Thursday, March 10,1966 r#S* THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Three -- Page Three SUNNYSIII ESTATES KAMIN SCHNEIDER 885-4977 LUCKY LADIES TO SPONSOR SPRING DANCE MAY 7 In the not too distant future all the residents will receive tickets and a letter inviting them to a dance "Over the Rainbow", sponsored by the Lucky Ladies Club to be held at the Johnsburg Community Club on Saturday, May 7, from 9 to 1 a.m. The . women are looking forward to having everyone attend and make this dance a huge success and. possibly a yearly event. It will be the only fund raising event beside the annual sale of Christmas cards in the fall. The proceeds will enable the women to continue the terrific job that they have been doing with the Easter Egg Hunt and Christmas party for all of the children of Sunny side Estates. They hope to make this year's Christmas party more exciting than last year's huge success. All residents should feel free to invite any friends they wish from outside the Estates, and they can get additional tickets from Delores Hanahan at 2018 W. Grandview, or call her at 385-3427 and she will deliver as many as you need to your home. Tickets will be available at the door, and there will be refreshments available at the dance also. -•birthday is on the fifteenth also. There will be calories galore this week at the Maule household. Mike celebrates his tenth birthday on the sixteenth and Cheryl will be wearing a large shamrock in celebration of her fifth birthday on St. Patrick's Day. Belated Happy Anniversary To Dick and Ima Rapp, who celebrated their wood (fifth) anniversary on March 5. Many more years of happiness to you both. Needed!!!!! The L.L.C. is in need of some artificial flowers and chicken wire. If you have flowers that you no longer want and chicken wire that is of no use to you, please call Marlene Berg at :;8r»-:!418. Ploaso Get-Well Gunnar Johansen who suffered a heart attack on Friday, Feb. 25, and is now a patient of McHenry hospital. Also, get well to James Hartinger, hope you will be up and around real soon. Happy Birthday Harold Palmer and Timmy Maule who will celebrate his fourth birthday on March 10. On March 12 Alice Bieschke will celebrate her day and Cathy Davis will celebrate her tenth birthday. Delores Hanahan's birthday is the thriteenth. March 14 is Ted Jost's fifteenth birthday. On March 15, Cynthia Boomfield will blow out four candles on her cake, Henrietta Rau's Christening At two o'clock in the afternoon on Feb. 27, little Rebecca Jean Olsen was christened at St.. John's. Proxy Godmother was her aunt Sue Olsen standing in for Margaret Hoody, and proxy Godfather was George Herman standing in for Steve Hoody: The two Hoodys were scheduled to * come from Omaha, but were unable to make it. Fran and Jerry hosted- a dinner in their daughter's honor for Becky's proxy god-parents and Grandmother Anna Olsen. Special Happy Birthday To Girl Scouts Happy birthday to all the Girl Scouts of Sunnyside Estates and America who will be celebrating their fifty-fourth birthday on March 12. Belated Happy Birthday To Kathy Gerstien marking her tenth, John Davis on his twenty- first, and Ted Voight all celebrated their birthdays Feb. 24. Debbie Noah celebrated her fourteenth birthday on March 4. Jim Leahy shares his birth date with Patty Anderson who was celebrating her ninth birthday on March 5. On March 7, Thomas Fry became thirteen and Dorothy Ann Kayler turned eighteen. Eddie Matuszak and Ernest Sperl shared the eighth as their birthday. To all -- I hope your birthday was a memorable one. Attended Surprise Party On Sunday, Feb. 27, Ray and Alice Bieschke and their daughter attended a surprise seventy-fifth birthday party in honor of Ray's uncle, Joe Bieschke. The festivites were held at the home of Uncle Joe's daughter, Tillke Mackey, of Hanover Highlands. Uncle Joe was completely surprised and thrilled, and it was a day he wilK never forget. Sunnyside Ragtime Band Sunnyside Estates Boy Scouts of Den 5 Pack 452 presented the Sftnnyside Ragtime Band at their March 1 meeting. They played two selections, the Skaters Waltz and Easter Parade with home made instruments in honor of their retired Den Mothers-In- Waiting, Florence Kahter and Charlotte Maule. The Scouts presented Mrs. Maule and Mrs. Kanter with identical gifts of a blanket and sleeper sets, and then they enjoyed cake and coffee with the new Den Mother, Pat Williams. Welcome Neighbors A warm but belated welcome is extended to Robert and May Clark, who reside at 1818 W. Oakleaf Drive with one of their six children, Jack. They moved to Sunnyside Estates from Milwaukee, Wis. Robert is employed as a fireman, and May, like most of us, is the homemaker. In their spare time they both enjoy bowling, May loves to paint, and Bob tinkers with cars for relaxation. Hope the Clarks have many enjoyable memorable years here in the Estates. New Orleans Vacationers Don and Delores Gerstein left on Feb. 19 and spent a fabulous and memorable week in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Needless to say the colorful, parades and costumes were something to behold. The Gersteins spent a lot of time sightseeing and hoping they could see as much as possible of the night-life of New Orleans. They went to the French Quarter, Burbon Street, and Can^l Street to see as many of the world famous night clubs as possible. They also visited the famous St. Louis Basilica, and what would be a vacation without shopping? Mi8s the Column Last Week???? Due to the-fact that I was out of town, I was unable to get a column in last week's paper. I hope the length of this week's column made up for it. My sincere wish is to be able to give you an interesting and lengthy column every^^jyeek, but I can only do it with, your h'elp. ON DEAN'S LIST Miss Catherine Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aubert C. Ruth of 1121 W. River Terrace drive, McHenry, has been named to the dean's list of distinction at Cottey college, Nevada, Mo., for scholastic achievement. She is a first year student. Now In Stock! LYME, By George and at least 50 others in our MEN'S SCENTER MmY Em aD t&tJ »G McHenry's Most Complete Men's Scenter 1325 N. Riverside Dr. Phone 385-4428 S&H GREEN STAMPS pigibiase of AS LOW AS L 156 t LAWN & GARDEN TRACTOR 32* MOWEI MONTHLY WITH TRADE B w MODEL 876 with RM-366 Rotary Mower during WHEEL HOI We are making this fantastic offer for a limited time only to show our appreciation to you for taking early delivery on your Wheel Horse 4 season Lawn & Garden Tractor ... Hurry Act Now I This is a once in a lifetime opportunity OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 15.1966 We need used. Equipment Nowl When the Spring Rush comes we want all types of used Equipment serviced and ready for our customers. FREE! 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS For just coming in and test driving the new WHEEL-A-MATIC WHEEL HORSE FLEMING 4005 W. Waukegan Road PMENT > MCHENRY SHORES BERN ICE WILSON 885-4880 DORIS WETZEL APPOINTED HEAD OF SHORES CLUB The following members were appointed at the McHenry Shores Club meeting on March 3. Doris Wetzel, president, Bertha Quinn, vice-president, Barbara Pogor, recording secretary, Bernice Wilson, corresp o n d i n g s e c r e t a r y , W i l l i a m Tennert, treasurer, and Martin Koleno, parliamentarian. Our dance will be held at the Johnsburg community hall and Fred Wetzel has obtained a good band from Harvard, the date will be April 23 and the affair will be 'Spring Fling'. Will keep you posted on this in the coming weeks. The subject of our roads was brought up and all agreed that it was impossible to do much now so we will just have to be patient and wait for the weather to improve. Mr. and Mrs. John Neuharth attended the meeting and were welcomed. The movies shown on Viet Nam and Gemini 4 were enjoyed by all. Dogs and Cats We are getting our usual number of complaints about dogs running loose in the subdivision. I suppose it is quite handy for some dog owners to just let the animal out and not worry about where it goes but to the rest of us who have no dog it is certainly no treat to have the beast messing up our lawns and bushes. There have been at least two calls to the sheriff's office on this problem in the last few weeks and if they do come out and pick up the dogs it will cost the owners $15 to get them back. With the nicer weather just about due let's hope for more cooperation on this. Phone 385-2323 Brush Fires A special note of appreciation to Mike Wetzel, Ed Olbinski, Fred Stark and several other young men of the Shores for their quick thinking Wednesday when some youngsters started a brush fire down near the beach. Noticing the children trying to extinguish the fire they ran to their aid. The fire department was called but by the time they arrived everything was under control. We hear that the boys were trying to beat out the flames with their jackets and also that they were quite young so what were they doing with matches in the first place? Luckily it all ended with no injuries or burns to anyone. Birthdays Happy birthday wishes to Michael Stark, Pat Mack, and Kelly Marie McCarroll on March 10, Mike will be 12 and Kelly will be 1 year old, Edward Vilim on March 11, Pearl Paulin0 on March 13, Irene Mueller and Virginia Verstege on March 14, and Roberta Mieritz on March 15. Anniversaries On March 12 Joseph and Marie Mondry will have an anniversary*, and Fred and Ruth Dodge will celebrate their big day on March 15. Congratulations to both of our couples. Here and There Around the Shores Roberta and A1 Mieritz attended the spaghetti dinner held recently at the VFW in McHenry. After dinner and an evening of dancing they stopped at a local establishment to top off the evening with a pizza. Doris, Fritz and Timmy were invited to Ken and June Wetzel's home in Palatine for dinner on Saturday and then played cards. Doris had the newlyweds, Tom and Sandi Ballowe, over for a roast beef dinnner on Wednesday of this week. They are back from Florida and are setting up housekeeping. Ray and Barb Pogor visited Jim and Lil Doran in McHenry on Wednesday , and spent the evening watching movies the Dorans had taken on their recent vacation. A1 Mieritz took Roberta, Craig and Vicki to the cinema in a nearby shopping center and then treated all of them to a steak dinner. Taking advantage of the beautiful weather this week Barb Pogor and Lil Doran left early Tuesday morning for a shopping spree. After stopping in to see Barb's mother, Mrs. Schaffrath, in Chicago they sent to Skokie and Waukegan and ended their day with supper at a restaurant in town. A group of twelve girls got some pointers at a demonstration held at Veronica Schopp's home during the week. Coffee and cake were served after all were told how to be more beautiful. Happy to report that Charlie Ram age is coming along so well after his recent illness and is getting out every day to enjoy the spring weather. The Calvin Whitneys and their children spent Wednesday evening with Chuck and Audrey. Julie and Matt Zeimet had Mr. and Mrs. I. Franks from Chicago as week end guests. The Wetzels, Doris, Fritz, Timmy and Mike, had a delicious dinner last Wednesday at the home of$ the Larry Murray s in McCullom Lake. See you next week. SHOP IN McHENRY MEAT INSPECTED Over 120 million pounds of smoked and cured meat were inspected during 1965 by the Illinois Department of Agriculture's Division of Meat and Poultry Inspection, according to Robert M. Schneider, department director. In addition, < veal, 430,393 swine, and one a total of 234,331 cattle, 4,617 million pounds of turkeys and chickens were given ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection. Inspectors condemned 351 cattle and veal, 988 swine, 10 sheep, lambs and goats, and 24,500 pounds of turkeys and chickens. Also condemned were 2,909 cattle heads, 13,786 swine heads, 14,146 tattle livers, 53,- 127 swine livers, and 46,770 pounds of meat and meat food products. Tnese products were condemned because they were unwholesome, either due to disease or spoilage. WAITER SOFTINiR SERW16E SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES & MODELS • Service • Cleaning Out • Repair © Installation • Overhauling © Removal • Reconditioning © Rebuilding -- ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- ^one-: 385-5561 WAUK SOFTENER SALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois m gmUn & <s« "HJP HGHENRX.HIJK/JM Dear friends, Hsting of k®eP a . P°HcieSs in auto c"ut!sCa 1 terna'.and serv,'ce 2? Misswr of ^ si mi Jar n# u i ficcdunts j* ^ank is also advisable. I Respectful 1y9 tvacs Caprice Custom Coupe. Big car look, big car luxury, and a really big buy during Double Dividend Days,f CheveUe SS 896. A truly potent performer, and right now you'll get just the color and equipment you want. Impala Sport Sedan. You've heard of thai famous Jet-smoother ride. Get it right now in a No. 1 BuyI Corvair Monza Sport Sedan. Really different driving, fun to handle--and a true Double Dividend Day buy! -Chevy U Nova SS Coupe. Always great on economy, now the best buy you ever aimed into your driveway! Starting now-Double Dividend Days at your Chevrolet dealer's! [£&£%?£:) MUST DOUBLE 1 BUYS 0 NO. 1 CARS at your Chevrolet dealer's Join the crowd--but try to be at the head of the line! Because right now you'll get a mighty handsome buy at your Chevrolet dealer's during Double Dividend Days. (That means No. 1 Buys on America's No. 1 Cars.) Pick from 45 great models of Caprice, Chevrolet, CheveUe, Chevy II or Corvair. Choose, too, from a virtually endless selection of colors, custom touches, engines and interior trims. Availability and variety have never been greater--the ° buys have never been better. But hurry--Double Dividend Days won't last forever! So see your Chevrolet dealer now! Eight features now standard for your added safety: Seat belts front and rear • Padded instru* ment panel • Padded sun visors • Outside mirror (use it always before passing) • Shatterresistant inside mirror • Two-speed electric wipers for better visibility in a downpour • Windshield washers • Back-up lights. All kinds of good buys all In one place... at your Chevrolet dealer's: Chevrolet * Chevelle • Chevy II • Corvair • Corvette 12 5318 CHEVROLET SALES 908 N. FRONT STREET McHENBY PHCME 385-U2T7 4? t