Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1966, p. 19

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May 12.1966 PLAIHDEALEH Ifecilttt Th*et -- LAKEMOOR-LILYMOOR SHIRLEY SCHUERR S86-M4S Women Plan Rummage Sale Saturday, June 4, is the big day for the rummage sale sponsored by the Woman's "auxiliary. It will be held on the pionic grounds back of Club Lilymoor from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. If you have any articles for the sale the ladies will gladly take them. If you have any clothing or any articles you can drop them off at the chairman's Jjjgme, Ldll Neumann, at Magnolia, or phone her at 185-4249. It would be appreciated if you could get your articles to Lill by Tuesday, May 31. Lill and her Workers are getting together Wednesday, June 1, for sorting ' and pricing. Bundle of Blue Joan DeLeeuw presented her husband, Donald, who is stationed in Germany, with a boy Thursday, April 28. Wee-one Paul Donald weighed in at seven pounds. In about six weeks Donald will see his new son and daughters Cynthia and Lisa and wife, Joan. His family will join him in Germany then. The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Vacondio of Lakembor. This is Rose's fifteenth great-grandchild. Congratulations and best wishes to you all on your blessed event. Springs, Colo. He will enter the academy in June. Ladies- League Held their meeting Wednesday, May 4. At this meeting all officers were present. After the business on hand was taken care of bunco was played. Winners were Eunice Toby, Lu Gravenstuk, Marie Long and Rose Zelenka.' Booby went to Viola Arbogast. The Ladies League welcomed two new m e m b e r s , M a r i e L o n g a n d Maryann Brzezinski. Maryann is a junior member. Our Servicemen Butch Sossong is home on furlough visiting his family and friends. Butch will return to California and from there return to Viet Nam for the third time. Butch is in the Marines. Gene Bolda has been appointed to the United States Air Force academy at Colorado HOLIDAY HILLS NEWS IN&Z YOUNG 888-4672 LITTLE LEAGUE REGISTRATION DEADLINE MAY 12 12, is the last day of registration for boys aged 9, 10 and 11 for the Island Lake Little League. Registration and tryouts will be held at the Island Lake grade school starting at 6:30 p.m. For further information you may call Roy Lundelius at 385-5073. Opening day is Sunday, May 22, with further details on the games and parade to be published in this col- . umn at a later date. Blood Biink Members Elect Officers The members of the Holiday .Hills Blood Bank met at the 'Ranch House' on Thursday, May 5. to elect officers so that the bank might make important decisions regarding the change of affiliation. An appointment with the Blood Bank at Micheal Reese hospital has been set up with the new president Carl Weiss to report back to the 'bank. Along with Carl, the new officers are Gerry Breede, vice president, Bea Musolf, secretary, Karen Smith, co-secretary and Jack White, Don Teuber and Bill Boeticher as directors. Rummage?? The date for the Holiday Hills Property Owners Association rummage sale has been set for Saturday, t June 11, and Sunday, June 12. This will be a combined garage and rummage sale and any items you might have will be picked up if you will call Bill Boettcher at 385-5416 or Mary Mahon at 385-5955. As you do your spring cleaning keep the sale in mind and give Bill or Mary a call. Candy's 4th Birthday A special birthday party was held at the MUsolf home on Monday, May 2, when Candy celebrated her fourth birthday. It was special because it was the first time that she has been feeling well enough to have a party. Her little friends who helped make it very special for her were Robert White, Ricky Wyczesany, Lynn Marie Weiss, Bonnie Wemken, Paula Carboni, Trish and Rhonda Still, John Filip and Toni Weyland. Deseree Frantz, unfortunately, was not well enough to attend. First Communion Billy Mahon made his First Holy Communion at the 8:30 mass at St. Patrick's Catholic church in McHenry on Sunday, May 1, with Father Guzzardo officiating. In commemorating this most important occasion in Billy's life, a dinner party was held for thirty friends and relatives including hi? grandparents and his God-parents, Mrs. Susan Griffiths and Stanley Konick. . Get-Well Wishes Get-well wishes go to Betty Still who has been on the sick list lately. Greetings Belated birthday greetings to Nancy Musolf, who was sweet sixteen on May 2. FREWS D^fllY, Inc. Locally (OKseefl Op©?ote3 --• ISEB DELIVERY -- Complete Line of DatrJ Products Phone 385-0195 or 381-8232 the Neighborhood BRICK or FRAME SALE We don't think we can be undersold on quality or price . . . try us asad sae. OVER 50 STYLES! * -- NO MONEY DOWN -- Terms to suit your budepS • Black Topping • ConeWork L O O K ! With Every Garage During Yhw Sal«! • CONDUIT PIPE • WINDOW SHUTTERS • FLOWER BOXES O PAINT NO y@Ni¥ DOWN PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOU! Over 30 Years Experience Our Representative Will Call Day or Night -- No Obligation -- SPECIAL um PRICES RECREATION ROOMS DORMERS PORCHES # BASEMENT ROOMS # ADDITIONS # ATTIC ROOMS Complete Remodeling & Repair Service ns Winder Lake, I1L PHONE 815-653-6161 Woman's Auxiliary Held their monthly meeting Monday, May 2. The forthcoming rummage sale was discussed. It was also suggested that every other meeting be a social get-together. Also brought up was a fashion show in cpnnection with the ladies of Lakeland Park. Pearle Stineman and Jo Bartelt will .be cochairman of this. Also planned is another Christmas bazaar to be held sometime in'November. Alma Huecksteadt is chairman of this affair. Hostesses for the May meeting were Jo Bartelt and Ruth ung. Winner of the monthly 'rize was the auxiliary's guest Val Fradinardo. The auxiliary welcomes a vnew member at this time, Cathy Prange. The next monthly meeting will be held Monday, June 6, in the dining room of Club Lilymoor at 8 p.m. Hostesses for the June meeting are Lee Bassi, Toni Ehredt and Diane Fuhler. The Officers and board of directors meeting of the Lilymoor association was held at the home of Herb Polinski's Tuesday, May 3. The next officers and board of directors meeting will be held at the home of Jo Bartelt Tuesday, June 7, at 8 p.m. MCHENRY SHORES BERNlCfe WILSON 385-4380 HAWAIIAN TRIP MARKS COUPLE'S ANNIVERSARY Louise and Sam Winters celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary by taking a wonderful trip to Hawaii. Sam had been stationed there for 2 years in World War 2 and has always .wanted to go back and Louise is positive it won't be twenty years before they return for another visit. Everything they say about Hawaii is true, and not exaggerated a bit. They visited with John and Daisy Smith who are well and happy and send their regards to all their friends in the Shores. John has a garden and they can pick bananas right from the back door. The two couples, took a trip to the Mauna Lea Hotel which was built by Lawrence Rockefeller and enjoyed lunch there, they all agreed it is just out of this world and can not be described; Sam's mother came in from Pennsylvania to keep an eye on the children and will be going back soon. Well Wishes Get-well wishes go to Bill Zahn. Bill was injured at work Monday May 2. Bill is at the Condell hospital in Libertyville. Here's hoping you are now home and well on the road to recovery Bill. Home I am happy to report that Pet Engels is now home from the hospital. Here's hoping you are just fine now, Pete. Sewing Class Several of the ladies hjave gotten together and have a sewing class going again. They have met at the homes of Pearle Stineman, Mrs. Ferrarra, Shirley Schuerr and Marge Polinski. They are meeting at the home of Kay Meyer today at 1 p.m. The ladies are really goin^ to town on their sewing. Still More News Roy and Eunice Tobey attended a family reunion and a farewell for Mr. and Mrs. Willson of Wheaton Sunday May 1. The Willsons are moving to the state of Florida. Also attending the reunion were Mr. and Mrs. Engelbrecht and Mr. and Mrs. Willson and family. Bertha Burger and Shirley Schuerr and sons, Richard and Tom, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hespen and Emil Ufferman of Chicago Sunday, May 1. It was the first time Richard and Tom had seen their great-great uncle and aunt Hespen. W a l t e r a n d J o s e p h i n e Schuerr of Knox, Ind., visited their sons and families, Lawrence of Lilymoor and Jack of Fox Lake. Anniversary A belated anniversary greet ing goes to Charlie and Sally Rogers. They celebrated their wedding anniversary Wednesday, May 4. Congratulations and hope you celebrate many more together. Fashion. Show goeti over Big The fashion show put on by Marge Olszewski and her dance students had a wonderful turn out and was a huge success. Children's apparel .was modeled by some of our own darlings and sport outfits, play clothes and fancy dresses were shown by Dawn Whitney, Chuckie Whitney, Carol Olszewski, Timmy Wetzel, Ronald Olszewski, Bonnie Pinkonsly, Scott Houghton who all looked adorable in their outfits. Doris MunToe, Dorrie Stark and Irene Middlekauff did the honors to some lovely things and all looked great. Entertainment put on by the dance class was very good, also a baton twirler and an acrobatic act. Sandra Wetzel Ballowe and the young ladies who attended her at her wedding re-enacted the bridal procession in their outfits jand this ended the program. All sorts of goodies were served , to the guests and then cards were played. Orchids to Marge for all of her hard work in putting on this show and to the many others who worked with her to make it a success. I almost forgot to mention the showing of the Bikini which Marge had promised the boys to get them to attend and this alone was worth the price of admission. Two of our girls win Honors Pat Mueller, daughter of Clare and Irene, who is in her second year of college at Illinois Teachers in Chicago started her term by learning that she had made tfie Dean's list and as you' can imagine her parents and relatives are quite proud of her achievement. Lynne Munroe has made the "A" honor role in McHenry hi^h and is also a Marine Festival Queen candidate. Congratulations to both of these young girls and how about you boys getting in the news. Belated Birthdays Belated greetings go to Little Jimmy Solsbee. Jimmy became a great big one year old Monday, May 9. Belated greetings also go to Josephine Schuerr. Jose celebrated her big day Tuesday, May 10. Many happy returns, Jimmy and Jose. Welcome two new residents We welcoriie Frank and Lenore Camastli and their fine family which consists of Patrick, Mark, Daniel, Catherine and twins. Gerry and Frank. A married daughter, Bernadette, who has a husband in the service, is also at home with her folks and she has two boys, Wayne and Dennis. Tlioy have moved into the home on Sunrise View and are getting settled. \ Jerry and Elizabeth and their daughter, Kim, are On Bis*- cayne Drive and are from Pistakee Bay. We would like to extend our greeting to both of these families and wish them the best Birthday Greetings Best wishes for a happy birthday to Howard Bieritz on May 12, George Gunder and Wally Henshall on May 13, Wally will be 2, Dale Houghton and Gerry and Frank Camasta who are twins on May 15, and Louise Winters on May 18. Anniversaries Congratulations and many wishes for continued happiness to Irene and Clarence, Mueller who are celebrating their thirtieth anniversary on May 16. Belated greetings to Tom and Georgeanna Filman who had their second anniversary on May 2 and were not listed last week. Hope it was a happy one any how. Around the Shores The Kolenos are thrilled to be able to report that their son, Tommy, who has been in the hospital for 7 weeks will be home for a while before having more grafting and surgery on his- arm and hand following his recent accident. The entire family are all going out iru style to celebrate Mother's Day and that is quite , a group Let's liope „ that / Tommy** wdjl: soon be^ able to come home for good and be finished with his troubles* One of the Thomas boys and, Timmy Wetzel were laid low with scarlet fever during the week but with modern medicines thiey were up and around in no time at all. ^ John Neuharth is limping ®: round on a sprained ajj.k 113 and to <rdd to his troubles his wife Mary was hospitalized /or a short time. Hope they . are both well now, Julie , and Sam Zeim«|^6f>|(] in the eighth annual sixrtts and vacation show in Des Plaines on Sunday and viewed the camping equipment and exhibits which included everything for outdoor living. Fisherman Sam got^some pointers on new ir&ferjjy*/.' , • Belated condolences are extended ato Joyce Pinkonsly who lost an uncle Who resided in Chicago. •.>The Hattans had fun at a sixtieth birthday party in honor Gordon's mother, and thlrty-fivg guests did justice to the.-buff# supper. This affair wa&.hfcUl in Bensenville. oterp recent sprihg fling made a profit of as they say 'every helps.' B n e x t w e e k ! FOR THAT OLD FASHIOMEB FLAVOR COME Uog \: KOENEMANN SAUSAGE CO. • 85 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES - • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVOfefc • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BAO&if • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS! • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES Phone 385-6260 Route 120 -- Just East of Route 12 -- Volo, ID. Attends Luncheon Several of the ladies of Lilymoor attended the luncheon and card party held at the Moose in McHenry Thursday, May 5. FREE For Acne Pimples and Blemishes. New, amazing medicated AKTEX gets rid of overactive oily skin, acne pimples and blemishes fast. Saves you from going through life with the ugly pits and scars that squeezing causes. AKTEX does the squeezing for you and leaves your skin smoother and petal soft. AKTEX is not a greasy coverup but a medicine which when used regularly is guaranteed to help clear up your complexion or your money back. Now, for a limited time only, buy the regular $1.98 size of AKTEX and receive free AKTEX medicated soap. AKTEX is sold with a money back guarantee by: NYE DRUGS 1325 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, III. & mmmiimm I • I I Remember gas is a Ron with lamb etiops. New infra-red radiant broiler seals in natural juices and cuts cooking time (which means less shrinkage). Food broils to perfection the smokeless way; stays flavorful and nutritious. See the many modem features of gas cooking at your local Northern Illinois Gas Company sho*/7CKa or your appliance dealer's. Phont 885-2081 Chevelle Malibu Sport Coupe--with eight featwes now standard for safety, including outside rearview mirror and shatter-resistant inside mirror. Always check both mirrors before pulling out to pass* f he w<ay p®@pS® are snapping up buys on new CheveBB® V8'g at yemr Cfevr®let dfeeler1's • • • you'd think they're really awif with s@m@thi Tlra®y are. 1 he getting's never teen better. And your Chevrolet dealer's giving the May buys that are making it that way. Buys on all the racy '66 Chevelles, including the wide choice of Malibu models you can order with V8's that put out up to 275 hp. And SS 396 models you can order with new Turbo-jet V8's that put out up to 375 hp (red-stripe tires, special flat-cornering suspension, floor-mounted shift and allvinyl upholstery are standard). Just drop in, pick out the new Chevelle you want with the power and equipment you want# And get away with something yourself**- 1 a great May buy, no less, on America's favorite mid-size car. CHEVROLET, CHEVELL@c Qi^VY .n, CORVAIR MB CORVETTE GM CMnMDlvMca A Move out in Ma the Chevrolet Way1 si pur Chevrolet dialer I CLARK CHEVROLET SALES! 12-5318 908 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 385-Q277

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