Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Feb 1966, p. 21

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'Thursday. February 24, 1906 THE McHENRY PLAINDE ALER Section Three -- Page Five Serve Mental Health Center A . . . . , D o n P e a s l e y P h o t o •u •MT * i il Pro^ess'ona' staff is required^ to provide competent patient care at e en a ealth Center for McHenry County, located on Waukegan road, McHenry. oc ors an persons trained in psychiatric and psychological work are included in this group s owing the staff members. From left, front: Mrs. June Keiier, clinic secretary; Miss Pat Simonson, secretary; Dr. Salvador Martinez, psychiatric director; George Mal- ,r u a,"e who is the full-time clinic administrator; and Gertrude Pastryk, psyc i-d.ric social worker. Back: Lynn Unterbrink, psychiatric social worker; Dr. Eugene Stern, staff psychiatrist; Paul Neal, psychiatric social worker; and Dr. Anthony Pavkovic, child psychiatrist. SPRING GROVE N :IS EVA FREUND PHONE 675-2135 MOTHERS SOCIETY WELCOMES BACK FORMER TEACHER On Thursday, evening Feb. 17, members of the Christian Mothers Society of St. Peter's met in the parish hall for their regular meeting. Meeting was opened with a prayer by Father Kilduff. Sister Christella was welcomed back to St. Peter's. Sister taught in St. Peter's school ten years ago and lias now returned as principal. Reports were given by committee chairman and an exhibit pertaining to Catholic Press month was displayed showing good literature. This was in conjunction , with the showing of slides and a tape narration on indecent literature as presented by U.S. Morals for Decency code. Election of officers will be held p.t the March meeting. A nominating committee was s?- lected to obtain a slate of officers. A breakfast will be served members of the Hrly Name Society on March 20 after 8 o'clock mass. The annual report of Catholic Action given to Diocesan council was read. President Eva Freund anr nounced that the open meeting for McHenry Deanery Council of Catholic Women would be held in St. Peter's hall, Spring Grove in April. The refreshment committee served coffee and cake. The next meeting will be March 17. LC'WC The Lotus Country Woman's Club met at the home of Nora Miller with eighteen members present for a one o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Tina Komar was co-hostess. The club voted to sponsor a 4-H club in Spripg Grove which is being organized by Mrs. Beverly Schmitt. The gnvel and flag have been donated as a beginning. It was also Voted to send a donation to the Federations toward a scholarship fund for teachers of retarded children. President announced some coming events. The Illinois Federation convention will be at the Sherman House, Chicago May 3,4, and 5. Several members will attend. The General Federation will celebrate a diamond jubilee in September where clubs will be honored for their outstanding accomplishments. Frances Heineman and Marge Sargent attended the lllh district meeting in Chicago Jan. 28 and heard Mrs. Theodore Chapman discuss federations. The LCWC will be hostess to the 11th district in May. A social afternoon was spent at cards and prizes were won by Alice Van Every, Ida Koberstine and Pauline Horak. The next meeting will be at the home of Frances Heineman March 16. Program will be a silent auction. Home on Leave Wayne Buehrer, who has been stationed in Texas, spent four teen days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buehrer. He left Friday, Feb. 18. for Monterey, Calif, to his new assignment. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff celebrated their fifty-first wedding anniversary by having dinner out on Sunday, Feb. 13. Christening Ann Marie, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gritzuk, was baptized Feb. 6 at St. Bede's church, Fox Lake. Godparents were Mr. and Ivirs. Frank Labno of Chicago. For her christening the baby wore a dress of white velvet made by her mother from her wedding dress. Thirty guests were entertained in the Gritzuk home in honor of the occasion. Ann Marie was born Dec. 25 at St. Therese's hospital. She was the first Christmas baby. Attend Reception Many friends and relatives from here attended the reception for the Lorraine Miller-Dennis Zarnstorff wedding. It was held in American Legion hall in Genoa City. Wis. The young couple are now honeymooning in Florida. Moves After many years of farming Mr. and Mrs. Ray May and family have left their farm home and moved into their new home just rerentlv built on Bellevue Avenue: Heard that the Eugene Robers are leaving next week and moving to Wisconsin. The George Vermillion family now living in Colemar will be leaving for California and will take up residence there March 1. WEATHER MODIFICATION New hope for weather modification possibilities is now being reported by scientists and will be given careful attention in . Illinois, William C. Ackermann. chief of the Illinois State Water Survey, has reported. "After several discouraging years for cloud seeding studies, there is a strong feeling among many scientists that promising results are just around the corner," Ackermann said. Our ereqte$t encouragement today liesin recent advances in computer and laboratory facilities which may eventually allow us to obtain the basic scientific knowledge that is needed, Ackermann said. Long sampling periods would be required in Illinois to make a reliable evaluation of cloud seeding experiments from surface rainfall data. TREES FOR SALE Two kinds of wildlife packets are available from state tree nurseries to farmers who have land unsuitable for* cultivation or pasture. Packets contain 500 trees and shrubs and are of two varieties, a northern and a southern packet. Trees and shrubs sold by state tree nurseries must be planted for forest products or other conservation purposes. They may not be planted around homes for shade, ornamental or landscape purposes and they cannot be resold with the roots attached. Order blanks and price lists may be obtained from county agricultural offices, farm foresters, county conservation officers or .from the Springfield office of the Division of Forestry. 106 State Office Building, Springfield, or the Chicago office of the Department of Conservation, 160 N. LaSalle St. FURNACE BLOWER POWERED AUTOMATIC WHOLE HOUSE FIER NO PLATES OR LIMEING TROUBLE - S4SJ0 • INSTALLED • Less $2.00 Discount When Ordered by Mail -- Authorized Dealer -- Bernard Schall A-1 Fratace 2624 Thomas Ct. McHenry, 111. 60050 Since 1949 Phone 385-3122 Call The One And ONLY McHenry Cab Co. ( I VJfc'"-. Radio Dispatched -0723 1/5 of a century of Accident- Free Service TRANSPORTATION IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS 24-HR. SERVICE RiNifooo NEWS UELORES BBBNNAM 853-9045 HOLD CAKE WALK AT COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING Cone one, come all! Where? To the monthly meeting of the Ringwood Community Club at the school. Following the meeting, there will be a cake walk, then refreshments for all. This particular meeting will be open to the children as well as adults. Anyone who has the time, and would, is more than welcome to bake a cake for the walk. Donations of cakes will be willingly accepted. As for the meeting, it will be starting at 8 p.m. with President Georgia Bauer calling the meeting to order. Next month's meeting will be discussed and planned. And if anyone has anything they would like to talk about, come on up, and speak up, we can discuss it with you. O.R?? Card Club Meets The Card Club met on Wednesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Flora Carr. Gerry, Kunz tork high score foft the day, and Bud Whiting was low. Attend Wedding Attending the wedding of Marilyn Culvey and Richard Leslin at Belvidere on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman nnd Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ackerman. Clara Bruce of Opdyke spent a few days visitng in the Bruce- Ackerrian homes following the wedding. Valentine Parties at School Each of the rooms at the local school had their own Valentine Party last Monday afternoon. They were under the supervision of the teachers and room mothers. Pyhllis Ackerman and Beverly Ackerman. room mothers for first and second, had cup cakes and ice cream donuts for the youngsters with Mrs. London, teacher, handling the games. J o a n P r e s t o n a n d P h y l l i s C'Halleran, third and fourth room mothers had cup cakes and kool-aid for their group, while teacher, Mrs. Vi Van Landydt, handled the games and entertainment for her youngsters. For the fifth and six-tiff Mariar. Winters and Lor Brennan h§y| cherry kool-aid, cup cakes finrt strawberry sundae cups. Mrs. Owen Richardson, the teacher, was in charge of the games and entertainment for her group, Mrs. Helen Barker helped the seventh and "eighth grades with the food and refreshments along with Mr. Roeder, the teacher, for the group. The room mothers and teachers enjoyed the parties as much ns the children, I'm sure. It is always rewarding to do anything, when it's appreciated, and I know it was. Home From Studies Ida Mae Walkington had a chance to visit with her family and friends over the weekend, while home from studies at Madison, where she is attending the Methodist Hospital School of Nursing. Hospitalized Miss Debbie Harvey is confined to Memorial hospital for McHenry County in Woodstock for the entire week, and if you have a minute or two, how about dropoing her a card? I'n? sure it will help pass the time a little more quickly for her during her stay. Get well soon, Debbie. Birthdays Hanoy birthday wishes are extended to Duane' Andreas on March 2. And on March 3 it's happy birthday to Mary Cagle. Servers for Lunches On March 2, it's barbecues and Dolly Malsch and Marian Winters are schedule to serve. On the ninth for hot dogs, Marian Winters and Georgia Bauer will be the servers. Rummage Sale Coming Up Just a very brief reminder that should you find any items no longer of any use in your household, there will be the annual spring rummage sale coming up the end of March at the Ringwood Methodis church. More details will be following as I receive them. Here *N' There Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley called on Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe at Crystal Lake on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan ••fj", " * iy i . fx' ' , " ... it stops? LEE B. KORTE MEIER Off. 338-2000 Res. 338-0975 tne lor pexsoosi sadl [ •Esfesa sroirtjB had w$> eai sssete <r? months Bes$ to pssgsssi f~kr OB Benqr ii TO Disability feeot ance Iran Country TJfa. plans let yon select imrtlifa of $30 to sjksi&Eg J pa ehoaac, Tinnim phi "i Hit Res? FARM SERVICE WAY INSURED AUCTION LOCATION: 2 miles South of Alden, 111., then East 1 Mile tlEASON: Discontinuing Farming *""™" SALE TO START AT 1:00 P.M. N ALDEN, ILL. Phone No. 648-2017 Hebron, 111. 75 HEAD £1 GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE 32 cows year around freshening, a good young herd; 12 heifers, some are bred; 10 yearling heifers, 11 heifers, 1-8 months; 1 Holstein bull. . • FEED " • I 200 bales good alfalfa hay: 100 bales straw; 1,500 bushels ear corn; 10 foot ensilage in 14-foot silo. TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT IHC "M" with good rubber and M & W pistons; IHC F-20 tractor; 2 hydraulic rams; IHC 3-14 inch plow; 12-ft. Int. wheel disk; New Idea No. 17 manure spreader; IHC No. 5 green crop chopper; stock tank; lever drag, 4 steel sections; wagon with green feed box; 3 DeLaval magnetic milking machines; 2 pumps with motors; DeLaval pipeline for 33 cows; pails and strainers; cow clippers; feed cart; 2 good feed bunks; usual small farm tools. LIBERAL TERMS * -- Auctioneers -- EUGENE FREDRICKS, Harvard, I1L HENRY FREEMAN, Hebron, 111. -- Cashier -- FARM AUCTION SERVICE, Inc. -- Lake Geneva, Wis. -- Clerk -- WILLIAM BEETSTRA, Harvard, 111. FARM AUCTION SERVICE, Inc. LAKE GENEVA, WISCONSIN and family attended a birthday supper in honor of my pop, Joe Schmitt at McHenry on Thursday. It was a little early, since his birthday is Feb. 22. but mom will be hospitalized f'>r •> short time then. Get well fast, mom. On Monday, Miss Mae Wiedrich, Mrs. Flora Carr. Mrs. Mable Hawley and Mrs. Ruby Shepard attended the card party held at St. Patrick's church in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr., and sons of Genoa c« lkd on his dad$fFrank, Sr., on Sunday afternoon. The Leonard Ackerman family were dinner guests o.n S mday in the home of Mr. and Trs. Eric Oscarson at Poplai Grove. Mr.-and Mrs. George Aingef md daughter, Sharon, of Hebron and Will Claxton of McHenry were dinner guests in the home Mrs. Ruby Shepard last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sody of Kenosha spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. The Sodys also called on Mrs. Ruby Shenard. Miles Jerousik of Melrose Park called on Mrs. Nellie | Hepburn on Sunday. j That's it once again from j Ringwood, hope to see you next | week. I cfo/t 6a ioveweil CAREER OPPORTUNITY If you are between the ages of 17 and 40 and you are skilled in the construction field and would like to stWt a career with the U.S. Navy in the Seabees, Contact Radarman First Class Roger Sears at 10212 Cass street, Woodstock. Call 338-4076 for an appointment and ask Radarman Sears for details. A delicious way to use leftover MASHED POTATOES: Shape into flat cakes (add cut up cheese, if you like) dust lightly on both sides with flour. Saute in margarine or salad oil until light brown on both sides. Serve hot! Blend leftover^ j*ice with Vz cup grated sharp cheese, 1 t<-:p. baking powder, IV2 tsp. flour. U cup milk, V2 tsp. salt, fold in beaten egg white (H .Drop mixture by spoonfuls into deep fat, until golden brown. Yummy with syrup or jam. Serves 4. Jf your needle is hard to push through material when sewing, run the needle through your hair a few times! It will then slip through very easily. (Don't go too far in . . . and stick your head!) If your electric clock buzzes or whirs, try turning it upsideclown for several hours. It will be ..noiseless once a- 'ra;n' When taking down a washline, always wind it toward sci! instead of in the opposite direction . . . this keeps it from twisting or kinking. To remove obstinate bluing stains from white clothes, boil them in clear water for 10 minutes. A satisfactory substitute for a lost cork is an inch or two of candle. Soften up the wax a bit, and your candle is sure to fit. If you have a cork, but it is too large, simply cut a small "V" in the side and "presto ... it fits! If your family likes primes for breakfast, place them "in a pan, add boiling water to cover and place the pan over the pilot light overnight. In the morning you'll have warm, soft and delicious prunes . . . so easy! Toy blocks make attractive pulls on a child's chest of drawers. Use the alphabet side to spell his name or just his monogram; on the other side use animals, face put, for all to see! Some 2 for l's: Wait . . . don't throw away those emery boards . . . even after the sides are used, cut away the used portion with scissors . . . it sharpens the scissors and you have a new emery board! Besides timing your telephone calls (and, of course, your boiled eggs) your timer runs the allotted three minutes necessary to take a temperature! (Watch for Maggie every week!) Shop in McHenry with trad® hottest-ss^ing tea 0 That's why we can 'M 1965 FORD LTD. 2-Dr. Hardtop, Fully Equipped Dealers Demonstrator $S(o)5 1965 GALA : 500 4-Dr., V-8, Standard Trans. Radio, Heater, White Walls $2315 i%4 F®S1D FALCON 2-Dr., 6 Cylinder, Radio, Heater, Standard Trans. '63 FORD ECONOLINE Pick-up Truck, Customers Car, 9,000 miles. $995 If 56 CADILLAC 4-Door, Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission $350 1965 FORD LTD. 4-Dr. Hardtop, Fully Equipped Dealers Demonstrator 12185 1965 iAMBELIOt 4 6-Cylinder, Radio, Heater, Standard Trans. ^ ^185 1964 m 6-Cylinder, Radio, Heater, Automatic Trans., Clean Car $1175 1962 FORD WAGON Standard Transmission 6-Cylinder 1961 STA¥1@N MGON 4-Dr., 6-Cyl., Std. Trans. $SS5 MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BUSS FORD SALES 3936 W. Main St. McHenry, V

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