on Threa--Pag# Eight THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Thursday, May 5,1966 P BUSINESSMEN BRIEFED * California businessmen look* ing for midwest outlets to* plant expansions were briefedh last week on the economic "adt vantages of an Illinois location* A team of 15 Illinois business* men representing utilities, rail* roads, local chambers of com* merce, area develop menjC g r o u p s and I l l i n o i s s t a t e , government explained Illinois* advantages to San Francises and Los Angeles companies? that have expressed a specifi(£ interest in Illinois. * LAKELAND PARK NEWS Carole Humann - 8854805;-- Barbara Meurer - 385-4366 Woman's Club Meets Tonight : Tonight, Thursday, May 5, the Lakeland Park Women's club will hold its regular meeting at the community house at 8:30 p.m. The new officers will be installed ' in a special ceremony after which we will ! have , a social meeting. The entertainment committee always has something special planned for these meetings so plan on attending and bring your neighbor. Little League It was decided at * the Little League meeting last week that the closing date for registration would be May 18 with all monies also to be in by that time. Let's get on the ball boys and get your registration blanks and money turned into your manager or to Jim Wickenkamp today. Boy Scout Troop 459 Friday, May 6, is a red letter day for many of our scouts as they embark on a new adventure, their first camp-out. Of course, some of these boys are old hands at this but for many of them this will be a first. They will be camping at the Chain-O-Lake State Park from Friday evening thru Sunday afternoon. They are to be at the community house at 5:30 p.m. with all of their equipment. We will all pray for good weather boys and do hope you all have a good time. New Officers for Association At a meeting on April 26 the Lakeland Park Property Owners association board elected the following officers. President, Richard Walinski, Vice- President, Elmer Haggeman, Treasurer-Gladys Hafer, Secretary- Shirley Koch, and Road Commissioner - Pat Douglas. Remember that the month of May is the month to pay your association dues and the first installment on the garbage, and it must be paid before May .31 in order to. save the 55. They, can be paid by mail preferably, or directly to the clerk, Helen v Strandquist, on Tuesdays ONLY from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Let's co-operate with this schedule and make the job easier tor our clerk. nother year and on May 10 Susie Ludwig will be 6 and Betty Walker will add another year. On the twelfth, Walter Kozicki will celebrate. Our very best to all of these people and to anyone else who celebrates this week. Happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brooks who will be celebrating fiftyfive years together on May 6 and" to Patricia and David Grandt who will celebrate their third anniversary on May 11. May you both have many more happy years together. Girl Scout Troop 820 At the meeting of April 28, we opened with the flag ceremony. Any of the girls who had requirements left on badge work finished them and then we started our Court of Awards. The girls who received b a d g e s w e r e . B o o k s . M a r y Grandt; Collector, Patty Arient, Debra Foszcz, Leah Rode;* Cook-Darlene Gladman; Drawing and Painting - Darlene Williams, Donna Schmunk, Debra Foszcz, Karen Foszcz, Roberta Quast, Donna Humann, Cathy Humann, Susan McMillian, Mary Johnson, Doris Dowell. Debra Schabow, Leah Rode, and Mary Granath. Health Aid Mary Granath; H o s p i tality, Leah Rode; Housekeeper-Leah Rode, Karen Foszcz; My Home - Alana Hendricks; Pets -Leah Rode; Skater - Cathy Humann, Donna Humann, Debra Foszcz, Karen Foszcz, Susan McMillian, Veronica Bierman, Debra Schabow, Terry Brooks, Debra George. The new officers received the cord of office, which they will wear till the end of this Scout year. The troop is taking a field trip to the nature center in Des Plaines forest preserve on S a t u r d a y . P e r m i s s i o n s l i p s must be returned at Thursdays meeting. We are leaving from Mrs. George's home at 8:30 a.m. We also decided to go on a bicycle hike on May 21. We have to save tuna cans and candle stubs to make tin can stoves for the hike. The rest of the plans will be made at another meeting. Respectfully submitted, Cathy Humann, Scribe. Happy Birthday Wishes Happy birthday to Sheryl Koehl who will be 7 on May 6 and to Gary Braun who will be 12 and James Gray who will be 11, both on May 6. May 7 has Paul Brushaber adding a- Swimming Lessons Registration for swimming lessohs will be closed w'Jh no exceptions on June 15. No applications will be accepted after this date. The date of the Red Cross lessons will be July 5 to July 15 excluding Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. If the weather causes cancellation of lessons for any days during this time, they will not be made up except in the case of Junior and Senior NAPA JOBBER'S MACHINE SHOP 8! ss m m mG\m G3g©UILDBA9<£- WOflS and RING w@m our SPECIALTY I 1Y AUTO PARTS 3411 W. Elm E 385-5080 McHenry, 111. Life Saving Instructions. These classes require 18 hours of instruction " and will be given extra time if required. Junior Life Savers must be twelve years old by Dec. 1, 1966 to qualify for the class. Senior Life Savers must sbe 16 by Dec. 1, 1966. Each member of the life saving class will require their own book which can be purchased from the instructor. Children who are enrolling ih the regular swimming lessons must be five yeirs old on or before Dec. 1, 1966, and through the age of 16. Applications will be inserted in the L.P.P.O.A. Newsletter again next month. Extra applications can be obtained from Ann Wohnrade, Chairman at 1715 North Avenue. Mrs. Donna Steffen of McHenry has been employed as the Red Cross instructor for this year. Mrs. Steffen is presently engaged in teaching physical education at Valley View School. It is required that the beach he closed to every one except those children taking classes at their projier time. No one else will be allowed in the water or in the immediate beach area. This is necessary to enable the children to learn as much as possible in the short time allotted to each class. Last year over 200 children took advantage of these instructions. Brownie Mothers Help! Volunteer mothers from our troop are needed to help out at Girl Scout day camp this summer from June 27 through July 1. One volunteer for every eight girls is required. Come on mothers, give Mrs. Quast a call and volunteer your time. If small children are holding you back, don't let them, for there is planned supervision for these children, and they will love it. May 15 is the deadline for registration of the girls and it must be in to Mrs. Clare Engh with the registration fee at that time. Just mail it to Mrs. Clare Engh, 3007 Charlotte, McHenry, 111. Community House Schedule Please contact Jo Rizzo for all cancellations or reservations of the community house. Wednesday, May 4 - Cub committee meeting - 8 p.m. Thursday, May 5, Woman's Club meeting (social), 8:30 p.m. Saturday, May 7 Lakeland Park 4-H Club -9:30 to noon. Open Registration for voters - 5 to 8 p.m. Monday, May 9- Boy - scouts 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 10 - Regular Board meeting 8 p.m. Thursday, May 12 - 6:30 to 8 p.m. Girl Scout meeting. Strolling Through the Park Cyprian Kozy's eighty-fourth birthday was celebrated on Saturday. April 23, with dinner and birthday cake served by his wife, Anna, to Fred and Jeaji Kozy and children, Kathy, 'fmxJ Michael, from Park Ridge, Walter " and Josephine Kozy from Palatine and J.in. Boh and Terri from Lakeland Shores. Jan and Bob Kozy along with two other couples, Richard and Carol Hill from Palatine and Bob and Joyce Pierce from Arlington Heights, went down to the loop for dinner and entertainment to celebrate one of their birthdays. Get-well wishes go to Roger Emery who will be SDorting crutches for awhile having injured his leg in someway. Rotter is only 4'4 years old and can any mother imagine huving to keep a 4 year old quiet for any length of time. Good luck Barbara. Jim and Barbara Emery with their two boys, Roger and Rodney, went down' to their hometown, Bloomington, last weekend for a family reunion. Barb was saying that things are in bloom down there and just beautiful. There were many Communion parties last Sunday with Chris Rogers on the receiving end of one of them. About forty people came to celebrate the occasion and par- CE CEf %< * 4* >*» Siii Deck Mries With exclusive Pow-R-Pro™ styling £ •fwd*Mr e*4 remittor**! words o< Hohn-tii.p$« < Patented housing with high lift blade makes strong vacuum, sucks grass up straight for slick cutting, blows clippings into bag. (Bag comes with mower.) Notch on side pulls grass into mower, eliminates most trimming. Wheels recessed, too. Meets ASA Safety Code. Adams Repair Shop 3102 X. Chapel Mill Road Mt-Henry -- 385-0434 take of the many refreshments Dolores put out. Pam Krasucki was another youngster on the receiving end with about thirty of her relatives and friends coming out for the occasion. Grandma and Grandpa Bradtke arrived on Saturday, from Chicago staying overnight so they could go to church with the family, on Sunday. A surprise birthday party was given Donna Kwiatek on Sunday May 1 when she celebrated her eighteenth birthday. About ten of her girl friends were on hand for the occasion. Robbie Wickenkamp attended a birthday party last Saturday in Cooney Heights. The main event was a trip to the bowling Alley, a first for Robbie who put his mother's score to shame. Home Makers The Home Makers held their May meeting at the home of Maggie Kellner in Wonder Lake on Tuesday. The lessons ror the day were "My way of cooling off physically" and "Mental Health" which was given by Helen Pennick. Strolling Through the Park A very happy birthday to Little Eddy who is visiting his ravorite grandparents, Bud and Jan Walker. He will be 4 years }ld on May 9. The crowing you may have heard over on Pleasant Avenue lately comes from old Tom Creutz who is involved with a dandy case of chicken pox. He's probably the only kid I know that's happy about it. Carol Scheid was among the group who received their first Communion last Sunday at St. Patrick's. She was the guest of honor at dinner given by her parents. Helping her to mark the momentous occasion were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Conver and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scheid. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scheid and family. Bob and Shirley Hutt entertained friends on Sunday. Out to enjoy the sunny day and Shirley's good cooking were Mr. and Mrs. Pfahning and son, Earl, and Roger and Barbara Pfahning and daughter, Madi. Kenny Bottari celebrated his fifth birthday on Monday with the help of a ... group of old cronies who came for lunch. Those ever loving hot dogs were on the menu with cupcakes and the rest of the yummies. Guests were Tim, Randy, and Lisa Castro, Gail and Bobby Hutt, Meg Oakford. David Cygan, Pam and Todd Stoltz, Ray Roach, Craig Schadel, Danny and Randy Veenhuis and Moms, Penny, Shirley, Ruth, Margo, Petey, Esther. Donna and Elaine Jett who all partook of strawberry shortcake. Wishes for a happy birthday are extended to Louis Mazzoni ' who will be 70 years young on Monday, May 9. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hicks and children from St. Charles spent the day with the Dowells on Sunday. Mrs. Hicks is Dorothy's niece. Bev Wickenkamp had visitors on Thursday. Her cousin Ellen Wolotz and two daughters and Aunt Alice Lovstad from -Des Plaines came for lunch and had a nice visit. Registration Day for Voters An open registration will be held at the community house on Saturday, May 7, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Any one who has moved to this precinct recently and has not registered to vote or anyone who has never registered or who has German Rice Croquettes Rice Council Photo German Rice Croquettes take a bit of doing but they are well worth the effort. Favorite foods of Germany -- sauerkraut and frankfurters -- are the basis of the croquettes: Cooked rice, rapidly becoming t a staple in the cupboards of modern German homemakers, is one of the basic ingredients, too. j When these three ingredients are blended with eggs, cheese, and seasonings, they are easily shaped into balls or cones for deep fat frying. The crispy croquettes make pleasant eating, accompanied by a zesty mustard sauce, for luncheon or dinner and snack time, too. Once served, German Rice Croquettes with Mustard Sauce will be requested time and time again not only during 1966, International Rice Year, but in years to come, whenever a typically German dish is in order. German Rice Croquettes with Mustard Sauce 2 tablespoons water . . 1 cup fine dry crumbs % cup salad dressing 1/2 cup cream 1 tablespoon lemon juicf 3 tablespoons prepared mustard 1 can (16 oz.) sauerkraut V3 cup minced onions V2 pound frankfurters 3 eggs 2 cups cooked rice' 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese 1 teaspoon salt y Vi teaspoon pepper f Drain sauerkraut thoroughly, pressing out as much of the juice as possible. Put sauerkraut, onions, and frankfurters through the food grinder using a medium blade. Beat 2 eggs slightly. Add sauerkraut mixture, rice, cheese, salt and pepper; mix thoroughly. Shape into 12 croquettes using about l/z cup for each. Combine remaining egg and water; beat slightly. Roll each croquette in crumbs, then dip in egg mixture and roll again in crumbs. Fry in deep hot fat (375 degrees F.) until golden brown, about three minutes. To make sauce, combine salad dressing, cream, lemon juice, and mustard. Heat over boiling water. Serve over the hot croquettes. _ Makes 6 servings. OUR BINGO BUG SPECIAL 5,000 H Stamps FIREE Each week that the Bingo Card comes from here. Complete Automotive Mechanical Service srie s 4502 W. Rt. 120 Lakeland Park CITGO McHenry, 111. Phone 885-2268 ...Soli appiness! ' v 'smnmvm JMAMCO ASSOCIATION Of ENDORSED (USINISSHEN o It's difficult to measure happiness in dollars and cents ... but we've done it. We've developed a product that guarantees smiles, relaxation, family fun and healthful happiness .. . and all of this is avail- .able with a realistic, down to earth price tag. The famous Cadillac pooj^ has been approved in tfie greatest testing laboratory in thejwo^Jd ... the4>ack yards of thousands of happy, satisfied Cadillac p&ol owHers. If you're ready to invest in solid happiness (and if you're not you should be) investigate the Cadillac pool for you and your family. Over 800 dealers acros^ the country are ready to serve you with a new lease on happiness ... you supply the call NATIONAL SWIMMING POOL INSTITUTE 0* adillac POOLS the smiles are on us! 38 BEN ARVIDSON & SONS, Inc. 4520 W. Lakewood Dr. McHenry, I1L 60050 Plaaa'agiva me mora datails on tha Cadillac Swimming Pool ... no obligation, of course. IW Ate & Sons Inc. Nam*. Addr«**_ City- Stat*. Phont- Bullding Remodeling Swimming Pool 4520 W. Lakewood Or. • just turned 21 should come so that they may vote in . the coming primary election. This is also necessary to vote in the annexation election which will be announced at a later date. If you haven't registered take advantage of this time to take care of your oversight. THIRTY-DAY WEATHER The U. S. Weather Bureau 30-day weather outlook for the period to mid-May in Illinois is for near normal precipitation and above normal temperatures. Al Collingbourne The Has Everything FOR Y@U! , ' The Right Price Folks we're overloaded with New Oldsmobiles. If yon've ever wanted to own an Olds, now's the time. Save a bundle and step up to Oldsmoblle now. We're selling them at Ford and Chevie Prices. GO OLDS! F-85 As Low As $95 Dora $2088© 12 Cash or Trade I Jetstor 88 Celebrity Set $95 Down Cash or Trade Dynamic 88 As Low As $2988.88 Sedan $95 Down Cash or Trade GO OLDS! Delta 8^ Celebrity Sedan ' $95 Down $3262.12 Cash or Trade '© OLDS!. Eieiioif Town Sec As Low As $93 Down Cash OF Trade Includes Air Conditioning GET MAN-SIZED SAVINGS -- SEE THE MAN AT ... flCnONUMD 907 N. Front St. McHenry South on Rt. 31 385-7200 DAILY 9-9 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 11-4