/ Thursday/ April 7« 1966 Jl, '• THEMcHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Two -- Page Sevei) RING WOOD NEWS DVM)RE8 brpnnan 658-904S VOTE SATUHDAY FOR MEMBERS OF SCHOOL BOARD On Saturday, April 9, the voting for one member for the board of directors of the Ringwood grade school board will be held. You . will vote for one member to fill a three year term. In order for your vote .to count, PLEASE be sure to write the candidates name on the correct line, which is the line reading,« 3 year term. I believe it is the top line. Also, be sure to place the X inside the square in front of the name. If you do not do both, your ballot will be spoiled and will not count. It must be on the proper line also. Anyone inside the school district Who is a registered voter is qualified to vote. Are you eligible? If not, stop in at Earl Walsh's office in McHenry and register, it doesn't take long. And it is your privilege to be able to cast your vote on any election day. The voting will take place at the Ringwood school with the caucus held between 3:30 and 4 p.m. with voting from 4 until 7 p.m. Extend Sympathy We extend our sympathy to the family of Frank Hawley, brother of Louis, who passed away shortly after being admitted to Merriorial hospital in Woodstock on Friday morning. Funeral services were held Ofl Monday from the Warner funeral Home in Crystal Lake with burial in Ringwood cemetery. Friends and relatives returned to the hqme of Mr. and Mrs« L." E. Hawley on Monday following the services. Local Church Services For Holy Week .On Maundy Thursday, services will be held at 8 p.m. wjth Communion. -On April 8, Good Friday, services will be held at 8 p.m. with ttfc choir singing. -Easter Sunday services will b£ held at 8 a.m. and at 10 a.m. Njp church school will be heldon Easter Sunday. Spn April 11, the Seminar Series on "The Christian Faith Meets Modern Art" by Gerald Hardy of the Christian Art Magazine will be held. April 13, The Women's Society of Christian Service will meet at the church for a 12:30 p;m. dessert and coffee. At 1 pjn. Rev. Hillendahl will show slides and tell of his experiences in Rhodesia as a missionary. -April 13, the Sr. Hi. Retreat will be held with the McHenry Church from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All members are asked to bring a sack lunch with them. Regular Sunday services are held at 10 a.m. with church school at 11 a.m. Rev. Ronald Anderson, is the pastor. ". Sr. HI. M.Y.F. News The Sr. Hi M.Y.F. is at a critical time in its life. A big d e c i s i o n f a c e s u s n o w . T h e Ringwood, Mt. Hope and McHenry M.Y.F. groups are seriously considering joining to be one group. We have explored all facets of the merger and have found both good and bad points. The final answer will be presented at an all day ^retreat at McHenry on April 13. during our spring vacation. While this has been going on, other activities have not ceased. We made a trip to the state penitentiary in Joliet with the McHenry group on March 13. Some of us had been here before, but to those who had not had a first-hand view of prison life. It was indeed a unique ex* perience. The following week, we joined McHenry again for a family pot-luck dinner with Phil Stewart as the guest speaker. Many joined the exciting account of his trip to Russia. Prior to these meetings, we had the privilege of having Rev. Bruce Breneman and his wife, Sue, and their M.Y.F. group out from Chicago to listen to Rev. Gibbons, chaplain of the Audy Home. It was very informative. Ed. Note:. Thanks for the M.Y.F. report. Keep it up, I do appreciate all notes you may have. Thanks again. Jr. Hi M.Y.F- News The Jr. Hi M.Y.F. has been pretty busy this year. So far we've elected new officers who are as follows: Mary Oonk, president; Pam Low, treasurer; and Robin Fossum, vicepresident and secretary. In "66" we've had a moyie on different religions in the United States, visited Arlington Heights for a movie on a mission, attended a dinner at the McHenry church and are now hoping to join our group with the Mt. Hope M.Y.F. Events we are planning for are finger painting, roller skating, swimming and many other meetings concerning the church. That's about it for now, but we will try to keep you up to date on our group. Robin Fossum, reporter P.S. I would like to thank you also, Robin, for the report. Keep it up. Community Club Notes On Monday evening, March 28, the community club met. After a brief meeting, a shqrt demonstration and talli were given on the correct way to. vote in the coming board of director's voting. The meeting was then turned over to Mr. Roeder who introduced our speaker for the evening, Ed? ward Rozan. Mr. Rozan gave us a clear look on just what special education really is. He also told us of the progress that has been made with special education in McHenry county and what they expect to be able to do in the future. The talk was most interesting, as I'm sure all will agree. Cake and coffee were served by Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. Aissen following the meeting. Dance Was a Success On April 1, the community club sponsored a record hop,, which was attended quite well by our local youngsters and some adults. Cupcakes, doughnuts. pop and coffee were sold to all. The Barker family loaned their Stereo, and the Barkers, Bauers and Brennans furnished records. Mothers generously donated cup cakes and their time arid effort. I'm sure all was appreciated by the youngsters who attended the dance. ^ Pink and Blue Shower Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parsley were guests of honor at a pink and blue shower held for the couple in honor of the coming event at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ackerman with Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan as co-hosts and hostesses. There were twenty-f our guests (twelve couples) in attendance. After cards, the expecting couple were presented with gifts. Refreshments were served. church on Saturday evening, March 26. A beautiful candlelight service was held at 7 p.m. vrith the reception immediately following the wedding in the church MU. The bride is a niece of the Lows. Mrs. Roland Bauer and Mrs. Robert Brennan attended a bridal shower for Miss Bernadette Wegener at the Johnsburg community hall on Sunday. Miss Wegener will become the bride of Leroy Hiller on April •10. Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake called on the L. E. Hawleys on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Housten and daughter of Des Plaines called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn on Tuesday. Pam and Doris Low accompanied . Paris' folks to Fort Dodge, Iowa, for the wedding of a cousin on Sunday after-, noon. They left on Saturday morning, with Doris and Pam spending Saturday night with Shirley and Andy Raemaker. Thursday morning callers in the home of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn were, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong from Lake Geneva, Wis. Mrs. Flora Carr, Miss Mae Wiedrich, Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mrs. Gerry Kunz attended the salad luncheon and card party held by the McCullom Lake Women's Club at the Legion hall in McHenry on Wednesday. On Suhday, Mrs. Pearl Sanders, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mrs. Betty Fiala were callers in the homes of. Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frazier. That's it for now, how about giving me a call about your Easter news? I do hope each and every one of you have e very enjoyable Easter. LOCAL WITNESS , MINISTER WILL ATTEND MEETING Ministers from sixteen con gregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in northern Illinois met Monday, March 14, to make plans for three days of Bible study meetings to be held in Elgin April 29, 30 and May 1. Dominick Fontana, local presiding minister, told the McHenry Plaindealer that more than 1,500 ministers are expected to attend the three-day seminar. The Monday meeting was called for the purpose of organizing the twenty-two convention departments- needed to serve the delegates, - providing the food, housing, program of instruction, and the many other materials and services that will be required. A highlight of the assembly of ministers JVill be _ a public talk by Angwo Manera, a special traveling representative of the Watchtower Bible and Tract society, sponsors of the convention. Mr* Manera's subiect, Dominick Foptana said, will be, "Does God Have Influence in This Twentieth Century?". Around Town Mr. and Mrs. Walt Low, Pam, Ray and Tom, Mr. and Mrs. David Miller and Donna Low attended the wedding of Judi Thomas and Charles Stuck at the Crystal Lake Methodist DON KINTZEL For the past 30 years 1 have been an Industrial engineer. I am now with Collingbourne Buick-Olds and am a McHenry resident of 15 years. If you are in the market for a new Bulck, Olds, or a fine used car, please call on me any time. _ I .. • my V •••-iJ 1964 OLDS CONVERTIBLE Beautiful Red in color with white interior. 995 BUS6B(-GILDS, SATURDAY TILL 5 SUNDAY 11 - 4 907 Front. St. McHenry 385-7200 OPEN WEIBKDAVS 1*1 iLE. 9 P.M. SUR8E SCHOLARSHIP The woman's auxiliary of the Harvard Community Memorial hospital is offering a full three year scholarship grant up to $1,200 to any qualified young woman about to enter the nursing profession. The completed application form must be returned by May 1. GUILTY VERDICTS ARE HANDED DOWN * IN MAIL FRAUD Guilty verdicts were1 handed down recently , in federal court against three operators of a debt consolidation plan that linked loans and life insurance in a mail fraud scheme. Such a schema usually is kicked off with a newspaper ad in which the promoter promises money to pay off debts in exchange for a "small" monthly repayment- The debtor is so overjoyed over solving his problem - that he fails to read the fine print. The case of a young, truck driver with wife and four children is typical. Illness in the family put him behind the eight ball. He needed $2,800 to pay UP all his pressing bills. He answered an ad offering an easy loan. A loan supported by a second mortgage on his home was promptly approved. But not until he signed a stack of papers was he told that the loan was to be repayed at $85.07 a month for five years on a total including "ihterest, taxes, and everything". He later realized that the total sum to repay amounted to $5104.20. Postal inspectors investigating many of these questionable schemes say that, as a requirement for a loan application, some brokers require issuance of expensive life insurance policies on' which the broker's dummy corporation collects commissions. Sometimes brokers fraudulently sell this insurance without any intention of granting a loan. A federal judge in Baltimore, Maryland, convicted the three men on a 15-count indictment of mail fraud Feb. 23. Joseph Krevolin, Robert K. Bertin and Willard Talesman, operating as Prime Lenders, Inc., await sentence. SH p in iry See "MARIES" BINGO SPECIAL 21" Color T.V. save Js Mo*e'~TJt/in/~A -At*Jewe§ f I DOZ. Jewel Has Everything You Need To Plan Your BEST EASTER DINNER EVER GRADE 'A' EGGS GRADE 'A* JEWEL BUTTER DEAN'S- HALF & HALF r " eweFs Double Ham Treat! POPULAR BRANDS -- SMOKED 49c 69 c 29c Hams 6 TO 8 LB 6 TO 8 b CQC liirt Portion ^ * PATRICK CUDAABHYY J k Con neo t Prefer Turkey This Easier? GOV'T. INSPECTED--GRADE "A" S+ "'•if- « 'i ' *V '%*. Turkeys 15 to me The Freshest And Finest For Holiday Eating! TENDER ALL GREEN Asparagus Radio & Television 1326 N. Riverside Dr PHONE 385-0979 AS HEATING SYSTEMS hov« P I C - B A L TENDER Green Beans VHE WiAJHiR-CONTROLLiD FLAME import FROtAHA>NW , MRIPSNED GETS SMALLER wftofc Mr AS THE WEATM GETS W&MSR afOLV\NE-RlPE at@®s FOR HOMI COM FOR? roll CAN'T Stuvdl wmv mpuM (fhwiSioit icioud PQWi AM© wmHBk HEATING CONTRACTORS McHenry PHONE; 385-2886 ar 385-Q468 8 Inch Size SfiR LAY C A K E ea. Family Assortment FINE EASTER- • CHOCOLATES it *a<,®8 specialities 35 For Breakfast •.. • BUTTERSCOTCH PECAN ' COFFEE CAKE Mb