of*. « --Page Four JTHE McHENRY Thursday* March 31/ 1&6 LAKELAND PARK NEWS Carole Humann - 885-1605 -- Barbara Meaner - 885-4856 SCOUTS BENEFIT This .is just a reminder about t the Boy Scout pancake, breakfast which is thfc, Sunday,, April 3, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.,at the Lakeland Park community . house. We would like everyone to buy a ticket to support troop 459. When a Scout comes to your door please buy a ticket because tine is running out. Besides pancakes, there will be bacon, eggs apd toast so if you are not a pancake eater, there is still something there for you. Woman's Club Meeting Thursday, April 7, is the next Woman's club meeting with the election of officers on the agenda. Anyone willing to run, still has.time to get their names to LaVerne Mihalek, nominating committee chairman. You' are also being asked to bring a 25 cent gift for exchange. A film on decorating will also be shown and this should be very interesting to all, with spring, chouse cleaning , coming up-soon. Let's have a good turnout for this meeting. I Little League Tryouts Sstfttfrday, April 16, at 11:30 a.m., the Little League season will start in earnest with tryouts for all new boys coming into the league. The boys are to bring their baseball glove if they have one. It will be held at the community house field. If you have both your parents signature on your registration blank, this would be a good time to turn it in along with your fee. If you do not have a blank, they may be obtained from the managers or from Jim Wickenkamp who lives at 4316 W. view which is just a few blocks from the old ball field. About fifty Little League boys, new and old, came ouMast Wednesday to enjoy ran evening of movies "and- • refreshments .to start off the.season. Looks like it will be a good year. " Community House Schedule Please notify Jo Rizzo on all cancellations or reservations of the community house. Saturday, April 2 - Lakeland Park 4-H club - 9:30 to noon. Sunday, • April 3, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. - Boy Scouts pancake breakfast. Monday, April 4 - Girl ScoOl meeting -3:30 to 5:30. Boy Scouts 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 6 - Cub committee meeting - 8 p.m. Thursday, April 7 - Woman's club - 8:30 p.m. Election of officers and gift exchange. Get-Well Wishes We want to extend get-well wishes to Sid Davis who was the victim of a freak accident last Monday at work. He has both of his hip sockets broken and is in considerable pain and I know he would appreciate hearing from his rhany friends. He will have to spend at least two months in the hospital and the worst of it is can not be moved out here closer to his family so cards will surely make the time go faster. His address is Sid Davis, Walther Memorial Hospital, 1116 N. Kedzie, Chicago, Illinois. Room 4il. Here's hoping you will get on the mend real fast. Others on our get-well wish list are Richard Matthews who is recovering from the chicken pox, Kathy Humann who was very sick with the virus last week, spending the whole week in bed, and to Meg and Barbara Humann who are also not up to par. Pony League A meeting of Pony league was held with election of officers. The following men wore voted into office. President - Ernie Useman, Vice President - Frank C a m a s t a , S e c r e t a r y - P a u l Schwegel and Player agent - Joe Prazak. The teams this year are managed by the following men. Marv George - Giants, Bob Matthews - Braves, I%ul Schwegel - Sox, and Frank Camasta - Cards. The Braves chose as their practice day - Saturday morning. Giants-on Wednesday evening. Sox Monday evetoing. Cards - Friday evening. registration day will be held April 30th at Ernie's Sport Center. The hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. All boys are welcome to join. Watch this column for a future reminder. Couples Bowling League Saturday night really had a few upsets as the Lakeland Park Couples bowling league wound up their season. The Bloopers with Ron Bierman captain are in first place. The Alley Cats Carrie up from third with Agnes Prazak as captain and are in second place. Marv George's Sissies dropped from first place to third. Betty Bockman's Ludky Strikes are in fourth place, tied with Joe Prazak's Misfits. The Forfits under Ann Dawson are in sixthi place with Ray Rode's TOWXB'S in seventh. The Bad Guys came from tenth and are in eighth place under captain Bill Jaenicke. Dolores Roger's Spooks are in ninth.' Ron Braun's Odd Balls are in tenth and My Sea Biscuits finally came out of the cellar, trading places with Bob Matthew's Bad News. On April 9, we will have position night. morning. Most of the requirements have been fulfilled and it won't be long before they are done. A party is being planned for the skaters on the last day, with an exhibition of their new skills. The girls are also working on the drawing and painting badge. Before they are finished, they will have learned many new techniques. Their work will be exhibited at the Girl Scout Fair to be held at the Junior High on April 17. More information about this affair will be known later. Happy Birthday Wishes Happy birthday wishes to Butch Dowell who will be 20 on April 1. April 2 has Debbie Koczor turning 8 and Charlene Mueller celebrating. April 4 has Eddie Ozog turning 17, and Adele 'Arndt, Pat Butler and Wanda Stupey all sharing that day. My better half, Ron Meurer, will celebrate on April 5 as will Jim Duffy, and on April 6 Jim Daurio and Bob Moore will add another year and Jimmy Moore will be 7. Joe Parisi and Marge Gray will both celebrate on April 7. Pink Bundle i Although the boys in the Lamburg family were hoping for another boy to even things up, the stork delivered a baby girl via the McHenry hospital on Thusday; March 24. Laura Mae weighed in at 7 lbs. % oz. She has lots of babysitters at home with six sisters and four brothers. Father and mother are doing" fine. Congratulations to the whole family. Bridal Shower Margaret Parisi was the guest of honor at a bridal shower held at .her sister's home Rosalie Slonina, with her sister, Mary Ann Cholewa, and sister-in-law, Bonnie Parisi as co-hostesses. She recieved many nice things to start off her married life. Girl Scout Troop 320 The Girl Scouts will be delivering their cookies this weekend to all their customers. It would help them if they were expected and the money was ready for them. They are not allowed to leave cookies without being paid. Help the girls so that they ..can complete delivery over the weekend. The troop is very busy working on their skating badge. They have been taking lessons at the skating rink every Saturday Homemakers A luncheon will be served at the Moose Hall on April 4 at 12:00 sharp by the Homemakers. Tickets can be purchased at the door or from Jan Walker. Strolling Through the Park Just heard that Sam Bucarro has been in the McHenry hospital for a week and underwent surgery Monday. Hope your recovery is very swift and you are up and around soon. Charlene and Ron Mueller joined Donna and Bud Stoltz in a night on the town last Saturday, to celebrate Donna's birthday which was March 17. They had dinner in Algonquin and ^jflien came back to Johnsburg where they were met by Sue and Dennis Gibson who joined them for an evening of dancing and cocktails. On the seventeenth, Sue and Charlene gave a surprise luncheon for Donna to make her day complete. A birthday party for Renee Nickels was held on March 24 to celebrate her sixth birthday. Helping her celebrate were Julie and Bobby Bitterman, Kelly, Dave and D. J. Granger, Karen, Debbie and Cheryl Stupey, Sandy and Billy Wohlert, Mark Giacomo, Marty Hendel, Anita Rebel, Mark Rogers, Marty Nuss, Ray Stilling and Tina Licastro. A belated birthday wish from us to you Renee. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Meyers and son, Greg, Mr. and Mrs. Les Eckhart and son, Bill, and Tommy Messel all enjoyed the supper which was served to the con" firmation class of the Zion Lutheran church by the Walther League. Movies were shown showing the various activities of the League and a skit was put on. It was a very enjoyable evening for the group. L Dottie and Irv Becker had| lovely wekend vacation down ip Miami, Fla., last week. * Jessie Matthews took b daughters, Nancy and Carol and Colleen Rode to see Bozo'i circus in Fox Lake a week agi A special birthday dinner f< Ed Oswold, was served by his wife, Rose,, on Sunday with his family /all joining them. There was Mr. and Mrs. Ed Geishecker and five daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Druml and sons, Kevin and Dennis, Dave'syjvife, Donna, and son, Dave, and Bud's girl, Sally,,also Mr. and Mrs. Herman from Antioch. To make the day complete, he had a call from his daughter and son-in-law, Mary Ann and Charles Hinds, from Toledo, Ohio. That lady sporting the beautiful Caribbean type tan is none other than Delia Dralle who spent a week hob-nobbing with the millionaires at St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. The lucky gal met her sister, Marie Orendorf, at Salisbury, Md., and the two flew on to St. Thomas to visit Marie's son, Gene, who lives there. They had a lovely vacation fit for queens and much against their wills left for home a week later. They missed plane connections in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and so arrived home a day late, but just in time for Wendy's birthday. Weil, back to the old treadmill, Dell! Julie Perry's sister, Dorothy Myrum, and her hubby, Elroy, and daughter, Susan of Winthrop Harbor visited Sunday at the Perry home and were treated to a luscious chicken dinner with all the fixin's. In order to work off all the calories they went for a ride in the Myrums' day-old car. Nothing as scrumptious as the luxurious smell of a brand new automobile! Max and Shirley Koch attended a water ballet at the Mount Prospect YMCA on Saturday night. Their friends, Glen and Laura Willaims, did the choreography and directed three different shows composed of the swimming . classes. The swimmers are known as the "Mermaid Mamas" who are usually engaged in housekeeping and baby care! After the show they went to a party at the William's home to celebrate the homecoming of Glen who had spent seven weeks testing rockets in California for the government. There's a man with real diversity, rocket launching and choreography. More power to yez. Wilma Atkinson was the hostess for the Saturday night poker club. Rose Schiddel, Rose Dolenski, Marian Duffy, Mickey Gladman, Gayle Laursen and Alice Prorok made a night of it and had a great time. The best part of all is the yummy lunch when they're all finished. Bobby and Gail Hutt and mom, Shirley, and their neighbors, Timmy, Randy and Lisa ["WEARE Castro, and their mom, Sharoii, were in the excited audience which attended the Bozo show in Fox Lake last week. Not many kids see their television friends in the flesh. The proceeds from this show went to the Cystic Fybrosis Foundation. This will be a solemn weekend in the lives of many of our young residents. Quite a few of the youngsters will be confirmed this Saturday by Bishop Lane at St. Patrick's and St. Mary's churches. The Bottari family drove into Chicago on Sunday to take part in a family birthday party at the home of Vickey's brother. The birthday people were Mom and Pop, Lou and Lorraine Mazzoni and their daughters, Joyce and . Gail, who are all March babies. That really takes planning. Grandpa and Grandma Mazzoni went in and spent the day with them on Thursday to make it one festive weekend. Bobby Hutt won't forget his fifth birthday for a long time. The celebrations started on Wednesday with Nancy Fout and kids, Barbie, Susie and Bobby, cpming for the morning as they couldn't attend his regular party. On Friday he was the host at a regular kids' birthday party with all the trimmings. Helping with the festivities were his sister, Gail, and Randy and Lisa Castro, Michael and Michelle Wohlert and mom; Kenny Bottari and his mom; and Sandy and Billy Wohlert and their mom. Hard to say who had the better time, kids or moms! On Sunday came the party to end all parties with some twentyfive relations on hand to liven things up. This was probably the eatingest- party on record with a huge ham and Swedish meat balls and loads of other goodies to go along with it and they still ran out of food! At last report Shirley was winning the battle of the clean-ups. What a week! A group . of Cadette Scouts spent the weekend at Thunderbird camp in Genoa City. Joann Sehabow and Kathy Becker were among the lucky girls who had a terrific time. Patti Laursen celebrated birthday number nine on Monday afternoon with the help of eleven little girls to demolish the cake after blowing out the candles. Her birthday is today, Thursday, so many happy returns of the day. Get-well wishes to Virginia Hodges who is hospitalized in Rockford. She is recovering from surgery and will be there for several weeks. Jim Kujak sent a letter to Jan Walker telling of life in Thailand, where he is stationed with a Paratroop unit 65 miles into the jungle. The temperature has been hoVering at an unbelievable 125 degrees and is not really too comfortable. They have. lots of company such as a 13-Vz foot King Cpbra which they evicted from the shower area. The people of the area have been very nice to the boys, and a new PX has just been constructed of bamboo for the boys to use. Being a world traveler isn't all roses. It takes mail about 6 weeks to reach them and is really appreciated when it gets there. Glad to have news of the boys even if it isn't all good. It really makes us think that our lives aren't too bad and things are pretty soft here in the good old U.S.A. INJURY SUIT FILED John and Grace Dixon have filed a suit in Circuit court, asking $50,000 from Gerald Smith of Chapel Hill road, McHenry. The suit results from an auto accident in September of 1965, in which the Dixons allege they recieved injuries. *055 TEN CONFIRMED AT SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS CHURCH A full day of activities began as ten high school young people were confirmed Sundayat Shep-^ herd of the Hills Luthergn church. Confirmed at the 8<30 service by?,Rev. Donald D. Johnson w^ro"Mildred Grace Ayers, Roger Stuart Burns, Dennis. Allan Dowell, Alan Randall ?£i£imier, Dorrine Mae Musolf, Nancy Lynn Musolf, Bruce Qkal, Susan Elizabeth Pries, Loora Lou Varese and Debra Lynn Wallace^ The junior confirpiands' questioning was held during the 10:30 service. Thfcse eighth graders will be. confirmed next Sunday. Thirty high school jPdU'hg people attended a banquet in the evening. After dinner by candlelight, the program began with group singing. / Paul Uphoff, president o^ the Illinois District Luther League, illustrated his speech on "Personality Characteristics" wdt'h placards. Folk music was^pro- Vided by Phillip HelWig ari&Lou Behm. The evening was -such a success that the young pftople were reluctant to leave. ANNOUNCING We are now Open for Business at our New Location 2020 W. Route 120 ( Vi Block East of Chapel Hill Road ) RIVERSIDE NOT IECIIIS I I I ••--•••• .. WE ARE SELLING THEM!! I I Make the music from last night's Barbra Streisand TV special your own to enjoy again and agaln.This album features her songs from the show. McHENRY COUNTY'S LARGEST YES. WE •\r-vf7imrnr-i CL 2478/CS 9278VCQ llOf ALBUM IN STOCK!! Regular $3.98 Value SPECIAL SALEP Stereo o o. $3o58 $168 •And more enjoyable albums by Barbra... ^JT/te Barbra StreisandAJbunA B&rbr& Stroi*und 'Tht Third Atbum CL 2007/CS t»0T/CQ sm CL 7K4r/mmWSm& 107f CL 2IS4/CS 89S4VC9 f24| sHM ' MySmiflu ftrireTw... : "' CL 22iS"C5 W'S'/CQ CL 2JJ4/CS tlW/CQ 7?5t CL 2407/CS 920'* on COLUMBIA RECORDS* 'Stereo t Tap® \ : -• * l • B U B B HiRE'S BIG NEWS FOR YOU - WE ARE FRANCHISED TO SERVE YOU FOR . . . • VOX Guitars • Amplifiers • Sound Equipment • SHI RE professional entertainer series microphones • EKO guitars and amplifiers • PHONOLA stereos and tape recorders PROFESSIONAL MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS ^ 6 PRIVATE STUDIOS 9 PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Orpn -- Piano -- Guitar -- Drums -- Accordion THE BATMAN TH AND 11 HEFTI BAT SONGS ... . . . . a l l on an RCA V i c t o r D y n a g r o v e R e c o r d i n g ! ! ! • REGULAR $3.98 VALUE • w „ _ /7 (Q) Offer Ends From the original score of the Greenway April 9th or Production. 2Cih Century Fox Television 'tui supply Series on ABC-TV. lasts OTHER RCA SPECIALS IN STOCK! •CAVKTMI Henry Maoa@niii ps-oca onto HENRY MANCINI PLAYS ALL THE ACADEMY AWARD - WINNING SONGS FROM 1984 TO 1964 IN THIS 2-RECORD SET. HIGH NOON, MOON RIVER & OTHERS. • Wc invite your inquiry. • Rental lesson plans available. VALUABLE COUPON ' with 0 ui i coupon only On All Pre-Recorded Stereo Tape | List Trice • OFFER ENDS APRIL 9, 1966 • I coi £ PI Acmeijiiy Award Song* sa "©osac'* W3EUSD©?« Other Hand .... ° Johnny Cash Mean As Hell • Robert Goulet I Remember You • Paul Revere & The Raiders Just Like Us SSgt. Barry Sadler sings & h i s original songs of the fighting men of Vietnam, among them are Saigon, Lullaby, and ten others. SSgtllw^lidler l).S.ftnnySs3tiil forest P.CA VicTon The Ballad of theGreen Beret* Letter from Vietnam I'ma LuckyOn? Garet Trooper The Soldier Has Come Horn# Salute to the Nurses I m Watching the RamdropsFtN Badge ot Courage ~ Trooper s lament Bamiba Saigon Lullaby VALUES! SHAY'S MUSIC WOULD SAWIS Y@U M@!E! S • AFFILIATED WITH HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIOS OF ELGIN A World of Pleasure In Music 1218-20 N. Green McHenry, 111. A World of Music at Shay's All Phones 385-7700 8