Thursday, May 19,1966 THE MeHENRY PLAINDEALEH Trr--rnat»M Section One -- Page Seve* CLASSIFIEDS Male Help Wanted CONSTRUCTION -- Laborers. Have openings for year lound construction laborers. Many company benefits. See or caH Arnold N. May Bldrs. 815- 678-2861. 9-30-65-TF MASON for full time employment. Have inside work, vacation, and other company benefits. Must have competent line of experience. See or call Ar- 'nold N. May Builders, Inc. Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861 4*28-66TF ' . V h. "If? «"> CARPENTER for year around employment. Vacation! and other company benefits. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond, 111. 815- 678-2861. 5-19-66TF INDUSTRIAL SALES TRAINEE: Outstanding opportunity for industrious individual. Prefer young married man with aptitude for detail, telephone order desk, correspondence, order editing. Profit sharing and excellent benefits. Modern offices. Expanding industrial manufacturer. 50 years ill business, offers security and advancement. Prior sales and/ op college desired but not essential. Apply to personnel manager--The Claud S. Gordon Company, Richmond, Illinois ,or phone for appointment, (815) 678-2211. An equal Opportunity Employer. 5-19-26-66 MALE ACCOUNTANT Young college graduate or CPA Candidate. Northwest suburban manufacturing company, profit sharing plan, air conditioned office, good insurance plan. Excellent future. An equal opportunity employer. Send resume to Box No. 381, c/o McHenry Plaindealer McHenry, 111. 5-19/26-66 SPRAY PAINTER Some e x p e r i e n c e r e q u i r e d . Good starting pay, steady work, pleasant working conditions. Excellent company benefits. Major Corporation 459-6300 5-19-66 LICENSED plumber, electrician. Year round employment. Call A. N. May Supply 815-678- 2861. 4-7-66TF JANITOR WANTED. General clean up. 5 p.m. to 10:30 p.m> Age no barrier. Prem Corp. Johnsburg. 5-19/26-66 EXPERIENCED PAINTER. Full time. Phone 385-4540 Huff's Painting and Decorating. 5-19-66 TRUCK DRIVER warehouse man. Apply in person, McHenry Eby Brown, 3923 W. West M cH e n r y, Illinois, 5-19-66 JANITOR - Older man preferred. 40 hours per week, permanent position. Valley Hi Nursing Home, 2406 Hartland, Rd., Woodstock, 111. 5-19-66 Female Help Wanted FEMALE ASSEMBLERS WOMEN aged 10-35 for electrical assembly work. Some experience required. Permanent, full time employment with good starting pay and excellent company benefits, CALL MR. BECK Major Corp. Phone 459-6300 5-19-66 SINGER COMPANY Woman wanted to demonstrate sewing machines. Some selling experience helpful. SINGER SEWING CENTER 21 N. Williams St. Crystal Lake, 111. PHONE for appointment 459-0551 5,19-66 Clerk-Typist We have1 a permanent position open for Conscientious cl erk - typist interested in - diversified general office work including some dictation, filing ajid phone work. Good, starting salary. Company benefits. Apply in person or phone personnel manager. CLAUD S. GOBDON COMPANY Richmond, Illinois Near Corner Rts. 173 & 12 0 Phone (815) 678-2211 "An Equal Opportunity Employer" 5-19-26-^6 WOMAN to do housework. Mondays only. Call 385-7478. 5-19-66 SALESLADIES Wanted: Experienced, full time, 9 day week, discount on purchases, paid vacations, benefits. Gladstone, Inc. 1219 N. Green St. McHenry, Hi. 5-19-66 Male Help Wanted MEN - part time work. 6 p.nrh red. 40 hours per week. Person, McHenry Eby Brown, 39- 23 W. West, McHenry, Illinois 5-19-66 MAN for truck driver and construction work. Full or part time. Call 385-1300 5-19-66 MEN Needed for Janitorial duties in brand new surroundings. Phone McHENRY HOSPITAL 385-2200 4-28-6PTF FO R GENERAL Contractor junior estimator. Will teach estimating to young qualified man. Industrial, Commercial, and Heavy Construction. Cons t r u c t i o n b a c k g r o u n d n e c e s sary. Call Dean Cunat, 815-678- 2861. 4-14-66TF INVESTIGATE THESE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Day Or Night Shifts • Tinsmith • Drill Press Operators • Maintenance Man • Punch Press Operators (Hydraulic Experience) • Electro Platers • Industrial Electrician -- Apply In Person -- WOODSTOCK DIE CASTING Division of ELTRA Corporation Woodstock, Illinois MAn Equal Opportunity Employer" - 5-12-19-66 Illinois Bell Telephone Company NEEDS LINEMEN AND INSTALLERS • JOB INVOLVES Climbing Poles Stringing Wire Installing and Repairing Telephone Equipment • JOB REQUIREMENTS PjrefWably High School Graduate M^ctfanical Aptitude Electronic training helpful but not required Good school and work record • JOB OFFERS Steady work £ Regular pay increases On-the-job training Chance for promotion Tuition aid for college courses Retirement pension Many other excellent benefits Call Woodstock 338-9931 MONDAY : 1:00 P.M. - 4:30 P.M. TUESDAY 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. "An Equal Opportunity Employer" 5-19-66 REAL ESTATE PISTAKEE TERRACE -- Brand new 3 bedroom ranch housie on big corner lot. Water rights. Phone 385-6392. 5-5/26-66 3 BEDROOM home with attached garage. Full basement. Beamed living room ceiling with fireplace. Ceramic bath, built-in kitchen. Phone 385- 0023 5-5-66TF 6 ROOM house, garage, aluminium sidiRg, gas heat, water softener, dining room. $10,500. Low down payment. Call 385- V 5-5-5-26-66 Female Help Wanted WAITRESS wanted. Apply in person. The Virginian Restaurant and Lounge, 394 Virginia St., Crystal Lake, 111 . 5-5-26-66 COOK, reliable, for plain cooking in Country Estate. Phone 312-526-7388 5-19-26-66 LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE or NURSE'S AIDE. Mohday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Valley Hi Nursing Homet 2406 Hartland Road, Woodstock, 111. 5-19-66 REAL ESTATE -- MUST SELL t LAKE FRONT HOME on two beautiful wooded" lots. IV? baths. 3 or 4 large bedrooms. Paneled living and dining room with natural stone fireplace. Basement. 2 car garage. Boat house with paneled recreation room and natural stone fireplace. ASKING $22,500 OR BEST OFFER Call week days after 6 p.m. or anytime Sat. and Sun. 653-6367 5-19-66TF HOME -- St. Patrick's vicinity. Close to everything. Reasonable. Owner 385-1196. 5-19-66 HOME FOR SALE -- four rooms, furnished; large front porch; centrally gas heated; 135 feet river frontage. Phone 385-0430 or 385-5291. 5-19-66 ON FOX RIVER 66 ft. front. 4 Bedroom all year home. Hot water heat. Big garage. Boating and fishing. Phone 815- 285-1198!. 5-19-66 WAITRESS wanted full or part time. Chez Francois Restaurant. Call 312-J'U 7-7320 5-19-66 FULL or PART TIME WAITRESS -- Phone 385-9877 5-5-66TF COZY 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE with attached garage; river rights; within walking distance to town. Call after 6 p.m. 385-1450 Monday through Friday. 5-19-66 5 ACRES, 4 room house, large 4 car garage, South McHenry Phone 815-648-4828 5-19-6-2-66 anted .ASSEMBLERS . MACHINE OPERATORS 1ST AND 2ND SHIFT 0 No experience required. Ability to h-andle small operations. Piece work bonus. Many company benefits. Cafeteria. INTERNATIONAL REGISTER COMPANY Route 12 Spring Grove, 111. Telephone 815-675-2321 5-19-66 FEMALE HELP WANTED NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY DAY AND NIGHT SHIFTS Excellent pay and fringe benefits • New attendance bonus • Free hospitalization and life insurance • Paid holidays including your birthday • Paid vacation • Credit Union • Discount on purchase of Admiral products. -- Apply -- ADMIRAL CORP. 3908 W. Elm "McHenry, Illinois 5-19-66 WOMEN Excellent earnings opportunity. 3:30 P.M. to midnight shift. Apply in person 7 a.m. to 4:30 P.M. 8:30 to noon_ Saturday. . Madine Manufacturing Co. 4 Miles North of McHenry on Ringwood Rd. 'An Equal Opportunity Employer" 5-19-66 O^needs WOMEN FOR LIGHT MACHINE AND ASSEMBLY WORK -- FULL TIME -- 8 A.M .to 4:30 P.M. -- 5 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR LIGHT MACHINE WORK, 3RD SHIFT, 11P.M. TO 7:30 A.M. -- PART TIME -- 9 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. -- 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. Clean bright factory -- modern cafeteria. Full time employees. Enjoy such benefits as: • Top Wages • Top Night Shift Premiums • Free Life and Hospitalization Insurance • Paid Vacation • 8 paid holidays • Full 40 hour week • Jury duty pay Personnel office open 8 A.M. to 4:45 P.M. Monday thru Friday -- Apply -- OAK yfr A •NlCSOfcJ 0P QAtC eU2©YF3©/wOTIC8 cpw» @<@f§S lipfei CC:ro®t Ptcco OBt»iOO# % CO. LAICi, IHii[]C3@D£3 ^ m hum. orratTmn wnam 5-19-66 REAL ESTATE PISTAKEE BAY 2 hedrm. home and garage in good condition with water and beach rights. May be purchased on contract. $12,500 HANDY MANX'S SPECIAL 3 full bedrms., breezway, attached garage. $9,000 REDUCED TO SELL Several "good buys""' in river front properties or with watei rights. Owners who have been transferred have reduced prices for immediate sale. McHENRY REALTY 3918 W. Main Street 385-5922 days 385-4071 eves. 5-19-66 McHenry Area For Sale By Owner Two 3-Bedroom Homes AH with modern kitchens and baths, gas heat, Prices reduced for quick sale. For particulars: Phone 312-SH 1-3900 5-5-66TF 6 ROOM cottage, hot water heater, oil furnace, on three lots. Utility house can be converted to garage. Phone 815- 459-6207. 5-5-66TF WONDER LAKE. Lake front brick ranch. Fine large rooms, 2 baths, fireplace, gas heat, full basement, garage 70x125. Cal 3112-453-3768. 5-5-66TF Worthmore Estates 3 BEDROOM RANCH 1,750 Sq. Ft. Family room with fireplace 1 Vz Baths Basement 2 car Garage On lake. Boat pier ap* beach right. BY OWNER $27,500 Call for appointment 815-385-6170 5-5-66TF REAL ESTATE For Sale HOMES -- FARMS ' CHOICE LOTS BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond Road PHONE 385-0421 McHenry, Illinois 8 3-65-TF 3 Bedroom Brick Ranch Style dwelling, acre lot, excellent construction, full basement, near McHenry city limits, immediate possession. Phone385-0525 4-7-68TF The ESTATE of Louis M. Witt recently deceased. 5 roona house, 1 bedroom, 1 acre of land. Call John R. Freund, 1308 N. Park, 385-6417 4-28-66TF McHENRY and LAKE AREA Sfear Round Homes, Seasonal Homes, Farms Vacant. Home Sites. Income Properties. JOE NISCHAN REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, HL * Ph. 385-0037 2-4-65-TF BY OWNER -- 3 or 4 Bedrooms. on. beautiful Fox River. 385-2597 5-5-66TF 3 Bedroom Ranch. Family room. Full basement. Attached g a r a g"e. Large kitchen with epctra cabinets. "Wall to wall car- < peting. Adjoining new Boone Valley . development $19,500 PHONE 385-5334 5-19-66 FOR SALE --Brick home, 3 bedrooms, carpeted, 2V2 baths, recreation room, full basement, screened - in aluminum porcn. Priced at' $28,900. Phones - 385-0722 or 385-3751 after 6 p.m. 5-19-66 Foma'i® gfelp IDEAL FOR RETIRED COUPLE 4 room home. Excellent condition. Insulated walls and ceiling, forced air heat. Red oak floors and wood?work, combination storms and screens. Open front porch. Lot 200 ft. deep, room for truck garden. On Rt. 120 east of McHenry. Owner will sell on contract to reliable party. $12,000 PHONE 385-2835 for appointment TUESDAY thru SATURDAY 5-12/5-19-66 FOR SALE OR LEASE FOR SUMMER MONTHS 7 Vn acres tillable land suitable for truck farming located at Barnard Mill Road and Richmond AVe. west out of Ringwood, lot 30 and 31. Desire tenant for summer months. Reasonable rent. CALL 9 A.M. to 12 NOON 312-DI 8-9750 KATHLEEN McKENNA 5-12-19-66 All ELECTRIC house on 3 lots with large garden and fruit trees. 5422 W. Cleveland Dr. Call 385-5518. 5-19-26-66 CLERK-TYPIST High school graduate to work in accounting department. Will be trained for key punch work and relief of switchboard operator. Primary responsibility will be typing. Apply in person 7 -a.m. to 4 p.m. Modine Manufacturing Company RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS 'An equal opportunity employer" 5-19-66 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY A challenging position is now open at the corporate level for a sharp secretary. In addition to the normal skills, our candidate will possess good analytical ability, an inquiring mind, and like working with financial documents. She will report to the Vice President of Corporate Development. Several years of college would be helpful. Salary open. Reply in full confidence to: Personnel Director AK , usAcawPAStroooca© n. A op ©AK GLG©YF3©/WGYJ<SS cowi C&7CO0 P&QC3Q G£39« ^QVQ'um Q.AKB, H.tkOCa©OG Ah tQUAl QMHtTUNTlt gMPLOtU &sr PUBLIC NOTICES CHICK-INN Restaurant & Carry Out Route 12G Lakeland Park McHenry. 111. 385-7161 BROASTED CHICKEN By the box By the dinner And Party Packs Try The-All New CHICKEN - BURGER Fish Fry every Friday 3-31-66TF REAL ESTATE Two Waterfront HOMES NEAR McHENRY V J Also Vacant Waterfront Phone 385-1251 5-12/26-66 McHENRY - By Owner. 3 Bedrooms, 1 tile bath, Living room 15 x 27, Family room, 13 x 27, 2 car garage, on two beautiful lots near Fox River. Gas heat. Cull .',85-1 .'{81 5-12-26-66 NEW I! BEDROOM l'/z Baths Residence Ranch type, full basement. Immediate occupan cy. First addition to Hillview- Sub-division. Days-stop at Arnold N. May Builders office, Richmond, 111. or call 815-678- 2861 for evening or week end apiJointment. 5-19-66TF 5-19-66 4 BEDROOMS, natural gas heat, 2 car garage. 2 corner lots, across road from private beach on Griswold Lake. $17,- 500. Phone 385-2578. 5-12-19-66 PUBLIC NOTICES LQSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Diet tablets. Only 98 cents at Bolter's Drug. "• , 4-28-5-26-66 COMPLETE LAMP SHADE and LAMP SERVICE by GRAMS formerly of Fox Lake Volo Auction Barn Rt. 120 near Rt. 12 Open Thursday and Fridiay 12 noOn to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. 815-385-3896 5-12-66TF COUNTRY & WESTERN MUSIC at The Blue Note 88 Railroad Street Crystal Lake, 111. Aerogs from R.R. Depot Appearing EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NITES THE DRIFTER AND HIS BLUESTEEL BOYS PHONE 459-9814 5-19-66 Shop In McHenry REAL ESTATE IV2 STORY frame, 2 apartments, corner lot. 1 block beach and school bus. Make offer, 385-2098 5-12-66TF MARENGO, 2200 ft. frontage on Route 120. 162 acres level, fertile, well drained land. 149 acres used for corn, 13 acres buildings, grounds and feed lots. This farm is a specialized agricultural unit equipped for the volume production of cattle and 3000 hogs per year, in a smooth, efficient low cost operation. Land buildings and equipment reflect thoughtful planning, care and attention. C.N. & N.W. railway bisects property in rear providing frontage pn both sides. While its present use is strictly agricultural, its location on U.S. 20 near the city of Marengo and the railroad frontage suggests solid development potential for this property. Priced at $700 per acre. Minimum of $40,000 cash to handle. Write for brochure or phone for appointment to see. FOR LEASE -- Ideal location for principal or branch office. 700 sq. ft. central air cohdition. Ground floor. Algonquin Bank Building Annex. Vacant now. Lease at $1300.00 per month. ,, FOR SALE -- For your new home on the Fox River out of town owner offers this vacant. lot with 80* of shoreline in Huemann's subdivision, McHenry, for the low price of <$4,- 400.00 cash. Lot is level and clear ready for building. Call now for appointment tQ see. DUNDEE REALTY 125 W. Main Street -- Dundee, 111. 312-428-3100 5-12-66TF WATER FRONT PROPERTY List your water front, water rights property with me. Our River Forest--Oak Park office has clients'ready, willing and able to buy. We specialize in selling this type of home. Summer rentals also needed. A. H. Gallagher & Associates 815-385-1629 5-12-66TF BAIRD & WARNER, INC. Established 1855 LAKELAND SHORES -- Like new 2 Br. brick and frame ranch on 130 ft. landscaped lot. Large L.R. and D.R. Built-in kitchen. Attached 2 car garage. $22,500 or best offer. ORCHARD BEACH -- RIVER FRONT -- Paneled and carpeted L.R. 13x14 combination D.R. and kitchen. 17x9 utility. 8x20 patio, large garage. Too many extras to list. $23,500. PISTAKEE LAKE FRONT -- 3 Br. ranch with paneled L.R. and D.R. Exceptional Family room with built-in running bar. Two baths. $33,000. Mr. Heinen 385-2527 5-19-66 (IN McHENRY) In McHenry's finest area -- this 4 bedroom split level home. 2 baths. Built-in kitchen. 2 car garage. Wall to wall carpeting. All plastered walls. Ideal home for large family. Priced at $42,500. Shown by appointment only. (IN McHENRY) (On Channel) 2 Bedroom home. 2 baths. Utility room and family room. Large garage. Priced at only $18,750. (IN McHENRY) 3 Bedroom 2 story home. Full basement. Garage. Near schools, churches and shopping. Priced at only $18,000 (NEAR McHENRY) 23 Acres with 3 bedroom home. $29,500 or best offer. -- VACANT ACREAGE -- 35 Acres wooded land. Only $25,000. ( SUMMER RENTAL ON FOX RIVER ) 3 Bedroom furnished home. Available Decoration Day to Labor Day. $850. for season. -- List your property for Sale or Rent here -- THE KENT CORPORATION McHenry's Oldest Real Estate Office Established Since 1923 PHONE 385-3800 1311 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 5-19T-66