Thursday. May 19,1966 THE McHENRY PlAINDEALEH Sfictlon.Two -- Pag© Seven HISTORICAL GROUP NAMES OFFICERS AT ANNUAL MEET The third annual meeting of the McHenry County Historical Society was held at the Opera House, Woodstock, last week and membership from most communities in the county were represented. - MKfe Edith Bohn, secretary, W o o d s t o c k , r e p o r t e d t o t a l membership in all categories i itf-of May 1, at 554. - Herbert Harrison, McHenry, chairman of the Audit committee, was unable to be present 6ut his report was read by the treasurer, Henry F. Nell, Jr. 1p his report, Mr. Harrison set up a figure of $6,500 as an asset on the valuation of the collection. This is in accordance with good accounting practice 4nd is appreciated by the society. * The president, Mrs. Dorothy W. McEachren, gave a brief Report of the activities of the society for the past year, the moving of the log cabin to the fairgrounds being the main project. The goal for completjon of the restoration is set for dedication during Fair Week. »Permanent quarters have now*been located at 101 E. Jefferson, at the corner of Jackson, and the office and collection room will be open on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 jr.m. to 4:30 p.m. The room will allow for small display space of some of the items (fcnated and will be changed from time to time. I Miss Lura Wandrack,,Woodstock, a member of the Musfeum committee gave a most interesting report stating that over 2,703 items had been accessioned, with quite a few to be added to the records. She pointed out that not a week Kjad gone by but that some items had been donated. These covered a wide range and show io many ways the days of yestwyear. „Miss Wandrack asked the members if they knew the name of the first settler in tfceir community, where the home stood, and what stood tftere now. If they would investigate the history of the first settler in their community the society would place a marker of some sort. •The ford constructed by the Indians across the Fox river w a s m a d e o f b r o a d , f l a t , square cut sandstone, regularly lsud and secured by other ston6s» in such a maner the swift current could not dislodge them. The early settlers later used these stones as hearthstones, walls, walks, etc. It is a mystery where the Indians found the stones and how they were so mechanically squared. No stones like them have been foiiind near or far. Some member of the society interested in geology should pursue this for the society* If anyone in McHenry county has such a stone, they would, like to know of it Mrs. Thresile, Guhrke, Harvard, nominating chairman, presented the following slate of officers which was unanimously elected! President for one year, Mrs. "Dorothy W. McEachren, McHenry; vice-president for one year, H. Sanford Walkup, Crystal Lake; director for three years, Mrs. June Kosta of Harvard. Directors still serving on the board inelude Henry F. Nell, Jr., treasurer, from McHenry. Miss Edith Bohn, of Woodstock, was reappointed as secretary by the president The speaker of the evening was Miner T. Coburn of Wilmette, an American History teacher for many years in the New T r i e r T o w n s h i p h i g h school. He1 talked on The History of the GAR and the part McHenry county took in the Civil War. He pointed out that 2,533 men from the county served in the Civil War and there was no need of a draft as that was within three of the county quota. In the part of his talk dealing with the GAR, Mr. Coburn brought to light many facts unknown to members in the audience. From the very first it was used as a political force and played an important part in elections when its -membership was at its peak. He also brought out the GAR waS originally founded in Illinois with about six members- and from the start it had a formal ritual.. The last. member of the GAR died in Minnesota not too many years ago. The last member in Illinois died in 1949. ACADEMY PROGRAM Col. Walter S. Hahn, principal, Northwestern Military and Naval academy, recently announced plans for the academy's fourth summer school program which will begin June 20 and run through Aug. 6. Located on 90 acres at the south shore of Geneva Lake, Northwestern Military and Naval Academy is a private preparatory school for boys. During the summer months t h e school's facilities are . used for coeducational summer school classes and for Camp Northwestern, a camp for boys ages 8 through 14. KENNETH MARSI! TOBEAWXRDEI* DEGREE MAY 29 KENNETH MARSH Kenneth Ford Marsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ford A. Marsh, Route 9, McHenry, is a candidate for the bachelor of arts degree at DePauw university, where he is majoring in psychology. The one-hundred and twentyseventh annual commencement exercises of the private, liberal arts college will be held Sunday, May 29, on the East college lawn. Approximately 500 seniors ahd graduate degree recipients are expected to graduate and receive diplomas from Dr. William E. Kerstetter, president of the university. The commencement address will be presented by Thomas C. Mann, under secretary of state for economic affairs and formerly head of America's Alliance for Progress program in South America. DISCUSS FEDERAL AH) A meeting is planned in the near future between ^Vice-President Hubert Humphrey, technical experts and Mayor Louis Goosens of Crystal Lake to discuss federal aid for subdivisions at the west end of that lake which are in preliminary steps toward annexation to Crystal Lake. The Vice-President made the announcement at a mayors' conference in Cleveland, attended by about 250 mayors • in the mid-west. 4 > Proclamation WHEREAS: The annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, an organization chartered by the Congress, has, been officially recognized and endorsed by the, President of the United/States and Veterans Administration; and -4 WHEREAS: The proceeds of this worthy fund-raising campaign are used exclusively for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans, and the widows and orphans of deceased veterans; and WHEREAS: The basic purpose of the annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars is eloquently reflected in the desire to "Honor The Dead By Helping The Living;" therefore, I, Donald P. Doherty, Mayor of the City of McHenry, do hereby recognize the patriotic merits of this cause by urging the citizens of this community to contribute generously to its support through the purchase MANY AUDUBON MEMBERS ENJOY ABBOBETUM TRIP Thirty-three members and guests of the McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Audubon society drove to Morton Arboretum near Lisle for a morning of birding recently. Though the cold weather has delayed the migration of warblers, usually seen in greanumbers on this trip, fifty-four varieties of birds were identified. Rare or unusual birds seen were Whip-poor-will, Spotted and Solitary Sandpiper, and Northern Water Thrush. ' A picnic lunch was enjoyed in the picnic area. Coffee 1 and cookies were furnished by the com mittee, Catherine Holper, Rosemary Fosse and Georgo Sterk. The next meeting will be May 21 on Cold Spring rcnd. Birders are to meet at the home of Mrs. Kienneth Fiske on Bull Va|ley road at 9 a.m. Guests are welcome. • •P" TP CONFIDENTIAL* "" We have an accumulation of v'SUMMER SKIRTS that we are "giving 'and $2.00 each. 7- . ;1 - -1 -THE - VALUES: ARE TREBlfeS^QUg! Sizes 8-14 . . . including styles fcMrjthe JTAIJL GIRL. m Riverside ill Outlet 140? Riverside Dr. McHenry,. 111. of Buddy Poppies, on the day (or days) set aside for the distribution of these symbols of loyalty in this city. I urge all J patriotic citizens to wear a Buddy Poppy as mute evidence of our gratitude to the men ot this country who ha /e risked (. their live^ in defense of the freedoms which we continue to enjoy as American citizens. Donald P. Doherty Mayor ORTHO l c S A L E 1 GAL. -- ORTHO GROW only Get 1 Gal Evergreen only lc Pick Up Yom Bingo Cards at R U C K ' S HARDWARE 3002 W. Main Street McHenry • • 0 ol investment > V ? A,\'xn/V ^ iX NAMCO CmOMIKMOC ItIUTSI0MHE oISrM IN MEMBER U fp|||||||| Vs s \ ^ It's difficult to measure happiness in dollars and cents ... but we've done it. We've developed a product that guarantees smiles, relaxation, family fun and healthful happiness ... and all of this is available with a realistic, down to earth price tag. The famous Cadillac pool has been approved in the greatest testing laboratory in the world ... the back yards of thousands of happy, satisfied Cadillac pool owners. If you're ready to invest in solid happiness (and if you're not you should be) investigate the Cadillac pooMor you and your family. Over 800 dealers across the country are ready to serve you with a new lease on happiness... you supply the call NATIONAL SWIMMING POOL INSTITUTE Qi POOLS the smiles are on usl BEN ARVIDSON & SONS, Inc. 4520 W. Lake wood Dr. McHenry, 111. 60090 glv* m« mora detail* on th« Cadillac Swimming PMt . . . M flbllgation, of court* fr~n • Mdnik Ctty Stato- Phono. @ns Irae. Building Remodeling Swimming Pool 4520 W. Lakewood Dr. Binep iu§ Sped®! For May PIZZAS FREE Your Choice if the winning Bingo Card comes from here GREEN PEARL CLUB 3425 W. Pearl Street PHONE 385-3180 McHenry JEPSIN TIRE HOME OF THE 4-PLY TIRE mm S ss ^ i y""N FIRST'LINE FULL 4-PLY W H I T ! V ALUS LL 1. Full 4-Ply Safety 2. SeM Bleaching Whiiewall 3. Thump - Free Ride 4. "No - Limit" Guarantee 5. New Chteobutyl "Safety - Liner" holds air 5 times better 6. New Wider "Wrap - Around" tread-better control -- More traction 7. New "Powersyn" Rubber, Gives you, up to 33 lA more miles 8. New "Hi-T" Tyrex Rayon Cord -- for Greater strength -- more stability ^tarj-u Wlitew®! •ire IAL Tires SIZE PRICE EXCISE TAX 6.00-13 $19.72 $1.58 5.50-13 20.42 1.79 7.00-13 21.19 1.96 6.95-14 21.50 1.93 7.35-14 21.85 2.08 7.75-14 22.91 2.19 8.25-14 24.60 2.37 8.55-14 26.18 2.56 8.85-14 27.39 2.84 6.85-15 20.90 1.87 7.35-15 21.85 2.05 7.75-15 22.91 2.19 8.15-15 24.60 2.32 8.45-15 26.18 2.53 8.85-15 27.39 2.77. 9.00-15 28.36 2.74 INCLUDES: C Full Line of Truck Tires and Recaps Also Available COMPLETE • All new brakes relining • Resurface all 4 drums • Rebuild all wheel cylinders • Repack front wheel bearings • Bleed complete brake _ , , , system and refill °ther Makes Slightly - T-, J , ^ Higher Road test car , BUDGET TERMS! Don't take chances! Make snre your brakes are in A-1 condition for SAFER spring weather driving. $ AND AUTO 3314 W. Elm St. Phone 385-0424 OTIVE CENTER 3331 W. Elm St. Phone 385-0426 McHenry folks for a most suees^iftsl first year m yow. only qualified Buicn-Oldsmvbile Dealt.. ©ST AL COLLING BOURNE New Revised Baick - OldsmolnSe Prices All Delivered In McHenry "F-85" 196& EUICSC "SPECIAL" 2 = it. HARDTOP FULL PUCE -- 1966 OL iiiliill FULL E - $ >8.16 umpipii* stiieK le smm. 2 - FPU, PIDCi )J§S FULL F :E - $3141.00 The above prices, include regular factory accessories and deliver#, However, 4% Illinois Sales Tax Extra. AL C0LLINGB0U KNE .. ' ( Leading McHenry County to Grea&s? Values L 907 N. Front Si. -- So. on Rt. 31 -- MeHeary--- 0IS-72OO any 9-9 SAT. 9 - 6 S>UN. 1 1 - 4