• <:,.i '.k^ ^Slcl!oii-^fli.:4-'#ag©.fe ^ vlfv" '* V' : ^\ /•«.-•.-. •'%- -• THEMcHENRY PLAINDEALER •Thursday* June 16* 1966 "• *•%& "'•• m*- ff erionalA Mrs. George Yanke $%? Turner), a. former resident of • this vicinity, • now of Molly wood, Fla;, was the guest of a former schoolmate,- Mrs Herman Schaefer, here, a few days last week. Mrs. Yahke i V: spending some time in the home of a son in LaGr-mge Park and with other relatives and friends \n this locality. Miss Estelle "Thompson has '•N^teturnod to her home in Lans >ing, Minn , after a visit in the home of her cousin, Robert Thompson, and with relatives in/.Woodstock. J Mrs. Ellen Wende was a puCrt in the home of hei daughter, Mrs. D. Gallery, in Chicago, last week. Mrs. Alfons Adams and d^u^hter, Joyce, accomn^nied Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murray' pf Mundeloin to Chicago Sun day' where they saw the former's-' daughter, Miss \J o a n Adams, receive her diploma at the ninety-sixth annual commencement exercises of Loyola university held at the Arie Crown theatre, McCormick Pl"oe. Jonn returned home with them for a short visit. Mrs. Sophie Xosti, a former local resident, has returned to her home in Chuluota, Fla., after a visit with relatives and friends here and in Chicago. While here she attended eighth gr-.-do graduation exercises from St. Patrick's school, her grandson, Robert Ruemelin DON'T ' HISS!. Little League Danc£ SAT. - JUNE 18 9:00 p.m. V.F.W. "BEEF" FREUXD'S 10 - PIECE ORCHESTRA DONATION $1.00 being a member of the class Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan were recent guests in the Glen Dickinson home in Rockford where they attended a gathering^ honoring their son, Dale, who was confirmed on that day. Wednesday of this week hey visited an old friend, Vlrs. William HaijgeA, (Irene Payne) a former McHenry resident. in DesPlaines. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were Weekend visitors in the home of her brother, Donald Givens. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Keenan and son of Decatur, Ga., are .spending the week with her narents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blake, and other relatives in this vitinity. Mrs , Hilda Powers moved recently from Chicago to one of the Klontz apartments on Green street. . Mrs. Carl Elshoff, Debbie, Karen and Tony of Springfield are spending a couple of week's with her father, Herb Simon, and other relatives here. Mr. Elshoff was here for i few days' visit. Mrs. George Fitzgerald, sons, Ronald and Raymond, Of Mary Crest. Kankakee, were local visitors Sunday. Her mother, Mrs. Ann Rodenkirci\ who spent the past week in their home returned to McHenry with them. Mrs. Edith Roedev of Bowie Md., a former resident^ spent the weekend in the Herman Berkley home and called on other old friends. The Louis Girding family of Glendorf, Ohio, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake, this week Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner of Milton, Wis., were guests of McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Math B. Laures, former local residents, now of Palm Beach, Fla., were guests in the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Weingart, a couple of days last week where they were joined by another sister, Mrs Edgar Landgren. and husband of Crystal Lake, as well as other relatives and friends who called to renew acquaintances. The La ureses were enroute from the home of his son, Erwin Laures, in Northbrook, to California, to visit his other children, Mary Jane Holmherg and Jack Laures and their families. While in Northbrook they had the pleasure of seeing their twin grandsons, James and Gerald Laures, receive their diplomas at Loyola Academy where Gerald was given SHOP IN McHENRY mmow I'? •Jan.**.,,. WATER BASKETBALL $!P only A BIG SURF BOARDS $198 BIG DIPPERS SWIM BOARDS $|00 LAWN CHAIRS *388 WADING POOLS $5.50 - $12.95 - $22.50 CHAISE LOUNGE HAMMOCKS $6.95 to $11.95 BARBEQUE GRILLS $4.29 to $11.88 VYCITAL'S ^ro Hdwe 1228 X. Green Street McHenry, HI. PHONE 385-0098 the $1,000 annual president's honor award to John Carroll university in Cleveland, Ohio, and the award title of one of the outstanding citizens of the year was attributed by Chicago junior Chamber of Commerce and Catholic Youth Organization to James. Mrs. Velma Douglas returned Tuesday from a visit in the home of her sister in Dodgevllle, Wis Robert Dixon accompanied Dr. Gene Hoffman of Hebron on a Steam Fan trip from <Aurora to Galesburg, Sunday, returning On the Nebraska Zephyr. . Mrs. Kathryn Steilen, Mrs. Annabel AicHer, George and Leo Heimer were guests in the home, of the former's son, Charles Steilen, in Hinsdale, Sunday, where they attended a gathering honoring their son, Terry, a high school graduate. Mrs. Steilen was also happy to see her other grandson, C h a r l e s S t e i l e n , J r . , h o m e from his teaching duties at Oregon State university. Gary Lock wood returned home last week from his studies at Wesleyan in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, to snend the summer with his roarents, Mr. and Mrs. Howy rdK Lock wood. Mesdames G. R. Spindler, Clinton Martin. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger attended a D A.R.ypicnic at the home of Mrs. Nina Matterer in Huntley last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Conway entertained a group of relatives and friends at their home on Grand avenue Sunday honoring their son, Robert J., a graduate of Marian Central on June 5. Present for the happy occasion were Mrs. Carl Blanner, son, Vernon, the Donald Blanner and Elry Hennes families arid Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mound, Rockford; Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and John Avlward, Elgin; the Robert Saelens family, St. Charles Also the John Blanner family, Norman Kalbow and Marguerite Donohue. Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spantideas and son, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Blanner, Crystal Lake; Messrs. and Mesdames Raloh Justen, Joseph Glosson and Ot- M. ' fp HICKORY FALLS UNITS WILL ACT ON AMENDMENTS Members, of Hickory Falls association, UNITS No. 1 and 2, hold a special meeting June 19 at 2 p.m in the Vacula building, 5317 , E. Wonder Lake road. Hickory Falls is a property owners' subdivision at the north end, east side of Wonder Lake. James L. Bixby, subdivision president, said the purpose is to act on several amendments to Hickory Falls bylaws, including provisions for electing delegates and paying dues to the newly formed Master Property Owners Association cf Wonder Lake, which represents all property owners in ownership of the lake and dam. BixJjy, vice-president of the Master assocation, said that Hickory Falls subdivision is the first to take by-laws amendment action to incorporate provisions for the Master association. Hickory Falls also set the pattern suggested to other subdivisions to follow at their reto Heinz, the William Weyland family, Janet Ekstrom and Dennis Conway, McHenry. Approximately fifty relatives and friends were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Smith Sunday. The occasion honored their daughter, Cindy's graduation from Marian Central high school and their son, Donald's, graduation from St. Mary's parochial school. Among out of town folks present were Mr. and Mrs. George Kinsala, Chicago. Timothy Knox and friend of Woodstock and Mrs Fred Sladik #nd daughter, Julie, Solon. Rev. and Mrs. John Me- Intyre and family were called to Middlebrook, Mo., by the death of her father, Tuesday of last week. He returned home following the funeral on Thursday ,but she and the family remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Clinton Martin hns returned home from Florida where she spent the past several months. spective meetings to be held this summer, many in June. Hickory Falls members also will be asked to ratify an amendment voted at the annual meeting last August, authorizing a 50 percent increase in subdivision dues. Members will also vote' on amendments, to e 1 i m i ndlte proxy voting at subdivision meetings; provide staggered two-year terms instead of the current one-year terms for all directors; set' a 6 percent in-, terest penalty on dues arrearage and limit use of Hickory Falls facilities to members in good standing; separate the function of park and road commissioner into Park and beach commissioner and road commissioner, and create a new post of marine commissioner. Bixby said he will report to the membership as delegate and secretary of the Wonder Lake Property Owner's Advisory board, as temporary delegate and vice-president of the Master association, and as a member of the by-laws committees for both organizations. He noted that an inordinate amount of time has been spent since l;ist September by . all delegates, attending meetings of the Master association and Advisory board, during the formative stages of the Master Association. The latter is receiving ownership of the lake and dam, in behalf of all property owners, from the Wonder Lake Syndicate. Hickory Falls directors met in several special sessions during this period to hear reports and authorize actions of its delegate, feixby noted. ; The board also held subdivision clean-up days last fall and t h i s s p r i n g , c l e a r i n g t h e beach and park, roadways and vacant lots of aebris, felling trees, constructing new picnic benches, repairing beach steps, painting piers, floats and buoys, ahd completed seal-coating of roads in the subdivision Bixby praised the services of many members and the relatively new and aggressive board for its dedicated services to carry out responsibilities of the subdivision, which included citing several violations to bylaws with respect to tenting on vacant lots and illegal use of firearms within the subdivision. Board members also include John Keiner,, vice-president^ Mrs. Nancy Baer, secretary f Sam I£. Absher, treasurer; James Esbrook, park and road commissioner, and directors William Baer and George Kohout. •, . Baier also heads a marine committee of Absher, Esbrook, Keiner and Walter Reynolds. Robert Knilo is chairman of the nominating committee. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TOPIC "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atopic Force?" -- this is the question explored in the Bible Lesson to be presented at McHenry Christian Science church this Sunday. The Golden Text is from I Samuel: MThe pillars of earth are the Lord's, and he hath set the world upon pern. Opening the Lesson-Serrnon will be Paul's statement m Hebrews: "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." F E N S K E WOOD FINISHING • Furniture Repairs • Refinishing • Antiques Restored • Kitchen Cabinets Restyled • Table Pads • Wood Working 1203 N. River Rd. McHenry, I!!. PHONE 385-1030 Play Newspaper STOCK CAR RACES EVERY SAT. NJCJHT KENOSHA COUNTY SPEEDWAY Wilmot, Wis. Adults $1.50 Children (under 12) 50c tax included Time Trials * 7:00 p.m. Isi Race 8:30 p.m. PHONE 1-414-862-2346 BOX OF 50 10# SCRIPTO Vu-Lighter SPECIALLY WRAPPED LETS YOU KNOW WHEN FUEL IS LOW •T5 WILLIAMS FINE QUALITY BRIAR PIPES 5 FLOATING HEAD ELECTRIC SHAVER WITH SIDEBURN TRIMMER MEN'S COLOGNE PRE-ELECTRIC SHAVE LOTION TO $10.95 MNTIC I GENU,NE LEATHER FLASH CAMERA OUTFITJ BILLFOLDS PRICED FROM PARKER 98 mm BALL POINT PEN 9f98 TOBACCO POUCHES ZIPPER (o) (o FANNIE MAY or CLOSURE • ENGLISH LEATHER CRICKET PASSPORT After Shave Lotions & Colognes DOUBLE EDGE ADJUSTABLE IN TRAVEL 9 CASE • TOBACCOS • PIPE RACKS HUMIDORS SKIN PEN 8c PEN BRACER CIL SETS Free Gift Wrapping AFTER SHAVE LOTION Rovtson Lighters starting at S3.t GLARE-PR OOF SUNGLASSES 1259 N. Green Si. PHONE 385-4500 McHenry TO $4.98 ALUMINUM SIDING Fireproof --- Waterproof -- Rustproof Reynolds -- Alsco ALSCO Premium "SO" Siding with the DuPont Finisn 30 Year Written Guarantee Storm Windows, Doors & Awnings MeHenry Window & Awning Co. 2(818 W. Waul^egan Rd. McHenry, ill PHONE 385-1180 ElfiRlOR FLAT.HOU White ahd Colors $444 GAL. PAINT M mm 3819 W. Main 385-1115 JEPSEN TIRE HOME Or THE 4-PLY TIRE s * ... k FIRST LINE FULL 4-PLY WHlTIWaLL VALUES 1. Full 4-Ply Safety 2. Self Bleaching Whitewall 3. Thump - Free Ride 4. "No - Limit" Guarantee 5. Mew Chlorobutyl "Safety - Liner" holds air 5 times better 6. New Wider "Wrap - Around" iread-bette* control -- More traction IT 7. New "Powersyn" Rubber, Gives you lip to 33% more miles ;;; 8. New "Hi-T" Tyrex Rayon Cord -- for * Greater strength -- more stability •Starfire IliPSiiAL Iffefewall Tires SIZE PRICE EXCISE TAX 6.00-13 $19.72 $1.58 5.50-13 20.42 1.79 7.00-13 21.19 1.96 6.95-14 21.50 1.93 7.35-14 21.85 2.08 7.75-14 22.91 2.19 8.25-14 24.60 2.37 8.55-14 26.18 2.56 8.85-14 27.30 2.84 6.85-15 20.90 1.87 7.35-15 21.85 2.05 7.75-15 22.91 2.19 8.15-15 24.60 2.32 8.45-15 26.18 2.53 8.85-15 27.39 2.77 9.00-15 28.36 2.74 Full Line of Truck Tires and Recaps Also Available INCLUDES: • Check cylinder compression; clean air filter. • Check plugs • Check points, condenser • Balance out carburetor and set timing • Clean fuel bowl, filter --check distributor cap and wiring • Check fan belt, check resistance ignition wiring. ' • Check starter capacity, voltage regulator, generator. El Td INE Six ei9hl C*L Cyl. $8.88 Parts plus pgj-ts Plus • Adjust automatic choke fill battery • Check positive crank case ventilation system. CARS EXTRA $2.50 AIR CONDITIONED JEPSEN TIRE S314 W. Elm St. Phoiie 385-0424 AND AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 3331 W. Elm St. Phone 385-0426