Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1966, p. 10

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. * ' s r - ' - • • Two -- Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, June 16,1966 McCdllom Lake News irtrte lejv ttsttu S85-S191 CULLOM-KNOLL PLANS JULY 4 CELEBRATION Something new ^has been added to the events sponsored by the Cullom-Knoll with plans for a gala 4th of July. According to chairman Ray Lary and his helpers. Bill Gleeson and Ken Betts, there will be games for the public, swimming, dancing and plenty of vittles to tempt the palate. Liquid refreshments will include pop and beer. All kinds of prizes will bo offered Snd it should prbve to be a day of fun for the entire family. Members of the Cullom-Knoll were busy last Sunday morning preparing the beach for the exciting months ahead. The men began repairing the raft. They removed the styrofoam floats and will'install oil drums for better balance. The committee offers orchids to Gene Huff for his donation of paint and brushes for the equipment and to the people who donated the oil drums. When the crew finishes its work, the beach and park will be a place for fun all summer. Board Submits Arterial Streets for State Approval Several more roads in the village were designated arterial streets in the village and have been submitted to Springfield for state approval. If the road extensions are approved, motor fuel tax funds can be used for their repair. The action was taken at the last meeting of the president and trustees! held Monday, June 6, in the beachhouse. All. trustees were present with the exception of Rich Johnson and Mrs Lois Parenti took over the Bateman. chores of village clerk for Mrs. President Art Stuhlfeier commended' Chief Earl Murray and Officer Greg Burg, Jr., who stayed on duty all through the violent storm of May 23, watchirig for damage. Road . commissioner Harry Lock reported that work on Spring Road has top priority now that the strike has ended. A crew was out last Thursday and began grading the road which tftakes it in usable con* dition on&e more. A liquor license will be issued to the Cullom-Knoll association for the annual summer festival. Mr. Lock also reported that new signs will be installed at the east and west approaches to the village. The next meeting will be held Monday, June 20, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. The public is invited. picnic benches and beach equipment. The Cullom-Knoll is supplying the paint, bjut the gals are asked to bring a "baggie" lunch. Mothers with wee ones can watch them play while they contribute a us&tul service to their community. Barbara Thacker is in charge of the paint detail. Ladies of the Lake At the last meeting before s u m m e r a d j o u r n m e n t h e l d Thursday, June 10, a committee to handle the bake sale for the Cullom-Knoll festival was namd and include Marie McKim, Kathy Aubin," Gertrude Murphy, Alice Gustafson, Carrie Kurth, Lois Parenti and Emma Pyritz. The women will be asking for cake donations for the sale, so keep plenty of baking powder and flour on hand. Emma Pyritz and Mary Kantorski will submit a slate of candidates for the fall election. -v.. During the soclb.1 hour, Emma Pyritz, Alice Gustafson, Magda Berglund, Carrie Kurth. Marie McKim, Kathy Aubin, Gertrude Murphy, P e t e y Schmidt, and Adele Fusciani pocketed the prizes. Lois Parenti and Emma Pyritz supplied the "tasty pastry". Ruffles *N' Bmvs For Young Couple Marilyn and Chuck Caddy are thrilled with the birth of their first born--Lisa Christine-- who made her appearance at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, last Thursday, June 10, shortly after 1 a.m A petite - charmer, she tipped the scales at 6 lbs., 13 oz. and measured 20 inches. The maternal grandparents live in North Dakota and the paternal grandmother is Mrs. Christiansen of Antioch. Congratulations to the happy new parents. Receives B.8. Degree Young John Boyle is a proud man these days with the acquisition of his brand new sheepskin, declaring that he received his bachelor of science degree. He completed his four years at Loyola University and the commencement program was held at McCormick Place. Attending the program at 2 p.m. were his proud parents--Lorraine and John Boyle, little brother .Bobby, and just as nroud grandparents - Carrie and Frank Kurth. 1 John will be very busy in the next few weeks seeking interviews at medical schools He is well on his way towards that M.D. degree. Joint Career For Former Residents Mr. and Mrs. Ray DeWift who left the village for Hialeah. Florida, in May, graduated iit the top of their class from the Florida Institute for hotel and motel management recently. They comoleted one year of home study and then had' two weeks of formal schooling. They were placed immediately and now manage a 32 unit motel in Hialeah. Ray still find it necessary to "baby" the ankle he broke last summer during a motor scooter- accident. Donna and Tom Kascprowicz hope to visit his parents next January. The two young people have moved 18, for their grand opening of their new establishment. They will also celebrate Father's Day for Earl and Elma's birthday, which is June 19- Loads of luck and best wishes for two. fine folks. into the former DeXVitt home and -just LOVK- it! Tonsillectomies" For Two Two ol our village small fry are nursing s'>re 1 tiro'its these days following surgery for removal of their tonsils at Mc- Henry hospital last week. First to go under the knife was Stephen Brendle last Thursday. Wendy Cunninghrun had her operation last Saturday, and; tained his mother, sister, came home Sundyy . looking j daughter, and grandson. Mrs. wan and peaked. By this read- j Fricke, Mildred Daker (recenting. ihry should be just about j jy bereaved when her compan- WelcoUie Weekend Visitors Dewey Fricke stocked the larder with goodies for his weekend guests when he entercompletely recovered. Sincere Apologies To the family ,of Mrs. Frances Aumann who passed away in Wisconsin last week. We erroneously printed her children as brothers 'and sisters. It should have read sons, Alphonse of O.eTioa City. Frank of L.ake\vood Road, and Joseph, of Chicago. Her daughters are Sally Sullivan of Chicago and Anne Epp, Roselle. Three Hay .Celebration For Weekend El ma and Earl Nelson are spreading the "welcome mat" at the Forum Saturday, June ion in_ fun, Al, passed away) and Lorraine Blum handled the housewife chores for Dewey and he was pleased to re-, linquish his kitchen to the wom- GraduaieS With Honors Pam ParHmsrst was feted by her mom and dad, Virginia and Frank Delia, ^last Sunday with an "open house". On Friday of last week, the young woman graduated from Mc- Henry high school with high honors. Natal "Da?e" 'N' Mat Milestones Three candles on the cake COURT BRIEFS Thomas B. Malone, 605= S. Ashland, LaGrange, pleaded guilty to speeding in Judge John Kaufman's court last Thursday and was fined $10 and $5 costs. Pleading guilty to a charge of speeding "Henry W Kozubal, 1404 Park street, McHenry, refer Denise Parenti, June 17... Tammy White will be 7 on June 18,.. Cousins Janet and Kathy Murray will be 19 on the 19th and natal day congrats to Elma Nelson and Len Jensen. Jr., this date...Marie and Vic Howe are wed 30 years, 33 for Shirley and Lenny Jensen, Sr. and 20 years of matrimony for Dorie and Bill Brennan, all on June 21...Colleen Gedina turns 8 and Jeanette and Ed Whitney will be married 14 years on June 22. Best wishes to all. Pain tin 'Party Gals in the community are Invited to a painting party tomorrow, Friday, at 10 a.m Happy to report it has nothing to do with cosmetics but concerns the paintinting of the TICKETS AND RESEIMONS for AIRPLANES - RAILROADS STEAMSHIPS - CRUISES TOURS - HOTELS U-DRIVE CARS Save Time and Phone Calls your authorized travel agent CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE S405 W. E,m8t- timfc McHenry cy fl if ".»» 885-7500 (No charge for our service) The Newest and Most Exciting of Water Sports * Designed for the Beginner as well as the experienced diver. Simple and Economical to operate. Twin air compressors plus two 25-foot lengths of vinyl hose Two full-face masks, back harnesses and diver's flag. Simple easy to understand instructions. Made by EVINRUDE %mw ONLY A i Now on display at H BRIDGE MARINE Easl End ol Old Bridge -- McHenry PHONE 385-3360 With summer vacation in full swing, the sound oL^hildren playing is great. Plelise watch the driving, so that none will be injured. See y u next week! ceived a fine of $20 and $5 costs. For not having a flag on a projected load Herman F. Brown. 3607 W, Ann street, McHenry, pleaded guilty and was assessed $20 and $5 costs. 1 nyside drive, McHenry, graded guilty to Pealing^ ceived costs. Michael W. Davis, 401 Blackhawk, Carpentersville, pleaded guilty to speeding and drew a fine of $14 and $5 costs. Pleading guilty to disobeying a stop sign cost Elinor A. Brill, 702 N. Oriole Trail, McHenry, $10 and $5 costs. Richard A. Wolf, 104 W. Sunfirie of $10 arid-15 SEItVE CONGREGATION Twenty-four congregations of The American L u t h eran Church, many of them inner city parishes, this summer will employ thirty-one college' students who hive been trained [or census work and for assisting |Wcal parish evangelism committees. Shepherd of "the Hills Lutheran Church in ~ McHenry is one of the congregations to be served ^ ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY RUDY BECKER'S KENNELS I Mile East of Skyline Drive-Ill PHONE 385-2488 BOARDING AND TRAINING Obedience -- Hunting and Retrieving (Large Heated Kennels) -- GROOMING -- More Eat-In The Meat-With Super Righ|Mlll G Not all Grade "A" eggs are alike. To be labeled Grade "A" eggs must meet certain minimum requirements. There is many an egg that can be called Grade "A" that just never could he a Sunnybrook Egg. Sunnybrook Eggs...they're our best. They have to be well above the minimum or they won't make the grade with us. Bfeak one in a pan, notice how proud the yolk sits up. That's the sign of a good egg... a fresh egg... a Sunnybrook Egg. Try Sunnybrook. ' And if you ever find just one egg that doesn't measure up, we'll give you a dozen free. 12 for 1... th at's pretty good odds. Are Sunnybrook Eggs a good reason for shopping A&P? • They're one of many. _ COPYRIGHT 11966.THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TtA CO.. INC. A*P's Super Rotisseri Center Cut t A&P's Super Right--Boneless Swiss Steak isneless Top Round Steak BoiiBess Cube Steak Fr®§fe ©rtiii Itiii Steak Lasf® Chunk Bologna A&P's Super Right Top Quality Rutnp, Top Round or Sirloin Tip--Boneless Rolled & Tied AtP's Super Right Right lb. AftP'c i Super Right Ib.t Corned Fish Sticks ScaiSop Dinners Fresl Pan Ready Smelts Pan Umif faring Brisket Vacuum Pale 10-ox. pkg. Cap'n John's lb Fr uits & Vegetables 36 Size SOUTHERN GROWN -- FRESH PEACHES Ciliftriii CiitiSoupes Juicy, Sweet Sold In Bulk on Fine Groceriei%fljf>>is" i-'»- L MAUL CIGARETTES $46 PLAIN er RiTBt TIP The Number J Cigtrelte in Amrrict! Regularly $2.15 ITCCIAl M lUINOtS ITOCfS OMIT CTN. OF 10 PKGS. DEL MONTI PfNEAPPlf-GRAPEFRUIT A cooling, healthful summer* time drink for the whole familyl 46_e« Regularly 3/$1.00 can INK ' Dairy Foods! Pel U16SWD /\np q~d 3r lb. ttosa Spread 2 loaf •rick <££1 Cheese lerdea's Wake-Up S J191 89* fc.75' Each egg is guaranteed am m~~ f DOZEN IN CAl?ON 45 Buy Now and SAVE .Regularly 65c -- Save 16c 12-os. can Hormel Spam 49 Delicious Dissert 0/39e -0 • Strawberry • Orange • Lemon • Others 3 oz. pkg. 9 Bakery Buys! mmma m/m,: Qoo-CC: JMM &&=£> SCX Paifcw <£sa Cfctrry Pi* Cm hM JSL £r,45' •wCdts -.49* flood 79* J Wife lr$«d iVIodo With QwMoTmiBc Jane Parker irand Reg. 25c SAVE 6c 2C-oz. loaf 19 Frozen Foods! libby't Iffco} Drinls 10* finMlMM 2 £35- Cngffil [}m ****** CINNAMON (Ac UsW • tOilS pfcg. vf IKum* 11-oz. 45' Fruit Pies FROZEN Stokely Qremdl Bari§€ie Sauce ££ '!T' 29* 0»r tea Tea Isfs 59* lvap@gifil 29* HnWiiiLN,j. IUMmmfmgmWmtMmmt l1i0e Ketslijp £ 2 35* SaEssi iressing ^ £ 49* Nt©fe st 29- sCpmamgnIUerHnI wnnrMmml 4 fc. F[i Regularly $1.99 -- Save 20c O'CfesI C 20-ox. Crest Fffliiily To®flp®sfe %r69* lorco Sfeo ConciiMe S^enpoo^69* Liquid Shamp@@ ^ 9* f my isodwsiit ^ 89* j P8.AY AWARDS & PRIZi§ HI if) to *I!| PIUS 1,000's OF A&P PRODUCTS ClIP THESE COUPONS TO HELP YOU er • Facsimile of These Newspaper Coupons V FR0ZIE3 •RANGE mm h APril SAUCE Pick Up Your Card at AftP for Complete Details r i CASE V Chidcen of VA-n. PA. IUINI the Sea can Dl omirt StRAlNB VAtwmt SAM Wm I HBBfs Tomato fteSe Ksiafs Tomato Savce A<§®d Sharp Che&^ar s Brotien Coffee 31 *219 10 98c Stouffers iplnael Souffle 'ST 49* Keeleswi Lemon 1stm 59* 86 Baby JaitM :&• 5 49« Thomas J. Webb Csf^o 21 2^.43' 4 £ S9C 4 *~49c Slewed Tomatoes '^29* McCormi£& fed tdm ££. IT 19s Mai's Pi Mr. Mb Alka-Selfzer PurnlHire Wax X47« 89* 7-e*. she MM* AATsMeceeM 3S<K. ST73* Wwoii'sGfanle Mist Tz& 59* Fleecy liiite Bleach %49* Northeni Bathroom TissM 4,S39C Ssowy Clothes Bleach CaSif. l@sa K 45* vnc«uar Fresh Calif. Santa R@sa Cheese 69^ Blueberries 39! Red Plums 29^

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