Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1966, p. 9

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TCtutsdajf/Majch 24.1968 t^AlkDEALER' Sectlbil^Wo LAKELAND Pirn Nfews! Carole Humann - 885-1605 -- Barbara Meurei - 885-4^56 SPONSOR SALAD LUNCHEON. CARD PARTY MARCH 30 This is the last reminder you will have to get your babysitter -for next Wednesday so you can come out and enjoy the salad lunch and card party'. Lunch will be served at the Americap Legion at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 30. Business nrten and, women are urged to come over and partake of the ham and delicious salads which will be available. Tickets are being sold by the members of the Lakeland Park Woman's club and can also be ^bought at the door. NEW EXPLORER'S P08T Any boy interested in joining the newly formed Explorer's post of Lakeland Park contact Mr, Koch at 385-3426. The age for explorers starts at '14 years of age and not over 18. Cub Scouts Troop 459 A Cub Scout Pack meeting was held at the Community house last week Tuesday after a lapse of several months. Our new Cubmaster, Gerorge Hendie, was introduced by Bob Matthews who presided over the meeting for his last time. Roll call was taken with Den 1 receiving the honor flag for having the most parents present. Awards were then given to the following boys. The Bobcat pin to William Mueller, Jim Hahn, Scott Strange, and Mark Kawa. The Lion badge was supposed to go to Jamie Fernstrom along with a year pin but he wasn't present. Shawn Strange, Lee Hulbert and Mrs. Hulbert also received year pins. It was announced that the charter was ready to be turned into council but they needed two more signatures for committee men. Mr. Bierman and Mr. Stoltz were kind enough to sign on. Ron Meurer gave a well deserved thank you- to Bob Matthews for his years of service as Cub Master and presented him with a monogramed lighter from the boys. The meeting ended with a skit which was presented by Den 4, Mrs. Roger's den. A radio quiz program was put on with the boys in the den asking questions of the other boys. The winners won a ticket to the next pack meeting and a stick of bubble gum. * jCupcakes ^nd miljk and coffefe were then served. We hope , that at these Pack meetings, the parents of all of the 'boys will make an effort to attend. The meetings are held on the third Tuesday evening of each month and,, the whole family is invited to attend. Webelos Ron Meurer and Bob Matthews have agreed to have a Webelos Den for all boys who are IOV2 years old. This is a 6 month course to orient the boys who are preparing to join Boy Scouts when they are 11. The meetings will be held every Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Meurer home at 4814 W. Prairie. Girl Scouts Troop 320 This Monday we had an art class. We took half a sheet of white cardboard* paper and filled it with all different colors. We then took/^«|ien, red or blue paint to color the whole thing. Next week, when they are dry, we'll take scissor or pencils and sketch a picture. We then string paihted. Next we drew poodles and rabbits. Thfeh we voted on the two best for the Girl Scout Fun Fair. The two winners were Mary Johnson, and Mary Granath. We then had treats. We closed our meeting by singing taps in the friendship circle. Respectfully submitted, Alana Hendricks, scribe. Lakeland Park Couples Bowling We are coming into the home stretch with this Saturday being the last night before position night. The Sissies are in first, Bloopers second, Alley Cats third, Lucky Strikes fourth, Forfits fifth, Arrow B's sixth, Misfits seventh. Spooks eighth, Oddballs ninth, Bad Guys tenth, Bad News eleventh, and Sea Biscuits twelfth. The following is the lineup for Saturday, March 26. Forfit vs Luck Strikes, Sea Biscuits vs Bad* News, Bad Guys vs Arrow B's, Alley Cats vs Odd Balls, Misfits vs Sissies, and Spooks vs Bloopers. celebrating his fifth, and Florence Piasecki adding another year. Edna and Charles Anderson will celebrate their twentysixth wedding anniversary on March 29, and we want to wish them many more years of happiness. March 30 lias Dorothy Glorch celebrating and March 31, Ronnie Kamp will be 13. Judy Slonina will be 8, and David Brunow will be 3 with Esther and Harry Cygan celebrating their fifteenth1 year of wedded bliss. May you have many more. Community House Schedule Please notify Jo Rizzo on all reservations and cancellations. Wednesday, March 23 - Little League Open meeting and registration, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 26 - Lakeland Park 4-H Club Easter party, 1 p.m. Sunday, March 27 - Private party. Monday, March 28 - Girl Scout meeting, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Boy Scout meeting - 7 p.m. Boy Scout Troop- 459 On April 3, Boy Scout Troop 459 is having a pancake breakfast at the community house. The pancakes will be served between 8 and 11. The mo'hey obtained from this breakfast will be used to buy the camping equipment badly needed for the troop. When a Scout knocks on your door, please buy a ticket. Either a family ticket or a single ticket, but please buy a ticket. Besides pancakes there will also be eggs, bacon and toast and coffee, and milk. Respectfully submitted, Billy Eckhart, scribe. Strolling Through the Park Billy Eckhart was house guest at Norbie Kwiatek's for the weekend while Nedra and Les went into the city for a club meeting Paulette Rizzo was maid of honor last Saturday for her cousin in Columbus, Ga. She left from O'Hare field last Thursday with her Grandma Rizzo after much confusion over airplanes. They arrived in Atlanta where they called back home to let thefri know they had gotten there safely and Jo and Riz weren't even home yet having had two flat tires on the way. On Sunday, after picking up the returned travelers, the family celebrated Jo-Ann's birthday, having lots of laughs with the ta{)e reebfder she, had' received. On March 6, a bridal shower was given for Shirley Ann Jainke, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peters. The cohostesses were Dorothy, Moore, and Mary Peters from Lakeland Park, Judy Peters from Wonder Lake and Joan Peters f r o m C a r p e n t e r s v i l l e . T h e shower was held at the Peters home in Wonder Lake with fifty-three guests participating. Shirley Ann will become the bride of Dave Walters on April 9 in Wauconda. Grandma and Grandpa Apel were out Sunday to help Marty celebrate his birthday. Petie Oakford spent last weekend in Elmhurst while Her sister, Eileen Paulsen, underwent surgery. Everything turned out A-OK and Eileen will be back home by this time. Mary Beth Humann celebrated her ninth birthday last Saturday night with the help of Grandpa and Grandma Humann, Uncle Harold McGuire and her Uncle Phil and Aunt Chuck (short for Charlotte!) and cousins, Phil, Cheryl, Jim and Peter. Grandpa and Grandma who have just returned from three weeks in Hawaii brought lots of pictures and stories to tell of their adventures, including a bout with the flu bug in San Francisco. It was a happy birthday and had included a holiday from school with the help of the Irish. Our wishes for a speedy recovery to Ann Herzog and Herb and Marge Dent who had an auto accident on the way to Randhurst last Wednesday. Mr. Dent, who is sporting a big black eye, spent the night in the hospital for observation, but was released and is helping his wife, who has a very painful dislocated thumb. Ann and the Dents are still full of aches and pains but feel foi> tunate to be in one piece. Belated anniversary wishes to Jack and Anita Davis who celebrated another year of nuptial bliss on March 21. Michael Wohlert attained the ripe old age of three years on March 19 and was the host at a party on Wednesday marking the momentous occasion. Honored guests were Jeffrey and Chris Nylander, Chris and Eddie Nicolai, Bobby and Gail Hutt, Timmy, Randy, and Lisa Castro, Billy and Sandy Wohlert, Jeff Wolf, Barbie, Susie and Bobby Fout and his own sister, Michelle. This was Michael's first venture ap, a host and all agreed it was a rousing succesis. Otir own greetings arq offered.' Another birthday child of March 19 was Leonora Abbott, who was surprised on St. Patrick's Day by a group of neighbors who had asked h6r over for a game of cards. "The,, theme was green, natch, ana* after cake and coffee they even managed to play cards. The hostess was Laura Poole and the rest of the culprits were Eva Bott, Lorraine Arient, Hattie Manning, Lee Glorch and Beula Hoard. f The Schabow family took a ride to Chicago on Sunday to visit with Bill's folks and to wish his morn many happy re- ; tufrns, her birthday being FrM day. Debbie Schabow is back in school after a bout with toiisillitis which always seems to* last too long. Jim and Marian Duffy celebrated wedding anniversary number eleven last weekend.. They were accompanied by Bob and Gayle Laursen and Ed and Mickey Gadman to a seafood restaurant in Waukegan, and ended the evening With dancing in McHenry. This seeming to be birthday week, the Cynowas spent the day in Crystal Lake celebrating the birthday of Carol's dad, Mr. Gartze. They also attended an auction, which always arouses the gambler's blood in anyone! Kim and Paul took turns staying over night with their grandparents during the weekend. The Dowell homestead was really jumping over the weekend with the arrival home of Earl, Jr., otherwise known as Butch, from Ft. Hood. He will be home till the end of the month before-!:f reporting for duty in Maryland where he will be attending school for fourteen weeks. A large and exhuberent party was held on Saturday night with loads of friends and relatives. Sister Connie McDonough and husband came up from their home in Mahomet. Also there were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wade of Wheeling, Mr. and Mrs. Max Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Burrafato, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dowell and M,ary Burrafato plus many more, too numerous to mention ! Welcome home, Butch. With the Ides of March behind us, and Income Tax Day ahead of us, forget them and look Up. The kites are flying and saw a robin taking a sponge bath on the front lawn last week. Spring will be here to Stay just any old morning, wijh summer not far behind. .•Wdiil ID A YH ILLS NEWS INEZ TOVNO HMn TOWNSHIP BUDGET DISCUSSED BY HAROLD FREESE The Holiday Hills Property Owner's ' association -met at the ranch house on Monday, March 14, with Harold Freese, the township supervisor, present to give information on the township budget for the coming year. Since Holiday Hills will have vital interest in the. budget with our road program he asked that we be well represented at the next township meeting to be held on April 5. Be sure to mark the date on your calendar, and plan to be there. Another important item brought out is that many residents are calling the township offices with questions on the roads, and complaints on the present road conditions. The roads as they stand now' are OUR responsibility, not the townships, and as for the new road program, a committee has been formed consisting of Bill Abbink and Jack White to answer any questions that residents might have. If they don't have the answers,they will get them for you. When questions arise, call on our local committee rather than the township office. TTie newly elected officers were installed by the outgoing president, Harry Postal, John Van Duyn, President, Jim Harper Vice-President, Bill Boettcher, Treasurer, Mildred Jeschke, Secretary, (Recording), Dee Wegener, Corresponding Secretary, Bill Mahon, Sergeant at Arms, Board members: District Number 1, Donna Kasprzyk,, 2, Mayo Profrock, 3, Bud Roth, 4, Mickey Walters, 5, Harry Postal and at large, Bill Abbink and Harry Schroeder. Hard Times Party Mark the date April 16 down on the calendar for a good time. The H.H.P.O.A. will hold its hard times party at the ranch house on that evening. The committee and details will be announced later. Vehicle Stickers for Cars Township vehicle stickers are once again available for your car, free of charge, from Lorraine Bemis. She had them iwith her at the last associa- Birthday Wishes Happy birthday wishes go to Steve George and John Mueller who both celebrate on March 25 with Steve turning 14 and John 11. On March 27 Connie Parisi. John Licastro and Ed Oswald fill add another year. March 28 has Christine Tiffany turning 19, Dorothy Stockdale adding another year, Greg Bartos celebrating his% twelfth. Mary Therese and Frank Sweeney .bpth^adding another yoir, ;ind Del 1 n ~ lsroeriinpf*'" "PPtebrctthtj*. March 29 has Carl Thompson (R IO TCHiD) (24 Hi. S ALWAYS ABLE (2 CABS) McHENRY YELLOW CAB NANCY STHATTON - Owner tion meeting, but if you missed her there, why not give her a call and find out when you can stop by and pick yours up. Her number is 385-4443. Woman's Club Banquet The annual woman's night out for their ahnual banquet has been set for May 11. Dinner and a stage play will be featured at a country club in Mt. Prospect", with reservations made through the committee, consisting of Mickey Walters, Helen Boettcher or Joan Schroeder. Pack Meeting The Cub Scout pack meeting was held at the ranch house on Thursday, March 17. Scotty Lundelius led the group in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Slides were shown on the past Scout-o-ramas in which the troops and pack participated in the hope that some of the parents might come up with some of their own ^ideas. This year's Scout-O-Rama will be held on May 7 at the armpry in Woodstock. More news on this will be available in the near future and the boys from the pack will be selling tickets once again. The following awards were presented during a candlelight ceremony; Danny Ohlsen, lion badge and denners stripe, Jimmy McWilliams, silver arrow, Roger Mroz, denners stripe and two silver arrows, Bobby McWilliams, gold arrow, Glenn Exline, wolf badge and gold arrow, Keith Teuber, assistant denners stripe and four silver arrows, Johnny Perkins, wolf badge, Ronald Minter, wolf badge, and Scott Lundelius received his Webelos badge and during an impressive ceremony was received into the Boy Scouts by Scoutmaster Joe Catanzaro. The theme for the month was 'Knights of the Round Table' with Den 1 putting on the skit with puppets. The highlight of the evening came when the boys their rocket space ,derby. The rockets were made from kits given them by the pack for Christmas. <The winners of the exciting derby were from den 1, Danny Ohlsen, 2, Keith Teuber and 3, Billy Krause. The three winners then had a contest with Keith Teuber emerging as the Pack champion. Trophies were awarded to each of the den champs and Keith received a placque for being pack champ. The judges of the contest were Bob and Ann Slottag and family and Ed and Helen Grant and family. The boys made St. Patrick's Day corsages for their mothers and Den 2 prepared the refreshments. Orchids to Midge Teuber and Nancy Rose who took charge of the serving and decorating for (the evening. The evening closed with a pleasant surprise when Bill Krause came in with eighty bags of candy to be distributed to all present. HOLD HEARINGS onplansfor STATE RETARDED My«tery??¥f The case of the missing top for the association coffee pot. It's disappeared into thin air and no one knowing what happened to it. Do You?? Greetings Belated, but none the less sincere happy birthday greetings go to Cathy Connell who was 9 years old on March 19 and also to Jeffrey Smith who will celebrate his big day on March 28. Shop In McHenry Fred A. Rosum, director the Special Education district, McHenry county, is scheduled to testify at public hearings on the Illinois Plan for the Mentally Retarded this Week in Chicago. The McHenry County Aid for Retarded Children, Won-vder Lake, is represented at the hearings. The hearings, \o-sponsored by the Illinois Council for Mentally Retarded Children and the Illinois Board of Mental Health Commissioners, are held at the Pick-Congress hotel. Participants will give their views on proposals which could revolutionize state planning for Illinois' 300,600 mentally retarded. The proposals are made in a 125 page report by a panel of sixty-two experts appointed by Gov. Kerr ner in June, 1964 to conduct an exhaustive study of the problem of mental retardrtion here. BEAUTIFICATION STUDY Traffic flow, auto parking, ease of movement of pedestrians-- these are among vital factors as Woodstock conducts a major retail shopping center improvement and beautification study in early April. The picturesque square is the focal point jot this study. Four nationally known professionals are^, coming to Woodstock fop this unique approach to the tough challenge of retail stag- ! nation. THE RACKS ARE BULGING! Just a few oil WHAT'S NEW: BLOUSES (28 to 52) $1.98 - $4.98 PASTEL CUT-OFFS (8 to 18) $3.49 SHIFTS (All sizes to 52) $2.98 - $3.98 GIRL'S CAR COATS (7 to 14) $4.98 MEN'S SLACKS <44 to 52) $7.98 - $8.98 We can't unpack it fast enough! RIVERSIDE RETAIL OUTLET 1402 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 11!. Your Financial Secyrity: It's No Joke To Us A television comedian once assured his audiencd that, far from being broke, he actually had $75 in a savings account. "That's linanciil security/' he boasted. The audience roared. Of course the term "financial security" means different things to different people. Certainly financial security is closely tied to thrift and a program of regular saving. The question quickly arises* though -- "How much should a person save?" Let's say you open a McHenry Savings thrift account this week with $9.50 and add another $9.50 to your account each week. By this time next year your thrift account will total more than $500. In two years your savings will exceed $1,000. Thai Weal money. At McHenry Savings, regular thrift accounts earn 4% and inv@s£ment accounts 41/4%. Dividends are paid and compounded twice a year. Your savings are insured safe, convenient and instantly available. Why not lop in or phone soon? That's McHenry Savings -- the $8 million saving association where your "financial security" is a responsibility -*• never a joke. Cordially, E. ROGER COLLINS, President Mc HENRY SAVINGS Ml LOAN »SSICUT1»H ••ftinMmi Sniifi ai Ua loscso CsrfCirtl* 3611 % Elm Street/ McHenry / 385*3000

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