. Thursday# June 16, I960 THEMcHENRY PLAINDEALER Photo by Leonard, McHenry •--t - BIdnde Patty Gray, last year's Miss McHenry, is shown seconds after she placed the ^••2966 crown- on the head of the new title .be arer, Kristine Chelini. The crowning took vvcjjlace at the V.F.W. clubhouse Monday eve ning before a capacity crowd. SayMewpffijpfsr Big Capacity Budget-Priced FRIGIDAIRE Joom Air Conditioner' PHI Model A-12MJ • 11,500 BTU/hr (NEMA) multi-room capacity. • Magnetic front panel lifts off quickly for access to filter. • Washable bactericidetreated filter. -7 0 Adjustable airflow. > Economical 115 volt, . 12 amp. operation. 234 LEE 8c RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front McHenry PHONE 385-0882 Pack 162 The monthly pack meeting of Cub Scout Pack J.62 brought both honor and fun to the boys. Cubmaster Glen Messer reported that the Scout-O-Rama held during April was the most successful ever conducted and that Dens 1 and 5 had the honor pf selling 100 per cent of their tickets. First prize for selling the most tickets in the pack went to Michael Parth of Den 5. Those boys selling ten or more tickets received a special patch for the Cub shirts and all the boys received a patch for participating in the event. The tentative summer schedule will be as follows: June 23, 7:15 p m. Olympic night at McCracken field. There will be broad jump, races, relays, etc., for the boys. All fathers are urged to attend and participate in the judging and scoring. July 24 will i>ring the families together for a pot-luck picnic at Veterans Acres, Crystal Lake. August, the boys will be treated to a Big League baseball game in Chicago. Advancements were awarded to the following boys: Ronald Ahlberg, Bear badge, 1 gold and three silver arrows; Ricky Hirmight and George Lossman, 1-year perfect attendance; Scott Fain, Bear 'oadge, 3-year pin; Chris Durkin, 3-year perfect attendance md 3-year pin; John Meyer, denner stripe; Keigh Drukin, assistant denner stripe. The Cubs presented a skit about the jungle and all repeated the outdoor code in which they promised to "Help Keep America Clean" by using good outdoor manners. iop in cHenry For Your Information Dear friends, It is the inalienable right of every American to have freedom of choice, whether it involves the election of a candidate for political office, the selection of clothing, schools for 10s children, a wedding for his daughter. So it is when it comes to the selection of a funeral. The right remains that of the individual or family to select a funeral service of their choice, at a price they wish to pay, from the funeral director of their choice.. Respectfully, McHenry, Illinois Ambi PE to I SON FUNERM. H0ME Ambulance Service 385-0063 PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less signature, full addreaj and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to, delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) THE ART FAIR "Dear Readers: "On behalf of the members and directors of McH e n r y Chamber of Commerce, we wish to congratulate the women's auxiliary to McHenry hospital on its tenth anniversary of sponsorhip of the McHenry Country Arts Fair which is scheduled to be held June 17, 18 and 19 at McHenry Junior high school. We know co-chairmen Mrs. Lee Cooney and Richard Wilhelm will have the same degree of success previous chairman have attained. "The most important function of a Chamber of Commerce is to present a true and honest image of the finer points of a city or community to the public outside of its community. McHenry county Section Two-PageF^ SHEPHERD OF ? HILLS MARKS ANNIVERSARY One year ago Sunday, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church held its first service in a building so newly constructed the windows were not installed. In this short span of t'me, with the able assistance of Pastor Donald Johnson, this American Lutheran rhission has grown from just a name ^nd a new building into a congregation of 380 baptized, and 208 confirmed members. Received into membership on this anniversary Sunday were Mr . and Mrs. Richard Kropp and son Richard; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Krueger and children, Cheryl Crandell, Marilyn Crandell and Carol Crandell; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shanor and children Nancy, Patty and Barbara; Mr. and Mrs Elmer Wevik an dchildren Judith and Edward, and Mr. and Mrs. William Horyn and daughter, Wendy. The highlight of the anniversary celebration was the dedication of anniversary garden by Pastor Johnson and the congregation. Congregational president Alan Olsen and Co- Chairmen of the property committee, James Widen and William Pinkonsly, Jr., planted the final flowers in the large floral cross. Included in the service of dedication was a scripture reading by Michael Bye and the singing of "The Lord's Prayer" by Phillip Helwig. It is hoped anniversary garden will have an addition each anniversary of the church. DRIVER LICENSE REVOKED; OTHERS ARE SUSPENDED Carl H. George of Marengo has had his driver license revoked for a motor vehicle theft. Suspensions have been ordered for Donald P. Anderson of Algonquin, Christoph Hobson, Richard D. Mills and William F. Hulsey of Crystal Lake, John W. Larak of Cary, Peter H. Malin of McHenry and Charles L Sheets of Woodstock. all for three violations. Probationary permits have been issued to John W. Larak of Cary, Richard D. Mills of Crystal Lake and Howard H. Weiss of 310 N. Country club, McHenry. has been very fortunate in having ten years of promotion and display of high quality ^r| works by your group .Its value in raising th<* cultural level our community is immeasurable. All members of the McHenry Chamber of Commerce are urged to cooperate with your group and wish them continued success , J "Verne A. Thompson, "President "McHenry Chamber of "Commerce" SURANCE ^ Ask about State Farm's easy new monthly pay plan today I Dennis Conway 3315 W. Elm St. Phone 385-7111 STATE 7A03D COMPANIES M©mo ®OTgq3S ©ioorailnstont Illinois 19AT1 IAUI 0 HAND AD'S ALWAYS REMEMBER Hilts for Fathers at... ^TORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St. Phone 385-0047 McHenry* Illinois Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Fridays 'til 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS " USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA •J H WINES and A LIQUORS,Inc. Can Not Be Beat on Liquor Prices WEXL MEET ALL CHICAGO PRICES PH. 456-4050 . 305 VIRGINIA STREET I Adjoining A&P Store) Crystal Lake. 111. Monday thru Thursday 9 a.m. to 10 p,m.; Fridef, Saturday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday 12 to 9 CIGARETTES - *2.59 ALL. POPULAR BRANDS REGULARS KINGS or FILTERS FOR YOUR FATHER'S DAY CELEBRATION Pabit libbon Gettleman's Old Milwaukee Case 24 12-oz. bottles BUDWEISEFt ise 24 -- : Milt Case 12 oz. Cans Hamms Schlitz 24 12-oz bottle case 6 Pak -- Throw-A ways Gettleman's M1CHELOB . . 6 pack 6-pak HAMMS Throw-Away HAMMS We Carry Ponies and Va Barrels TAPPERS Ponies 445 V* Barrels Hemeken Beer - $1.97 6 Pack Blatz - $1.09 6 Pack 16 oz. Cans Meister Brau Drewry's $2.97 Case of 12 oz. Bottles $3.55 Case of 12 oz. Cans 89c - 6 Pack Cans Tuborg Beer - $1.79 6 Pack Schlitz, Millers, Bud, Old Style-99c 6 Pack Throwawayo Pabst Blue Ribbon - 89c 6 Pack Throwwap or Cans Budweiser - $3.19 Cass of 7 oz. Boilli Can asian Bottle* :e Beer 8 PACK ftc Jamaica Jake for Rum & Vodka Drinks PLANTER'S PUNCH DAIQUIRI NAVY GROG SCORPION ZOMBIE 49* Reg. $1.00 value GLENMORE ©IW AW© V€ PARK & TILFORD N or Vi gallon $639 249 ^ - quart Gilbey's Gin & Vodka - $6.97 Hiram Walker's Gin - $6.97 Hiram Walker's Vodka - $6.97 CANADA DRY VODKA - $2.69 fifth $3.39 quart ss andy OLD DOMINION GIN AND VODKA™ - $2.97 qt. -- $2.49 fifth Carry B GORDON'S VODKA - $2.97 fifth Full Line $3.67 qt. «• $8.97 Vi gal. of Coronet LA CONGA RUM-$2.77 fifth Brandy at SICILIAN GOLD - $2.39 fifth Very Low Marsala Wine Prices. OLD FORE: Schenley's ER *14.25 Value Yz GaL Yz gallon $969 97 FIFTH REP SATIN - G&W Straight Whiskey HallerslCobbi Creek Park & liford Reserve WHISKEY Pork & Tilford - $3.39 5th 10 Year Old HENRY McKENNA \ Handmacf# Whiskey $3.17 fifth - ISofl »<§ 12 Yr. Old - Charcoal Perfected J. W. DANT WHISKEY - $3.67 filth Bourbon Smp?©me - $3.39 fifth Ezra Br@@jks - $3.97 fifth PebbleforcL 86 Proof - $2.97 fifth - Chapin & Gore - $3.89 Sfeke & Barry - $2.97 fifth CARSTAIRS WHISKEY Quart $3.59 HALF GALLONS MATTINGLY & MOORE $6.79 CORONET BRANDY VagaL $Hf7 BOURBON SUPREME $l»39 OLD THOMPSON. BURKE & BARRY $6.97 Park Keniueky Sr®d $ ^ Q ^ StrCu!IO|iilt Bourbon % Gal. This Week Imported Rare Scotch Wkaskey Inver House - $7.95 Ushers Green Stripe - *5.39 Full Quart MacNsBf felon's - $9.59 IN C@i fifth *3 FREE USE OF GLASSES* CHAMPAGNE FOUNTAIN For Wedding and Parties, with the purchase of liquor at the Cardinal WINES Old MacDonald Calif. Wines Loganberry -- Blackberry -- Apple 49' DuBouchett Cordials New Low Price IMPORTED GERMAN WINES97c 5tl MPORTED FRENCH WINES-87c up Imporied from Italy CHIATI 87c qt and Many Other Wines - t