Thursday* M?rch 31,196ft THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Three -- Page Nine Valiant Viscounts Tim Low, 15, has been playing with the Viscounts for the past s_even years. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Low of 3707 W. Maple, McHenry. Tim is now a freshman in McHenry high school and hopes some day to be a businessman. His brother, Tom, plays with the Air Corps drum corps and a brother, Kelly, is playing baritone with the Viscounts. His father is on the advisory board of the corps. Tyler North, 16, Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill North of Crystal Lake. He has been playing snare drum with the Viscounts for the past two years. Tyler, a junior in Crystal Lake high school, plans to attend college. His brother, Pat, is a Viscount member and a sister, Candy, is a Vi-Kette. COUNTY LIVESTOCK FEEDERS ELECT NEW OFFICERS Highlights of the McHenry County Livestock Feeders Association meeting last week was the election of officers and directors for the coming year. The meeting was held at the Farm Bureau building in Woodstock. After the various reports by the secretary and farm advisor on activities of the local association, Roscoe Glenn, local representative of the Illinois Feeders association legislative committee, gave a brief talk. He urged support of the Blue Ballot coming up fall and said farmers would p r o b a b l y b e b e t t e r o f f w i t h state income tax than real estate and personal property tax. Main speaker of the evening was Gilbert "Gib" Hadley, president of the Illinois Livestock Feeders association, who drove over 100 miles from his home in Cambridge to attend the meeting. He pointed out the ry benefits of belonging to association and how it Is Important to have representation in Washington when probl e m s c o m e up a f f e c t i n g t h e livestock feeder. The recent embargo put on hides h a £ Caused concern, and staff members are in Washington at the present time to see if something can be done. Mr. Hadley also urged support of the Livestock and Meat board, due to the fact that much of the livestock is sold at country buying stations. He asked local feeders to encourage local buying Stations to check off for the livestock and meat board. He also pointed out how imitation meat products are becoming m o r e o f a p r o b l e m f o r t h e livestock feeders. John Doan of Dolan Commodities of Chicago explained cattle futures trading and answered many questions about futures trading. Gene Meyer, outgoing president, reported on the activities of the association for the year and thanked everyone for the help he had received during his term as president. Newly elected officers include Lloyd Getzelman, president; Monte Jones, vice-president; Basil Periman, secretary-treasurer; and Directors Erwin Walter, Dave Nichols, Emmett Walters and Homer White. Following the meeting, re freshments were served by wives of the officers. ATTEND SEMINAR Claribel Naylor, Wonder Lake, Evelyn Mengs, Woodstock, and Mrs. Dana Dawes, Marengo, were among over 100 persons attending the eighteenth annual program planning seminar, sponsored by the Illinois Conference of Tuberculosis Workers. March 1 to 3, at Illinois Beach State Park lodge Zion. Mrs. Naylor is the Tu berculosis Nurse, Mrs. Mengs is office secretary and Mrs. Dawes is a board member with the McHenry County Tuberculosis Association. by Paul Powell Secretary of State LIGHTS ON BICYCLE* Illinois law says a bicycle which is ridden upon a street or highway during the period from sunset to sunrise must be equipped with a lighted head* light and taillight. The headlight must be visible for a distance of BOO feet and the color must be white, yellow or amber. Th® taillight must be red and must also he visible for a distance of 500 feet. This is a Very important safety measure and must strictly be adhered to. Parental responsibility here is of paramount importance. They must inform their children of these requirements, and they must make certain that these regulations are always obeyed. Children must be taught that traffic laws also apply to bicycles. Do you know the traffic laws? If you are not sure of them get a copy of "Rules of the Road" at your local driver license exam station or write to Paul Powell, Secretary of State, Springfield, Illinois. Be modern with N»w Btaufy! Nmw Bmml NEW LAVATORY FAUCETI Nine a. m..' OUR SALE MILLSTREAM DRUGS GibHaggenjos. R.Ph. 3720 W. ELM STREET AGENCY PHONE 385-7030 Jerry Toussaini. R. Ph. JEWEL SHOPPING PLAZA THPIS. - FRI. - SAT. - SUN.; MARCH 31 - APRIL 3 Toni Adorn HAIR SPRAYS Reg. $1.50 SUMfSS iyums Reg. 99c fa Mm Regular $1.39 Regular $2.00 ^ TONI 1 PERMANENTS Regular $1.25 DIPPITY DO HAIR SETTING GEL WEBER Plbg. & Htg. 2801 W. Lincoln Rd. Phone 885-0855 WATER SOFTENER SERVICE SAME DAT SERVICE ON MOST MAKES A MODELS • Service 9 Cleaning Out • Repair • Installation • Overhauling # Removal • Reconditioning • Rebuilding -- ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- Phone: 385-5511 WATER SOFTENER SALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois :KS vaeo»'ii*p OXMWH Time listed Reg. $1.00 ETTE Right Guard DE0D0 New For... "You"... for Easter Select from our Designer Group The Mexican Wedding Shirt Dresses . . . with the linen-look rayon-trimmed with cotton lace ... in pale popsicle colors . . . lite blue . . . apricot . . . by GAY GIBSON... 5 to 15 . •. $15.00 up 1 For Confirmation ... Our "BASSINET" look as seen in "Seventeen" White Only Elegantly Shaped Sugar dipped knit suits Town tailored Unen suits in prints and solids*. . . Jr. and Missy Sizes $17.00 up A Coat ensembles . . . featuring full length coat with matching dress . . . 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