Section Two -^Page Two THE McHENRY PLATNDEALEH / Thursday* April 7,1986 Personals -- Pw •FI£ . ( Misses Sue Gerasch, Carol ^filler, Barbara Shannon, Di- Qjie Rothering and Paulette RizzO are home from St. Xavier college to spend the Easter break at their respective homes. They will return to their studies on April 17. Miss Gerasch has recently been elected a$ treasurer of the resident association which makes rules ajpd regulations of dorm life qiii the campus. "•Tom Blake, son of the Leo Illakes, Clarence Adams, soil of the Clarence Adamses, Richard lfhajinenstill, son of the Alvin Phannenstills and Billy Boone, son of the Jack Boones have finished basic training at Fort Polk, La., and are spending a two weeks furlough at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. James Langer have, moved from one of the Tonyah apartments on Frorn street to the Fleming House on Washington street. Dinner and supper guests in the home of Mrs. Irene Guffey on Palm Sunday were the William Guffey family of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hennjken and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pope of Woodstock. . Mrs. Marvin Rooney, sons, Danny and Stevie of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Evelyn Petitdlair of Waukegan were luncheon guests of their mother. Mrs. A. P. Freund, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoppe have returned from Belleview, Fla.f where they spent the past few months at their winter home. ; Mrs. Lisle Bassett has returned from an enjoyable several days visit with her daughter and husband, Dr. and Mrs. JSlmer Weidemann, in Phoenix, Ariz. Enroute home she was a weekend guest in the home of her brother, Edmund Switzer, lip El Paso, Tex^s. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zoia, John, Julie and Janet of Minneapolis, Minn., are spending the week with her parents, Mr. afnd Mrs. George Phalin. r Mrs. Lois Auoutt of Oconomolyoc, Wis., was a weekend gue&t in the M.L. Schoenholtz home. Her mother, Mrs. Edna Leonard, who had been spending several weeks there, returned to McHenry with her. ' Robert Dixon, son of the Dale pixons, who was confirmed at 9ioq Lutheran church Sunday, Was honored at a gathering at their home later. Those present for dinner and a social afternoon were Mr. atad Mrs. Robert Brugger, Barbara and Rpbfrt, Jr., Kenosha; Mr. and Mrs. |tay Gabinski, son, &ay, Bloomjngdale; Dr. Hoffman, mother r-- and grandmother and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ricker of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ricker. ' Mrs. Emily Broaker is spending several weeks v^ith relatives in Los Angeles, Calif., where her son and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Lawson of Harrington, will join h£r for a few weeks vacaton later. „ • Mrs. Erwin Lnures of. Northbrook was a Monday luncheon guest of her aunt, Mrs. Annabel Aicher. Rich Smith returned home Friday from his studies \ at North central college, Napcrville, forspend the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Smith. Mrs. Hilda Powers has returned to her home in Chicago after a few weeks visit in the home of her, niece, Mrs. Grace Steinsdoerfer.. Mrs. Howard Ash ton and daughter, Mary Catherine, of Evanston were weekend guests in the home of her sister, Mrs. John Bolger, where they were joined on Sund iy bv another sister, Mrs. Earl Highland, and granddaughter, Mary Eunice Highland, of I^ockford. Jon Meyer is home from Quincy college in Quincy to spend the Eastern holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer. Gary Lockwood of Iowa Wesleyan college, Mt. Pleasant. Iowa, :s vacationing with his parents, the Howard Lockwoods. Other guests in their home on Sunday were the'r son, Laverne Lockwood and family of Lake Geneva, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lockwood of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Dallas Davis, and family of Lake-In- The-Hills, were dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Lockwood's sister. Miss Amanda Behrens. in Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and Randy visited her aunt, Mrs. Sue Froeming, in Elmhurst Sunday. Miss Nancy Lockwood was a weekend guest of Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pieroni and sons, Chippy and Joey, have moved from 1308 Front street to their new home on Grand avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend guests of her brother, Donald Givens. Other visitors in his home on Sunday to help him celebrate his birthday were Harold Phalin, daughter, Diane, of Waukegan, Clifton Sargent of Kenosha, and Ann Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz and her father. Dr. Henry Freund, were dinner guests in the home Valiant Viscounts ii iiifflllHI Patrick North, 18, has played the baritone horn with the Viscounts for the past two years. He is a resident of Crystal Lake and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill North. Patrick has a brother, Tyler, who is a drummer in the corps. Casey Kasperzak, 16, a junior in McHenry high school,, has been a member of the corps for one year, playing the baritone. The young man plans to attend the naval academy following graduation. -- Monday -- BEEF TENDERLOIN TIPS -- Tuesday -- CLOSED -- Wednesday -- SHRIMPS DE JONGHE -- Thursday -- CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE -- Friday -- FISH FRY -- Saturday ~ PRIME RIB Join Us For SPECIAL, EASTER BINNER Herb Ouimelte at the Hammond Organ For Your Late Evening Entertainment Every Friday and Saturday Evening Serving Ala Carte After Midnight. STEAK MOUSE and Cocktail Loung© Hwy. 12 Ph. 678-7766 Richmond, III. of Mrs. Ernestine Christian, in Chicago, on Palm.. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Stilling visited Lombard relatives Sunday. Mrs. A. P. Freund and daughter, Mrs. Art Tonyan. visited the former's sister, Sister Jeremiah, at Sacred Heart Sanitarium, Milwaukee, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Granger Smith of Elgin were Sunday dinner guests in the George H. Johnson home. Mrs. Ben Justen returned Sunday by plane from California after spending the past few months in the home of her son and family, J. W. Justen, M.D., in Santa Maria. CHARGE FILED .Torn Roark of Spring Grove has been charged with deceptive practice. His case will He heard April 11 in Branch I court. County GOP Clubs Honored Four women from McHenry county attended the spring conference of the I.F.R.W. (Illinois Federation of Republican Women). Mrs. Tom (Boots) Davis, president; Mrs. Jake (Connie) Johnson, first vice-president, and Mrs. Grant (Gerry) Erpst, second vice-president, represented the McHenry Township Republican Women's club. Mrs. Tom (Ruth) Andrews served as a delegate' for the Algonquin Township Republican Women. Mrs. Davis, downstate membership chairman of the I.F.R. W., attended a board meeting Thursday morning, at which time she presented applications from fivenew Republican Women's "clubs for membership in 'the federation. The Woodstock Women's Republican club was one of those granted charters. Thursday afternoon featured workshops led by Mrs. Fran Salmon, national . membership chairman; Harold Smith, campaign activities; and Ray Page. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Charles Percy, candidate for United States Senator, spoke at the banquet Thursday evening. He urged support of the outstanding Republican candidates and the elevation of Mr. Dirksen to the position of senior Senator from Illinois. Honor awarcfe for outstanding club activities were presented at Friday morning's business session. For the second consecutive year, the Tri-County Reublican club (Boone, Lake and McHenry counties) earned a gold honor a\ivard. Tom Davis of McHenry is its president. The McHenry Township Republican Women's club received a silver award, as did the Algonquin Township Republican Women. A nominating committee, was elected by the voting delegates, which will present a slate of officers for approval at the fall conference of the I.F.R.W. Mrs. Tom Davis of McHenry was one of the seven elected to serveon the committee. Others were Mrs. Hazel Findlay, Cook county; Mrs. E. Englehaupt, Champaign county; Mrs. Robert Hoffman, Winnebago county; Mrs. Glen Palmer, Kendall county; Mrs. E. Kunze, Du Page county; and Mrs. L. (Pat) Hutar, Cook county. The conference concluded with a luhcheon and address by Harris Rowe, candidate for State Treasurer. Many of the thousands of palm trees surrounding various North African cities grew from the seeds thrown away by besieging armies of past ages. WITHDRAWS CANDIDACY With the entrance of a second candidate in the race for s t a t e R e p r e s e n t a t i v e f r o m Boone county, Carl E. Pape has withdrawn his name from the race. Mr. Pape stated that Boone county has not elected a representative from that small area in thirty^fotir years. Considering two candidates^* frorti the county, he said this paijt week, "It is now clearly apparent that neither candidal can win. ATTEND CHURCH SUNBAIT PAINTER'S SPECIAL 9" ROLLER and PAN SET (Includes Extra Roller Cover) Regular Retail Price $5.06 Now Only $1.99 [ 3 3 ( w i t h p u r c h a s e o f 1 gal. of paint) Offer good thru April 13th -- L,imit 2 per customer. LAKES.AMP PAINT SPOT ... 4618 West Rte. 120 McHenry PHONE 885-7100 ttfflg TradificSnal; Favorite^ WHOLI OR SHANK HALF FUUY COOKED HAMS 59s lb. SUPER RIGHT - STANDING RIB ROAST "IMG OF THE RMSTS' lit flw 3rd MBS % BBS Supar Right--SEfiffl-BONElESS Whole HAMS Super Right--U.S. ir/fl. Inspected "Grade k" 7Ar Oven-Ready |Pf v 79 TURKEYS "T 45 OR HALF SUPER™RIGHT^--- TOP QUALITY HAMS 49' Po»k cfcopf <££&& .79- MtHdf I T f f " ! 6 3 * Pork Chops cwmtioiNow Canned Hons 4£#4* Perkiest *4* \ We dcol sell Easter bonnets but... we suspect many an Easter hat Ins been paid for with money saved by shopping A&P. b CsSISI@iS MOM 'Swno* R «b» 7 §®0SOJO ntsH^s»oro Es. 89s tail Picnics MANO POPUUt a MANO <* Saasaje RofcJHrJKJKJ 49* Turkey Roost 'ooneuss* Slked Turkey £££ Fancy Halibut Steaks ^ if mmm Perch raj* cSf Famous-For-Quality Groceries! »we knplying that A&P has the lowest prices oe dl ftens afl the time? im we mm saying wz ft ycnr±-3 lateested in your total food biH tEjocrs© looking for the best values Jul jmu food dollar, A&P is the store for yoo. late Sor this year's Easter bonnet, gfcatppmg A&P this week, anyway. ft wont be long before Homebody in the boose wS need a new pair of shoes. Ik M&gooi season for shopping A&P?. ' Bfs wef % iwgwBMim^tsra'Sr 43* Maktibm & "zw Our Own 1Q0 ct ' Bags "><»<•« 79*ftH%sw»«»tai C Vac rock CoHm MPSMMhWI# 10* OFF LABgL Heavy Duty :OA WRAP IB" x 25' roll 49 »• It- J Ml-- Wit. USOSorSMAK fessui ijapeMf C SpwUifitMi •££ JSLW 1 ANN PAGE ' • DiVil'S PdOO • JtlAnQiG CAI • HO^EV SPICK • YGIA©n MIXES Ug. 33c SAVE ec 19 ox. 25 OONiyS or PARAMOUNT YOUO CHOICE! SULTANA • fertrcu* ° t«KA o OkoftlM A CmMwmi (OMMNTCHftlKI ijnuNne* MKHAARLY 29c - SAVE 7c Libby's Tom j) Juice ^ 22 19 weef -ickl 0L Frei Ciilfail-, AtrStkml SKCIAI. FOR EASIER j7 lamalon Nylens Happy Easter Dairy Values! WM* At«ortm«fl| t|N •rA m SUNNYiHOOK LARGE "GlADi A"--ALL WSS WEEK -- REOUIARLY 2/49c Peas Sweat, 17-OK. Bio A Tandtr can Sbellie Beans 'tT 25c Borden's Cremoro UQHTD^K Wif food 1098c Foigers Coffee "SiSKl" 21M49 F (fcferry Juice oc«^,^, 69t Biscuits T5C ? Dozen in Carton COrl«OAtI9N EGA RSTICTa- EcOc. cJ Ca CREAM l-ox. AQ $ CHEESE pkg. Whipping Cream "„'d ^ 35e Real Cream Taping Fresh Butter Silvcrbrook 1-fe. illi Brand pkS. OY Fresh 'n' Festive Produce! GROWN EFRESH PAICAI 229 avorful Jane Parker Baked Foods 'JANE PARKER ~ MIX Oft MATCH JEWISH • y°ur 'dwieo or fwmp«rni(tiiU Whtot 'N White -- k Potato 1641. loaves 45) Frcsffsd Ball Donuts FreSj Egg Buns Rhikri Apple Pie Hot Cress ipns Jan* 6 in Park*r pkg, 3§< N*w Fren ' It Ira Jan* Parker pkg. If Jan* Much Parinr «iz* 55' Jan* Parker p'^ 35' Good and Thrifty Frozen Foods! Fresh Easter Lillies Fresh Asparagus Fresh ©rusrn Beans mm it B qg o dg ii «» n " «« & es a u mm n i SAVI K B * * " 4 TO 6 BLOOMS 51" Fresh Green Onions 2bunch»15' u- 29c Crisp Red Radishes 15' "• 19* Bir®§§@! 6-OI. PKGS. FRESH AQ, CRISP LB' JmW AAA1VEL -- REG. 69c i/prp • Chocolat* K? • Vanilla ^ • Strawberry Vi gal. ctn. ii mm I f l l Q D I Q D 18 O D 0 h mm n u u ma u PLAID I ii mm. u 1 G r e a t A t f a n t i c & P a c i f i c T o o C o . , I n c . , T h e * P r i c e s E f f e c t i v e T h r u A p r i l 9,1966^ | Devils .Cake - A*P 12-az. Fromn Frozen Strawbrries 2 59s Fruit Pies Stok@ly% O Applo Chorry G Pessli 20^3, also " 100 extra" || J STAMPS ii : ... with thin «oopca and Ik* puntwM af Ihk • I Right CPOUWD D2EP 3 h. pkg. w nn, M rB D i * ***• •. IHO. 'i| birr* B., EVERGREENS TREES GRASS SEED SEED POTATOES LAWN FOOD Visit Our Garden Center This Week FilE- 50# bag peat humus WitlH Purchase of PhmM@n Fertilizer 10-6-4 ~ $2J9 $3.39. \