rt,v ( Thursday, March 31.1966 SEVENTEEN ABE PROMOTED FOR ;YMCA SWIMMING ' Seventeen boys and glMS'Were .prpmpted at the concision of the last swimming instruction ;cl^ss conducted by the Lake Region YMCA. A new ten-week 'clfcss began on March 26 at the .Elgin Academy pool from 1 to >2 p.m. on Saturdays. A chartered bus stops at the •McHenry Junior high school at 11-45. .. Minnow badges were earned by Debby Schram and David .Duensing from Algonquin, by "Kristine Olson from Cary, and 'by Mark Eckel and Donna Golden from Crystal Lake. * Duane and Jerry Mallory jfrom Crystal Lake and Lynn Hammerstein and Marie West from McHenry earned their Fish badges. * Flying Fish badges were earn- * ed by Karen Duensing and Jim ^Hepfinger from Algonquin, by ! Kenneth Bruns from Cary, and * by Noble, Hal Leatherman, * Gregory and Mike Mallory from -Crystal Lake. " Kevin Renskers from Crystal I Lake earned the only Shark • badge. Registrations continue to be ••accepted for girls ballet, dram- "artic arts, and boys' and girls' * bowling, also for bridge and golf * instruction for adults and for father-son-daughter billards - «A teen golf league and *v0nen's golf league is scheduled -to . begin on April 28. " A copy of the spring schedule "is | available at the Lake Region •YMCA office at 65 N. Williams ^Stfreet in Crystal Lake on week •days from 9 to 5 and on Sat •urdays from 9 to 1. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Two -- FageTtoei* Art Confest Winners A :McHENRY AREA •GIRLS GW CHOIB "TOUR AT COLLEGE ~ Illinois State university's wojnen's chorus and treble choir -will climax their annual spring "concert tour of March 29 and .30 with a public performance on the ISU campus on March 31. „ Among students participating in -the concerts will be Jill John ston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Alford Johnston, and Linnea -Larson, daughter of Mr. and ]VIrs. Arnold Larson, both fresh- •man from McHenry, and Evelyn Harrison, daughter of Mr. and ^Irs. Frank C. Harrison, of -Ringwood, also a freshman. €®IJRT 7 Appearing before Judge John Kaufman in Branch 3 court last Thursday, Allen R. Schulz Of Ingleside pleaded guilty to speeding and paid a fine of £12 and $5 costs. • Eric R. Knauer of Lake peneva, Wis., pleaded guilty to not having a valid registration. His fine was $10 and $5 costs • A $10 fine and $5 costs were Assessed Emma M. Baldocchi o f R t . 1 , C r y s t a l L a k e , w h o pleaded guilty to driving with on headlight. * Philip P. Meyer of 4920 Harts noad, Rt. 1, Ringwood, was fined $10 and $5 costs on a ilea of guilty to speeding. * Robert A. McCormick of 909 R i n g w o o d r o a d , M c H e n r y , $>und guilty of passing in a '•'no passing" zone, paid $15 and $5 costs. I Harold L. Buchert of Richmond paid $10 and $5 ccsts djl a plea of guilty to no identification on the side of his truck. -Found guilty in a trial of d r i v i n g w i t h a b r o k e n t a i l light, James Solesbee of 422 Bastview, Lilymoor, was fined $)20 and $5 costs. Northern Illinois Largest Handlers Of ;¥l & RUGS Specialist* In Easy To Clean, #fati®m&!lly Advertised Brands Representing ... VJBigeEow • Aldoa •"Lees • Callaway . * ISaK7lok •••Alexander Smith • BPowaa •! -- And Many Otters -- Cftopse Your Carpet From Full 5k12 ft. Bug S&mpEes In Our " Warehouse ©Siowroom ALSO SEES HHUNDBSUDS ®JP 2 9' - 12' <3 10 FT. ROILIL3 «. • EMMLIL ENDS - • naffiRaBJABTTS Used (TffsiiS'fe) Bugs BANK FINANCING » EVENING HOURS 0on., Thurs., Fri., till 0 p.m. * Daily 8 a.m. till 5 p.ffl. - CLOSED SUNSBAJT Z TIDY CA1FETS ; 8c BUGS Z 338-1000 ^ WW* I# 200 Waslaington Woodstock E. Roger Collins, president of McHenry Savings & Loan association, is pictured at left with winners in the art contest held last week. They are, left to right, Mrs. Miriam Miller, second; Mrs. Joyce Pinkonsly, first; and Mrs. Laura Chelini, third. Thirty-one works of art were entered in the exhibit, which will continue at the Savings & Loan building through April 1. In McHENRY PUBLIC AUCTION Being unable to secure help, I will sell my dairy, dairy equipment, feed and hay tools at public auction at my farm, located on Perkins Road, one mile east of Franklinville blacktop, 2% miles west of Dean Street road, two miles north of State Route 176, eight miles northeast of Marengo, 111.;- four miles s o u t h w e s t o f W o o d s t o c k , o n . . . . Saturday, April 2 ( Commencing at 12:00 o'clock ) 71 HEAD OF REGISTERED AND 20 GRADE COWS -- 26 registered Holstein cows; 11 registered Holstein heifers, 1 to 2 years old, 4 spring and 4 bred; 8 registered Hollstein heifer calves 2 months to 1^ years old; 6 grade heifers, IV2 years old; Registered Holstein bull, 22 months.old. sired by Skokie Glamor Boy dam, Lamps Ty-Vic Barbara Mae. Last record of dam, 25,836 lbs. milk, 1075 lbs. butterfat. Another record 24,- 332 milk, 958 fat. Herd produced 660,000 lbs. milk in 1965. This herd has a rolling herd average of 13,593 lbs. milk, 481 lbs. fat Nibco and Curtis blood lines. & MILKHOUSE EQUIPMENT -- 250-gallon Dairy Kool bulk tdnk; Barnomatic barn cleaner, 2 years old with 240-ft. heavy duty chain; 3 h.p. motor; Three Surge units; Large No. 60 Suyge pump, 1-year-old with 1^4-in. pipeline fo 48 cows; Wash tanks, pails and strainers. MACHINERY -- Allis Chalmer PTO blower; 20 "C" Int. chopper; New Holland No. 68 baler; Model 60. AC combine, combined 200 acres grain; 18-ft. green feed bunk on Int. wagon; 14-ft. green feed bunk on Int. wagon. FEED -- 700 bales 1st cutting mixed hay; 150 bu. oats; 200 bales oat straw; 30-ft. of silage in 14-ft. silo, can drive under chute. -- THE BEST CREDIT AVAILABLE -- kdl -- AUCTIONEERS -- WILLIAM B. SULLIVAN WILLIAM H. RUSSEL Marengo, 111. -- Ph. 568-6141 Woodstock, 111. -- Ph. 338-2268 Farm Loan Service of Madison, Wis., Clerk and Cashier SEAMAH AUCTION Having decided to discontinue dairying, due to the shortage of help, the undersigned will offer the following list of personal property for sale at public auction on the farm, located 5 miles northeast of Hebron, Illinois, 1 Smiles northwest of Richmond, 1 mile south of Genoa City and County Trunk B, being 1 mile north of Route 173, on Burgett Road (watch for arrows), on Monday - April 4 Commencing at 12:30 o'clock 104 HEAD HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE (3 Registered) -- 67 Milk Cows--23 Fresh within the last six weeks; 20 Close Springers, 2nd and 3rd calf; balance bred back and milking; 10, 1st calf springing Heifers; 1 Holstein Bull, 2 years old; 20 Heifers bred in December (l,1001bs.); kl Holstein Bull, 14 months old;'4 Heifers, 5 to 10 months old; 1 Crossbred Steer, 900 lbs. (This is a good young herd and all heiferjs were calfhood vaccinated. Cattle are tube tested.) DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- 4 Surge Units; Girton 200 gal. SS bulk tank; double rinse tank; DeLaval 8 Unit Compressor with motor, 1-year-old; Pails and Strainers. j PRODUCE -- 20 ft. Silage in 14 ft. Silo. TRUCK 1962 Ford 2-ton 600 Series Truck with Steel Box. TRACTOR AND FARM MACHINERY -- Ford Major Diesel Tractor with Wide Front End; M-C Chopper (new); M-C Rotary Sythe (new); Mulkey 42 ft. Elevator; Dual Top Implement Trailer; Gehl Chopper; M-C Chopper; M-C Rotary Sythe (used 2 seasons); Case 8 ft. Quack Digger; .Horn Stalk Chopper; Massey Harris Front End Loader; New Barn Fogger; 1,000 bu. Wire Corn Crib; Massey Harris 2-row Cultivator; Stock Tank and other items too numerous to mention. L #/ MAN STADE AND RUSSELL, Auctioneers TERMS: All sums of $25.00 or under, cash; over that amount one-fourth cash, balance six ^months time on good approved notes with interest at $3.00 per hundred, plus recording fee, when repaid in six monthly installments. Longer terms available ,see the cashier. Settlement must be made the day of sale. No goods to be removed until settlement is made. Not responsible for accidents. WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk lfSO IWm* OT9-2CH -r UNION GROVE, WIS. n...ta fothre aFAll MMEF Now is the time to come to our new Easter Fa* shjon Opening for everyone in the family. There's excitement in the air with new fashions being shown ... coats, suits, dresses, shoes . . . for the mother and daughter . . . the latest in men's and boy's fashions . . . -and the baby can dress up too. Sizes and stocks are heavy now. J Men's - Boy's Infants' Wear s/ mtm Sfafi "ASK ABOUT OUR CHARGE ACCOUNTS" 1219 N. Green Street McHenry, Illinois \