Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1966, p. 20

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Section Three -- Page Four THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. March 24» 1966 A>~ i JorNsiffRG NEWS Birrrr hettob|iamk 385-1296 SCHOOL GROUP HOLDS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 28 The next regular meeting of St. John's Home and School ^association will be held next .Monday evening, March 28 at 8 p.m. in the Johnsburg Community Club hall. A representative from' the telephone company will be present at this time. A talk-demonstration on communication prologued to tomorrow will be the topic. All members of the association are urged to try to be in attendance at this time to enjoy this most informative talk. More Gilts For Forthcoming Heir Mrs. Joyce Callahan was guest of honor at another pink and blue shower which was held in Harvard last Saturday. Hostesses fof this affair were Beverly Brugger, Jeanette Mc- Cullough, Linda Wincataw and Cheryl Kieselburg. About thirty guests were in attendance to bring gifts for the "shortlydue" heir of the Callahans. Longtime Resident Passes On Our sympathies are extended to the surviving members of * the family of Mrs. Catherine Klein. Mrs. Kleinx passed away at the Woodstock hospital on March 15. She had been a patient there for several weeks. Mrs. Klein was 91 years of age at the time of death. Funeral services were conducted from St. John's church last, Friday morning with burial in the church cemetery. Engagement Announced Sincere best wishes to Marilyn Smith and her fiance, Jim Hester, who recently became engaged- The" announcement was macfe by her parents, Mr. Mid Mrs. Walter Smith of Spring Grove Road. He is the son of the Dick Hesters of Mc- Henry. The young couple plan to be married in St. John's church on August 13. We hope all their future plans turn out just as they plan. Juveniles Elect Officers At the last meeting of the juvenile girl Foresters, sixty-nine members were present to take part in the election of officers. Newly elected into office were the following girls; Carol La- Bay, as chief-ranger, Patsy Meyers, vice-chief ranger, Carol Ann Dehn, secretary, Jean Hettermann, senior conductor, Joy Hettermann, junior conductor, sentinels, JoAnn Freund and Karen Hettermann, flag bearers-Kathy Borini and Rose marie Thelen, Faith-Carol Hiller, Hope, Joan LaFontaine, Charity, Judy Schaefer. Installation of officers will be held at the April 11 meeting. This evening will start with the serving of a pot-luck supper at 6 p.m. Each family Will bring a dish to pass. The evening will come to a close at 8:30. Practice for the installation will be at 1 p.m. the afternoon of the 11th. First Born Welcome^! Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pa£>ecek of McHenry welcomed their first child, a son, on March 15 at St. Therese hospital. The young man who was named Kenneth Matthew, weighed a healthy 8 lbs. 2 oz. at birth. This little fellow has no idea just how lucky he is,--not only does he have grandparents, but lots of great-grandparents as well. First time grandparents are Harry and Jackie Freund from our town, and the Steve Papaceks, Jr., of Fox Lake. They are very well satisfied with their new grandson, needless to say. I'm sure equally as proud are the great-grandparents who are; Mrs. Agnes Papacek of Fox Lake, Mrs. Hattie Cams of Coulterville, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rada of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Freund from our town. We wish them all the happiness and health they can use in the years to come. called to her bedside along with the rest of the family last Tuesday. Mrs. Bugner passed away the next day with her children at her side, Clara returned here on Thursday to pick up the rest of her family. Arnie, Clara, Barbara, and Marilyn Michels were accompanied back to Ohio by Bill May and Melinda Might. Funeral services were conducted in Alvada Saturday morning. Mrs. Bugner was survived by eight living children, forty grandchildren and thirty-three great-grandchildren. To them we express our deepest sympathies. Surprised on Birthday Several young friends of Lynn Weber enjoyed a swimming birthday party at the time of the year when swimming is about the farthest thing from anyone's mind. Mrs. Weber planned a surprise celebration for her daughter's fourteenth birthday which was held at a Fox Lake motel. After the swimming, the birthday Celebrants enjoyed lots of goodies, including birthday cake, of course. Joining in on the "wet" fun were Lynn's two sisters, Debbie and Sherry, as well as Kathy Bartszek, Karen Hettermann, Rosemarie Thelen, Barbara Coari, Jackie Hiller and Debbie Nikrin Tournament Champions St. John's court 96 was the recipient of three first place trophies in the recent C.O.F. state finals. Two of the grade school teams and one of the heavy teams were the winners. Chosen as "All Stars" from our teams were: R. Nikrin, R. N e i s s , J o h n S m i t h , M i k e Freund, D. Bentz, B. Oeffling. All the teams and their coaches are to be congratulated on a "job well done". Mother Claimed by Death Death came to Mrs. Anna Bugner, age 92, in an Ohio hospital where she had been a patient for 12 days. Her daughter, Mrs. Arnold Michels, was St. Agatha Court 777 Notes Preceding the regular meeting of St. Agatha court 777, W.C.O.F., Tuesday evening, a short meeting for the officers was held to complete plans for the 12th Annual Conference of the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters, Rockford Diocese Association coming up on April 17. Registration will be at 10 a.m. in St. John's school. Mass celebrated by Bishop Loras T. Lane will be at 10:45 followed by dinner at noon at Tomasello's. The meeting of the association will be in the afternoon with adjournment planned for 3 p.m. All new members of St. Agatha court since May 1, 1965 are urged to attend to be presented in the "Father Dording Class of 1966". It is hoped that all members of the court will attend the conference to meet their sister Foresters from the diocese. Reservations should be made to Andrea Oeffling at 385-3955 by April 11. General chairman for the conference is Virginia Pitzen. Other chairman at the meeting were: dinner-Marie Oeffling, publicity-Dorothy Himplemann, reservations-visiting courts-Catherine Dehn, St. Agatha court -Andrea Oeffling, registration - Evelyn Deidrich, ana Arleen F o w l e r , p h o t o g r a p h y - K a y Bauer, initiates- Clara Tonyan, and Kathleen Moehling, decorations- Kathryn Huff and Lu- Ann Smith, 50 year members- Alvina Miller and memorial service- Hilda Thelen. Virginia Pitzen is serving the association as president this year and Dorothy Hughes is the secretary. On Sunday, March 27, the adult and junior members of St. Agatha court will receive Communion at the 8 o'clock Mass. They will meet in the school prior to the Mass. At the March meeting the following officers were elected. Chief - ranger - Marie Oeffling, vice-chief ranger, Catherine Dehn, recording secretary, Vir- F Locally 0«*ned and Operated -- FREE DELIVERY -- Complete Line of DtllJ Products Phone 385-0195 or 385-0232 [cDonalcPs Filet O'Fish Sandwich is fish that catches people. This is fish plucked from the ocean by men of incredible courage.T.fllet'd by absolute masters ...transported here by the fastest means...deep-fried... placed lovingly on a warm fresh-baked bun... gently anointed with tartar sauce. When hunger strikesTtry McDonald's Filet O'Fish Sandwich Cast your eyes on the Golden Archeswhere quality starts fresh.„every day! OcOEsew look for $3 Quality starts every } WrnnMtr.C-.Ww' Bring this ad, good for one FREE Fish Sandwich. Limit One Per Customer. This offer will expire April 9th. 130 S. Virginia St. Crystal Lake, 111. ginia Pitzen, financial secretary- Dorothy Him pie m a nrt, treasurer - Evelyn Deidrich, trustees - Kathryn Huff, Lou LaBay, and Kathleen Moehling, Clara Tonyan and Dorothy Hughes were appointed senior and junior conductors. Sentinels are Arleen Fowler and Andrea Oeffling. Elected to represent the court at the state convention in Peoria as delegate was Marie Oeffling with Dorothy Himplemann as alt e r n a t e . . P a m H i l l e r , J o a n Freund and LuAnn Smith will be the junior directors. Because St. Agatha court 777 is host court to the 12£h annual conference, there will be no installation banquet this year. The date for the April meeting has been postponed for one week. Tuesday, April 26 will be the date for installation of officers. Please keep this change in mind. Birthday Wishes To John Smith who observed his fourteenth natal day over last weekend. Spends Day in the City, Ed and Dorothy Hettermann, and son, Ed., enjoyed last Saturday visiting her aunt, Mrs. Louise Herdrich, in Chicago. On the way home that evening they stopped off to see her sister and husband, the Paul Boyks. Closing time again -- Happy first week of spring. See you all right here next time, I hope. Shop In McHenry LAKEMOOR-LILYMOOR SHIRLEY SCHUERR 885-2645 USE PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDS FOR ROAD UPKEEP This coming Sunday, March 27, is the big day for the pancake breakfast sponsored by the Woman's auxiliary. It will Tje held from 8 a.m. till 1 p.m. at the American Legion hall on Green street. Proceeds of the breakfast will be turned over to the Lilymoor association for the roads. Tickets will be available at the door the morning of the breakfast, also from any of the women of the auxiliary. Come one, come all and enjoy a Sunday breakfast out. Ladies League H e l d t h e i r " n i c k e l s o c i a l March 17. Bunco was played by the women. Winners were Jo Johnson, Delia Passage, Marie Hyatt and Lu Graventuk. Booby went to Ida Hirsch. Guests of the evening were in Hose and Delia Passage of Hobart. Ind. The women of the Ladies League at this time welcome a new member who is Jo Johnson. stu Q Birthday Greetings go to one young lady and two gentlemen who will be celebrating their birthdays. Cathy Prang celebrated her big day Saturday, March 19. Roy Beranek is celebrat- 1 ing his big day today and Charles Rogers will celebrate his big day Sunday, March 27. Belated Gi r&e etings Go to Dorothy Krein and Jean Dember. Dorothy celebrated her big day Friday, March 11. Jean celebrated her big day Sunday, March 13. Many happy returns to you all. Anniversary Greetings go to Herb and Marge Polinski who celebrated their wedding anniversary Monday, March 21. Congratulations and best wishes and hope you celebrate many more years together. Get-Well Wishes go to George' Fredricks who is in the Harvard hospital. Here's hoping you are now home and are feeling just fine George. SEWAGE OPERATORS The 31st annual conference of the Illinois Sewage Works Operators will be held in Springfield April 11, 12 and 13. C. W. Klassen, technical secretary of the Illinois Sanitary Water board, calls the conference a "very important phase of the water pollution control program" and points out that properly operated waste treatment plants are "our first line of defense" in control of pollution. Legals ELECTION NOTICE For Board of Education No. 86 Notice is hereby given that on Saturday the 9th day of April 1966 an election will be held at the polling place hereinafter designated in School District No. 36„ County of McHenry and State of Illinois, for the purpose of electing two (2) members of the Board of Education for the full three year term and one (1) member of the Board of Education for a one year term. Precinct No. 1 shall consist of the following territory, School District No. 36. V o t i n g P l a c e : H a r r i s o n School Building. The polls will be open at 12 o'clock noon and close at 7:00 o'clock P.M. of the same day. By order of the Board of Education of said district. Dated this 22rid day of March 1966. SANTO RUGGERO President HELEN REUTER Secretary^ (Pub. March 24, 1966) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, May 2, 1966 is the claim date in the estate of Isabel L. Normand deceased, No, 66P41, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. McHenry State Bank of McHenry, is the Executor; Carroll, Leali & Gitlin of Woodstock, 111. are the attorneys. (Pub. March 10-17-24, 1966) CLOSE UNIVERSITY REGISTRATION j ^ Illinois Stae university, has announced that effective j at 5 p.m. Friday, March 25, it will close off acceptance of applicants for admission fro'm prospective new freshmen for the fall semester in sixteen of its nineteen departments Jbecause of a large increase in the number seeking to enter ISU next September. However, qualified applicants may be considered for admission for the second semester beginning Febtuary, 1967. Read the Classifieds ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY CARPETS & RUGS • I Remnants, roll balances, used rugs must go, to make room for spring inventory of 300 rolls now arriving. Save 10% to 60% on warehouse stock. S&H Green stamps for cash. March Special: 165 Come-alive colors in Nylon Shag Carpeting on Sale. No . e$tra charge for sponge padding with purchase of Nylon Shag. TIDY RUG June. Routes 120 & City 14 Open to 9 p.m. Mon., Thurs., Fri.; to 5:30 Tues., Wed., Sat. Woodstock, 111. 815-338-1000 -l t) -- .*• i r"""^ ••••'•"<*' * • , • •1 DISCOVER THE NEW 1966 ELECTRIC RANGES -tfee modem wau feo a eleaRefkitefeea I Only Electric Ranges Offer these Exclusive Features-- • Self-Cleaning surface unit*. No more scrubbing or scouring. • Cooler. Kitchens stay about 10 degrees cooler. • Self-Cleaning Ovens. No more messy cleaners. No stooping or bending. • Instant Radiant Heat Broilers, For quicker, juicier steaks. • Flameless. Kitchens stay cleaner longer. • Pinpoint Tempemtwe Control For precise cooking tempemtwe every time. • Economical. Costs only a few pennies a day. ELECTRIC KITCHENS ARE CLEANER Kitchens with modern electric ranges stay cleaner longer, because electric ranges are flameless. Since there is no flame, it is impossible to create the soot that soils kitchen curtains and walls. Kitchens need washing only half as often. And new electric ranges practically clean themselves. Those with self-cleaning ovens remove every trace of grease and grime, automatically. SATIS(PA€T@@N GUARANTEE W reMfei @0) ins® y©® are not entirely satisfied with dbsMe range, Commonwealth Edison gmzmtissQ tBaaa your entire purchase price will be C Commonwealth Now, f©T a fijitmteul tnoe, jruu earn ogdaH a new electric iraags and get the Wiring fires. You'll save money die installation and be ready for an air condfticasT, slotfees-dryer, or any other heavy-duty electrical appliance you wasJ to install later on. The fires ©flier applies to a ctandani wMibe installation £ojr a new electric rang® 'm any singlefamily dwelling served by Commoawealth Edison Company. TUs Butted lime offer ales; applies to the instellafejs ®f etesfeis ranges in 2- and 3-apartm {RETAILS • C.E.C* .X i

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