r- fr / Thursday, June 16# 1966 THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Section On® mm Pmge Three Clevenfh District Auxiliary Holds Memorial Rite For 53 Eleventh district of the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Illinois held its spring, convention at Glen Eiiyrr? Eleventh District Direcft* C35Jay Chesak of Huntley presided. The invocation was by District Chaplain Elaine Murphy. District Americarflsm Chairman Ruth Mkndaht led the delegates in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. ^Greetings were extended by Glen Ellyn Unit No. 3 President Shirley Beckihan, Post Qaramander Stanley Czarnik, Eleventh District Commander Willtkln Wendland and Glenn Ellyn Village President Keith Nichols. The response was given by Alternate District Mar-, tha Fitzgerald. Memorial services were conducted by District Chaplain Elaine Murphy for fifty-three members who have passed a- •^ay this year in the Various units, Among these were eight GokL<Star members. . Child Welfare Chairman Elsa .Wendland was pleased to announce* the purchase of a washes. .and dryer for Wilson cottage at Normal. This was accomplished through donations trpj»,.$he fifty-five units in the Eleventh district. " Jtittibr President Mary Pat ^fracHek from McHenry Unit 491 received a first place award for turning in the most coupons. The Junior auxiliary of McHenry also received a certificate for the tray favors sent -to the hospitals. P3st president of McHenry Unit i, 491 and also McHenry County Council Past President RUth Mrachek was endorsed for district chaplain. Mrs. Mrachek will also serve as a page, at the Department of Illinois convention. , Mary Einspar of McHenry Unit 491 received first place in the under 10,000 population publicity contest. Glen Ellyn reoeived first place in the over 10,000 population. Awards for HONOR COUPLE ON FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mc- Cracken were guests of honor at a surprise open house held last Sunday afternoon at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Qepe Brooke, 615 Center street, on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniversary. The party was planned by their children. Abdut seventy persons from Gages Lake, Crystal Lake, Ringwood, Bensenville and McHenry attended and spent the afternoon in visiting . 1 'A gift of special importance fp them was a colored portrait of their seven grandchildren. ^ Cake, coffee and punch were served to the guests. " Cleda Cheatham of Greenyille, 111., and Leonard Mc- Gracken of Reno, 111., were ifiaTFIed June 9, 1926, in Greenville. They came to McHenry ^o years later when he began his teaching duties in the 5>cal high school. Mr. Mc- Craoken was both football and ^askfefball coach for many years, and more recently has Served as athletic director. McCracken field was named in His honor. . The couple has three child- Pen, Dean of Bensenville, Don, £nd Patti Brooke of McHenry. Cool, Quiet, Compact! general Electric 44iffl§M©iffieSte 5000" Mffaifpp Ms (Conditioner $Tew compact decorator degjjjn. • Extra quiet. • Init yourself in seconds (jdkSt sleep cool again. • new IDaiffamold case sssxEs @-3S LBXAN* ! SjdtoR.mCooGnff Capacity 0 0 CAREY 'Appliance# Inc. 1241 N. Gree» St. 385-5500 publicity scrapbook contest also went to St. Charles; Downe r s G r o v e , W o o d s t o c k a n d Hampshire. Judges for this contest were McHenry Mayor Donald Doherty; Larry Lund, publisher of the McHenry Plaindealer; and Mrs. Lillian Bolger, Girl State chairman of the McHenry Unit 491 American Legion auxiliary and a teacher at McHenry Community high school. Mrs. Einspar is Eleventh district publicty chairman and also Unit 491 chairman. Election of officers for the ensuing year was held. Martha Fitzgerald of Manhattan will serve as district director. Alternate director will be Florence Ehlers of Bensenville. 1"he office of historian will be taken over by Elaine Murphy of Aurora. Ruth Mrachek of McHenry will serve as chaplain and treasurer-elect is Elaine Shuska. All chairmen in the counties of Kane, Will, DuPage and McHenry, which comprise the Eleventh district, gave their yearly reports. Music was conducted by Edith Grant of Richmond. McHenry Unit 491 President Alee Carroll served on the resolutions committee. There were 102 members attending. Good Citizens Are Honored On Tuesday, June 7, Willie Zalud, his wife, Hilda, and their son, Jerry, received their final American citizenship papers in Chicago. To help them celebrate, their neighbors presented them with an American flag and an Illinois State flag. The Lakeland Shores family heard Ed Sass give the presentation talk and accepted an American chocolate cake fro mMrs. Harry Wohlert. Taking part in the presentation were Messrs. and Mesdames William Bruce, David Nylander, Phillip J. Hastings, Ronald Miyaki, Edward Hayden, H. Nicolai, Harry Wohlert, Michael Ahlgrim, E.J. Sass, John Granath, Daniel Bomke and Clyde Blackwell; also Mrs. Ruth Gordon and Charlotte. The three members of the Zalud family escaped from East Germany in 1957 with only the elothes they were wearing. Mr. Zalud obtained a job a s p u n c h p r e s s o p e r a tor in North Lake and later joined a Huntley firm, where he is still employed. They have lived in their own home at 1318 North Meadow lane, in Lakeland Shores for about seven years. Jerry has finished his first year at McHenry high school and is a patrol leader in the Lakeland Boy Scout troop. ATTENDS CONVENTION Roy E. Noren of 7606 North drive, Wonder Lake, attended the thirty-fourth anniversary convention of the Men's Garden Clubs of America, held June 6 through 10 in Portland, Ore. His own garden specialities are African violets. BANQUET HONORS JUNIOR, SENIOR CHURCH CHOIRS A gala banquet was held in honor of the junior and senior choirs of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. The dinner was served by Mrs. Stella Rortvet, Mrs. Donald Williams and Mrs. Robert Putnam. In recognition of the hours of pleasure given to Qthers, not only by singing in church, but also special activities such as the'recent program at. the new Woodstock Residence home, the cjjoir members and organists were presented with choir pins. Choir Director Phillip Heir wig was singled out for spcial recognition by chairman of the W o r s h i p c o m m i t t e e , R o g e r Burns. Mr. Helwig was presented with a cake baked by Mrs. Glen Anderson, and a set of -sterling silver men's jewelry. The "Emerald Stones", Lou Behm and Philip Helwig, provided the music for a "sing-; along" which brought the most enjoyable evening* to a close. McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Travis Mullin are parents of a daughter, June 6. Twin boys were born June 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Messamore. A daughter was born June 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Silcott of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Volkmar of Ingleside are parents of a son born June 7. A Crystal Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coghlan, became parents of a daughter June 8. Mr. and Mrs. James Rittmanic of Round Lake announce the birth of a son June 9. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Nelson of Lake Villa welcomed a son June 9. On June 11 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ubrig. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pritzl of Richmond became parents of twin girls on June 12. Harvard Hospital A son was born June 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hahndorf. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, Jr., of Freund avenue announce the arrival of their first child, Kimberly Ann, at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, June 6. The proud grandparents are the Senior James Thompsons and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Manke of Crockett Estates and great grandparents are the Senior James Thompsons and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Manke of Crockett Estates and great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dankowski and William Manke, Chicago, and Elizabeth Thompson and Herb Simon of McHenry. HOSPITAL NOTES During the past week patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Richard E>. Earle, John Jenna, Arthur Collins and Katherine McMillan, Crystal Lake; Philip Pohlmann, Richmond; libbie Simek, Lake Villa; Carlton Palmer, Mae G. Lees, Mary H. Finnie, Karen M. Amundson, Rosalie A. Walitzer and Sandra S. Day, Wonder Lake. Also, Norman C. Gregory, Mary A. Erickson, Doreen A. Ziesk, Rickey L. Cosby, Terris R. Cosby and Elva Meinen, Wauconda; Albert Frank and Alphons Lutz, Ingleside; John Tatarski, Round Lake; Clara Monnan, Salem, Wis.; Bernice Noll, Round Lake J*ark; Mavis W. Chandler, Batavia. Also, Nancy S. Winters and Ingrid L. Blankenberg, Fox Lake; Thomas E- Byrnes, Woodstock; Lucile Radloff, Napa, Calif.; Leroy Cynowa, Lakemoor. Also, Jeffrey M. Libby, Mary J. Leahy,. Marilyn Etheridge, Patricia Bengston, Harry W. Byrne, John J. Stacy,. Nancy Peterson, Steven W. Brendle, Sylvia S. Kubec, Edward Loebig, Ernest Reif. Also, Wendy Lee Cunningham, Sandra Cannestra, Dolores Stanley,. .^Mattie Magnespn, Vera Flynn, Dr. Bruno Rodal, D o n a l d H u m p h r e y s , L l o y d Schwan, Elwood J. Crane, and Margaret Beahler, all of McHenry. Memorial Hospital Admittances during the past week to Memorial hospital included Master Bruce Johnson, Sandra Schau, Janet Johnson and Edna Flott, Wonder Lake; Josephine Fortina, Mary Misevick, Rosetta Justes and Jennie Hamil, McHenry and Marilyn Schufft, Ringwood. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Earl Hansen of McHenry and Mrs. Melvin Hall of Wonder Lake were patients during the past week in Harvard hospital. RECEIVES DEGREE Karl R. Barnickol, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Barnickol of Woodlawn Park, McHenry, was awarded the degree of Doctor of Law at the convocation at the University of Chicago law school on June 11, held at Rockefeller chapel. d elusively In His Art G2E3.MW •WJOTCCas Q* KVttlti GSOOflCS 1/2 FRIED CHICKEN SHOE STRING POTATOES JUG OF HONEY -- HOT ROLLS $1.50 TAKE OUT ORDERS -- $1.40 Piitak ee (Country, South End of Pistakee Bay PHONE 815-385-9845 Camp ST®*"; In McHENRY Beginning on June 20th we are opening a day camp here at Fantasy Farm for boys 6 to 12 years old. The dally program will include baseball, swimming, hiking, gardening and a weekly trip to some point of interest. On rainy days indoor activity will be provided. All activMes will be well supervised, and can assure you tilaat your child will have an interesting and: rewarding time. The enrollment will be only 12 boys for each session so that each boy will get personal attention and supervision. -The mUasosa session will be two weeks Monday • thru Friday. If you are Interested In having your son JA our group call immediately for the date you want your son to be enrolled. For further inforiimtioit, Call... FANTASY FARM Phone 385-2499 SlSoOi P©i W©@k . Joseph May of John street, McHenry, was transferred from Memorial hospital, Woodstock, to St. Luke's Presbyterian hospital, Chicago, on Tuesday of this week. Word has been received that former McHenry Chief of Police John McCarthy underwent surgery last week at Bay Pines Veterans hospital, Bay Pines, Fla., where he will be recuperating for about two months. He would be happy to hear from old friends in this community. ALL COTTON SHOW IS PRESENTED BY LAKE SODALITY An "all-cotton" fashion show, featuring 1966 fabrics and patterns for 'round-the-clock wear, will be presented by the Past President's club of Christ the King parish Altar and Rosary sodality, Wonder Lake. It will take place on Sunday afternoon, June 19, at 3 p.m. in the parish hall. The "Cavalcade of Cottons" Collection is a loan service offered to emphasize the versatility of home sewing. Hie fashions represent the season's trends in color, fabric and "silhouette". The Wardrobe shown will include casual clothes, tailored suits and coats, late day dresses and children'# outfits. Tickets may be obtained from any of the members of the Past President's club or at the door. A colorful background is being planned and refreshments will be served. The models will include some local professional and semi-professional women. Shop In McHenry YOU WOULDN'T W TAKE A WALK IN YOUR SHORTS m YOU SHOULDN'T Boy furniture, Carpet, Draperies or Bedding without first seeing the large selection of Fine Quality Home Furnishings at JU8TEH FURNITURE 1265 N. Green 885-S560 \ \ f A Calendar Watch for Father's Day ? He'll Think You \ Spent a Fortune On His CARAVELLE On the face of it he'd expect this Caravelle to be expensive. It's a watch and it's a calendar, and there isn't another calendar watch made that can do better. Bulova made this finely machined, jeweled-lever movement watch to sell for $14.95, and it tells him both the right time of day, and the day accurately. Does anyone else sell a calendar watch as fine as this for $14.95? That'll be the day. CARAVELLE Division of Bulova Wahl Jewelers t 3406 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. 385-2688 / -WSIB* ...WE HAVE THE RIGHT GIFT! and SHARON... Will be Happy To Give YOU Personalized Gift Consulting Service for the Gift for the MAN in YOUR Life.x.. Visit Our MemV Scento # Passport 360 # Briargate #Sun Deck # Sun Up # Jaguar » Signature # Kent of London # Jean Nate a Si Senor # Yorktown 1781 i Treasure Island # Buccaneer # Upper Deck # English Leather i Lord Briargate # Monsieur Lanvin . Pour Un Homme .007 # Messire . Yardley Black Label # Sportsman « By George . Old Spice (Lime) .Yu # Seven Seas # Cricket i Currier & Ives # Dante # Kings Men # Mennen « Top Brass # Royal Argenta # Monsieur Balmain # Italian Lime mi v,r' m Double S&H Green Stamps On All Men's Cosmetic Gifts Until Father's Day "McHenry's Most Complete Men's Scenter" NYE DRUG Your "FRIENDLY" Walgreen Agency 1325 N. Riverside Drive Phone 385-4426 M i