Thursday, March 31,1966 THEMcHEN Section Two--Page Seven Rinhoqd News DELORE9 BRENNAN 859-9040 DANCE PROCEEDS USED FOR SCHOOL ^ ?arker- ttaPPy birthday --- to Doris Low on the 9th. TRIP. GRADUATION •• A record dance will be held ftgnqi 8 P-m. until 10:30 p.m. at the Ring wood school for young, sters, teens and adults. The office is sponsored by the community club with the proceeds me towards the school trip ij*cMay and the graduation. # "Pop, cupcakes, doughnuts and coffee will be sold also. Come on up and dance or watch, join the fun. ' Has Birthday Party . Monday after school, Resae Ackerman, daughter of the Charles Ackermans, had fifteen of her friends join her in celebrating her birthday, fter mom, Bev, served cake and ice cream to all after a few games were played, , versary wishes to Helen and Attend Birthday Party Cris and Juanita Ackerman attended a birthday party for their cousin. Daphne Bruce, at Wonder Lake on Sunday afternoon. Daphne is the daughter of Joanne and Larry Bruce. A New Granddaughter For the Hogans Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan, Sr., became grandparents again on Monday when a 7 lb. 6 oz. baby girl was born to Ann and John Hogan at the McHenry hospital. The little girl has a sister, Tracey, who is 1% years old. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs! Bernard Peschke, Sr., of McHenry. Congratulations to all. Attend Cancer Kick-off Dinner The kick-off dinner for the April drive for the cancer crusade was held in Woodstock on Sunday evening. Lor Brennan, Ringwood chairman, and Georgia Bauer attended. Arnold May of Richmond-, who is the cancer crusade chairman, introduced the officers present, introduced the speaker, Dr. Sommers, who talked on the cancer research program, and showed two short film clips on Cancer. We will be calling on you within the next two or three weeks for your help in collecting funds to make the research Here 'N' There Callers during the week in the home of Marion and Alice Peet were, Loraine Zeigler and Glennie Morel of Elgin on Monday, Grace Heinze of Crystal Lake on Tuesday, Marion Peck of Elgin on Wednesday, Laura Felgeneur, Emma Freeman and Theresa Starr of Elgin on Friday. On Saturday evAiing, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rassmussen and Mr. and Mrs. Ed KruSe of Crystal Lake called. Also, Earl Harrison of Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. James Walker and family spent Sunday visiting in the Paul Winston home. The Walkers are leaving next week for their new home near Tampa, Florida. Mrs. Mary Stratford and daughter, Kathy, called on Judy Winston as well as Trudy Oonk. They worked puzzels and visited with Judy, who is doing very well since her recent acci-. dent. She can try walking up the stairs a few at a time now.' I think this will be Judy's last time playing the Tarzan routing right, Judy? Just kidding." Mrs. Nellie Hepburn spent Sunday visiting relatives in Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan attended the wedding of a friend in Chicago on Saturday. Will Claxton of McHenry was a Sunday dinner guest in the home of Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Samuelson were called to Rockford on Monday by the death of his Aunt. Funeral services were held on Wednesday. Sincere sympathy. Mrs. Mary Butler of McHenry called on Mrs. Ruby Shepard on Sunday. Report COUPLE RETURNS FROM ENJOYABLE TRIP TO HAWAII for the cure for cancer possible,' ^en on Kaanapoli Beach. Let's hope with yraiy help, apq "Other scenic spots of interest the help of many more persons, we can consider cancer just a miiidr illness. More will follow next week with a list of the workers who will be calling on you. Server* Serving hot dogs on April 6 will be Mary Baker and Joan Preston. On the 13th, Joan Preston and Sheila Galli will serve barbecues. Birthdays Coming Up Happy birthday to Doe Brennan (who is over 21) on the 6th. And birthday wishes to Evelyn Harrison on the 7th. Also on the 7th, it's happy anni- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schafer of 2916 N. Riverside drive, McHenry, have returned from an enjoyable trip by plane to Honolulu, with a stop-over in Seattle. One day was spent at Wailuku on Maui, where they visited the whaling village of Lahaina, and visitetf were Hflo on Osland of Hawaii, Volcano Kiluea Crater, orchid farms, St. Peter's Chapel by the Sea, and coffee plantations. After flying to Lihue on Kauai, they took a cruise up the Wailua river to fern grotto, then to Hanalei Valley, where the film "South Pacific" was filmed. After enjoying fine meals in a Hawaiian atmosphere, the McHenry travelers report a "mui opu" (big stomach), with "pilikia" (trouble) getting back to normal in a "wikiwiki" (hurry). ' ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY Marie's Laundromat • COMPLETE DROP-OFF SERVICE • ONE-DAY SHIRT SERVICE • DRY CLEAMMG -- Attendant on Premises -- 1404 North Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. 385-9743 Former Vice President, Richard Nixon said recently that th eprincipal political isslie in 1966' will be • inflation. Whether or not Mr. Nixon's prediction is correct may not be known for at least another six months. However, what is certain is that the Congress must face up to a threat of inflation at the present session. Many members of Congress and, indeed, the public ait large appear not to be aware of the danger signs or implications of inflation. The classic description of inflation is "tog much money chasing too few goods." In other words, if the money supply increases more rapidly than, the production of goo^s, costs begin to soar and the purchasing power oif the dollar decreases rapidly. The Federal Reserve Bank took cognizance of the inflationary danger signs last December by increasing its discount rate on loans to commercial banks. This had the effect of reducing the money supply and retarding the inflationary trend. However, the federal government, by incrasing its expenditures and by creating additional federal deficits, is feeding the inflationary fires. Legislative proposals for retarding the inflation spiral include: (a) a further tax increase, and (B) wage and price controls. The effect of a general tax increase might well be to reduce the anticipated federal deficit. However, the recently enacted Tax Adjustment Act of 1966, which increases certain IfleHesiry Shop in FEATHER PILLOWS • STERILIZED" • DEODORIZED • NEW TICKING EASTER SPECIAL YOU'LL ENJOY SLEEPING ON REFRESHING HEALTHY LIKE NEW PILLOWS gum (i m. c JEWEL SHOPPING PLAZA McHENRY, ILLINOIS TONES MU 3719-23 W. Elm St. McHenry. Illinois W. 815-385-4646 ACROSS FROM JEWEL WE ARE BULGING AT THE SEAMS AND WE'RE FORCED-TO REMODEL AND EXPAND OUR STORE I • CHILDREN'S RECORD ALBUM 75c and up REG. STEREO ALBUMS -- $2.50 and up REG. STEREO ALBUMS -- 250 and up --; ' 4* ~0Ji ,<e Ii Pi AME TSi2 Coupon $1.00 Value T.V. Record Cloth , WE HAVE ADDED / O TO OUR LARGE SELECTION ^ OF AMERICAN FRANCHISES [ADDRESS • DEAGAN VIBES j CITy • GRETSCH |\ " • AMPEG j with the purchase of Stereo or Hi Fi Album i excise taxes and accelerates j the payment of corporate income taxes,,, may result in re-i ducing production^jof goods and thereby add to our inflationary wpes. Leaders of organized labor have been outspoken in their opposition to the voluntary anti-inflationary guidelines as proposed by the Administration. Accordingly, the pressures for legislation to -establish a federal wage and price control board are likely to mount in the weeks and months ahead, however, this' ^l&i'native for congresssioal action is not very attractive--particularly in an election year--in a country which has attained great economic success without such government control. A more certain way to eliminate the threat of inflation is to reduce federal expenditures It is the opinion of many that all non-military spending could be reduced sufficiently to eliminate the over-supply of money. However, this might impede the politically popular anti-poverty program, omit certain public works projects for favored congressmen, and reduce foreign aid to some of the "neutral" or "uncommitted" nations. Such a reduction in federal spending can hardly be expected from this Administration. The effects of inflation are experienced most tragically by pensioners and old-age recipients who live on fixed incomes. While their incomes remain stationary, the price of goods and services goes up. They face the dilemma of existing on less while government proceeds to take more--more by way of taxation and more by way of federal borrowing. Whether political or not, the issue of inflation is a real one--of immediate concern to the Congress and to every man, woman and child in America. » FOR THE MAN at WHITE'S Men Easter TIES New colors, new patterns and new fabrics Creslan ties are Wrinkle r e s i s t a n t , w a s h a b l e , dries in shape. Stripes, plain colors & paisley and plenty of ties for you to make your selection. $2.50 other ties $1.50 to $3.50 Bows and the new style clip-on ties. Large assortment of colors & patterns. $1.50 Stetson HATS Hats that are Stetson styled for Spring in narrow, medium or wide brims. Plenty of colors to make your selection. $8.95 to $15.00 ARROW SHIRTS Shirts in the ekact style or size you preferfer. Every shirt designed to fit perfectly. "Dectolene" -- Never needs ironing -- not even a little bit, absolutely wrinkle free. White, blue, beige & green. $8.95 "Decton" 65r/t Dacron and 35% Cotton Born ironed, stays ironed, stays fresh all day. White and plain colors. $6.95 "Fenway Club" Self Ironing. 100% cotton. Extra long wearing collar and cuffs. $5.00 "Whip Club" 100% Cotton and wear Sanforized. Easy, wash $4.25 "Dress Shirts" -- By Arrow -- Neat colored stripes, blue, tan, gray & green, to harmonize with that new suit or sport coat. $5.00 to $6.95 •Dectolene" by Arrow -- Prep Neck sizes 13 -13% & 14 Sleeve lengths 30 & 31 in. Sizes. $5.95 MEN'S SUITS ^ Theyre new, styles, colors & patterns plus expert workmanship. All wool, Dacron and Wool and Silk and Wool. Regulars, longs and shorts. $49.95 to $69.95 Young men's suits -- Continental styles $37.95 to $39.95 SPORT COATS Fine wool fabrics in stripes, plaids and fancy patterns. New Spring styles and patterns, Regulars and Longs. $24.95 to $31.95 SLACKS Now styles in the newest fabrics, all are wrinkle resistant. Many are wash and wear. With or without pleats. Grays, blues, blacks, browns and irridescent colors. $10.95 to $22.50 SLIM SLACKS Young Men's Slacks 1. Ivy styles in regular precuffed slacks with belt loops and plain front. 2. Continental in slim, trim model, unpleated front and plain bottom. Black, beige, olive, blue and irridescent colors. Dacron and cotton, press free, no ironing. $6.95 CROSBY-SQUARE SHOES Just received new shipment for Easter. Slip-on and lace. Your shoes tell what kind of a man you are. That's' why so many men prefer Crosby Square Shoes. $12.95 to $19.95 We Have Complete Formal Rental Service WHITES 1214 N. Green St. Phone 385-0019 MEN'S HOP McHenry. IU. m \ T