Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Mar 1966, p. 19

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/ Thursday, March 10,1966 THE McHENRY £A1£B LAKEMOOR - LILYMOOR shirlet schuerr SlIIUMii WARN CHILDREN STOP BREAKING STREET LIGHTS Far too many street lights are being broker* in the village of Lakemoore. Parents, warn your children that if ,they are caught breaking street lights a petition wiH be signed and they will have to go to family court for destroying public property. You adults will be paying for what these children Call having fun.Consult the Chief of Police, George Johnson, he will tell you what can happen to the kids when thew are caught. And also what the results can be if this continues. By not breaking street lights, kids, you will not be in trouble with the law. Let's keep the street lights burning at night so people can see the roads. hold office for the following year. Installation will take place very soon. After the business at hand Was taken care of bunco was {Jlayed.Winners were Eunice Tobey, Barb Para, Ida Hirsch, booby went to Sophie Paterson. At this time the Ladies. League welcomes a new member. Welcome goes to Eunice Tobey. gave them a surprise pantry shower. Home I am happy to report that Terry Meyer's stay in the hospital was a very short one. Terry had surgery on his ears last Thursday morning and returned home that afternoon. Dave Tobey is now stationed aboard ship touring the Mediterranean. Now is the time when all good people come ti the aid of their country. Pancake Breakfast Come one, come all and bring your friends to the pancake breakfast the Woman's auxiliary is sponsoring. It will be held Sunday, March 27, from 8 a.m. till 1 p.m. at the American Legion Hall on Green St. Proceeds of the breakfast will be turned over to the Lilymoor association for the roads in the subdivision. Tickets are available from Pearl Stineman or any of the Indies of the auxiliary. Tickets will also be available at the door the day of the breakfast. Mother here is a chance for father to take you and the family out for a nice breakfast, and think of it no dishes to wash or work prepar i n g breakfast. A Sunday morning out with the family mother. Ladles League Held their monthly meeting Wednesday, March 2. At this meeting election of officers and trustees took place. Those elected were Helen Para, president, Viola Arbogast, vice-president, Lu Gravenstuk, secretary and Sophie Paterson. treasurer .Trustees elected were Olive Corbett f'unice Tobey and Rose Zelenka. The officers and trustees will Heart Fund Drive Held in Lilymoor was a success. Those who worked to make the drive a success were Val Fradinardo chairman, her co-workers were Eunice Tobey, Tena Bellino, Alma Huecksteadt, Marylyn LoPresti, Lois Rielly and Fred Fradinardo. Through the chairman and her co-workers there was the amount of fifty-thfee dollars collected from our subdivision. To all you workers we say keep up the good work. Bundle Of Joy Margo Leone presented her husband, Robert, with a girl Thursday, March 3.Wee-one Robin Helen weighed in at six pounds and nine ounces and is nineteen inches long. Waiting home to greet little sister is Tammy Ann. The grandparents are Clarence and Helen Colberg of Lilymoor and Mr. and Mrs. Leone of Lakeland Park. Robin is Clarence and Helen's thirtyfirst grandchild. Congratulations and best wishes to you all on your blessed event. Belated Birthdays A very belated birthday greetings go to Cheryl and Nancy Prang. Cheryl celebrated hers on the twenty-first of Feb., and Nancy celebrated hers on the twenty- second. Belated birthday greetings also go to Larry Bartelt. Larry celebrated his day Saturday, March 5. Many happy returns Cheryl, Nancy and Larry. WONDERLAKE KIWANIS CLUB HEARS GUESTS HOLIDAY INEZ YOUNG Section Three*-- Page Five for more surgery and to Kurt Roth who had his tonsils out. GIVES LECTURE INSTALL OFFICERS AT ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Guests for the Kiwanis Club, meeting Feb. 21, were Ronald Herrmann of the McHenry club and Ward Ehredt, Cub Scout Master of Pack 145. This Pack is sponsored by our club. Ward gave a brief summary of the recent activities and then presented President Bob Howe with the charter. The Pack made a tokien award in recognition of . his help to Joe Sullivan, Kiwanis' Institutional Representative. Leoda Freund won the Battle Ax Award. Happy birthday was sung to Bob Myers. President Bob Howe announced that the" machine age has caught up with Phil Kinzer. With over two years membership in our club, the data machine at Kiwanis International has finally stamped out a card making Phil an official member of Kiwanis. Lennie Freund reminded everyone that the mixed bowling sweepstakes will be held at McHenry Recreation Saturday evening, March 5, at 7:30 p.m. It will be open to guests. Smorgasbord will be served after bowling. On March 7 - Lt. Gov. Clint Claypool will be guest. The annual meeting of the Holiday Hills Property Owners association will be held at the ranch house next Monday, March 14 at 8:30 p.m. Installation of the newly elected officers will be the first order of the business. Guest speaker for the evening will be Harold Freese, Nunda Towriship Supervisor, who will discuss our road program and give a preview of the township budget for the coming year, showing where our money goes and why. This is the beginning of a new year for the H.H.P.O.A. and certainly the program planned for the evening should be of interest to all residents. Let's make this a full house and back. the association for the benfit of all of us. Clean-tTp Day Sunday, Feb. 27, certainly was proof of what can be done when a project is backed by m a n y . O u r c l e a n - u p d a y brought out a great many residents and others who pitched in with their time, effort, muscles and equipment. Truckloads of debris and unwanted items were picked up in trucks from Fed Quilico, Leon Koepke, and the Flying Dutchman, John Van Duyn. The list of workers (and we hope we got everyone) includes Jim Harper, Jimmy Harper, Bill Abbink, A. 'Zippy* Gibbs, Harry Schroeder, Bob Szamblewski, Bill Mahon, Con Kasprzyk, Bill Boettcher, Jack White, Roy Lundelius, Leon Kiepke, Wally Foreman, Tom- Surprise Ethel Edwards and Connie Smith were very surprised and happy when the Ladies League Farm Service Wal Insured AUCTION LOCATION: 8 miles North of Woodstock, 7 miles South West of Hebron, 1 mile East of Alden Road. 1 mile West of Route 47 on McCauley Road. WATCH FOR AUCTION ARROWS. REASON: Rented Farm. Alden Hebron Grange will serve lunch. AUCTION TO START AT 10:00 SHARP Itoiday, March 14 Br®S.-©w@r 4906 McCauley Rd., Woodstock, III. 51 HEAD HI-GRADE HOLSTEINS: 25 cows, including 5 Springers, 8 Fresh in the last 60 days, balance milking good and bred back. All home raised, vaccinated, and owner milked. 1 Holstcin Bull, 14 months old; 7 Heifers, 18 to 20 mos. (bred); 12 Heifers, 12 to 14 mos.; 6 Heifers, 4 to 8 mos. HOCiS -- 40 Feeder Pigs, average 150 lbs. ^ FEED -- 4.000 bales first cutting Alfalfa Hay, 6,000 bales second and third cutting Alfalfa Hay, All Hay is crimped; 2,500 Bales Straw. H00 Bushels Oats; 90 Bushels Har-Soy Soybeans for seed; 5.500 bushels Ear Corn; 10 bushels Spring Seed Wheat. SILAGE: 35 ft> in 14 ft. silo, 8 ft. in 14 ft. silo, 8 ft. in 16 ft. silo. MILKlNc. EQUIPMENT: DeLaval Pump and Motor; 5 De- Laval Milker Units (Magnetic); Rinse Tanks, Pails and Strainers. TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT: IH No. 560 Tractor (1200 hrs.), real clean; IH No. 350 Utility Tractor with fast hitch, recently overhauled, good rubber; Int. T.D. 6 Crawlers, recently overhauled; Farmall M. good rubber, overhauled last fall; For<| 8 N, with loader and back blade; MH No. 80 Self Propelled Combine with 12 ft. grain head; 1954 Dodge, 2 ton Truck with 12 ft. grain box (24,000 actual miles); IH 2-MH Corn Picker, with grease bank; IH 55T Baler with motor; IH No. 100 Mower, pull type, (like new); IH No. 36 Mower, semi- mounted; Oliver 4-14 in. Plow. IH 3-16 in. Plow; IH 2-18 in. Plow. IH 2-16 in. Plow; Knight No. 88 Manure Spreader (2 yrs. old); MC Green Chopper and Hay Conditioner (2 yrs. old); 200 Amp. Emergency Generator. PTO; Gehl Blower with 50 ft. pipe, PTO; IH 20C Forage. Harvester. PTO; Cunningham Hay Conditioner; 10 ft. Fertilizer Spreader; IH No. 490 Corn planter w/ disc openers; IH No. 455A 4-row Cultivator, 2 yrs. old; Oliver Side Rake, rubber tires; NI 4-bar Side Rake; 3 2-wheel Trailers; IH Corn Sheller with elevator and stacker; MM-E C o r n S h e l l e r o n g e a r w i t h d r a g l i n e ; IH M a n u r e L o a d e r for M or H; 4 Flat Racks with gears; 3 Self Unloading Boxes with heavy duty gears, 1 with airplane tires; 4 2-way Rams; Veneer Ditching Machine; 16 ft. Feeder Wagon with gear; PTO Post Hole Digger; 40 ft. Extension Ladder; 2 IH 10 ft. Wheel Discs; 40 ft. Ottawa Corn Elevator with PTO and motor; Helix Auger Feeder Wagon; 1942 Ford Truck with hoist; IH Grain Drill w/grass seed & fertilizer; Harvey Hammer Mill; Clipper Fanning Mill; Gehl Silo Filler; Welder, Electric and Cetolene; Air Compressor; IH 4-section Harrow; 16 ft. Aluminum Grain Elevator w/motor; 16 ft. 4 in. Grain Auger with motor; IH . 2-row Cultivator; Flare Box; Hand Corn Sheller; 2 Hay Hoists; Quantity of Used Lumber; Wisconsin Air Cooled Engine; 5 HP Electric Motor; IV2 HP. Elec. trie Motor 4 Hog Feeders; 3 Hog Waterers; 3 Drive Belts; Cement Mixer with electric motor; Starline Silo Unloader for 16 ft. silo; 3 Rubber Tired Feed Carts; Snow Fence; Grinder with motor; Stock Tank; Pile of fire wood; 20 Milk Cans; Malco 20 ft. Hay Conveyor with motor; Many items too numerous to mention. This farm has been run exclusively by the owners. Who took excellent care of the tools and equipment. Your inspection invited prior to the sale. LIBERAL TERMS: Auctioneers: Henry Freeman, Hebron, 111. Eugene Fredrick®, Harvard, 111. Herb McCauly, Woodstock, BBS. Cashier: Wally Van Egmond, Clinton, Wis. Clerk, Ronald Lipinsky, Union, 111. FARM AUCTION SEiWlCE, Inc., Lake Geneva, Wisconsin AUCTION Located 5 miles Southeast of Richmond, Illinois, V2 mile West of Spring Grove, on Rte 12, on Wediesdaf - March 16th COMMENCING AT 12:00 O'CLOCK 45 HEAD HOL8TEIN CATTLE -- 36 milk cows, 10 fresh, 4 with calf by side, 10 close springers, 3 springing 1st calf heifers, balance bred back and milking; 2 bred heifers, 6 open heifers, 8 to 16 months old, Holstein bull, 16 months old; DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- Groen 275 gal. SS bulk tank, 3 Surge milkers, McCormick single unit milker, 30 gal. electric hot water heater, SS double wash tank, milk house heater, cabinet, pails and strainers. PRODUCE -- 500 bales 1st cutting hay, 100 bales 2nd cutting hay, 500 bu. oats, 600 ear corn, 10 ft. silage in 14 ft. silo, some baled straw. SfLO UNLOADER AND BARN &LEANER -- Van Dale 14 ft. silo unloader, Crown barn cleaner with 2 hp. motor and 175 ft. chain; POULTRY -- 100 Leghorn hens, feeders and fountains. S TRACTORS AND FARM MACHINERY -- McCormick Deering 300 tractor, Oliver 70 tractor with cultivator, McCormick F20 tractor, McCormick 45 PTO baler, McCormick Deering model 64-6' combine, Mc #37 wheel disc, Mayrath 40 ft. elevator, Gehl chopper with motor, McCormick chopper, M-C field chopper, Mc 3/14 quick hitch plow, 7 ft. quick hitch mower, corn binder, and 8 ft. grain drill; Danusar 8 ft. fast hitch blade, Midwest front end loader NH tractor spreader, 4 sec. steel drag, Gehl blower with 40 ft. pipe, Oliver 7 ft. mower and 2 row corn picker, RT wagon with grain box, RT wagon with flat rack, RT wagon with chopper box, 21 ft. Bazooka grain auger, Mc 3 bar side delivery rake, 7 ft. tandum disc, 7 ft. cultipacker, corn shredder, 10 ft. elevator, hog houses, buzz saw, quantity of lumber, iron and fence posts, cow clipper, hog feeder, steam cleaner and many other items to numerous to mention. Miller ^ ROBERS & DAM, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Grove, Wis., Phone 878-2421 Farm Service Way Insured AUCTION LOCATION: *4 Mile East of Rt. 14 on 176. Then % mile North On Oak St. Watch for Auction Arrows: REASON: Discontinuing Dairying SALE TO START AT 1:00 P.M. Tuesday, March 15 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS 41 HEAD HI GRADE HOLSTEINS: 41 Head High'Grade flolstein Cows, consisting of 12 springers and 15 fresh within the last 30 to 60 days. Balance milking well and bred back. These are young cows with lots of type. This herd produced over 530,000 lbs. milk in 1965. Breeding dates and present production will be available. These cows were TB and Bangs Tube Tested, and are eligible for interstate shipment. Inspection Invited. FEED -- 3,500 baes of mixed hay (all crimped); 2,500 bushels of ear corn; 25 ft. silage in 14 ft. silo. EQUIPMENT -- Starline Barn Cleaner, 2 yrs. old wilt^^S ft. chain; Surge SP 22 pump and motor; 4 Surge milker units; Dari-Kool 250 gal. bulk tank; milk carrying cart (holds 200 lbs.); 30 gallon hot water heater; rinse tanks; pails and strainers; milk house fan; Stewart Clippers barn fogger; Some small tools. LIBERAL TERMS: Auctioneers: Gordon Stade, Grayslake, 111. f William Stade, Mundelein, 111. Cashier: Wally Van Egmond, Clinton, Wisconsin Clerk: Ronald Liphisky, Union, 111. Farm Auction Service, Inc. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin my Lundelius, Bill Exline, Rick Postal, Hal Breede, A1 Bessell, Mayo Profroeck, Harry Postal, Butch Pahlke and Hall Freese, township supervisor. We certainly applaud these men for a job well done, and also Phyl Haprer and Vi Abbink who furnished refreshments for the men at the ranch house. A gr4at deal of work was done at the ranch house the same day to make it a cleaner more attractive and comfortable place at which to hold meetings. Home on Furlough The Dowhin house was back to normal for 10 days when Jimmy was home on furlough from Ft. Knox, Ky., before go- ING O NTO Fort Benjamin Harrison . in Indianapolis, Ind., for schooling. While home, Jimmie's good friend and high school buddy, Danny Kinnerk, was also on leave from the United States Navy, so it was really like old times having the two of them back with all their nonsense and antics. Greetings "• A happy birthday to my friendly neighbor, LaVon Dowhin, on March 11, also to Arlene Foreman on the same day. Hospital Patients McHenry hospital took care of three of our Holiday Hills residents this past week. Bouquets of get-well wishes for a speedy recovery go to Dick Bern is recovering from surgery, also to Mickey Walters back Barbara" Csuti Lends Moral Support Barbara Csuti came down from her home in "Cumberland, Wis., to be with Lorraine Bemis during Dick's surgery. She was a tremendous help to Lorraine, particularly thru the hours that Dick was in the operating room. She returned only when she was assured that Dick was on the mend. Apology My apology to Jimmie Justes who I'm told was not given due credit as Chairman of 'the Cerebral Palsy Drive. Orchids to her for a fine job done again. Attend Church Sunday GERTRUDE E. VELGUTH A public lecture coming to Woodstock on March 8 will explain the Christian Science concept of "Soul", and how man's individual identity is spiritually originated and maintained by God. The speaker will be Gertrude E. Velguth, C.S.; an \experipnced Christian Science practitioner from Flint, Mich., who is cuivpntly Ortv tour as a member or the denomination's Board of Lectureship. Her visit here is being sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist. The lecture begins at 8 p.m. in Congregational - Universalist church South and Dean streets, Woodstock. It's titled "Christian Science: Soul's Restorative Power Revealed," and will include a thorough explanation of the practice of spiritual healing. Admission is free and open to the public. Read the Classifieds Be modern with Locally O^med and Opeiated -- PHEE DELIVERY -- Complete Line of DaftrJ Product* Phone 385-0195 or 385-0232 WINNING DES9GN Shower Valve WEBER Plbg, & Htg. 2801 W. Lincoln Rd. Phone 385-0855 NOBODY BEATS THE GOOD GUYS TO THE DRAW The 9«§«%0 Boys will back competiiossn down every time • ••fflroa? ©spwsifflfflJjr now during their Sales Stmntp@dfe0 How do the good guys shoot holes in competition? With a car that's great. . . a deal that c a n ' t be beat ... and a way of backin' up their words that makes competition head for the hills. That's what the Dodge Rebellion is all about. See the good guys in white hats today and cut your Dodge out of the herd. O O C3 O a £b ^Yoti can tell they're good guys--they all wear white hats) c a a A 3 BOYS SUNNYSIDE DODGE CO DART--smartest littlest thorobred in town cs cm cm «d a o cj c cu a o g cm ce ca cj g C3 C5 S j 9 4810 WEST ROUTS 1M McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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