Section One -- Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB Thursday, June 2. 1966 Wedding Bells Local Teacher Engaged To Marry JO HANNAH SAUM Mr. and MrijL'V i Herbert Saum of Batavta announce the engagement of their daughter, Jo Hannah, to M$\..Eldon Philip Frydendall, son^ctf .Mrs. Earl Eldon Frydendall of" Batavia and the late Mr. Frydendall. Miss Saum is' a graduate of Millikin university in Decatur where she was a member of Alpha Chi and Omega,-'national social sorority. She is the teacher of Home Economics in Mc- Henry junior high school. Mr. Frydendall is an insurance representative of the general associates agfeiicy with offives in North Aurora. He is a member of the Illinois Life Underwriters association. Arthur Kreutzers Observe Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Kreutzer renewed their marriage vows when they observed the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding at the Fox Lake Community church. During the service Ronald Kreutzer gave his mother a- Way. Wayne Kreutzer acted as ring bearer. Arthur Kreutzer was a groomsman and Richard Kreutzer, brother of,the groom, was best man. Mrs. Arthur (Beverly) Kreutzer" was a bridesmaid and tftgp nfftitron of honor was: porrie'Fri^, sister of the groom. Marriage Licenses Delbert Woldt, Woodstock, and Elizabeth Justen, - McHenry, SCHOOL The school an&iBms^atioh^of McHenry high school announced this week any class picnics held ar£ planned by the individual classes and are not school-sponsored. DAVID MILLER CLAIMS BRIDE IN NEW JERSEY In a noon ceremony performed by Rev. Eugene Jung, godfather and cousin of the groom, at St. Mary of the Lake church. L a k e w o o d , N . J . , D Q t r e n e Miller claimed as his bjride. Miss Elaine Joan Izbicki of Crystal Lake. The wedding on M?y 21 united the son of Mr. and Mrs,. Joseph Miller of Johnsburg and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Izbicki of Lakewood, N.J. Attending the bride was Miss Joan Shearman, maid of honor. Miss Marsha Izbicki, bridesmaid, and Miss Margie Izbicki. flower girl, all of Lakewood. James Miller acted as best man for his brother and William Oeffling was an usher, both of McHenry. Edward Izbicki of Lakewood was also an usher. Following the services a reception for fifty guests was held at the American Legion hall in Lakewood. After a wedding trip to the Hawaiian Islands, the couple will live at 361 W. Terra Cotta avenue, Crystal Lake. The bride graduated from Lakewood high school in 1962 and attended McConnell Airlines school in Minneapolis, Minn., and is employed as a secretary for Northwest Airlines in Chicago. The groom graduated from McHenry high school in 1960 and served in the army for 3 years. VICKI GORE AND ROBERT ARMSTRONG WED SATURDAY A wedding of interest occurred on Saturday morning, May 28, when Vicki Gore of McHenry was married 1o, Robert Armstrong of Wonder Lake. The marriage took place in Waukegan. Mrs. Armstrong is the daughter of Mrs. Eve Johnson of Wonder Lake and the late Carl Johnson. Her husband is the son of Allen Armstrong of Chicago, formerly of Wonder Lake. The bridegroom is an employee of the Illinois Bell Telephone company. They will make their home in McHenry. , ftlMMAC.E SALE The Property Owners association of Orchard Heights will hold a rummage sale June 3 and 4 at the old firehouse at Burton's Bridge. The sale will take place from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. both days. mm mmm SPECIAL... ENLARGEMENT FROM TOUR GWORITi Slid* or Kodacolor Ne§e#| ($1.25 VcbSWQD Only H W If Ui.lL COLOR IN FOLDER Offer Good Till June 15 KOmiK'S STUDIO CAMERA CENTER, INC. 1313 N. Riverside Drive PHONE 385-0275 Bridal Couple Historical Group Takes Two Year Option On Property THE THOMAS BAIKS Mjfc. and Mrs. Kenneth Leibach of Chicago, former residents of McHenry, announce the marriage o£ their daughter, Carole, to Thomas Bair of Algonia, Wis. The young couple will reside in Warner, Mich., where Carole will teach first grade and Tom will be an accountant for the federal government. Jurti Freund To Wed Wade ('lenient rlllillllUfek. Ill A jp II; Jl'DI FREl'NI) Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Freund of 2522 Clara Drive, Aqua Lane, announce the engagement of their daughter, Judi, to Mr. Wade Clement, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dowel! of Lakeland Park. The young couple were 1965 g r a d u a t e s o f M c H e n r y h i g h school. Wade will leave June 10 to serve in the air force at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Wonder Lake Girl Engaged To" Marry , Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson, 3116 Park drive, Wonder Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice Ellen, to Joseph J. Bores, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bores, 5945 Fairview, Downers Grove. "Miss Johnson is employed by the University of Illinois Cooperative ?'xtension Service as an assistant home adviser for DuPage county in Wheaton. Mr. Bores is in the Air Force stationed at Grand Forks Air Force base. North Dakota. No wedding date has been set. A. C. EBERHARDT RECEIVES DEGREE IN ENGINEERING Iowa State universily at Ames, Iowa, awarded 1,100 diplomas to graduates at the ninety-fifth annual commencement exercises last Saturday morning. Among them was Arthur C. Eberliardt, who received his degree in architectural engineering. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Eberardl of 2917 Regner road, McHenry. President W.' Robert Parks awarded degrees and certificates at ceremonies held in Ihe Armory. Afterward, the gradu a t e s . t h e i r f a m i l i e s a n d friends were guests at the president's reception in Memorial union. At the regular board of directors meeting of the McHenry County Historical Society last week, it was voted unanimously to take up the two-year option offered by the owners of Windridge Memorial Gardens, Inc., for the leasing at one dollar per acre, per year for three acres. The returns from the questionnaire postal card sent to all 550 members, were very good. They are still being returned. While approximately a third Of the membership comes from Woodstock, a good many cards bearing the Woodstock desigantion wanted to see the future museum located i n W o o d s t o c k , t h e y a l s o marked "yes" the question asking if the Windridge proposal should be considered. With . this before them « the board acted on taking up^the option. This does not commit the society to build on the site before the two-year option is terminated. It does give the society an opportunity to put before the entire membership, by mail, in detail what the propositon offered. Several cards were marked that the member did not have sufficient THOUSANDS AT RECENT GOP COUNTY PICNIC The picnic sponsored by the Republican party of McHenry county at beautiful Veterans Acres in Crystal Lake was an enjoyable afternoon for thousands of parents and their children and for the precinct committeemen and candidates who contributed to make the picnic a fun-filled event. A steady stream of people came and went over a sixhour period of time. The total attendance was difficult to measure with so many diversified attractions, but the estimates range from 6,000 ' to 9,000 persons. With five ponies going over the attendant stated that he was providing 300 rides an hour for a total of approximately 1,800 rides. 5 Ray Chandler and Chuck Meade, Republican committeemen. from the Algonquin area, had the pleasing task of awarding cash prizes to the winners of the foot races. Boys and girls in various age groups from four to thirteen raced for the prizes. A total of $50 was distributed to the winners of the different races. The "eggthrowing - "catching" c o ntest was a smashing success. The chairman of the refreshments committee, Jere Dodge, was kept busy dispensing thousands of hot dogs, ice cream bars, and glasses of pop to the" hungry group of people. Candidates came in full force with all of the customary political "give-aways" ....candy, gum. balloons, combs, flowers, pencils, pencil holders, name cards and buttons of all sizes, shapes and colors. The candidates showed their wares in a variety of waysenormous house trailers, campi n g t r a i l e r s , t e n t s , b o a t s , booths, and van trucks. All were decorated to compete for attention and the gay, carnival atmosphere was completed by the constant music. HEERS with every -- Custom Drapery Order BEAUTIFUL WHITE DACRON BATISTE SHEERS TO ENHANCE THE BEAUTY OF YOUR WINDOWS. S E L E C T THE O V E R D R A P E FROM OUR SELECTION OF OVER 8000 DECORATOR PATTERNS. This Special Ofier («ood Through June 30th Call For Free Home Ap|M»fntment MeHi«Y 3717 W. Elm •7531 :BY & CMPIT CO. McHenry, 111. Across from the Jewel YOU WOULDN'T PLAY GOLF WITH A BASEBALL BAT YOU SHOULDN'T Buy furniturp, Carpet, Draperies or Bedding without first seeing the large selection of Fine Quality Home Furnishings at J U S T E N F U R N I T U R E 1265 N. Green 385-6560 information to vote oh the question. When the letter giving detailed information is sent out to the members they will also be asked if they would support^ three-year building fund campaign using the pledge system. They will be given a choice to indicate if they will support the fund if the museum is located in the vicinity of Woodstock or at the Windridge site, also approximately how much they would consider pledging over the three years. Membership renewals are comings in at a good rate. Those who haven't renewed as yet should do so now as a nominal rent for the new headquarters at 101 N. Jefferson St., Woodstock, is being paid. It will be open Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Out of every dollar membership, about fiteen cents goes for the cost of printing and mailing annual meeting notices, and dues notices and the sending of the membership card showing dues paid. Therefore prompt renewals saves the cost of follow up notices. GARDEN CLUB ENJOYS WILD FLOWER WALK The McHenry Garden club met for luncheon and a brief business meeting in lieu of a regular May meeting. Following the luncheon they proceeded to the grounds of Richard Babcock on Fleming road for a wild flower walk. Mrs. Hettie Reichow of Chicago, Miss Maude Granger and Mrs. Henry McMahon of McHenry were guests. Mr. Babcock has collected his flowers from far and near andhas naturalized them throughout his grounds. It was a. wonderful experience for all who were able to attend. Many of the flowers members have admired in pictures, which are on the conservation list for Illinois and cannot be picked because of their scarcity, were seen in bloom by many for the first time. The next meeting will be held on June 23, with the place to be announced at a later date. Plans will be finalized for the annual card party to be held on July 13 at the home of Mrs. Marshall Leonard on Pistakee Bay. M.Y.F. NEWS Sunday, June 5, there will be no M.Y.F. meeting at Mt. Hope church, but anyone who is willing may baby-sit at the church. MEMORIAL STATUE AT MARIAN HIGH IS DEDICATED A formal dedication of the memorial statue for Steve Conerty and Larry Millsap class of 1963, and Patricia Todey and Barbara Flynn, Class of 1966, concluded the May procession that took place on Tuesday afternoon at Marian high school. Senior class officers, Mike McCarthy, president; Gail Gallagher, vice-president; Pat Foran, treasurer; Julie Sladek, secretary; and Sharon Dam and John Hinner, social chairmen, placed a wreath before the statue of Our Lady of Grace. The memorial was erected in memory of the four students who .were killed in automobile accidents while attending Marian. B e f o r e t h e p r o c e s s i o n , a Mass was said by Father Daniel Tranel, chaplain of Marian. Because this was the last Mass at Marian in which the members of the Class of 1966 participated, the seniors, dressed in their caps and gowns, led the Act of Consecration to the Blessed Virgin. Among the hymns that traditionally are sung as a part of the May procession were "Immaculate Mary," the Lourdes Hymn, "Ave Maria", and "Hail Holy Queen." A spiritual retreat will be "conducted for seniors by Fathers Daniel Tranel and Thomas Dempsey on Wednesday. Held at a summer home near Hebron, the retreat will consist mainly of talks, discussions and a Mass.! GLORIA FLANNIGAN NAMED REGENT IN WOMEN OF MOOSE Gloria Flannigan was elected senior regent of McHenry Chapter, No. 1348, Women of the Moose, at a recent meeting. Named to office with her were Ila Hogan, junior regent; Marcella Strossner, chaplain; Jeanette Koerpper, treasurer; and Eileen Hodgson, recorder. Installation will be held at the Moose home on Rt. 120 Saturday, June 18, at 7:30 p.m., with the Loyal Order of Moose members acting as escorts. Dancing and the serving of refreshments will follow the ceremony. An anniversary party will be held at the lodge Saturday, June 25, at 8 p.m. in commemoration of the lodge's fourteenth anniversary. Dancing will be part of the evening's diversion. The next meeting of the W.O.T.M. will be held Tuesday, June 7, , at 8:30, with enrollment planned. Altar and Rosary Sodality To Meet The Altar and Rosary sodality of Christ the King church, Wonder Lake, will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, June 2, in the parish hall. A short film will be shown and refreshments will be served. Mrs. A. Shrosbree, president, will present the program for the year. SHOP IN McHENRY ® i ? GLAMOR FOR YOUR EARS Come on . . dare to be current. Exciting mVtal and pretty plastic loops. In pierced or clip on styles. McHenry, 111. June 3-4 Rummage Sale Old Fire House, Burton's Bridge -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Sponsored by Orchard Heights „ Property Owners Association. June 4 Rummage Sale -- 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. -- Eastwood Manor Barn -- Sponsored by Eastwood Manor Property Owners Association. Talent Search Performers Appear at McHenry Theatre-- 8:45 p;m. Rummage Sale --Conducted by Lilymoor Woman's Auxiliary -- Picnic Grounds, Club Lilymoor -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 7 R.Nj\. Camp, No. 3251, Meeting --Mary Kantorski Home, 5310 W. Parkview -- 8 p.m. j-. June 11-12 Holiday Hills Rummage Sale --Ranch House, River Road and Sunset Drive -- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday; 9 a.m. to noon, Sunday. June 16 . Joyce Kilmer Court, No. 573, C.D. of A., Business Meeting and Installation of Officers -- Pot-Luck at 6:30; Meeting, 8 p.m. -- K. of C. Hall. July 13 1 Yoyce Kilmer Court, No. 573, C.D. of A.. Annual Picnic -- McHenry Park. fBIRTHSH McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eickoff of Crystal Lake are parents of a son born May 23. A daughter was born May 25 to Mn and Mrs. Edward Panek of fpring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elia announce the birth of a son, May 25. An Algonquin couple,;.", Mr. and Mrs. James Hager^ are parents of a son May 28.* Mr. and "Mrs. Chester Boling welcomed a son May 29. On May 29 a daughte*"-wa? borh to Mr. and Mrs. ^T$Vnes Farragh of Lake Zurich.**- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Justeri announce the birth of a son May 29. A daughter was born May 29 to Mr. and Mrs. John Perry, Me morial Hospital, Woodstock On May 2, 7a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kozy. Mr. and Mrs. David Granniss became parents of a daughter on May .29. OPEN HOUSE An open house will be held for Sister Andreella on Thursday. June 9, at 8 :.'i0 o'clock in St. Mary's school gym. The many friends Sister Andreella has made over the past twenty- seven years are invited to attend and honor her on her fiftieth year in the convent. Thank You FOR MAKING OUR GRAND OPENING SUCH A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS. WE SINCERELY APPRECIATED MEETING ALL THE WONDERFUL " PEOPLE WHO STOPPED IN AT OUR STORE THANKS AGAIN Ted & Mary Ted's Bootery 1246 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY B A I K I N G For real convenience--do all your banking In one place: here \ \ XL WALK-UP & DRIVE-IN WINDOWS OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. m State lank "Where Family Money Matters" PHOWE 385-1040