Thursday, March 24, SES 1» *4*5 4-U\?»iv'. l» ? erdona Mr. ! and Mrs. Harold^Wildhagen! entertained a group of friend^ at their home Saturday evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ponald Gerlitz on their twentyfifth wedding anniversary: present for an enjoyable evening of cards and visiting were Messrs. and Mesdames Peter M. Justen, Vaughn Joites, Albert Barbian, Herman*" Lacy and* Dr. Hopfear, also Mrs. Helen Dobyns and Mrs. George Spindler. A delicious lunch was served and the honored couple presented with; a gift. Mr. and Mi&.lKarJ returned Saturday by plane frpm two weeks- vacation in which theyr visited in the homes of her brother, George King, in Sacramento, Calif., his brother, Everett Paddock, in Long Beach, her uncle, Elmer Miller in Srottsdale, Ariz;, and the Wilbur Cains in Pho£tii$. They also visited many peaces of interest while away. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer entertained a group of old friends at their home Wednesday of last week? Present for dinner and supper, cards and visiting were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. John Krohn of Lake Geneva and Mrs .Helen Bishop of Pell Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson, son, Stephen, of Arlington Heights, Mrs. Erie Geer of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson, recently, in observance of Mr. Johnson's birthday. Mrs. Freida Bienapfl of Skokie was the guest of McHenry friends Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycltal spent the weekend with their son, Gary, in St. Paul, Minn., and helped him celebrate a belated birthday, the date of which was March 17. Frank Miller of Rhinelaiider, Wis., an old friend and attendant at their wedding, spent a recent day with the Dale Dixon family. Other visitors in their home during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. William Richter of Silver Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan were in DesPlaines Wednesday of last week to attend the funeral of William Hansen, Mr. Hansen is survived by his wife, the former Irene Payne of McHenry,' one son, Att'y. Robert ifans^i of Florida, and two THE MCHENRT Section Two --• Page Five Dr. Robert Hansen, who is interning at £00% coiinty hospital, Oiiciago, and Dennia, alsQ of Chicago. , : Mr. and Mrs. James Longhway have returned from an enjoyable vacation in New Orleans. M?s. Robert Green and Mrs. Gus Freund returned last week ironi a two weeks vacation in the: home of Mrs. Green's brother, Arthur Miller, in Escondido, Calif. They also visited the Reman Schmitt family in San Diego and many places of ihterest wh'le gone. The Lloyd Whiting family of Elgih and Melvin Whiting were recent diinner guests in the horiie of Miss Genevievfc' Knox where Mrs.. Whiting's and Melvin's birthdays were celebrated. Mrs. James West of Itasca called on McHenry relatives- Monday. Her aunt, Miss Ann Frisby, returned home with her for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lunnis of Shalimar, the latter's mother, Mrs; John Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Edstrom celebrated the forty-first wedding anniversary of the Lunnises at a nearby restaurant Sunday. Mjr. and Mrs. Art Edstrom visited her daughter. Mrs. Richard Seaholm, in Chicago, Saturday. Other guests were their granddaughter, Pamela Carol Seaholm, who was home from her studies at title Univ e r s i t y o f I l l i n o i s , B i l l y Seaholm, and. Mrs. Alvera Efickson who is the maternal grandmother of the Seaholm children. ^ Eleanor Foley, Kathy Thompson, Rita Martin, Mildred Kinsala and Genevieve Knox saw Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Brien in a stage play in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Claude Baseley, Mrs. Ray Hughes, Mrs. Joe Wiemuth and Mrs. H. C. Christian have been spending some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Banks, at Delray Beach, Fla. COURT BRIEFS Appearing before Judge John Kaufman in Branch 3 court Thursday, Robert Good of Palatine pleaded guilty to driving after his license was suspended. He was given six month's probation and paid costs of $5. Valiant VIscoyfits Theresa (terry) Birmingham, 16, of .2308 W. Mill lane, McHenry, has been a member of the Viscounts for the past seven years. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Birmingham. A junior at Marian Central high school, she hopes some day to become a secretary. Maria Fisher, 16, of 3806 W. Ann street, has been a flag bearer with the Viscounts for the past four years. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher. Maria's father was a member of the McHenry Red Devils drum and bugle corps during its existence, and her brother, Scott, was in the Viscount drum corps. The young lady is a junior at MCHS. Sherry Engle of Woodstock has been a flag bearer for one year in the Viscounts. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engle. A brother, Tim, is a member of the Viscounts. For Your Pig Weekend Dinner! Govt. Insp. GRADEA ? to 12 lb. Size JEWEL • tUBJOEpT GOV'T. INSP. GRADE A FRYING CHICKEN JEWEL FRYERS ARE DELIVERED FRESH EVERY 48 HOURS! Marilynne A. Hammarstrom of Genoa City, Wis., paid a $10 fine and $5 costs on a guilty plea to speeding. ATTORNEY GENERAL ISSUES OPINIONS OF INTEREST HERE Two opinions of local interest have been returned by Attorney General William G. Clark. The board of directors of a city, incorporated town, village or township may contract with [a district library for the supplying of library services when such action "becomes necessary or beneficial to the people," Attorney General William G. Clark has informed State's Attorney Richard R. Cross of McHenry county. A township highway commissioner appointed by the Board of Auditors to fill a vacancy serves for the remainder of the unexpired term, Attorney General William G. Clark has advised State's Attorney Richard R. Cross of McHenry county. The county board of auditors, Clark's opinion held, names a new highway commissioner when a vacancy occurs for the remainder of the term of the person originally elected to the office. Clark's 'opinion further held that there is no statutory requirement that invoices for road materials and labor set forth the .particular roads upon which such materials and labor were utilized. HIGHWAY BEAUTIFICATION ' * .• Scenic easements to preserve natural beauty along some Illinois highways will be acquired soon by the Division of Highways. Passage of the Highway Beautification Act of 1965 fay Congress has provided additional federal funds that permit expansion of the program to "Keep Illinois Beautiful," Gov. Otto Kerner explained. Federal funds appropriated for beautification cannot be used for any other purpose and they do not require matching funds by the state. Of the current allotment of $3,000,000 under the federal act, about $500,000 will be used to purchase easements. ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY^ Smart-Cute S^Qgilt • A $10 fine and $5 costs were assessed Joyce Maness of 513 Elaine Terrace, McHenry, on a tplea of guilty to speeding. Albert G. Brown of 413 Glenwood, McHenry, pleaded guilty to having fictitious registration and was fined $10 and $5 costs. Do you hesitate to admit you Use a Cake mix, quick soupsauce, or even a can opener? Ever try putting a DOLLAR yALUE on your time? Say, a maid would cost you $1.25 an hour or about 2 cents..,a minute. Then figure how much time yoi| save using a CONVENIENCE product. Use frozen apple pie as an example. It's ready for the oven Jtr 2 minutes. A homemade oh e takes at least 32 minutes to prepare. You save 30 minutes, pr 60 cents worth of time at a rate of 2 cent^ per minute! 60 cents a day for one year todds up to a plus $200.00! Get the idea? F o r a P R O F E S S I O N A L FROSTING JOB use a brand ftew sponge, lightly dampened, fo brush crumbs away from freshly baked cake layers or «up cakes before you frost! T e a r - o f f P L A S T I C B A G S make good covers for your 45 r.p.m. records. Keeps lint, dust and finger marks to, a minimum, yet label is easy to read! Use ARTGUM to remove fcooty footprints from light colored rugs! A THERMOMETER is a must in every home...if the mercury in yours should divide, hold a magnet to the bulb.... thus drawing the mercury, tausing the split to heal! B e f o r e y o u HANG P I C TURES, try making paper Cutouts the size of the picture/: tape in position on the wall1 <use masking tape) in your c h o s e n a r r a n g e m e n t . . . t h e n hammer away! Saves temper and unnecessry nail holes! Save those plastic containers in which sour cream, ready to eat salads, cottage cheese, jfetc., are sold, They are perfect FOR STORING parts of games, odds and ends that children collect! Label and keep neatly on toy shelf. Keep a set of graduate scoops in your laundry room, handy MEASURING AIDS for soap powders, bleaches, etc! Do you have an ICE BUCKET that you rarely use? Cookies and "Nibbles" stay fresh and crisp stored in one; because the buckets were designed to make them a i rtight! 2 (Watch for Maggie every •yreek!) I Double Breasted FRYER lb. CUT UP FRYER Chang WHOLE FRYER Freshness Es M®ire Than. A Word At CALIFORNIA FASHIONED flavor COMETO KOENEMANNiA 81 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGE8 O IfRiJE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS ©1LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACOIT 0 aSKLICTOUS. HICKORY SMOKED- HAMS © <D©UNTBY MADE 8AUSAGHS IN POLY BAG Phone 385-6260 Route 120 -- Just East of Route 13 -- Volo, ID. -ALL-GREEN Olds Swing Fever could hit you anytime ww * £ em em JAY'S^ 12 OZ. JEWEL MAID--16 OZ. TORONADO-INSrlRED DELTA M HOLIDAY COUPK Oops, it just did! - POTATO REG. PRICE 59c So, you have an Olds-fashioned case of Swing Fever! Relax. Treatment is as close as your Olds Dealer's! Take your pick from forty Toronado-inspired models--all at easy<to-take prices! You couldn't pick a better time than right now. So swing into spring in a Rocket Action Olds today! LOOK TO OLDS FOR THE NEW! OLDS 3 LB. CAN NORTHERN BATH TISSUE IS SWEEPING THE COUNTRY! :RKY valle 25 oz. CUADO • RnTONUaor • D8lTa C3 • DYKMBC M ItTOTAB 00' CUTlAflQ'TCS •V 13TA-C3USSSQ* 8TA£7C3 &EP OUT FRONT A,.in$ JtoctetAction Carl IS . . , SIC YOUA IOCA1 AUTBOBIZCD OlOSBSOBIU QUALITY DIALED TOOAfl erve pOST@rl M PI Reg. 79c BTJICK OLDSMOBILE, INC. 907 N. Front St.