Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1966, p. 11

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Thursday. March 24,1966 RingwoodNews DELOBCS brjsn^tan 68S-9O0 VALUABLE ITEMS TAKEN IN FORCED ENTRY OF SCHOOL The Ringwood school has been broken into -lor the third time since its construction. The intruders entered through the boiler room door by prying It open with tools, and from there went into, the store room and office by breaking the locks on the doors. Among the items missing as of now are an adding machine, projector, record player, also a new tape recorder. Mr. Roeder, the principal, notified the sheriff's office upon finding the break-in on Monday morning at approximately 8 a.m. The exact time of the break-in is not known as of now. The Sheriff's department is conducting a complete investigation. , Jackie AisSen Wed Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen announce the marriage of their daughter, Jackie, to Andrew Rewchuck, Jr., of Chicago. The wedding took place in the Methodist church in Woodstock last Monday evening. The newly weds will be residing in Woodstock. Speaker on Special Education Fred Rosun will be the guest speaker at the March meeting on Monday, the 28th, for the R i n g w o o d C o m m u n i t y C l u b . The meeting will be held in t h e R i n g w o o d s c h o o l . T h e meeting will consist of a small discussion and demonstration as to the correct way to vote in the coming school board election. Members of the local board of election will be on hand to answer any inquiries you may have. This is an open meeting and all interested persons are cordially. invited to attend. Mr. Rosun is the head of the Special Education School for Mc- Henry County. And I'm sure ' his talk will be of much interest to all. He will be willing to answer any questions you may want to ask on this subject. Please make a special effort to attend. We'd like to have an especially good turnout for this ihiportant and interesting meeting* See you there. Care to Dance??? The Community Club will sponsor a record dance for all persons on Friday evening at the Ringwood school on April 1, (no joke either) More details will follow in next week's column. Do plan to attend. Refresh* ments will be served. Rummage Sale This Weekend The Ringwood Metho dist church is sponsoring its annual s p r i n g r u m m a g e s a l e t h i s weekend. On Friday, March 25, the hours are from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m., and on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Coffee, milk, rolls and cake will be sold also. Church Notes The W.S.C.S. meets the second Wednesday of each month for dessert at 12:30 followed by the program. All interested ladies are cordially invited to attend. On March 28, the second in the Seminar Series will be held at the local church. This will be entitled "The Christian Faith Meets The World of Business" by the Rev. Don Kelly of the United Church of Christ. He is also the minister to Oak Brook Shopping Center and has also been written up in Time and Newsweek. Rev. Kelly is engaged in a unique ministry. Anyone interested may call the Ringwood church on Monday, Wednesday or Friday mornings between 9 and 12 a.m. for more information. Phone number is 653-6956. On March 29, It will be Campus Day Tour of Christian work in Chicago. For information, etc., contact Althea Walkington, 653-9122. Also on March 29, a meeting of the church school board will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the parsonage. All members of the board are urged to attend. Pink and Blue Shower Held Mrs. Kenneth (Judy) Beck was honored at a pink and blue shower held in the Charles Acker man home on > Wednesday evening by Beverly Ackerman and Joanne Bruce. Judy was presented with many lovely gifts. Games were played by the thirty guests in attendance, followed by the serving of refreshments. Hospital and Accident Notes Mrs. Katherine Frazier is confined to Memorial hospital for McHenry County in Woodstock for x-rays and check-ups. Speedy best wishes are extended to you, Mrs. Frazier,, with hopes of a short stay. Miss Judy Winston is in Memorial hospital for McHen- TOE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Two -- Page TtiTei If* - h'tf • * • ^ * * lington called Wiedrich, on "ifixs. Fred Sr., on Thursday. ry County in Woodstock as the result of ah accident. Judy fell from a rope in the barn and fell thru tile hay chute, landing in the manger of the barn. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance immediately. This accident happened on Sunday afternoon, and as of this writing, no new information is available other than shg is not suffering from a broken back. How about dropping a card or two to these two T&mfined to their beds? Ila Hogan is still confined to the hbstftal in Harvard, arid according to the family is com-' ing along nicely. Since she will be remaining there for at least another week, I'm sure she would enjoy hearing irom her friends and neighbors. Best get-well .quick wishes are extended to all. Card Oub ! The Card Club met last Wednesday afternoon in the hbj-ne of Mrs. Vivian Jackson at; Richmond. Bertha Peet was high scorer for- the day with Gerry Kunz* Low. YOUTH GOSPEL CBUSADE TO BE HELDAT CHURCH Congratulations To: Doris and Walt Low upon their anniversary which is on March 30. Also congratulations to Mercedes Hoffman on March 31. And an April Fools' birthday wish to Marge Samuelson and Krystal Harrison. Local Gal Sees Sonny And Cher Bonnie Bruce is the envy of all the local teenagers since her recent encounter. On her way to her plane at O'Hare Airport in Chicago Bonniie had a chance to visit very briefly with the singing group "Sonny and Cher", and get their autographs. She's the talk of town with the teen set ever since. Bonnie flew to Texas for a week's visit with relatives there. Also while taking off for Texas, she saw Prince Philip's plane come in to land. Quite a trip for you, Bonnie. Here 'N' There Paul Shadle of California stopped to spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle. Paul was enroute home following a meeting in Washington D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell entertained the family at a turkey dinner on Saturday evening in honor of the birthdays, of Mrs. Marion Harrison, Gary Harrison, Loren Harrison and Miss Faith Wagner. Attending were, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family, Miss Faith Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Harrison. On Tuesday, Mrs. Armstrong of Wheaton called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. On Monday, < Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenry called on the Bob Brennans. Miss Patsy Wiedrich of Gfenoa City called on M^s:1 'FVed Wiedrich, Sr. < s1' - ^ Those from here to attehd the Spring Grove church card party were Mrs. Flora Carr, Mrs. Gerry Kunz, Miss Mae Wiedrich, Mrs. Dorothy Bauer, Mrs, Georgia Bauer and Mrs. Lor Brennan. Three of the ladies can\e home with beautiful begonia plants as table prizes. Ringwood will be blooming pink flowers now. Mr. qnd Mrs. Loren Harrison and Mrs. Mary Henne attended the pancake breakfast at the Greenwood Methodist church on Saturday. On Monday. Mrs. Pearl Sanders, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Ray Frazier called on Mrs. Frazier at the hospital in Woodstock. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich of Bur- Servers Doris Low and\Mary Baker are scheduled to serve barbecues on March 30. Mary Baker and Joan Preston will serve hot dogs on April 6. Visitors On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn were callers-in Richmond. Mrs. L. E. Hawley and Mrs. Anna Reinwall are spending this week in Hot Springs, where they are enjoying the. hot baths. On Sunday ,L. E. Hawley had dinner iri the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reinwall and boys at McHenry, That's it for another week from Ringwood. See you at the meeting, anihvpext week? OUTDOOR CENTER DIRECTOR SPEAKS TO AUDUBON CLUB The McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Audubon society will meet Tuesday evening, March 29, at 8 p.m. at the Westwood school, Woodstock. The speaker will be Robert Weirick, director of the Rockford Outdoor Education center. ,He is an outstanding speaker von conservation education. There will be an opportunity for questions about the Forestry district answered. All interested people are welcome. For further information call Mrs. Kenneth Fiske or Mrs. William Carroll Jr. BEV. DELMAR BIRKEY The Youth Gospel- Crusade, Inc., presents a unique new program, directed by Rev. Delmar Birkey, at the Wonder Lake Bible church March 27, 30,31 and April 1 at 7 p.m. The nightly youth programs will be highlighted with singing, contests arid awards, magical illusions, adventure and nature - films, black light Bible scenes and 'chalk'drawings. Admission is free at all meetings. All ages are invited to attend. The Youth Gospel Crusade has its headquarters at beautiful Camp Forest Springs * near Westboro, Wis. The field staff of the Crusade serves churches of all evangelical denominations from coast to coast. Rev. Birkey is a graduate of Columbia Bible college, Columbia, South Carolina, has served in several pastorates,' and directed a Christian Youth center before joining the staff of Youth Gospel Crusade. Rev. Wright, together with the members and friends of the Wonder Lake Bible church, are extending a community-wide invitation to everyone of all faiths to attend the Youth Gospel Crusade meetings. ATTEND CHUBCH SUNDAY Ml 3ustm ft ^ Is 8 »ne s^antm" in?" I*"" xpensf "c «nd relatively f '••fnforcJ col of "***1 **et casit E®6* ^ Vh® use £ * ®Mitent*. ' JWlt provides ' f" H Sfves coK ®nce of uiayim., assur- """"Hum protection. Respect^ Mftifk^UNNMHKrSweepstaRes. | Anewlisteveryweek from now until March31st429 first prizes. sms _k.._ Q173B Sim W" SDSI 2052 2D61 2062 2065 2E52 2E63 2E76 2G71 2G72 2G74 2G76 2G78 2J52 IS am 2N78 1*32 2R42 2352 III 23126 2063 2U64 206? 2UGC 2VU5H 2W5| awss 2vm 3A52 3A53 3A54 SA61 2Z63 3A62 2Z76 3064 30837 3D72 81745 3D76 11635 31845 ML 362W 363 363P 364 372 Its 374 3A5I 3D74 3078 k 3E57 SE62 8E76 3G60 3G63 3G64 SG65 3668 3J1 3J54 3J57 3J62 3J76 3K1 3N43 3N47 3N62 3N63 3N65 3N69 3R38 3R42 3R48 3R4S 3S49 3S62 SS7S 3US1 3U52 3U53 3U54- 3U61- 3U62 3W52 3W53 3W64 3W68 3W72 3W74 3W76 3W78 3Y87 3Z51 3Z53 3Z68 •3276 41545 41635 41645 41735 41745 41835 41845 45335 45435 45635 462 4A51 4A52 4A53 4A54 4A61 4A62 4A65 4E60 4E62 4E64 4E65 4E66 4E67 4E68 4E69 4E76 413 4J5 4J65 4J67 4J72 4J74 4J76 4J78 4K5 4N51 4R38 4R43 4R4? 4R4S 4S65 4S67 4S76 4U 52 4U53 4U54 4U61 4U62 4W65 4W67 4W7$ 4Z60 4Z65 4Z66 4Z67 4Z68 4Z69 4Z76 552 553 554 563 564 572 621C 622W 625M 625W 626K 628A 632M 635K 636W 638C 639A 639C 662A 663A 663K 564 854A 862K 863D 863W 864L 864P 874M 884K 884S 894A 811 818 8J5 8K5 9620 963S AI4 AJ4 AK4 BI4 ll yMi idkb a uiinute our list 01 MUHng vehicle Menflflcagon numbers, you may knew how it toefe ns week symbols vou've" H In It* fast week. So hurry. Here'o Vpu may have missed youc number before.) No ftpw tt wykf. U&Kat the first symbols (the prefix}) slogan to Invent, no ®y??les to solve. Tn fact, you gqypuryjIiwIgTdantification slip. Then look at the don't even tvaveto own 9 Quick to have a above., If you find yours on the list, lie first step toward being a winner, ow go too your Buick dealer. He has a list of 72 winners posted In his showroom. If ypu see your entire vehicle identification number oh the poster ^thji symbols ptV9 the rest of the numbers-- S2332 cash is ybtfrs. <«f your prefix isn't listed In this ad, don't give up. Your numbers' may have peen posted during the past six weeks. Every week 7? W|l«.pQ«t»d Ml-the Showroom waH. number. winning Contest Rufesi Residents of Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska may. If they prefer, send in a postcard to ^k ana Co., P.O. Box 1347, Detroit, Michigan 48231 and receive the wweeeekkllyy lliisstt ooff wwiinnnniinngs numberrs ~ '"i,L *heir vehicle identlentry form will be inby mail for comparison with'their own vehicle identification number. An official entry fo eluded. Sweepstakes limited to'persons over 21 W i t i ! i r m o t v o U a l n F , 0 r i d a 9 t nary. Bufeift * swmikm li to as last week. ^ ,, JIWI w srn e«» Ml wtm, too, WINES and LIQUORS Can Not Be Beat on WE'LL MEET ALL CHICAGO PRICES PH. 459-4Q50 ' 305 VIRGINIA STREET I Adjoining A&P Store) Crysial Lake. 111. Monday Ihiu Thursday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday. Saturday 9 aja. to 10 pan.* Sunday 12 to 9 HAL LOW PRICES on All KM§ of Decanters of Well Advertised Merchandise. We Cannot Mention Prices. A88 Popular Brands CIGARETTES ~* $2.59 corton (Regulars, Kings, Fillers) . 53.19 5fl 53.97 5ft V2 gal. *6.59 12-YEAR OLD J. Wo DANT'. . OLD FORES71R 86 PROOF CHARTER OAK Imported Canadian Whiskey MacNaughton's = $f .59 Schente/s Reserve • $7.97 GLENMORE Gin and Vodka Gilbey's Gin & Vodka - $6.97 Hiram Walker's Gin - $6.97 Hiram Walker's Vodka - $6.97 CANADA DRY VODKA - $2.69 fifth $3.39 quart Imported Hare Scotch Whiskey Inver House - $7«f5 Old Forester - $9.95 Ushers Green Stripe - *5.39 FUUL QT. Coloif Iranif • itOi Mm fifth DeKuypers CREME DE MEHTHE or PEPPERMINT SCHNAPPS HALF GALLONS MATTINGLY & MOORE - $6.79 PAUL MASSON BRANDY - $8.97 BOURBON SUPREME - $8.39 OLD THOMPSON, BURKE & BARRY, CHARTER OAK - $6.97 G&W Straight Wisley Uers&Cobbs Creek Park & Tilford Reserve iii;TH WHISKEY Park & TitaH - $3.39 5th 10 Year Old Kentui Scheri $197 Old Hid if Geratemera - $3.39 5 Kentucky Sour Mash Whiskey gy Red Sitir Old Hickory - $3.39 fifth 3 FOB $10 Year Old sry - $3.49 fifth 7 Yr. Old -100 Proof • Bottled in Bond OLD HICKORY - $3.49 fifth Decanter Bottles 12 Yr. Old - Charcoal Perfected J. W. DANT WHISKEY - $3.67 fifth Corby's, Barclay's - $2.97 fifth Bourbon Supreme - $3.39 fifth Embassy Clab ^2.97 fifth Ezra Brooks - $3.87 fifth Pebble ford. 86 Proof - $2.97 fifth Chapin 8c Gore - $3.69 fifth Burke & Barry - $2.97 fifth CORONlf Crawfor^ Scotch - $3.79 fifth Bottled in Scotland -- Imported from Scotland Southern Comfort - $3.98 fifth Dudenhoefer MAY WINE -- $1.19 FIFTH BSV BLUE RIBBON ILATZ GETTLEMAN'S 24 - 12 oz. Bottles SCHLE 12 - Pak Cans BUDWEISER Budweiser Millers Hamms, 24 12-os. Cans $069 . M.W $3.77 24-12 oz. Bottles -- Case Pabst Blue Ribbon - 89c / 6-Pack Throwaways or Cans / Buiwelser, Sclilitz - $3.19 ' Case of 1 oz. Bottles Gettleman's 6 Pack Throwaways Schlt^ Millers. Bud lie ai®! Hamms - 99c 6 Pack Throwaways MEISTEK BRAU IOC! 6 pak ww cans Many Other Bock Beers Michelob - $1.79 6 - Pack Hamms - 6 pack cans 99c Heineken Beer - 6 pack $1.97 Blatz - 6 pack 16 oz. cans $1.09 Meister Bau „ ( BOCK OB REGULAR ) Drewry's - Blatz $2.97 case of 12 oz. bottles $3.55 case of 12 oz. cans 89c - 6 pack cans Tuborg Beer - 6 pack $1.79 Canada Dry Ginger Ale or Sparkling'Water Xq 17'/2' - 2 for 35* Pepsi C®0@ 6 Puck 13 oz. Eotfclea wteiJBtelRi Pack 10 oz. Bottlea let Pepso 6 Pack 16 oz. Bottles 47c We Carry a Full Line of Coronet Brandy at Very Low Prices. DOMINION GIN AND VODIC^ $2.97 qi. -- $2.49 fifth GORDOH'S VODKA - $2.97 fifth $3.67 gt. - $8.87 Vi gal. LA COHGA RUM - $2.77 fifth SICILIAN GOLD - $2.39 fifth Marsala Wine Imported from Italy CHI ATI - 87c qt. N.Y. STATE CHAMPAGNE - $1.87; $21 Cast IMPORTED GERMAN WINES - 97c fifth IMPORTED FRENCH WINES - 87c up and Many Other Wines FREE USE OF GLASSES, CHAMPAGNE FOUNTAIN For Wedding and Parties, with the purchase of liquor at the Cardinal

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