Thursday May 5y 1966 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Two -- Pago Three Another Day PKPPIBP 'i'1" '" ,1,", hiH, I., j'f-< , H i i i , . , ; , ! - : ' j i f c i i i j i . „ liiiiiiiitiiiniitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i.iHRmm » i ?»'"tttiiinpiiiw Miiiiitauiwr: COURT BRIEFS Appearing before Judge John Kaufman in Branch 3 court last Thursday, Timothy L. Wirfs of *314 W. South drive, McHeriry, pleaded, guilty to unnecessary noise and paid a fine of $10 and $5 costs. Richard R. Graf of Fox Lake pleaded guilty to passing in a "no passing" zone and was fined $15 and $5 costs. He also pleaded guilty to speeding, for which his fine was $20 and $5 costs. Charles R. Amrich of 114 E. State road, Island Lake, was fined $10 and $5 costs for improper left turn. A $35 fine, $5 costs and a six-m o n t h probation period were given Evelyn Carol Mason of 5406 Hillside, McHenry, for not having a valid operator's license.. 'Calls" Hoe-Down BOMBERS SPRAY BEETLES The Illinois Department of Agriculture is planning treatment for suppression of the cereal leaf beetle along the border of the neighboring state of Indiana, according to Robert M. Schneider, department director. The area to be treated is a 78'/^ mile strip of land varying in width from one mile to five miles. The strip extends from Goodenow in Will county to just north of Alvin in Vermilion county. It includes fields that were infested last year. The cereal leaf beetle is a serious pest that infests farm lands and is particularly injurious to wheat, oats, barley and rye. SHOP IN McHENRY Jim . The picture above might well be a scene from a melodrama of another day, but it isn't. It was taken in the Illinois Bell Telephone office in McHenry on April 16, 1912, when it was located in the Simon Stoffel building at the corner of Main and Front streets. Notice the shiny stove in foreground, which would have added a touch of glamor to any office. Today it could be a collector's item. Another interesting addition to the room is the sentiments j heart picture in the background. From lert sitting, are Lena Stoffel, Louise Evanson and Gertrude Masquelet Neiss; standing, Bertha Wolf Mertes, William Gallaher, repairman; Raymond Patchen, manager; and Florence Granger Alexander, chief operator. Twice Told Tales Forty Years Ago (Taken from the files Of April 29, 1926) Miss Agnes E. Young, daughter of Mrs. Catherine Young of McHenry, and Arnold F. Reinhart of Elgin were married at a nuptial Mass at St. Mary's church, Elgin, at 9:30 o'clock April 21. Rev. H. E. Quimet, the pastor, read the service. William McSwiggin, a lawyer from Chicago and well known in McHenry, with several near relatives living here, was shot to death last night in a blast of machine gun fire poured into an auto in which he and four other men were riding. The McHenry Country club will open its 1926 season Saturday of this week, May 1, with professional Harry Morris in charge. The fairways and greens are expected to be in excellent condition by that time. ALUMINUM SIDING Fireproof -- Waterproof -- Rustproof Reynolds -- Alseo ALSCO Premium "30" Siding with the DnPont Finish 30 Year Written Guarantee Storm Windows, Doors & Awnings W'AWriinf'-(ib. 3318 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, 111. PHONE 885-1180 Ben Stilling and son, local realtors, announce the sale of the Robert Link home in Orchard Beach to John Peters of Chicago. This home is known as one of the show places of this district, having 132 feet of frontage on the river. The Misses Carolyn Steffes, Helen and Elsie Vycital very delightfully enter t a i n e d a group of friends at a "back to childhood" party at the Vycital home April 24. JOIN CHURCH The congregation of Shepherd of the Hills. Lutheran church took another step forward in growth as the following people were received into membership Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Clausen, Mrs. Joseph Karls, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kratky and Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Magnesen, Mr. Musolf, Scott and Candy, Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Nelson^ Mr." and^'Hrs. Aubry Van and Elizabeth and Bruce Okal. FRED IIECKEL Fred Heckel, well known square dance caller and teacher in Chicago and suburbs, will "call" at the Country Art Fair Hoe-Down, to be held May 7 at the Wing 'n Fin Hunting club. The evening's entertainment will include supper, plus square and round dancing. A trio that played in Frankie Masters' band will also be on the program. ELKS BENEFIT SALE Every home in McHenry county will want some of the fine rose bushes the Elks club at Woodstock will have on sale April 29, 3 o'clock to 8:30 p.m., and Saturday, April 30, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Proceeds of this sale will go to the worthy charities <5|f the Elks, the Crippled ChUd-1 ren's foundation, the needy families of the county, youth activities, and the Elks scholarship fund. ke your Olds Dealer. • • MAN WHO sS&J 53 EVERYTHING * Toronado! Car of the year! Front wheel drive! Space for six! Get the buy of a lifetime now on a Toronado...or any one of 40 Toronado'inspired Oldsmobiles! TORONADO • 98's • 88's • F-85's HAS THE BEST BUYS TOWN! Ba, on the lookout for kidi when you tea this »lon. For' clearer, safer visibility in rain and snow, be sure you use your windshield washers antj two-speed wipers. They're included in the long list of standard* safety features on every '66 Olds. So are front and rear seat belts, safety-padded visors and instrument panel, outside rear-view mirror, and bacK-up lights. ^TEP OUT FRONT a Rocket Action Car! TORONADO . NINETY-EIGHT • STARFIRE • EIGHTY-EIGHTS • CUTLASS • F-85 . VISTA-CRUISER • 4-4-1 • LDSMOBILE GREAT TIME TO GO WHERE THE ACTION IS . . . SEE YOUR NEARBY 0LDSM0E2ILE QUALITY DEALER NOW! SPECIAL PURCHASE! Sycamore 22" Riding Mtewer • S'/i hp. Briggs & Stratton Engine • Recoil Starter • 3 Speed Transmission © Chain Drive to Wheels Fully Assembled No Freight Compare at $129.95 $ 7995 22" Steamer© Standard Line Power Mower Briggs & Stratton Eng. $39.95 compare at $59.95 HORNSBY'S Shop in McHenry Mother s Day Special "ROAST LEG OF LAMB" AT -- HOURS -- Mon. thru Thursday. Dinner orders accepted from 4:80 -10:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday 4:30 -11:00 Sundays. Noon till 9:30 p.m. Closed Tuesdays. -- YOUR HOSTS -- CHARLES & KAY EBERHARDT 2 mi.'South of Fox Lake Jet. 50 St 12 (On Frontage Road) Open Tonight and Every Night 'Til t WITH LOVE The happiest surprises for mother on her day are at Hornsby's now! Like her love, they're all very special! You can make you're choice easily -- because Hornsby's offer 43 departments to select from. All "GIFT PERFECT" ideas -- You see, Hornsby's love Mothers too -- "its where she buys her gifts". Gifts Sure To Please "Mom" from "West Bend* Teflon is Du Pont'# registered trademark for its TFE noil-stick finish. (i) p, r Double-Coated Teflon Reg. $ Cleans without scouring $12,98 10" TEFLON FRY PAN by West Ben -- Enjoy no-stick Reg. $ cooking with no-scour clean-up $1.98 9 CUP ELECTRIC PERCULATOR Enjoy delicious full-flavored Reg. $| coffee made with automatic ease $9.98 £ 1LJIM1C CLIP AND DEPOSIT AT HORNSBY'S Nother's I full name Mother's - i Address City \ Mother's Ph. No. Meed Not Be Present To Win No Obligation -- No Purchase Necessary Twenty Varieties Brach's Chocolate Give MOM this deluxe assortment of Milk Chocolates and Dark Chocolates 1-lb. Reg. Box $1.00 77 c lb. MOTHER'S LOVE PRETTY Crsip 'n Comfortable -- these sleeveless blouses are sure to give Mom long wearing pleasure. Sizes 32-38 solids & prints. Reg. $1.00 Val. LADIES HAND BAGS In the newest styles patterns and colors Wickers and Straws $1.98 to $4.98 LADIES JEWELRY Beautiful selection of necklaces, earrings & novelties 59c to $4.98 LADIES DUSTERS Newest styles and colors Cottons and Arnels $2.98 to $3.98 LADIES NYLONS Choose from our wonderfully sheer leg-flattering selection 69c io $1.00 MOTHER'S DAY GREETING & GIFT CARDS *$1 A vS't Z 1 Cemet reaths Children's Mother's Day Gift Dept. "SMALL-FRY" COUNTER Tangee Dusting Powder Reg. $1.00 Mi Bubble Bath ... $V $ ^Colognes A to G lass ware Sets Handkerchiefs Comb & Brush Sets Floral Centerpieces 25 $1< to to These Plus Many Other Exciting Gifts and Beautifully designed of weather-proof material $ 198 $jg!3 Large selection of made-up bouquets and arrangements AY IT Reg. $1.00 Woodbury Pink Gel Glycerine and Rosewater Reg. 99c 47 FREE PARKING IN OUR STORESIDE LOT OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 -- SUNDAYS 9 to 6 Shop 'n Save At Hornsby's Here in McHenry And In Nearby Buffalo Grove