SiSfton Three -- Page Six THE McHENRY PLAWDEALEH Thursday, Muck Sir 1968 CONCLUDE EASTER SEAL MAILING Robert Steffi, physical therapist at the EasteKSeal center of the McHenry county Chapter of the Illinois Association for the Crippled, is shown with two of his little paitents, Tony Catenzaro and Janet Mussay, who are residents at the Ken Johnson home for Retarded Children in Woodstock. Steffi is also director of the center. The last of the Easter Seal letters to reach the S15.000 t,'oal of the 1966 campaign have been mailed out and contributions in return envelopes are expected to be in soon so that none of the important prch grams of Easter Seal have to be curtailed. Robert Steffi, dire# tor * d physical therapist, calls a..ention to the physical therapy given at the center the past year as well as the follow-up programs. "The society," he asserts." has demonstrated its progressive attitudes T>y supplying 6,120 physical therapy and 1.920 speech therapy treatments during the past year." These figures, he contpnds. Indicate about a 35 percent increase in services for the residents of the county over the past year. "The therapy center," he comments," has all of the modern equipment necessary to supply treatment for any physical handicapping condition. Some of the conditions now Under treatment are cerebral Salsy, polio, congenital birth 6fects, ^stroke and post neurotegfe surgical, afep tmmatic injuries, orthopedic conditions, arthritic diseases, muscular diseases and injuries, and many more." Mr. Steffi also makes note of the fact that the need for rehabilitation services in the county are increasing every year because of the increase in population and the increasing ability of doctors to diagnos and treat formerly fatal diseases. "The increased demand for services have made it necessary, said the director, to plan and develope many new programs. This year the summer speech clinic had to be expanded from six to seven weeks. A swimming program for handicapped children is being planned for this summer and if the funds are available, the society plans to start a nursery school for the handicapped within the' next three years. The camping program for handicapped children is now in its second successful year of operation. Last year Mariann Bean, a young polio victim, was sent to the summer camp for three weeks under the sponsorship of the Hugh Hemmingway Memorial fund. This year plans are already under way to send another youngster under the same sponsorship. Mrs. Louis Duddleston,, chapter president, has announ- Legals NOTICE Public Notice is1 hereby given that on March 18th, A.D., 1966. a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHeriry County, Illinois, setting forth the "names and post-office addresses of all the persons owning, conducting and . transacting the business known as MARIE'S LAUNDROMAT, located at J4°4 North Riverside Drive, McHenry, Illinois. Dated this' 18th day of March, A.D. 1966. VERNON W. KAYS, County Clerk. (Pub. March 24, 31 & April 7, 1966) ced that several women have recently volunteered their services to supply transportation for needy youngsters. The therapy center depends heavily on volunteers to assist with all phases of its operation. The director is high in his praise for the contributors to the Easter Seal campaign and publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, ALBERT FINCH and UNCOUNTY OF McHENRY ) STATE OF ILLINOIS ) IN THE-ei-RdXTlT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS BELL SAVINGS AND LOAN) ASSOCIATION, an Illinois) savings and loan association,) Plaintiff ) vs. ) HOWARD CARL: OLSON;) JANICE MATHESON and) WALLACE MATHESON, her) h u s b a n d ; M A R I A N J A N E ) ROMPF; SUSAN LEE OL-) SON; JANICE MATHESON.) as Executor of the Estate of) HOWARD CARL OLSON;) ALBERT FINCH and "UN-) KNOWN OWNERS". ) D'efendants. ) No. 66-279 N O T I C E The requisite affidavit for to the Easter Seal auxiliary for its support of many pro grams. Without these funds the work, he asserts, could not be carried on to its fullest capacity. "Use your Easter S£als" asserts the campaign chairman, Chester Gould. KNOWN OWNERS, defendants in the above entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit of McHenry County, by the said Plaintiff against you INSTANT praying for Foreclosure of -a certain mortgage by HOWARD CARL OLSON, to BELL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. and for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is still pending. Now, therefore, unless you, ALBERT FINCH and UNKNOWN OWNERS, the said defendants file your answer to the Complaint in said suit or otherwise make your apperance there, in the said Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit, held in the coupt house in the City of Woodstock, Illinois. on or before 30 days from the date of this publication, default may be entered aganist you at any time after that day and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. Dated at Woodstock. Illinois, this 24th day of March, 1966. MARGARET O'NEIL, Clerk Looze & Kinne Attorneys for plaintiff 3431 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Telephone: 815-385-1580 (Pub. Mar. 31, Apr. 7, 1966) FOUR LICENSES REVOKE; MANY ARE SUSPENDED The office of Secretary of State Paul P o well has announced the revocation of the driver licenses of Sterling W. Blythe of Rt. 1, Spring Grove, for driving while lmoxTcated, Robert E. Drake, Sr., of 3411 Skyway drive,McHenry, Allan S. Gore of Rt. 1, Crystal Lake and Frank W. O'Gorman of Algonquin, all for driving while intoxicated. Suspensions were ordered for Ronald W. Akersburg, Lee T. Jenkins and Robert B. Mishler of Woodstock, Scott L. Alloway of Algonquin, Floyd D. Blazier of Rt. 3, Matt H. Russ. David R. Davidson and Joseph A. Bissman of Harvard, Gerald W. Boling of 921 N. Front street, Carl R. Duffey of 1508 N. River road, Jack R. Morris of 5222 Orchard drive and Donald W. Uselding of 5616 Meadow lane, McHenry, Robert C. Miller of 7401 Birch (irive, Wonder Lake, Thomas W. Pearson, Carl C. Dorach and Kenneth Sheesley of Crystal Lake, James H. Zolnow of Marengo, James V. Ruszczyk of Oakwood Hills, John L. Grist of Ca'ry, Jacob M. Lisching of Lake - in - Hills .and Guy T. Tousey of Barrington, all for three violations; and Duane A. Derfus of 'Woodstock for pe»» mitting fraudulent US® of license. c , Probationary permits hav# been issued to Edward J. Hoad<» ley of Crystal .Lake and Michael M. Klekovic of Rt. 2, Mc* Henry. Call The One And ONLY McHenry Cab Co. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO KOENEAMNN SAUSAGE CO. • 85 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES Phone 385-6260 Route 120 -- Just East of Route It -- Volo, HL 385-0723 1 j of a century of Accident-Free Service TRANSPORTATION IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS we oivl / Radio Dispatched 24-HR. SERVICE This Sticker Mean^ You won t Get Stuck! test. OUR VOLKSWAGENS CARRY A 100% GUARANTEE. We have a large Selection on hand -- '65, '64. '63. '62. '61 (We also have some cars with radiators.) CRYSTAL LAKE IMPORTS, INC. Route 14 West of Highway 31 Crystal Lake PHONE 459-7100 EASTER BUNNY' KITS 1. 3-Pii@n Eggs 2. Egg Coloring Packet Just Buy 10 Gaifens FS Super Regular LOW, LOW PRICES OF 30. * incl. GAL. taxes OR Buy 10 Gallons FS Premium Plus ) J% incl. GAL. taxes FS GASOLINE IS QUALITY GASOLINE AT LOWER PRICES TOO! ONLY THURSDAY-MARCH 31 THRU UNDAY -APIRHL 3 mm. iirwr mill Come to Jim's FS Service Station on Waukegan Road (Route 120) for FREE EGGS and COLORING PACKET. We're giving the Easter Bunny an early hdping hand with this free offer of three dozen eggs and packaged kit of different •c@fl@rs. EVERYONE WELCOME STARTS TODAY JIM'S FS Service Station in McHenry -- scene of this weekend's doubleheader EGGS and COLORING giveaway -- in time for your Easter bunny fun! Stop in, visit wi£fy Jim Wallace and fill up with 10 gallons or more/1 of Super Regular or PremiumFS. SERVIC STATION 4002 WEST WAUKEGAN ROAD HOURS^/Mon. thru Fri., Saturday, 7:30 ^ Sunday, 8 a.m. McHENRY 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. - 9 p - 6 p.m.