Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1966, p. 23

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\ Thursday. Mayl2,1966* THE MeBENRY PLAXNDEALEH SecUortTHree-- Page Seven ARBOR DAY PRESENTATION , ™^°Ve Ph0t° was taken }ast Friday in front of the McHenry high school, 7: tree was Presented to the school by the McHenry Garden club in memory of Mrs. Martha Neuharth. The occasion was Arbor Day. -- On Arbor Day, April 29, the ^cHenry Garden club presented a flowering crab tree to the McHenry school district in memory of Mrs. John (Martha) Neuharth, who passed away June 29, 1965. She had re- ; sided in McHenry for eighteen years prior to her death and „11fod been a long and devoted " member of the Garden club. The site at the high school as well as the type of tree, was selected by Supt. Carl Buckner before his death. Mrs. Fred Svobodn present- . '«d the tree, since the presi- * • dent, Mrs. Charles Wagnor, is , recuperating from a fractured kneecap and was unable to atfend. Acting Supt. M. L. Sehoenholtz accepted the tree for the school district. Present at the ceremony 1 were Mr. John Neuharth, and two daughters Mrs. Artha (Virginia) Bauer of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Ernest (Irene) Hicks of Forest Park. Some friends of the family and Garden club members also attended. sMm&fm MWWJK TIDY MAGIKIST HUG CLEANERS at Woodstock PHONE 338-1000 EVELYN RASKE LAKE NESS PHONE 858-4862 AUXILIARY TO FIREMEN HOLDS ANNUAL PARTY The Wonder Lake volunteer firemen's auxiliary will hold iheir second annual card and bunco party Thursday, May 19, at firehouse one located on the East side of the lake. Tickets may be o b t a i n e d f r o m t h e members or at the door. Door prizes and bakery goods will be gratefully accepted. Call Mrs. McCann for pick-ups of donations at 653-5785. So remember if canasta, bridge, poker, pinochle or bunco is your game come on over to the firehouse on May 19. Bicycle Safety Check A bicycle safety check will be conducted on May 14 at the Harrison school at 1:30 p.m. A word of advise, boys and girls, have those bikes in good working order.- There is going to be a contest with prizes awarded to the winners. First Holy Communicants The following children received 'Our Lord' for the first time Sunday May 8 at Christ The King church. Congratulations to: Michael IJazan, Karen Gahagun. Christopher Jones, Nancy Kranz, Joaaline Lucarz, Gregory Novak, Kevin Rodgers, Steven Sthau, Patrick Smith and Patrick Walker. Altar and Rosary Officers The Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ the King 'elected and installed their 1966 officers :it the May meeting. The officers for the ensuing year are: Mrs. Albert (Marie) Shrosbree --president, Mrs. Ray mond ©SL SP1MER 1 >00 ICE IN MAY FOR FURNACE OR HOT WATER BOILER VACUUM CLEANING AND ADJUSTING PROFESSIONAL UNION SERVICE GUARANTEED. Clean Nozzle Clean Electrodes and Adjust Clean Electrode Porcelain Clean Blaftt Tube Clean Transformer Contacts Clean Primary Air Fan Clean Draft Control and Adjust Clean Smoke Pipe Clean Combustion Chamber Clean Blower and Oil Check Blower Fan Belt Check Oil Pressure $1.00 Disc, on Calls After 6:00 p.m. on May Work Dates d^emard <Sclia(t PHONE 385-3122 2624 Thomas Ct. McHenry, 111. listen MCHENRY. AMEUlANCB SERVICE Pkone 385-0063 /Ann) McCanh, vice-president, Mrs. Carl (Katie) Walker, secretary, and Mrs. Frank (Judy) Honda, treasurer. Congratulations to all of you. Young At Heart The second get-together of. the Young At Hearts was held on May 4 with a slight increase of attendance. At this get-together some of the women under the direction of Mrs. Sybil Johnson and Mrs. Dolly Petersen, learned how to make inexpensive but rich looking stationary covers. The materials used were dried leaves, weeds W""flowers, - wax paper party will be on May 19 from and tissues and the finished project was simply beautiful. It was decided that at the next meeting that perhaps the sewing baskets could be startvited to attend, the young, the ed on. Once again everyone is inolder folks, and you men too. There is always someone around who would like to have a good oid fashioned card game. If you can't stay for the day, at least have a cup of coffee with us on May 18. ^Wonder Lake Blbfo Chtfrch On Friday, May 13, at 7 p.m. the Pioneer Girls will meet at the church, while the Awana Boys Club meets at the Harrison school. The Christian Truth Class will be held on Saturday, May 14, at 10 a.m. At 8 p.m. the Senior Youth Fellowship Banquet will be held. Sunday school classes for all ages will be at 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m. is the Morning Worship; 3 p.m. Valley Hi County Home, 6 p.m. Jets, Junior Hi, Senior Youth Fellowship; 7 p.m. The Bible Fellowship Hour will have as their guest Missionaries, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapman. There will be a Sunday School staff meeting on Monday, May 16, at 7:30 p.m. May 18, the Prayer Meeting will be at 8:3 0 p.m. The Senior at 7:30 and the Senior Choir Youth Fellowship roller skating party will be on May 19 from 7 to 9:30 at Antioch. JO^NSBOUG NEWS BBPTF HETT1RMANN Kiwanis News The guest speaker at the May 2 meeting was Joseph Gomella. Mr. Cornelia spoke about the proposed McHenry County Forest Prserve District which will be on the ballot June 14. With the rapid spread of home building into our county, tomorrow may be too late to preserve some of our natural resources in their natural state. Our neighboring Lake County started the forest preserve about five years ago. The Waukegan Kiwanis Club will sponsor the fourteenth annual Kiwanis Navy Day to be held at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. May 16. The program will include a performance by the famous "Blue Jacket Choir" and a talk on deep submergence system program by Captain Bond. In conjunction with his program Bob Myers promised a trout dinner as a treat. Host Girl Foresters Go Swimming Several members of the junior division of St. Agatha court No. 777, enjoyed an afternoon of pool swimming last Saturday. They were taken to a Fox Lake motel where the hours just flew by while the girls participated in many types of swimming antics, jrhey were well chaperoned by Pam Hiller, Doris Freund and JoAnn Haag. After drying off and getting into their clothes, much to their dismay after, all that water fun, the girls were treated to lunch which was served in the basement of Mrs. Freund's home. All in all, the girls had a most enjoyable afternoon and are most appreciative to these ladies who take time off from their busy schedules to help all members of the court find good, Wholesome pastimes. Number Two on the Family Tree Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Sobiesk of Beacon Hill Drive welcomed their second child, a son, on May 1. The. West Suburban hospital was the scene of his arrival on this date. Gregory Michael weighed a healthy 8 lbs. 2 oz. at birth. His sister, Debbie, who is 18 months old is already acting like a little mother to her new brother. Our congratulations to Gerry and Georgette upon their new addition to their family tree. Congratulations are also in line for the grandparents and greatgrandparents. They are Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sobiesk of Argo, Bud and Rita Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund and Mrs. Delia Miller . Hospitalized on Mother's Day It wasn't a very nice Mothers Day for Mrs. Doris Roberts, mother of Mrs.^Sam Tomasello, who ended the day by being admitted to the McHenry hospital. Her ai!,ment was diagnosed as pneumonia. We all send her get-well wishes for a speedy recovery and hope she will soon be home with her loved ones. versary to Dick and Janet Huemann who observed their first one this month. Also happy wishes to Ddn and Patti Weber who have another wedding anniversary to celebrate. Celebrating was" on the agenda for Wally and Phyllis Kalemba too. Belated birthday wishes to that kindly ^gentleman, Eill Meyers. He was 84 years young, and I do mean YOUNG, on May 8. His family gathered at his house later in the day to celebrate his birthday and Mother's Day. Happy sixteenth natal day to Mary Ellen Freund. May 13 is shared by Patsy Meyers and Buddy Smith as their birthdate. Patsy will be 15 and Buddy 16. i Fifteen years of marriage will be chalked up for Pat and Sam Tomasello on the eighteenth of this month. Ed and Dot Hettermann have an anniversary on May 11 while Jim and I will observe ours on the thirteenth. Special birthday greetings to John Smith who has his day coming up a little later this month. On the same, day Clarence and Lucille Smith will be doing some anniversary celebrating. Also natal wishes to Eddie Frett who turned? on May 10. Happy. h:ippy wishes to all. Congratulations comer Lots of birthdays and anniversaries in this merry month of May. In case yours is missed, please .give /m* a call and I'll be more than happy to put it in. Happy anni- Art La Greca won the Battle Ax Award. Scouts Win Awards The Wonder Lake Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts won their share of ribbons, Saturday at the Scout-O-Rama that was held in the Armory in Woodstock. The Boy Scouts brought home a blue ribbon which is a firsplace award, while the Cub Scouts captured a red ribbon, which is a second place award. These awards were given for their fine work on their booths and displays. Congratulations to the Scout Master, Cub master, committee men, Den mothers and of course to all the fine boys. Son Re-enlists in Army As of midnight May 8, Ricky Greig, son of Mr.and ?»Trs. Sam Tomasello, was discharged from »he army after almost a three year hitch. As of 9 a.m.. May 9. Ricky enlisted for additional six years. He is stationed with the regular army a* the Selfridge Air Force Base in Michigan. Ricky and his young wife are looking forward to the birth of their first child sometine next month. We wish Ricky loads of good luck in his years ahead in Uncle Sam's service. Because of young men like him, our country will always be safe. 4luemann are spending this week as guests in Joe and Vera's home. Jim Huemann flew in from Denver where he is attending school for pilots training, to help in the Mother's Day festivities. Sally Tomasello was feted with an open house celebration honoring her First Holy. Communion Day on May 1. Our family, along with my brother's family, the Richard D e h n s , w e r e i n C h i c a g o l i s t Sunday to 'join in on the fam- ;ly party honoring our niere's First Holy (Communion Day. Later that evenine like a lo< of parents from this area who have young people attending! Marian Central high school, j v*a attended the Spring Musi-j cale in Woodstock. It was renl- : ly something to sit and observe ; these young people perform. It was Swo hours well spent. The Emil Debrechts are ever so happy to have their daughter and three children spending a few weeks with them from New York. Their son-in-law will pick the family up when he finishes his business in the East. Date to Remember All of you ladies who like to play cards and enjoy good food keep May 25 open. The Blessed Virgin Sodality is sponsoring a luncheon-card party on this date in the- community club hall. More details in the future. And so it is farewell for another week. Hope all you Mothers had a nice weekend with your families. Please be good and stay healthy so wo can all meet right here again next week. Keep those phone calls coming in each Monday before the noon deadline. 0ft Maggftfr Callahan Baby Baptized ;flJtona]d Edward Callahan, Jr., iS^ss baptized in St. John's gjriureh by Father Dording last Sunday aft*-noon at 2 o'clock. ^Sponsors for the young man "ere his aunt, Mrs. Sharon st, and an uncle, Robert Dinner was served in e Callahan home at noon to :he grandparents, Mrs. William Callahan of Harvard, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Theil as well as Cheryl Kieselburg also of I l a r v a r d , t h e s p o n s o r s and their families and Tom Thiel. Our wishes for good health are sent along to the baby's mother, Joyce, who spent all last week in the Woodstock hospital. She will be taking it easy for awhile so herTstrength can be regained, "s*-- Around the Town Joe and Vera Huemann were happy to have their family at home for a Mother's Day celebration over last weekend. Joining in on the family fun were the families of Tom, Bill and Jim Huemann. John and Barbara Huemann also participated. Mr. and Mrs. John ^ hint, les LEE B. KORTEMEIER ©fa?. 838-2000 fiiee» 888-8975 It's easy to take your husband for granted--except on special occasions. Same holds true for his daily income. But if your family breadwinner should die suddenly, normal living costs could become budget-breakers without the financial security offered by a policy from Country Life Insurance Company. A wifely reminder to your husband of the need for planned insurance protection can help safeguard your security. Yoar 1 Country Companies Agmitt commtrm • COUMTHY WJIW • UMRN hsmrr mm mmk • msanmt amnma DELI GOME AND SEE OUR BIGGEST DISCOUNTS EVER PRE-BUNDLED YARN PRICED TO SELL May 12 & 14 Open 'til 5:00 Friday ISth 9-9 pjn. MUST CLEAB SHELVES FOR WORKMEN THREE DAYS @NLY MAY 12 -13 - 14 YARN BA 1804 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry 383-1631 PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less signature, full addres' and phone number. We ask, to6, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider '.ibelous or in objectionable taste.) IMPORTANCE OF LAW "To The Editor: "In these days of draft card burners, the following quotation by our twenty-seventh President, William Howard Taft. is very appropriate these days: 'To obey the law is to support democracy. If every man thinks every law must suit him in order that he shall obey it, he does not suppor! democracy but destroys it. The basis of good government lie- •n the fact that people are willing to obey the law as they have determined it to be." "Paul Kocan "2508 Center Drive "Welder Lake" Colorado is our highest state, with an average elevation of 5,800 feet. Delaware is the lowest, with average elevation of 60 feet. My friend, Myrtle says' "More wcmcri drive thsti knrlt or sew." Trtie or not, here are a few amusing detiriitioils' she uses to explain thfe my^-' tery under the hood: CARBI RICTOR: A sort of blender. Instead of mixing flour and liquid into a batter1 before it goes into the oven t6 bake, the carburetor mixeis •jlr and gas before it entets ihe car engine so the fuel will' burn properly! : OIL FILTER: Acts like a v e g e t a b l e s t r a i n e r . . . t o t r a p large particles, (grit & sludge), p^ssin^ on oil through the ei> gine! F.XHAI'ST SYSTEM: A sort of vacumn cleaner. It picks up engine waste products (gases* removing them through a system of tubing. Unlike an all too audio vacuum cleaner, a car MUFFLER- silences the waste removal operation! It's t:vr seuson again ...and knovvin;? little boys (and sometimes rr.isrhievious little girls* you're sure to some :urr» siioe^ ? fh>or marks to cle m. Get out a strong liquid detergent and your scouring like magic! Feed a sick-a-t>«d chilli -from a muffin tin. The small portions of different foods in the little cups will appeal to him more than hi rye port ions and the pan helps avoid spills I , For tastier oataimit cookie* ...try toasting the oatmeal cookies will be extra crunchy end flavorful. Snread oatmeal irt a shallow pan and let oven toast it Whtte it heats to baking temper a ttii^ tr yoiir doughnut cutter to ftyare -8 yeast rolls. They'll'b£ more uniform. Cut the rfrigfcV then stretch each one slightly, and twist it! Ori£' of the most hated jobs of wMtfftig pans can be made easier1 dfid protect your manitiure1, tOd:~ Simply mesh the scolnfihj*' pad into a round vegetable brush- bristles. With the handle to hold, fingers need not touch the pad or the scouring f&iWter! Keep dampness from affecting flotii* 'while it's stored, by tu'ckfrtg ' a /bay leaf into the. canister. ¥he dried leaf will absorb moisture. :(Watch" ' fpr Maggie every week!) ' ZCBpG HEARING A hearing is sc hed tied to take place in the Council chambers in Crystal Lake on Thursday, May 19. at 3 o'clock for a reiiM^.stfication of property from "F" farming to conditional use to construct a building for Computer station equipment. $ffaking the petition ore Clara StilHng and the Northern Illinois Gas Co., for property in T^und^'township, three-quartersi df a rriile south of the city of Mcriertty' on Rt. .11. Shop; In McHenry "tf i ti+C. CLUE Do you know month tl^is us? MAY IS NATIOMAL TAVERN MONTH Tkis is National Taverii Moiitb--the time when America's brewers pay special. tribute to the friendly folk who serve the M©ndly brew. So why not stop by your favorite tav@raff eqjoy the great refreshing flavor of a nice cool beer, and mention casually to the tavern-keeper that you's© glad he's there. We are. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC fio see your buiui deiier. get a '66 Buick Special. El r.for Delivery? Right now! was marten) ever Deals? Couldn't be better! Choose from a wide range of body styles, colors an$ options. 4 out of S new-car buyers pay Special prices^f^mm sure you get the Special! x WBi5i9E!^--Its class, Pure Oil Performance --Popular Science Gold Cup for Qj^Sjljpding braking performance in Pure 08Ste|l|. AT A W l i i N E R OF A DEAL! % Wouldn't you really rather have a :Bul^Spatial right now? (When the getting'^ s&'yreatTj Sea your Buick dealer during bis Pac-6usti% <}||| -- AL COLUNGBOURNE IU§CK< INC.. •97 N. Front CP

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