Section On* -- Page Six THE MCRENST PLAINDEALER Thursday, March 17,1966 BATES Insertion -- 7c per word -- $1.40 minimum No ads counted less than 20 woi'ds. Repeat Insertions -- 6c per word -- $1.20 minimum 25c Service Charge on All Blind Ads. Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors In classified ads after the first insertion. Cheek your ad the first week and call our attention to any mistakes. KlTT/S COLUMNS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 3854)170 tO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD AUTOMOTIVE Replacement Parts -For Cars Accessories, and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO' SUPPLY Route 120 I Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2-4-65-TF "62" MONZA. No money down, take over payments, $57 per month. Motor newly overhauled. New battery, all new wiring, 2 new tires. Call 312- HY 7-3719 3-10-17-66 -- 1957 JEEP -- Universal 4 Wheel Drive Factory cab, all new tires, locking hubs, 6% ft. Meyers hydraulic plow, complete tire chains, complete set of instrument gauges, flasher and back up lights. Just been completely repainted. CANNOT TELL FROM NEW, ' $1395 Complete Call 815-385-7855 3-17-60 FORD 7 ft. tandem disk, $200. Ford 2 bottom plow, $100. Call 815-385-6533. 3-17-66 1965 MUSTANG hardtop 289, V8, 4 speed transmission, many other options. Drafted. Call 385-3143. 3-17-66 SAAB late '63 station wagon. Excellent condition. $700. Phone 385-1402. 3-17-66 1965 CHEVELLE 300. 2 door * sedan, 6 cyl., automatic, power steering, radio, heater, white-walls, 10,000 miles. Selling family's second car due to illness. Phone 385-1484. 3-17-66 1965 MUSTANG. 2 plus 2 high performance 289, 4 speed. Exc e 11 e n t condition. $2100 or best offer. Phone after 5 p.m. 385-0110. 3-17-66 1955 FORD. Good condition. Good tires, new battery, radio, heater, automatic, body in fair condition. Phone after 5 p.m. 385-0627. 3-17-66 1964 CHEVROLET Bel-Aire, 9 passenger, 8 cylinder station wagon. Power glide, air condition, power steering, radio, white walls. Ideal family car. Best offer. 385-5973. 3-17-66 1965 2 DOOR Chevrolet 6 Power glide. Low milage. Been drafted. 385-4776. 3-17/24-66 1958 FORD 4 door station wagon. New tires, Good running condition. $150 or best offer. 815-653-4038. 3-17/24-66 1955 Runs PLYMOUTH V8 stick, good. $60.00. 385-3174. 3-17-66 1965 DODGE CORONET 500, Buyer must be willing to take over payments. Balance $2,300. Call after 4 p.m. 653-9376, 3-17-66 1961 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, white walls, radio, $600. 385- 5040. 3-17-66 1964 VOLKSWAGEN, radio, low miles, very clean. 385-1380 after 6 p.m. 3-17-66 BOATS & MOTORS T R I T O N Marine Service • Johnson Motors • Skiff Craft Boats • Trail car Boat Trailers COMPLETE SERVICE FACILITIES for Beats -- Motors -- Storage Gas & Oil -- Rest Rooms 1208 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONF 385-1076 2-4-65-TF SAILBOAT: 1965 Starlefte by Starcraft. 9 ft. fibreglass, 14 ft. mast. 56 sq. ft. of sail. Weight: 130 lbs. Ideal for top of car. Oars included. Aluminum tiller and centerboard. Price: $270. A. Rebel, Phone 385-2470 6 to 9 p.m. or weekends. 3-17-66 14 ft. boat with 45 hp. Mercury Motor and trailer. Remote control electric starting, life preservers, padded seats, $450. Phone 312-HY 7-3719. 3-10-17-66 BOATS & MOTORS 100 BOATS AND MOTORS. New-used, all types at bargain prices. Top line brands -- Johnson Motors. Get our price before you buy. Ed Wendt, "Complete Marine Center", on Highway 12, north end Richmond, Illinois. We buy clean used boats. Open daily 9-5, Wednesday and Friday 9-8, Sunday 11 - 5. Closed Tuesday. 3-10-66TF BUSINESS SERVICES DOHERTY Sand & Gravel • BLACK DIRT AND FILL • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS Phone 815-385-3704 3-10-66TF • HELIARC , • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE Estimates Phone 385-4929 or 385-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (Vfc mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) 3-3-66TF COMBINATION WINDOWS *10.00 , -- MOST SIZES -- Brand new not seconds USED COMB. ALUM. DOORS CHUCK'S Glass & Mirror 4304 W. South Street Cooney Heights 385-3560 2-24-66TF EXPERT TREE REMOVAL SERVICE. Free estimates. Prices reasonable. Quick service. E. F. Kaherl, 100 E. Grand Ave., Fox Lake, 111. Phone 312-JU7-0051. 3-17/31-66 BUSINESS SERVICES Sales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry, III 385-6027 2-4-65-TF ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial,- commercial and domestic. Kickert Electric. 480 Center S*., Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 2-4-65-TF JEPSEN Automotive Tire Center I Wheel Alignment I Brakes I Mufflers I Shocks ) Accessories I Gas for Less I Complete Tire Line Passenger & Truck 3331 W. ELM STREET 1-20-66TF R&D A U T O S E R V I C E 4250 W. Idyll Dell Rd. (2 blks. West of Route 31) TOP QUALITY » BODY WORK • Refinishing • Insurance Work • Pick up Service PHONE .-385-7448 385-4862 2-24/3-17-66 McHenry Disposal Service PHONE 385-2221 FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED CONTAINER SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 5-6-65-TF INCOME TAX SERVICE Prompt. Handling of Your Tax Problems and Preparation Of Your Tax Return McHenry Accounting and Tax Service 385-4410 4410 West Route 120 McHenry, Illinois Accounting and Taxes -- Our Only Business 1 -13-66TF OAK FIREPLACE WOOD 1007 N. River Road McHenry, Illinois Split and^delivered $17 per ton McHenry Fence Co. Specialists in Fence Building of All Types -- SNOW PLOWING -- Call 385-1469 3-3-66TF McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE CUT, STYLE, PERMANENT & SET Complete $5.00 and up Wigs and all types of wig care. Work, done exclusively by students under supervision of skilled BUSINESS SERVICES UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St McHenry. Illinois ART'S Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4728 2-4-65-TF WETTELAND 1802 N. Riverside Drive PAINTING & DECORATING PAPER - HANGING INTERIOR - EXTERIOR BRO-KADE DECORATING Phone 815-385-7759 3-10-66TF FOR SALE LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Diet Tablets. Only 98c at Bolgers Drug, McHenry. 3-3/24-66 1ST CUTTING Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixed hay. Phone 675- 3531. Blazel & Stahl, Inc. Newburg, Wis. 3-3-66TF FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our product called Odrinex. You must lose ugly fat or your money back. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed Get rid of excess fat and live longer. Odrinex costs $3.00 and is sold on this guarantee: If not satisfied for any reason, just return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. Odrinex is sold with this guarantee by: Bolger Drug Store - 2159 No. Green St. 3-3/17-66 STEEL OFFICE desk, like new, $50. Phone 385-3560. 3-10 66TF EASTER DRESSES AND BONNETS HAVE ARRIVED Sizes infants through 14 We also have a selection Blazers, Suits and Shirt Slack Sets for the boys. Sizes infants through 7. USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN Toddler Shop 3430 W. Em St.« 3-17-66 Clearance Sale STORE WIDE Vj PRICE SALE Plenty of Free Parking C O U N T R Y FASHION SHOP 1709 W. Route 120 McHenry 1V* miles east of town 385-9757 2-3-66TF 3031 instructors. No appointment necessary. . -- OPEN -- Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday -- 9 a.m. Thursday and Saturday -- 9 a.m. to -- Closed Mondays -- W. Lincoln Road 385-2290 9 p.m. p.m. McHenry, HI. 2-17-66TF McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS - RECORDS ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Watchmaker's Bench and Tools Metal Clothes Closet Table and 4 chairs Enamel top chest Garden Cart, Full Size Bed Outfit Brand New Tree Sprayer 2 Chairs • End Table Christmas Lights some brand new, Flood Lights brand new, Ladders & extension board, 24" T.V. Set etc. 312-JU7-7256 21 INCH Black and White Motorola T.V. console. 2 end tables, 1 round top lamp table, all blonde oak. Excellent con dition. 312-497-3723. C. Prosser, 4812 N. Gregory, Whispering Hills. 3-17-66 Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available FOR SALE \ COCKER SPANIEL PUPS Blondes and blacks. A.K.C. registered. Male and female. Champion sired. $50.00 and up. 385-7628. 3-10-17-66 USED COMMERCIAL KITCHEN EQUIPMENT • One countertop. • South Bend grill with 2 side burners. • One 2 basket french fryer with cabinet and top cutting board. • One small 2 door under counter refrigerator. • Large maple cutting top. • Used gas range. • Extra cabinet. • Two large sinks. PHONE 385-1123 3-17-66 FACTORY SALE FRIDAY 18TH 6 P.M. -- 9 P.M. SATURDAY 19TH 10 A.M. -- 5 P.M. SUNDAY 20TH 1 P.M. -- 4 P.M. F A B U L O U S B A R G A I N S IN . L A D I E S WEAR ALL SALES FINAL Magic Slacks 4011 W. Main McHenry, Illinois Just West of railroad depot. 3-17-66 1-6-66TF WOULD YOU BELIEVE we have over 100 BEAUTIFUL HATS to sell at $4.00 each? See for yourself SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MARCH 19th & 20th AMERICAN LEGION McHenry sponsored by McHenry County Medical Assistants Association Can't make it? SORRY ABOUT THAT!! -3-17-66 REGISTERED "Black and Tan" Hunted on coon and mink. Well behaved. Make an offer. Phone 385-7182. 3-17-66TF GAS RANGE, $40. Maytag wringer-washer, $45. Dresser, $10. Refrigerator, $50. Child's tractor, $10. Bouncing horse, $5. Gas range, excellent, $60. Call 385-0233. • 3-17-66 CHIHUAHUA puppies. All ages. $25.00 - $50.00. Call after 6 P.M. 385-0468. 3-17-66 POODLE Puppies. Black Miniatures. A.K.C. registered. $75. 385-5630. 3-17-66 PING PONG table $15.00, 2 clothes racks $5.00 each. Ladies camel hair car coat, zipout lining. Size 18, $10.00. 385-7759. 3-17-66 A.K.C. REGISTERED German Shepherd Puppies, 9 weeks old. Purebred from champion stock including German imports. Have shots and have been wormed. Call 312-497- 3335. 3-17-66TF LARGE BLONDE dining room set. China cabinet $50. Large taupe gray rug, 10x7% $30. % iron bed $10. Large freezer, glass sliding doors. $50. 385-5084. 3-17-66 ONE SET men's Wilson Golf Clubs. 4 woods, 8 irons and bag. Phone 385-1123. 3-17-66 FROM wall to wall, no soil at all, on carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 3-17-66 INTELLIGENT, gentle, male St. Bernard. 9 mos. old. Has all shots and is A.K.C. regist e r e d . R a i s e d w i t h y o u n g children, has had some obedience training, and is at an ideal age for further training. 385-7378. 3-17/24-66 TWIN STROLLER, lent condition. 385-3665. Excel- 3-17-66 6 YR. CRIB complete. $10.00. Youth bed with springs $10.00 B o y s s p o r t s c o a t s s i z e s 8 - 1 4 385-3817. 3-17-66 5 WARE ALUMINUM awning window and screens. Size 3a ft. x 6 ft. 9 in. One Anderson storm door and screen. ft. x 6 ft. 8. in. Excellent for enclosing porch or breezway. 385-4494. 3-17-66 ft FOR SALE PURPLE MARTIN houses. Lawn swings and chairs. Picnic tables, etc. Clarence J. Smith! 2413 W. Johnsburg Rd. Johnsburg, Illinois. 3-17-66TF FOR RENT 3 ROOM OFFICE, 2nd floor, 3325 W. Elm St., Phone 385- 0743. Dr .. tschel. 3-3-66TF MODERN OFFICE, space available. Air conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone 385- 0184. 3-3-66TF DELUXE one bedroom apartment. Air conditioned. Swimming pool. $130 per month. 3705 W. James St. Phone 385- 0923 or 385-5478. 3-3-66TF STORE -- 800 sq. ft. undivided. 5317 East Wonder Lake Rd.. Wonder Lake. 653-7331 before 7 p.m. 653-9200 after 8 p.m. 3-3-66TF STORE FOR RENT -- 3322 W. Elm St., Newly remodeled. 1200 sq. ft. Parking. Garage. Call 459-5252. 3-3-66TF OFFICE SPACE in new modern building on Route 120. Heat, air conditioning, and ample parking included in monthly rental. Phone 385- 0343. 2-3-66TF ONE BEDROOM apartment in Richmond, furnished or unfurnished. Heated. See or call Space Developers, Inc., Richmond, HI. 815-678-2861. 2-17-66TF HOMES FOR HANDY FAMILIES Children Welcome $90.00 PER MONTH AH First Year's Rent Goes For Repairs And On Option APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3413 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111. Key available at building LARGE FIREPROOF COMMERCIAL BUILDING 321 Feet Facing Main Street CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Suitable for any type wholesale or retail business or manufacturing OIL STATION Doing Good Business with Adjoining Offices -- Stores and Living Quarters Phone: MR. McCOY 312-327-4558 or 312-DI 8-6800 CHICAGO, ILL. 3-17-66 2 BEDROOMS, full basement, garage. Call 385-5440. Blacher's Real Estate. 3-17-66 4 ROOM APARTMENT. Ga rage included. 385-5855. 3-17-66TF ROOM with private bath and entrance. Near business district. Reply Box No. 356. c/o McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry. 3-17-66 2 BEDROOM apartment. Available April 1st. Rent $100 385-5324. 3-17-66 6 ROOM home with garage. Near school and church. Available April 15th. $90. Write jto Box No. 365. McHenry Plaindealer. McHenry, Illinois. 3-17-66 SECOND FLOOR apartment, heated, hot water, close to shopping, depot. Couple or small family preferred. 385- 1716. 3-17-66 4 ROOM cottage, 2 bedrooms, c o m p l e t e l y f u r n i s h e d . G a s heat. Large screened front porch near McHenry on lake. Beautiful quiet surroundings. No dogs or small children. Reasonable rent. 385-1239. 3-17-66 in McHenry , RATE8 .. Display Clarified First Insertion -- $1.3ft Per Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions -- $1.15 Per Col. Inch 4 Lines 8 pt. Type Per In. with 18 pt Signature. COPV DEADLINE - Classified Display -- Tuesday, 4 p.ra. Regular Classified -- Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. OFFICE HOURS -- Daily _ 8:30 to 5:00 Saturday -- Closed. Female Help Wanted WAITRESS WANTED. No experience necessary. Will train. 385-4480. Rudy's Drive In. 3-17-66 WAITRESS WANTED. Apply in person. The Breakers, Rt. 14 Crystal Lake, Illinois. 3-17-66 FEMALE SECRETARY. Must have experience. Typing, filing and bookkeeping. Call before 5 p.m. 385-1346. 3-17/24-66 SELL STUDIO GIRL full or part time. Call 312-526-7249 for more information. Company benefits. 3-17/24-66 CLEANING WOMAN 1 day twice a month for small apartment. Must have ,own transportation. 385-5595. 3-17-66 WOMAN TO work in nursing home. On Pistakee Bay near McHenry. 6 p.m. til 10 p.m. 6 days a week. 815-385-0461 3-17-66 $50 WEEKLY GUARANTEE! Short Hours plus good pay makes this part time job idea! f o r h o u s e w i f e w h o d r i v e s . Leading National Sales company offers this good pay, interesting position with flexible hours. No experience. We train. CALL 653-4366 or write: BOX 363, c/o Plaindealer for interview 3.17-66 Position Available Excellent opportunity for intelligent woman to assume responsibility. Figure apptitude and light typing necessary. Will train to handle variety of duties. Many company benefits. AMERICAN STEEL TREATING CO. 459-2400 P.O. Box 477 Crystal Lake, Illinois 3-17-66 MaleHeljjJVanle^ OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Get paid weekly, healthful work. Liberal terms to right man in choice territory as sales representative for Wisconsin's Greatest Nursery, established over 55 years. No delivering or collecting. Liberal guarantee. Nurseries of over 700 acres at Waterloo, Wisconsin: Write: McKay Nursery Company Waterloo, Wisconsin 3-3/17-66 CAREER SALES OPPORTUNITY The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is expanding its Field Force in the area, and for the man with the right qualifications we can offer an excellent opportunity for a career in sales or future sales management. Call 312-662-2540 or apply in person 25 North County St. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. Waukegan, 111. 3-17/4-7-66 WORK NEAR HOME Urgent need for qualified apJplicants to work for our client companies in the McHenry area; We need men with work experience in office, sales and production. Call today for lo- ,cal interview. Ask for WALT MROTZ PARKER PERSONNEL 312-273-3553 Female Help Wanted SALESLADY Full time position in housewares dept. 40 hour week. Apply at once. Ben Franklin, McHenry, Illinois. 3-17-66 PART TIME WAITRESS -- Phone 385-9877 3-10-66TF DICTAPHONE OPERATOR STENOGRAPHER Permanent positions with variety of interesting duties. Exceptional employee benefits. Hours 8-4:30, Monday thru Friday. Aeroquip Corporation BARCO DIVISION 500 N. Hough -- Barringlon, 111. 312-DU 1-1700 "An Equal Opportunity Employer" 3-17-66 FEMALE HELP WANTED DAY ANp NIGHT SHIFT No experience necessary. Permanent position Good starting wages. Paid vacations, holidays, birthdays and insurance. Night shift premium. Admiral Corp. 3908 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 2-10-66TF GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! . . Are you looking for steady employment in a clean comfortable factory? We have openings night or day shift for light machine and assembly work. DAYS -- 8 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. NIGHTS -- 5 P.M. TO 1:30 A.M. Our benefits include: • FREE LIFE AND HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE • PROFIT-SHARING • 8 PAID HOLIDAYS • JURY DUTY PAY • PAID VACATION • CREDIT UNION m * IN PLANT LOW COST CAFETERIA • TOP NIGHT SHIFT PREMIUMS -- Apply in Personnel Office-- 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. daily, Monday thru Friday Oak Manufacturing Company DIVISION OF OAK ELECRO/NETICS CORP. S. Main Street Crystal Lake, 111. PHONE 459-5000 •' ( An Equal Opportunity Employer ) 3-17-66