Thursday, June 16,1968 THE McHENRV PLAINDEALER SeetlenTwo -- Pige Thr«o WOMAN'S CLUB HAS DELEGATES AT CONVENTION The diamond jubilee convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs was held in in the Hilton hotel in Chicago •from Monday, June 6, through .Friday, June 10. Delegates from the McHenry Woman's club were Mrs..- Hugh Locker, president, Mrs. Donald Gerlitz, first vice-president, with Mrs. Frank Gans, second vicepresident, attending As an alternate. The General' Federation of Women's Clubs is a multimil- * ,l}9n*member global organization of more than 16,000 " blubs the fifty states and fifty- » five other countries. Monday night, June 6, was • Illinois, Night, at which time . Mrs. Locker, Mrs. Gerlitz and • Mrs. Gans were hostesses re- : presenting the Eleventh Dis- « trict of the Illinois Federation • at a reception in the grand • b a l l r o o m h o n o r i n g M r s . • William H. Hasebrook, Presi- *: dent of the General Federation. ; Mrs. William H. Hasebrook » of West Point, Nebr, was in spotlight* of the convention as this concluded her tenure as federation president. Singled out as special accomplishments during her administration were the establishment of the Congressional Medal of Honor grove' and the Archives building at Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pa., a$i50,000 project dedicated Ai village in Korea as "ah Memorial Day; and the Shin example of our international concern." Shin Ai, she explained, is a widows' village of fifty homes near Seoul. "Our clubs contributed' $10,000 to purchase materials for houses and buildings and establish courses for community training in sanitation tor these women, widows of war victims, and their children who have been enduring almost unbelievable hardships." J Climaxing the finai session on Friday night was an ins p i r a t i o n a l a d d r e s s b y T h e Honorable Richard M. Nixon. The General Federation will have its own five-cent stamp in September to commemorate its seventy-fifth anniversary. On the stamp will appear a design created by Charles Henry Carter, a New York City artist, showing two women -- one in wasp-waist gown with leg o'mutton Buy NOW During Our 4 - PLY - TUBELESS BLACKWALLS 6.00x13 ~ $17.40 6.50x13 $18.40 7.00x13 $19.80 7.50x14 7.75x14 _ $11.85 8.00x14 8.25x14 $20oll 8.50x14 8.55x14 $21.80 ' 6.50x15 . ... $18o^© 6.70x15 $19.35 6.70xl5-T.T $15.50 Add $1.50 for Whttewalb -- All Prices Plus Tax True?! & TTrasfor All Sizes BATFiiiiS 6 or 12 Volis Up to $5.00 Trade-In sleeves, Wearing . a Gay '90s hat and carrying a parasol, the other in modish sheath, circa 1966--their- costuhnes indicating the span" of federation history. Between them, framed in an oval, will appear the words, "75 Years of Service for Freedom and Growth," the theme of the diamond jubilee celebration. This was no small recognition that came to the General federation for selection of commemorative stamps is limited to fifteen out of hundreds of requests. Shop In McHenry RESCIND SUSPENSION. Secretary of State Paul Powell today announced the drivers license division of his office has rescinded the suspension of the license of Charles F. Gale, 5108 Hilltop drive, Wonder Lake. This action was taken following review of record which disclosed that one of Gale's three offenses is not of such nature as to indicate a disrespect for traffic law and a disregard for the safety of other persons on the highway. c lire Mart 3931 W. Main St. NEW ACE tyJcdeA{LSiQO>lj KEEPS BASEMENT WALLS DRy fiiiafwtf 3 YEARS 3 98 GAL Forms a smooth, waterproof finish on Interior and exterior concrete, brick, etc. Brush right over damp or uncured surfaces. Fills pin holes, masks imperfections. Contains tough synthetic rubber and cementitious material. Choose from many interior colorsl m Act) Hardware 8729 W. EDlm, McHenry 885-0722 RIGID-FRAME GARAGES One-Car . With Storage <• "RIGID-FRAME" Construction. It's new -- and so different -- and -- will save time ; and money! You can build it yourself on a •; weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build YOUB GAM AGE MOW! We have a Model on Display and Heady for your inspection at our yard. Also available in ' two-car size with storage. : We invite you to . . . COMPARE • the Features! • the Quality! • the Price! No Money Down -- 5 Years to Pay Low Monthly Payments BEST PAINT VALUES JIM MARTIN'S EXTERIOR WHITE HOUSE PAINT Hi Value Hi Gloss Flat Oil gallon gallon gallon '2 *3" »4 BELSON'S j ucnic T ##« MODERN -FOLD Starting at $1995 ECONOMY QUAUTY WALK-IN PICNIC TABLE Belson's MODERN-FOLD picnic table kit makes it so easy for you to assemble your own modern picnic table. Folds flat for storage. Combination of graceful beauty, comfort and long-lasting service. Sled type legs glide easily over lawn or patio. Heavyl6-ga. tubing finished in gleaming galvenize. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424 ,tA- - ft; The Gilt for is a gift Qlciditone • Wemfeley Ties 100 IO«250 * Esquire Socks $100 TO'2#0 * Campus Sweaters SS" TO'S695 • Manhattan Shirts $425TO$600 A $1 TO 495 '229tosS" * SweatShirts $1"TO$2" * Campus S^im Suits $39- to i" * Catalinc Swim Suits 53" TO 395 * Pajamas s349tos5" * Bernwdta Shorts $399To$iSi * MeeLeon IPresf=Pix Pants $^|||| * Levi Casuds - Jeans $450TO$698 * Sport Coats sS5M tos25" * 'Guide Step'Oxfords $U®9 TO s1499 * C.P.O. Jackets '399 , ... Ill " ! i * - iilll s" It! Mi DRESS SHIRTS • BUTTON DOWN • SPREAD • TAB • STRIPES • SOLIDS • OXFORDS • BATISTE • 14 V2 - 17 REGULAR $3.88 to $4.99 the NEW McHenry Ask About Our Charge Accounts 1219 North Green Street PHONE 385-0182