Thursday* March $1,1966 OIL THEMcHENHY Section On* Page S»v«r CLASSIFIEDS Female Help Wanted FEMALE HELP Day or Night shift. No layoffs. Modem automatic pressers. Call 385- 3115, Riverside Laundry, 1304 FrOnt St,, McHenry. 3-31/4-7-66 SCHOOL BUS DRIVER, Worts Transit Co., Phone 385- 1500. 3-31-66 PART TIME office work, must be able to type and keep in* ventory records. Hours adjusted to your convenience. Apply Fo« Valley. Brake & Cltit'ch, Inc., 2604 N. Chapel Hill Rd., --"lenry. 3-31/4-7-66 SALESLADY -- FOR Sundays. Riverside Retail Outlet, 1402 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, 3-31-66 HOUSEKEEPER for light house work 5" day week. 9 a.m. til 2 Call 3%3359. 3-31-66 WOMAN for interesting public relations job; must type, drive own car. McHenry area. Phone 338-2770 or write Box No. 374, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry. 3-31-66 Male Help Wanted MAN FOR GARDEN and lawn care. April 15 thru Nov. 15. Must have knowledge of yard work. Call after 6 p.m. 815-385-4369. 3-31-66 SCHOOL BUS DRIVER, Worts Transit Co., Phone 385- 1500. 3-31-66 MAN FOR farm and gardening work. Spacious 3 bedroom house. Must be familiar with farm machinery. Able to operate equipment. See or call Arnold N. May Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861 or evenings 815-678-6681. 3-17-66TF RETAIL ROUTE SALESMAN ^ -- LOCAL TERRITORY -- • Must have high school education #. Sales experience helpful ; but not necessary . • Free health and welfare plan. Pension plan and severance plan. Apply in person Ludwig Milk Co. CONSTRUCTION -- Laborers. Have openings for year round construction laborers. Many company .benefits. See or call Arnold N. May Bldrs. . 815- 678-2861. 9-30-65-TF 1903 So. Rt. 31 McHenry 3-31-66 ASSEMBLY ROOM FOREMAN Small electro mechanical parts. Excellent opportunity with unusual fringe benefits. Immediate opening. Send resume to Box No. 373, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry. 3-31-66 MULTI-SLIDE PRESSES (set up and operate) -- DAY OR NIGHT SHIFT -- We will pay top wages to qualified men who have sufficient experience to operate and change over bolsters, rams, shafts, cams, and make complete set up on U.S.M.S. presses. Our fringe benefits include free hospitalization and life insurance, Profit-Sharing, paid vacation, 8 paid holidays. Top night-shift premium. Excellent opportunity for advancement. % * Apply or call Personnel 459-5000 8 eum. to 4:45 p.m. daily, Monday thru Friday Oak Manufacturing Company DIVISION OF OAK ELECTRO/NETICS CORP. S. Main Street Crystal Lake, 111. ^ PHONE 459-5000 ( An Equal Opportunity Employer) ^ 3-31-66 OAK Mal« Holp WantoT PART TIME, some driving and some inside work. Days or nights. Riverside Laundry, 1304 Front St. Call 385-3115 3-24-31-66 ' CAREER SALES Iff OPPORTUNITY The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is expanding its Field Force in the area-, and for the man with the right qualifications we can offer an excellent opportunity for a career in sales or future sales management. Call 312-662-2540 or apply in person 25 North County St METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO; Waukegan, 111. 3-17/4-7-66 ATTENTION Chicago Daily News is now taking applications for route carrier Boys in following estate: ' 15 ACRES NORTHWEST Full Price $14,990. Will divide. Reasonable terms. Call 459-4120 10 f .m. to 4 p.m. daily ' -' : except Monday v f ,, 3-24/31-66 '• -- g. t Special -- $45 DOWN TO QUALIFIED VETERAN Spacious 24x42 year round ranch near Lily Lake. Includes large cabinet kitchen with dining area and living room, bath and shower, gas furnace, 2 car garage. > Monthly payments $82.90 includes principal, interest, taxes and insurance. CALL 312-JU 7-8335 or 312-DE 6-6348 3-17/4-14-60 McHENRY WAUCONDA ISLAND LAKE All surrounding subdivisions WE PAY THE MOST! Call now 385-1070 3-31-66 PAINTER. Year around employment, Vacation and other company benefits. See or call Arnold N. May Builders Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861 3-24-66TF WANTED MAN for lawn and garden work. Full or part time. Must commute to Singing Hills Farm, owner's home. Call after Sunday, 312-526-2751. 3-31-66 \ McCULLOM LAKE WANTED TO BUY GUNS---For Cash $$$. McHenry Gun Center, 3325 W. Elm Street Phone 385-7320. 3-25-65-TF USED MIMEOGRAPH Machine. Must be in good condition. Phone 385-6467. 3-31-66 GIRL'S used 20" bike in good condition. Call 385-7854. 3-31-66 LOST & FOUND LOST -- Large loveable tan shaggy dog, "Bozo" Vicinity of Draper Road. Reward. 385- 0996. 3-31-66 S. Needs men for full time days and nights experienced in AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINES (Set up and operate Brown & Sharpe) HAND SCREW MACHINE, AUTOMATIC PUNCH PRESS (Set up and operate) WE WILL PAY TOP WAGES TO QUALIFIED OPERATORS. -^OUR FRINGE BENEFITS INCLUDE -- Top Wages Top night shift premium Free hospitalization insurance Free life insurance \ Free profit sharing Paid vacation 8 paid holidays Low cost cafeteria , Excellent working conditions Credit Union / , ^ Personnel office open 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. daily Monday thru Friday I y Oak Manufacturing Company DIVISION OF OAK ELECTRO/NETICS CORP. Main Street , Crystal Lake, PHONE 459-5000 ( An Equal Opportunity Employer ) 3-31-66 REAL ESTATE McHENRY AREA -- Custom ranch, large living room, parquet floors, fireplace, electric kitchen, basement* 2% car garage. $23,500. Acre. Owner. Phone 815-653-4592. 3-10/31-66 m. DYE SETTER Experience necessary. Excellent benefits. Apply in person or phone personnel manager between 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. 815-385-3964 or 653-2841 j Modine Manufacturing Company Ringwood, Illinois "An Equal Opportunity Employer" 3-31-66 TIME KEEPER Prefer mature man-- to 55. High school education and aptitude for clerical work. Time keeping experience not necessary. Salaried position. Apply in person or phone personnel manager. 815-385-3964 or 653-2841 Modine Manufacturing Company Ringwooa, Illinois "An Equal Opportunity Employer" 3-31-66 ESTATE HOME -- with 2 acres, 15 Hill Rd., Richmond, 111. 3 bedrooms, large living full baths, large spacious kitchen, sun porch, large basement, hot water heat. Beautifully landseaped. Immediately available for occupancy. Added acreage if desired. Financing available. See or call May Development Co., Richmond, 111. 815-678-2861 or evenings 815-678-6191. 3-3-66TF Sweet and lovely for a couple or young family. Well-kept 2 bedroom home with both a living room and sun room. Big kitchen and separate laundry room. Gas heat. Fenced yard, cement walks and driveway, thermopane picture window, fibre glass canopy. Just $8,500. RURAL RICHMOND 3 Bedrooms, large living room, utility room, 2 baths. Carport. Gas heat. Big yard, 110 ft. on road frontage. Terms, $11,600. WONDER LAKE 3 Bedrooms, full basement, garage, fenced yard, gas heat. Oak shade trees. Terms, $12, 500. NEAR McHENRY New 1964 3 Bedroom Split Level Home, with living room, formal dining room and big recreation room. Filled with extras. Carpeting, built-in kit chen, ceramic tile over counter, sliding glass door to porch, fenced corner location, gas heat, water softener, humidifier. Brick and frame construction. Terms, $19,800. RINGWOOD AREA 5 Acres in the country, near Greenwood school. Attractive 3 Bedroom Ranch Home heated 2-car garage and breezeway, full basement with fireplace, radiant heat. Hard road. Big metal barn for horses or storage. Big landscaped yard with Oaks. Sacrifice $40,000 home. Owner leaving,, States. Terms, $35, 000. T. P. MATHEWS. REALTORS 7314 Hancock Wonder Lake Phone 815-653-2061 Open 7 days a week 3-31-66 3 BEDROOM RANCH, full basement, 1% car garage. Cathedral ceiling, built-insi. $14,- 000. 385-2635. 3-17-66TF REAL ESTATE LAKELAND PARK 4 room ranch, $7,500 COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES-- . T.. , 3 Bedrooms, cabinet kitchen, L.R., iVz baths, recreation room with bar in basement. Attached 2 car garage. Lot 100x130 feet. . $28,500. -- Listings Wanted -- ATLAS REAL ESTATE 2914 W. Route 120, McHenry PHONE 385-3710 3-31-66 REAL ESTATE 3 Bedroom brick ranch style dwelling, acre lot, excellent construction, full basement, near McHenry city limits, immediate possession. Phone 385-3321 _ 3-21-66TF FRETT BUILDERS & REALTY McHENRY MILLSTREAM AREA SPACE-O-RAMA 4 Bedrooms Separate dining area, 236 Sq. Ft. Family room, IVz baths, attached garage, concrete drive, roof gutters, storm windows and screens. $19,400 EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS LUXURY LIVING 2Y2 Baths Private bath with the master bedroom. Sun deck adjacent to the large kitchen equipped with built-in oven and range Entertain in uncrowded comfort in the spacious dining room. See the mammoth family room (348 Sq. Ft.) Two car garage with room for extra storage and a work shop Exterior brick and aluminum Concrete drive. $24,900 WE WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT or OURS HOMES FROM $13,450 to $38,500 Financing To Suit You! Model Homes & Office MARIAN PARKWAY CRYSTAL LAKE Office at the corner of Marian j Parkway and Route 176 Open Monday Thru Sunday .. . Closed Wednesday FRETT GUILDERS & REALTY 212 Marian Parkway Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 459-1939 3-31-66 IN WONDER LiXKE .... BY OWNER Three bedroom home: Large living room, dining room, tiled kitchen, all tiled bathr o o m . CYPRUS WOOD FAMILY ROOM, Basement, garage, side walks, patio, blacktopped driveway, outdoor fireplace barbeque. Appraised $16,500. For sale by owner, $12,800. C^ll after 5 p.m. and weekends. 815-653-3931 3-31-66 12 Acres waterfront on the F6x River. Full price, $7,500. Bedroom, 2% car garage, F.H.A. Financed, 5%% interest/$ 500 down. 1 Bedroom in the heart of town. Full price, $11,900. Salesman Ranted 'BELLM REALTY, INC. 7516 Hancock Wonder Lake, 111. 815-653-9400 3-24-66 McHENRY AREA CUSTOM ALL BRICK BEAUTY 23x?4 carpeted living room with fireplace. Bedrooms, foyer, dining room all panelled. St. Charles kitchen, range dnd refrigerator. Basement Attached garage. Large cement patio. Fenced 150x140 lot. OWNER -- $21,900 Phone 385-6467 3-31-66 McHENRY AREA -- By Owner -- Brick ranch, 2 bedrooms, breezeway, tile kitchen and bath, wall to wall carpeting and drapes - liying and dining room, automatic washer ^and dryer, water softener, custom built cabinet kitchen, gas stove, refrigerator, natural fireplace, 2 car attached garage, gas heat, corner lot, 171x161 ft River lights and many extras Phone 385-3652 3-31-66 3 BEDROOM RANCH. Builtins. Full basement with room. 1 Vz car garage. 80x150 lot with fruit trees. $17,500. Lakeland Shores. Phone 385-4507. 3-31-66 For Sale HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX • REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond Road PHONE 385-0421 McHenry, Illinois 8-5-65-TF McHENRY and LAKE AREA fear Round Homss, Seasonal domes, Farms Vacant Home Sites. Income Properties. JOE MISCHAN REAL ESTATE In Jotmsburg 2301 Mtasfoiarg Rd. McHenry, 3flL Ph. 385-0037 2-4-65-TF Worthmore Estates 3 BEDROOM RANCH Family room with fireplace 1 Y» Baths Basement 2 car Garag# On lake. Boat,pier and beach right. BY OWNER Call for appointment ? 815-385-6170 3-346TF McHENRY 2 bedrooms on channel near Fox River. Living, recreation room, kitchen. Plastered walls. Gas heat. IV2 car garage. Excellent buy, $18,750. COONEY HEIGHTS 3 Bedroom brick, full basement, large lot, gas heat. Excellent condition, $17,000. 3 Bedrooms, dining room, full basement with recreation room, aluminum storms and screens. $16,500. 2 Bedroom ranch. Must sell in hurry. SUNNYSIDE Excellent condition with part basement Can be sold on contract. $13,500. FOR RENT 2 Bedroom upper apartment. Excellent condition. Unfurnished. No children or pets. Must have good references. $115 per month. All homes on Veterans and F.H.A. can be sold to qualified buyers on no down payment, only closing cost. JOE NISCHAN REAL ESTATE^ 2301 Johnsbuife Rd., Johnsburg, McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0037 3-31-66 . ( I N McHENRY) 3 Bedroom home, full basement and garage, $24,500. New 3 Bedroom Brick home, full basement, 2 car garage, $35,000. 4 Bedroom home, full basement, $22,000. (NEAR McHENRY) 5 Bedroom home, basement, 2 baths, garage, $18,800. 5 Bedroom home, basement, 2 car garage, $17,500. 3 Bedroom home, basement, garage, $15,000. NEAR McHENRY 3 Bedroom Farm house, 23 acres. Make offer. VACANT IN McHENRY 2 channel front lots -- priced to sell quick. ( ON FOX RIVER ) 2 story -- 4 bedroom year around home. Built-in kitchen. 1% baths. 2 car garage plus recreation room and bar. Landscaped. Owner must sell now -- only $34,500. Don't miss this one. K ' CORPORATION ?nry's Oldest Real Estate Office Established Since 1923 PHONE 385-3800 1311 N. Riverside Dr. -- McHenry, Illinois 3-31-66 "TWO MODERN homes same lot, 4 Bdrm. Stone, bedrm. both gas heated, ment blk. garage - on on & ce- Fox River, 300 ft. N.E Johnsburg Bridge. Shown Sat. & Sun. 1912 River Terr. Dr. McHenry, or call OR 4-7354." 3-24-66TF REAL ESTATE McHenry Area For Sale By Owner Two 3-Bedroom Homes All with modern kitchens and baths, gas heat, Prices reduced for quick sale. For particulars: Phonev312-SH 1-3900 3-24-66TF AUTOMOTIVE EASTWOOD MANOR "3 Bedroom ranch home. Large 2 car garage. Storm windows. Blacktop drive, fenced in back yard. Water softener, etc. Present G.I. loan can be assumed. ASKING $11,900 Phone 385-5117 after 5 p.m. or on weekends. 3^31-66 3 BEDROOM HOME Full Basement, lVa baths, hardwood floors, gas he&t. F.H.A. Terms. 30 years to pay to qualified buyer. $500 down payment. GLENN DRAPER Office Phone 385-5661 Res. Phone 385-1498 3-31-66 WAUCONDA 5500 down. Handsome 3 bedroom brick ranch. Fireplace, rec room $17,900. 312-526-8204 3-244-7-66 12,000 Autos Sold in 8% Years SIZZLING!! ,8 is the only way to describe used car values at * /. Conlon-Collins Ford car in our lot with one low wholesale price during our clearance sale. We have marked every 1963 Chevrolet Impala, 4 dr., V8 auto. power steering, radio, heater, w/w. *1395 1965 Mustang hard top, V8, 4 speed, radio, heater, w/w *1985 1963 Corvair Convertible, 6 cyl., radio, heater, w/w Ufa! . $995 1963 Ford 6 passenger country sedan, V8 with overdrive, radio, heater, w/w. '1095 1963 Fairlane 500 wagon, 8 passenger, 6 cyl., standard, radio, heater, w/w. 3 BEDROOM RANCH, 2 car garage, patio. Built-in electric kitchen, gas heat. See to appreciate. 4915 W. Route 120, McHenry. 3-17/31356 -McHENRY -- Charming, like new, 2 bed, brick Ranch; att. gar. Nat* fafpl. Compact, workable kit. Jalousied porch facing private yard. Perfect cond. Low taxes. Many extras. River rights. Walk to town. $21,500.00. A. H. Gallagher & Associates 815-385-1629 3-31-60 FLORIDA BOUND? Spend this spring in sunny South Florida in the heart of America's bass fishing capitol. $300. dn., $42. mo., starts you on your way. Brand new 6 rm. masonry constructed home on lge. improved, landscaped lot. Includes 2 lge. bdrms., Living rm., Din., rm., birch built-in kit, and cer. tile bath. Home also includes lge. screened fla. rm. carport and spacious util. rm. Total price of $9550. includes the lot. The first five buyers will also have their home completely furn. free. Call for pictures 346-8252-Area 312. 3-31/4-28-66 $1500 DISCOUNT ON NEW 3 BEDROOM MODEL HOME On Large Comer Landscaped Lot The CONCORD Ranch - Brick and Rough-Sawn Redwood Trim. 3 Bedrooms, oak floors, Floor-to-ceiling wardrobes. Linen closet. Full bath plus powder room with vinyl asbestos tile floors. Living room 15y2xl4% feet, Oak floor, Picture Window. Roofed front entry. Custom decorated. Guest clothes closet. Kitchen-family room 23%xl2% feet, electric range, fan and hood, birch cabinets, formica top base cabinets with backsplash, double-bowl sink, vinyl asbestos tile floor. Rear entry cement stoop. Large laundry-utility room. High output natural gas heating system. Automatic water heater. Whole house insulation. 100-amp wiring. 49 foot wide elevation. Phone 385-2634 or 385-6046 FOR APPOINTMENT 3-31-66 BAIRD & WARNER, INC. Established 1855 GRISWOLD LAKE -- 3 Br. ranch. 30x25 patio. Attached garage. Many extras included for $18,500. McHENRY SHORES -- 3 Br. ranch with ceramic bath. 2 fireplaces. Full basement. Attached garage. River and pier rights. $22,500. BARGAIN -- 2 plus Br. Contemporary ranch. Large L.R. with fireplace. lVz baths. Full basement with both family and bar rooms. Attached garage. Reduced to $22,500. COUNTRY -- 4 Br. home with 2 baths and full basement, also 4 room ranch on Highway 12. 2 car garage. 8 Acres partly cyclone fenced. Fishing rights on Brandenburg Lake. $35,000. Mr. Heinen 385-2527 S-3146 1964 Ford 9 passenger station wagon, radio, heater, w/w *1695 1 1963 Ford Country Sedan. V8 automatic, radio, heater, w/w *1095 1961 Fond Convertible, V8 automatic, power steering, radio, heater, w/w $895 1962 Ford Country Squire, V8 standard shift, radio, heater, w/w *995 1964 Ford 2 d«or, hardtop, V8 standard, radio, heater w/w *1595 1960 Ford Counti'y Sedan, V8 automatic radio, heater, w/w *395 co: COLLI: Largest Ford Dealer in Northern Illinois Routes 14 & 176 CRYSTAL LAKE Phone 439-5400 We fiuy Clean Used Cars 9 OPEN SUNDAY 10 a.m. -- 5 p.m. S4M!;