoenix, Ariz., and the Grand Canyon. Sunday visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home were Mrs. Richard Sedar and children of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brugger of Kenosha. Out of town folks here to attend the christening party for the new son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hansen at their home on Waukegan street Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner of Milton, Wis., and the Robert dayman family of Arlington Heights. The Charles Tonyan family has moved from an apartment on Riverside drive to a new home on Park street. Mr$. James Althoff and children, Patricia and James, have returned from a week's vacation in Panama City, Fla., where they visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wohnrade of Wonder Lake; who are wintering thererSS Mr. and Mrs. James Spindler and daughter. Nicki, of La- Grange Park were weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. G. R. Spindler. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer entertained a group of twelve relatives at dinner at a popular eating place near Dundee last Saturday evening in observance of their second wedding anniversary. Later they gathered at the Schaefer home where pictures were taken and a very enjoyable evening spent. Miss Joan Adams returned to Chicago Monday morning after Shop in McHenry a weekend visit with her mother, Mrs. Alfons Adams. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton and son, Teddy, of Elmhurst visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ahrens and son have returned from three weeks vacation in Florida. 'Mrs. Susan Justen visited with Mrs. Henry Stilling one day last week. WATER SOFTENERS SALES - SERVICE 1 smw/CB mm FILTERS ODOR CONTROL CHILORf NATION MINERAL REPLACEMENT CHEMICALS IRON REMOVAL RENTALS AUTHORIZED DEALER BAMK (FINANCING MORTON SALT DELIVERY FREEFREE. 1 YEAR SUPPLY OF SALT with any Softener purchased during February ( Bring or Mention this ad. ) •FREE •FREE TOM HU WATER CONDITIONING Phone 385-3083 lor FREE Water Test 2103 W. CHURCH JOHNSBURG -- McHENRY hoi neuron !®«t OtmfiBUMtf- Shape op, budget-balancers. With Dodge Coronet, you can afford to. Here's an "in" car with a new outlook for swingers. Coronet has everything you Reed to put fun back in driving. Take Coronet's looks. Lots of peopl* have. Take the extras at no extra cost: Outside rearview mirror. Padded dash. Backup lights. Variable-speed wipers and washers. To* signals. Seat balls, front and rear. They re all standard. And Coronet's price? That s easy to take, too. Hot new Dodge Coronet for 1966--now at your Dodge Dealer's. DODGE DIVISION raewsLin MOTORS CORPORATION SUNNYSIDE DOD 4810 WEST ROUTE 120 McHENRY, HLUNOIS You Have A Chance of Winning a Dodge Charger -- Register at Yoor Dealer's.

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