Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1966, p. 16

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^ <• '" "•- ;r± ^--i-- ^ '•' • -KT^I(I'> iNI-N ]RTRI;II'«II>IFTI, I . • t J mm' w Sictlosi Two" r- THE McHEHHY PLAINDEALER Thursday. .June 16,196(E Legals ¥P $•': W£? State of Illinois NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS For Work to be Constructed Under The Illinois Highway . Code. 1. Time and Place of Opening Bids. Sealed proposals for the improvement of the thoroughfare described herein will be received at the office of tiie Council of City of McHenry, McHehry County, Illinois, until 2:00 o'clock p.m., C.D.S.T., July 1, 1966 and at that time publicly opened and read. 2» Description of Work, (a) The proposed work is officially known as Section 15-C.S. Waukegan Road a. total distance of 865 feet, of which 865 feet, (o.l6383 miles) are to be improved. (b) The proposed improvement is to be Construction of a bituminous surface course class B, sub-class B-S (modified) to a compacted thickness of 2Vz" (275#/sq. yd.) S. Instructions to Bidders; (a) Plans and proposal forms may be obtained from W. A. Rakow & Associates, Municipal and Civil"'Engineers, 165 No. Spring Street, Elgin, upon Payment of $5.00 which is non refundable. (b) All proposals must be accompanied by a bank cashier's check, or bank draft, or certified check for not less than ten (10) percent of the amount of the bid, or as provided in Article 2.7 of the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction," prepared by the Department of Public Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois. . 4. Rejection of Bids. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technicalities. By order of The Council of City of Mc- Henry June 13, 1966. : EARL R. WALSH City Clerk. (Pub. June 16, 1966) STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) ss COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ROBERT SCHWEIGLER; and) HARRY C. KINNE, JR., as) Trustee under Trust Deed) dated May 21, 1960 and re-) corded in the Recorder's Of-) fice of McHenry County, Illi-) nois as Document No. 3699C7.) Plaintiffs ) vs. ) O. EDWIN MALENIUS and) E L A I N E M A L E N I U S , , h i s ) wife; CHARLES BRANHAM;) PHYLLIS BRANHAM;) CHARLES HARBAUGH LUM-) BER COMPANY, INCORPO-) R A T E D ; THE U N I T E D ) STATES OF AMERICA AND) UNKNOWN OWNERS, ) Defendants ) NO. 65-4008 NOTICE OF MAGISTRATE'S SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Decree made and entered by said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois in the above entitled cause on the 9th day of June, 1966, CHARLES T. SMITH, Magistrate of said Court, will on the 14th day of July, 1966, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof Daylight Savings Time, at the North door of the McHenry County Courthouse Annex at Woodstock, Illinois sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: {Lot 11 in Block 7 of Edgewater Subdivision, being a subdivision of part of that part of the West Half of the Northwest Fractional Quarter of Section 36, Township 45 North, range 8 East of the Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 28, 1920 as Document No. 48334, in Book 4> of Plats, page 19 in McHenry County, Illinois. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of Circuit Court of McHenry County i Looze and Kinne Attorney for Plaintiffs 3431 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-1580 (Pub. June 16, 23, 30, 1966) STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) ss. COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS CHANCERY DIVISION BELL SAVINGS AND LOAN) ASSOCIATION, an Illinois) savings and loan association.) ' Plaintiff, ) vs. y HOWARD CARL OLSON:) J A N I C E M A T H E S O N a n d ) WALLACE MATHESON, her) h u s b a n d ; M A R I A N J A N E ) ROMPF; SUSAN LEE OL-) SON; JANICE MATHESON,) as Executor of the Estate of) HOWARD CARL OLSON;) ALBERT FINCH and "UN-) KNOWN OWNERS", ) Defendants ) NO. 66-279 NOTICE OF MAGISTRATE'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above entitled cause, CHARLES T. SMITH, A Magistrate of this Court will on Thursday the 14th day of July, A.D. 1966, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME, at the North door of the Court House Annex, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, situated „in the County; of McHenry .'State of llli ? nois, or so much theicot a.' THE TIMBERS FEATURES WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL OUR NEW PAN FRIED CHICKEN FAMILY STYLE -- FOR JUNE $1.25 FRIDAY FISH FRY -- FAMILY STYLE -$1.25 SPAGHETTI -- with rfieat or mealless sauce -- 95c SATURDAY -- DINE AND DANCE SUNDAY -- SMORGASBORD AND TABLE SERVICE (If You Wish) WEDDING AND BANQUET FACILITIES ALSO. WOODSTOCK ROUTE 47 & BYPASS 14 338-3500 Get away from it all in a 'Jeep' Wagoneer with 4-wheel drive. 0 shall be sufficent to satisfy said decree, to-wit:- Lot 3 in Block 15 in County Clerk's Plat No. 1 of Block 15 (and other blocks) of V/ooded Shores Division of Farm Lands, being a Subdivision of part of the Southwest quarter of Section 18, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois, commonly known * and described as 3206 Pleasant Street, Wonder Lake, Illinois, and improved with a IV2 - story frame residence (English style). together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and .appurtenances thereunto belonging. Looze & Kinne and Cummings & Wyman Attorneys for Plaintiff 3431 W. Elm Street , McHenry, Illinois 385-1580. MARGARET O'NEILL Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County (Pub. June 16, 23, 30, 1966) VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR ORDINANCE NO. 66-0-5 GARBAGE TAX LEVY IAN ORDINANCE FOR THE LEVY OF A GARBAGE TAX FOR THE VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR. ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY, 1, 1966 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1967. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, ILLINOIS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: Section I. That there be and is hereby levied upon all the taxable property within the corporate limits of said Village for the year 1966, in addition to the maximum of taxes authorized for general corporate purposes, a garbage tax of hot more than .14 per cent of the full, fair fcash value as assessed or equalized by the Department of Revenue* pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 24, Section 11-20-6, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1961 as amended by Senate Bill 325 of the 1965 Legislative Session. Section II. That the Village Clerk be and is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Ordinance as provided by law Section III. That should any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this Ordinance be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part there- <# of other than the ;part declared to be invalid. Section IV. That this Ordinance shall be known as Ordinance No. 66-0-5. Section V. That the Village Clerk be and is hereby directed to have this Ordinance published in the manner provided by law. Section VI. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and \fter its passage, approval and publication in accordance with the law. JOHN BONDER President of Village of Lakemoor, McHenry County, Illinois Passed: 6-9-66 Approved: 6-9-66 Attest: Pacita R. Morrison Village Clerk (Pub. June 16, 1966) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, August 1, 1966 is the ' new claim date in the estate of Byron A. McAnsh deceased, No. P5P196, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Florence M. Foreman of 2911 Bay View Avenue McHenry, 111. is the Executor; Humphrey, Tiedemann, Hilgendorf & Humphrey of 111 W Washington St., Chicago, 111. are the attorneys. (Pub. June 16-23-30, 1966) CAMERON CLARK IS Play Newspaper See Page 1 Quality Cleaning Laundry Shirts e Specialists In ... • KNIT DRESSES • FORMALS • DRAPERIES Daily • LEATHER 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. • FURS Fri. to 9 p.m. 1208 N. Green 385-1712 McHenry MeHiiW GARAGE •JEEP'SALES & SERVICE . , , T e L A r e a 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 0 4 0 3 926 N. Fro^i St., McHenry. Ill;! Soma people cara't t@ll the ciffferdraee lie Solid Color Stain and paint. (Until the paint starts to fail-) £ PQITIOV*1 CAMPING NEWS Cameron T. Clark, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Clark, was graduated magna cum laude fro m Spring Hill college, a Jesuit school in Mobile, Ala., recently. Clark, an officer of his fraternity and a member of the Dean's Advisory board, was President's Scholar in his department. He is accepting an assistantship in the Department of Accounting and Fin a n c i a 1 Administration at Michigan Siate university this fall, where he will study for a Master's degree. Clark received a letter in golf each of his four years in college and was captain of the team his junior and senior years. We recently received inquiries as to the reasons for making reservations at certain privately owned campgrounds. Why is it necesary to make reservations? It might be well to first consider the number of campers looking for campgrounds. Camping is fast becoming the number one method of choice for spending the annual vacation or the weekend get away from Mt all. There hos bo«n • 55 percent increase in pick-up camper and trailer camper registration since i960. The camper has the choice of camping at either a state park or privately owned campground. The state parks in Illinois and most. other states do not take reservations. During the months of. July and August the weekend camper may find the state parks filled and must therefore seek out the privately owned campgrounds. Incidentally it has been brought to our attention that one of our state parks located about 45 miles west of McHenry is allowing large travel trailers to park on choice camp sites for the full camping season. According to the rules and regulations set forth in the brochures issued by the Illinois State Park system, family camping is limited to one week and group camping to two weeks. Applications for extension of time may be made with the park ranger. This does not give license to the using of a camp site for the full season. If anyone has first hand knowledge of any long term stays in our state parks, please inform us and we will' issue a complaint through proper channels. (See address at end of this article.) As the number of campers is increasing, so is the number of privately owned campgrounds. We are sorry to report that quality is lacking in many of these campgrounds! For this reason the demand for good camp sites and good facilities has increased more than the. number of qUality campgrounds. Therefore, to assure yourself the quality you want, reservation^, are almost a necessity. V Let us now consider group camping At this point we would like to remind the Millstream Camper members to check their weekend campout schedule a.nd to make the necesaary reservations with us at least two weeks in advance. Group camping reservations are probably more necessary than the individual reservation, since we all want to have adjacent sites. The Millstream Campers' invitation to visit or camp with us at weekend campouts still stands. We will always make room for one more. Fortunately privately owned campgrounds have adequate sites, and when group camping we can easily put two or three units on We have a request to make of all campers. As you camp in this great land of ours this summer, pick up an extra brochure of the campgrounds you camp at and notate on it the quality of the campground. Send these on to us and we will attempt to contact the owner or park official of the poor for your Automotive Needs Comi sto Is the Place to See ... for a Complete Stock of for All Standard Models 8021 W. Rt. 120 885-0778 McHenry Opera Dally 8-0 p.m. -- Sunday 9-1 p.m. quality, campground and en*, courage them to provide be.t-£ ter camping conditions. "Good* Camping." , m Address all communications" to "Millstream Camper s"„ 1716 North Court street, Mc» Henry, 111, 60050. « -- FR SHE with every Custom Drapery Order . Beautiful white Dacron Batiste Sheers to enhance the beauty of your windows. Usually $2.29 per yd. Select the overdrape from our selection of over 8000 Deborator Patterns. This Special Offer good through June SO MgHENRY TAILORED vm 885-7531 FREE ESTIMATES Across from the Jewel OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 SUNDAYS 9 to 6 OUTSTANDING GIFT IDEAS -- SURE TO PLEASE DAD! Every Dad Wants shortsleeve wash'n wear cottons in a variety of handsome styles & colors Sizes: S-M-L to Men's Boxed Handkerchiefs White or Initial '1.00 HANDSOME MEN'S JIWELRY Stylish selection of cuff links, tie tacks and watch bands -- sure to please Dad GIFTED IDEA! iO-ILL FOLDS Leathers, Vinyls. Newest Styles *1§® *#§8 AND THE WHOLE FAMILY! 20" 2 Speed Breeze BOX FAN Easily moved from room to room. Adjustable to any angle. 3 speed, 4 pole motor with polished blades. 115 volts. AC. Reg. $1 A] §1(8 $19.98 Jl^ Gallon Foam PICNIC JUG Foam outer with poly bottle. Separate pour spigot. Strong handle. Reg. v $1.49 Deluxe Wagon BAR-I • U/L Approved swing-out Motor. • 1 year guarantee • Chrome spit & tines • Warming Oven • Temperature Indicator Reg. $24.98 $' 20-gal. - Heavy Galvanized Frihtof underwear for ATHLETIC SHIRTS Soft, springy, absorbent cotton knit. Cut for maximum comfort and smooth fit. Pure white finish that stays fresh-looking washing after washing. Sizes 34-54. 45 3 FOR 49* ea. TEE SHIRTS Soft, cotton knit quarter-sleeve shirt. Looks equially well as an undershirt or sport shirt. Long tuck-in, won't ride up. Sizes S, M, t, XL WASH and WEAR SHORTS High-count Sanforized cotton broadcloth that needs no ironing. Full cut and panel seat mean comfortable fit. Reinforced at stress points. In all-over patterns, solid colors or white. Sizes 28-52. KNIT BRIEFS Rib knit cotton briefs that "give" with every movement for full-time comfort. Heat resistant live-elastic waist and leg bands. Sizes 28-44. • 3-FOR 05 69* ea. 1YA11 $ 298 Value LAKELAND PA!NT SPOT 4018 W. Rio. 120 Pli. 38.V7100 Mcllcn ry Delicious Brach's 8H©lig5 Ass't Bridge Mix Reg. ' 69c lb. ' - lb. SHAMPOO OK CREAM RINSE 1 pt. plastic bottle What Dad Really Wants GIFT SETS Bold new-grooming aids to make any man dangerous $1 00 $<§)§0 ORNSBY' 3814 W. Elm St. McHenry. 111. FREE PARKING IN OUR STORESIDE LOT Open Daily 9 to 9 -- Sundays 9 to 6

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