Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1966, p. 20

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Section Thie* <^~Pege<Slx THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, June 9,1966 LAKEUNI PARK NEWS Carole Humann - 885-1605 -- Barbara Meurer - 385-4356 MAY REGISTER FOR SWIM LESSONS SATURDAY JUNE 11 r • * An open registration for ^wimming lessons wiilbe held on this coming Saturday, June ^1, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the community house. Ahyorie who has not registered theit* children and is unable to take advantage of Saturday's open registration may register their Children at the homes of the committee members until June 15. After this date, absolutely no applications will be accepted. . ..... >v ; .. The members of tBe committee are as follows; Ahji Wohnrade, 1715 North Avenue; Petey Oakford, 4700 Bonder Jj>rive; Barbara Meurer, 4814 Prairie; Delores Rogers, 4316 Shore Drive; Jessie Matthews, 4616 Willow Lane; Arlene Bartos, 5301 Shore Drive; and Carole Humann, 5003 Willow Lane. There are applications appearing in the LPPOA Newsletter and can also be obtained from committee members: Children eligible for kindergarten this fall and incuding the age of 16 will be accepted. Woman's Club /The Lakeland Park Woman's Club celebrated their tenth anniversary last Thursday at their final meeting of the year. Lyda Radisch presented a resume of the history of the club with some delightful memories being brought, to mind. There was also a lot of hard work involved with ^^veryone pitching in to make Teach ' project a success. In 1958, $1,000 was given to the.. Lakeland Park Property Board as their first contribution to' the community house. Each year, another thousand was given to the board to pay off tjie. mortgage until April of i965 when three thousand was "given to complete the mortgage payments. Meanwhile, Jthey also supplied the mone^r? for floor tile, counter tops, coffee urns, NEW |^QPEI*65P: i ' DHY COPIER " j Yiu Are Cordially Invited to A Special Presentation and Demonstration of A. B. DICK Product & Equipment to be held at The 1BERS Alter. Rt. 14 & 47 Woodstock, 111. from 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday June 15 & IS iSTl IS Billy Casper, Jr. will defend his Western Open drown against the stars of pro golf at famous Medinah Country Club #3 course on June 23, 24, 25, 26. Tickets now available by mail from Westefitt-Golf Assn., Golf, I1L---orv-call KE 9-4600. ' ' '• h --• I DAILY V ADMISSION PRICE JUNE 23 & 24 JUNE 25 & 26 #;oo4 dishes, potiPand pans, draperies, and so on. There has been a lot of hard work put into the Woman's club, but there has also been much fun and fellowship. The meeting ended with a' Sing-along and the women enjoyed a special anniversary cake and coffee. „ Annual Smorgasbord June 25 Coming up this month on June 25 is our annual smorgasbord. There will be 2 servings at 5 p.m. and at 6 p.m. Anyone wishing tickets or who w&uld like to make reservations can call Wanda Stupey at 385-7195 or Barbara Meurer at 385-4356. We can only seat eighty at each serving so if you know you are coming at a certain time it would be wise to get your reservations in as soon as possible. Members of the Woman's club will be called next week for donations. Anyone else who has a special dish they would like to contribute can call Barbara at 385-4356. Community House Schedule Wednesday, June 8-8 p.m., Open house for Democratic Candidate. Thursday, June 9 - Graduation party - 4:30 p.m. Saturday, June 11 - 1 to 3 p.m. - Open registration for swimming instructions. Monday, June 13 - Boy Scouts 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, June 14 - Primary Election - 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 15 - Regular board meeting. Deepest Sympathy Our very deepest sympathy goes to the Prazak family on the death of Agnes's dad, Henry Slechta, who passed away last Saturday morning. Grandpa Henry, as he was known around here will be missed by young and old alike. Little League Schedule Tomorrow, June 10, is the opening day of the Little League season with the Braves playing the pirates in the Majors and the Orioles vs Tigers for the Minors. Week d a y games start at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday games start at 1 p.m. The Major league teams play at the community house field and the Minor league teams play at the old field on Shore Drive and Central avenue. Major league schedule: June 12 - Orioles vs TIGERS, June 13 - Pirates vs. Orioles, June 14 - Tigers vs Braves, June 16 - Tigers vs Pirates. Minor league schedule: June 12 - Braves vs Pirates, June 13 - Tigers vs Braves, June 14 - Pirates vs Orioles, June 16 - Braves vs Orioles. Parents!! Come rout and watch your boys play. Baby Roy Jari and Bob Ko^y- are the parents of a baby boy born on May 27 at the Woodstock hospital. Robert Alan weighed in at 8 lbs., 7 oz. and is 22 inches long. His ^sister, Terri, has been anxiously waiting the arrival and I'm sure will do her share of spoiling him. Congratulations to the whole family. Birthday Wishes *' Belated birthday wishes go to Marie Matchen who celebrated her birthday and her anniversary on June 1. Sorry we missed your day but we wish you the very best and also a happy anniversary to you both. June 10 has Steve Plucinski celebrating his twelfth birthday and on June 11, Marge Franklin, Judy Janczak, Loretta Jarman and Donald Prazak will all add another year with Donald Prazak turning 12. June 12 has Tommy Daurio and Mickey: Gladman adding another year. June 14, Angie Harper will be 7, and Paul and Kim Cynowa both share the same day with Paul becoming 8 and Kim 4. Girl Scout Troop 320 Last week our meeting was held at Mrs. George's backyard. We played Steal the Bacon and Red Rover while the girls who hadn't cooked on their tin can stoves before got to use them. After that we went to our badge groups to work on our badges. There will be no meeting this Thursday. On Saturday we all went to the Wisconsin Dells on a chartered bus. The first thing we did was to go on a boat trip through the Dells. At the first stop the paths were very narrow and damp and cold., We saw many formations of rocks that looked like things. One looked like a giant shield. Every year swallows come back to- make their nests in the rocks. On the last stop we saw a dog that jumps from a cliff to a rock formation and back again. He always made it but we were worried. Next we went to a fort where we got marshall's badges and m o u s t a c h e s . I t s h o w e d h o w men lived during the Civil War. We helped the sheriff capture Black Bart and then went on a stage coach and a train ride. \ye saw Indian dances which were the Friendship dance, and the Eagle Dance. The Chief did animal noises and the girls all got to dance too. We had our picture taken with Chief Evergreen Tree and talked to him for a while. We went through an escape tunnel under the ground. We stopped at a hamburger stand on the way home for our supper. We had a good time and were glad we could go. Mrs. Dowell. Mrs. Johnson, and Mrs. Biermann went with us. Respectfully submitted, Cathy Humann, Scribe. Strolling Through the Park Susie Barwig celebrated her third birthday on Memorial Day. She was the guest of honor at a party given by her aunt and uncle Judy and Ray Widhalm. Helping the little eutie to mark the momentous occasion were her grandparents, Mr. and Mps. Edward Barwig, and her dad, Ron, and Billie and Donna. Also there was uncle Ray's mom, Mrs. Frances Widhalm, and Tom. Belated anniversary greetings to Judy and Ray Widhalm who celebrated three years of nuptial joy on June 1. Get-well wishes go to Carole Matthews who is broken out with chicken pox. Rose Oswald had a very pleasant birthday celebration on May 31 with her daughter, Mary Ann Hinds, and her husband, Charles, calling her from out of state to wish her a happy birthday and her grandson Bud Druml's fiancee, Sally Zamora, calling from Texas. They also had a house full of company with her daughter, Blanche, and husband, Ed Geishecker, and their five daughters as well as a girl friend of one, and Donna and little David Druml spending the day, with Kay and Ed and their boys Dennis and Kevin coming in the evening. It made for a very hectic but nice Memorial day and birthday combined. Ann Kroening was guest of honor at an open house celebration last Saturday following the graduation exercises at St. Patrick's church. A delicibus buffet was served and enjoyed by her many relatives and neighbors. Much luck to you Ann in the coming years. . Other eighth grade graduates from St. Patrick's school last Saturday were Kevin Lavin, Mark Bartos, Kenny Becker and former resident, Mary Uttich. , Kenny Becker was guest of honor at an open house held on Sunday with all his relatives partaking of the delicious spread which was on hand. I understand a rousing game. of baseball was played by the men and boys. Speaking of baseball, enjoying? a double header at Sox park last Sunday were Bob Matthews and Marv George along with their sons, Bobby, Steve and Dave, and their boyfriends, Jim Lightner, Tommy Giacomo and Alan Meurer. Judy Johnson celebrated her seventh birthday on Monday afternoon with a hen party attended by neighbors and some friends from school. They were served the traditional party fare for little girls and played some games. Helping her to celebrate were Beth Ann, Shelley and Trudy Koch, Linda Humphries, Debbie and Laurie Krier and Cathy Musaliag and other school friends. Julie Perry added another year onto her growing collection of birthdays. As a consolation prize she was taken out to dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Perry and Aunt Betty. In spite of it all she and Bill had a good time. s The Perrys attended a family picnic on Memorial Day near Zion. Julie's mom, Mrs. Mole, is visiting with relatives while here on a two week vacation from her home in Florida. Art and Gladys Hafer visited with friends in Manitowoc, ff'Avaiiablfl in advance for Jb.90 | WCA HdiaqiiarlBfS Your Eager Beaver F&MI9 Dealer says: M ##• This Is Ford Country where you F@M in m, U and wa 0 0 0 you can save on hardtops, convertibles I wagons! Your choice-specially equipped Galaxie 500 2 Door Hardtops, Convertibles and big Ford Ranch Wagons at special prices. Or Fairlane 500 Hardtops and Convertibles. Prices include sporty extras, too-- wheel covers, whitewalls, special trim. Come to Ford Country-save on every car in stock! r for QUIET QUALITY buy FORD see your 0 Eager Beaver FCmU Dealer SAL 3936 W. Main Street McHenry, 111. Wis., over the Memorial Day weekend. Get-well wishes to Randy Veenhuis who is at Woodstock hospital: The little guy became ill while on ^ trip in Oregon. Hope he recovers soon. ° It was ladies night out for the wives of some poker players, The fellows kept- a kitty during the season and treated the gals to dinner at a restaurant in Wilmot. Doris and Bill Schabow, Dolores and Glenn Belohlavy and Bill and Betty B o c k m a n w e r e a m o n g t h e group. Bill and Julie Perry attended a , wedding reception in North Chicago for his cousin, Carol Vandermark. Bill's sister, Betty, caught the bride's bouquet. Congratulations to Gloria Flannigan who was elected Regent of the Women of the Moose for the coming year. Penny and Don Veenhuis were guests of Cynowas on Saturday evening for a cookout. It was a welcome home party for Penny. Also there was Walt Davis of Woodstock. A group of ladies spent the afternoon at a posh restaurant in Dundee last week. They were having a last of the season . get-together for the ladies of their church circle. Enjoying the style show and dinner were Ann Herzog, Ivy Lezak, Lyda Radisch and Gladys Hafer. The Cynowa family, excluding Craig, who went to Grandma's, flew to Peoria over the holiday weekend to visit old neighbors, Mary Ann and Jake Mahoney. They had a grand time sight-seeing, eating and gossiping. The flight back would be better forgotten as the weather was pretty rough and not quite a pleasure for the novice flyers. Get-well wishes to Shirley Hutt who is nursing a whiplash and wearing a neck brace. While out for a Sunday drive, they were struck from the rear at a stop sign in Genoa City. Hope you get a cooler collar soon. Congratulations are in order for Ray Bottari who was named to the All-Conference team of the Suburban Catholic b&seball league. His position is catcher. Gail Hutt clebrated hfeiJi third birthday a few days late with the help of her old cronies. On hand for the ice cream and cake were Lisa, Timmy and Randy Castro. Michael and Michelle Wohlert, Sandy and Billy Wohlert, Barbie, Susie and Bobby Fout, Kenny Bottari, Ray Roach, Tammy and Todd Stoltz, Colleen Sweeney and naturally, her big brother, Bob Hutt. All the thorns were on hand to keep law and order and to imbibe in a little "coffee- clatching" themselves. The Laursen family attended a boil voyage party for Grandma Laursen and then wished her farewell at the train depot in Chicago as she embarked on a trip to Denmark. Wilma Atkinson and Marion Duffy attended a baby shower in Lyons on Sunday for Wilma's niece, Jackie Maggi. They were served a delicious buffet dinner and ohed! and ahed! over all the tiny baby duds. Grandma Hutt is visiting for the week. They'll have a busy time of it- with a graduation" in Round Lake and another in Grayslake for grandchildren. Earl and Dorothy Dowell and son, Wade, and Judi Freund and Mary Burrafato visited Butch over the Memorial Day weekend. They picked him up at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland, where he is stationed and then spent the* weekend in Washington, D.C. sightseeing. They visited the Capitol and Arlington cemetery and the Smithsonian institute, plus all the rest of the monuments and sights of interest. Quite a weekend. Wade Dowell is leaving from Milwaukee for Lackland Air Force Base iji Texas on Thursday where he will begin basic training in the Air Force. He went to West Frankfurt with Judi to visit with his grandmother on Saturday. The Dowells really spread out in all directions on Saturday. Earl visited daughter, COnnie McDonough, and her husband in Mahomet, and Dorothy and the girls accompanied the Girl Scouts pn their trip to the Dells^' ROBERT FLETCHER RECEIVES DEGREE FROM AUSTIN PEAY Atotal of 280 students will receive--degrees from Austin Peay State college on Friday, June 3. The thirty-seventh annual commencement got under way at 11:30 a.m. at a luncheon in the college cafeteria. A reception for the candidates and their families was held later, followed by commencement exercises at 7 p.m. at the athletic field on the northwest comer of the campus. Robert Glenn Fletcher of McHenry was a member of the senior class. - WE tlX - Screens & Storm Windows fit Aluminum and Wood Pick Up Your Bingo Cards at RUCK'S HAtDWARE 3902 W. Main Street McHenry RAYMOND A. MURmY REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR THIASyiiSt Of McHenry County EXPERIENCED AND QUALIFIED IN COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Your Vote and Support Appreciated Got the itch to switch to Gas heat? Weill put up the scratch There's no reason to wait another day to convert to economical, comfortable gas heat. We'll finance the conversion. No down payment. No payments until October 1,1966. Up to five years to pay. Payments as low as $3 a month. Your heating contractor will handle the simple details of application for financing, and make the changeover to gas heat at your convenience. Since the conversion work usually can be done in a single day, you can begin enjoying gas heat immediately. If you prefer to wait until after the heating season, make arrangements for the conversion with your contractor before his busy fall schedule. (And while you're at it consider an add-on gas air conditioning unit.) Call your heating contractor for details. When you switch to gas heat you'll be following the modern trend. In our territory 99 of 100 new homes come with gas heat. 80 per cent of all homes have it. GAS--Your biggest heating bargain. Annual Heating Costs* Savings with Gas Gas $132 $ Oil 224 92 Coal (hand-fired) 227 95 Electric (resistance) 453 321 -v. -n *Fuel costs for typical, insulated home with basement. NORTHERN A ILLINOIS flCSAS CCJMPANY

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