i n.. Thursday# June 16.1^6 i -rjtr fmwmm PUV^sealer SecifonOne :;t* NOTICES NOTICES THE FORUM (formerly McDonalds) GRAND OPENING Saturday, June 18 REFRESHMENTS -- PRIZES EARL AND ELMA NELSON Prop. 4921 W. McCullom Lake Rd. McCullom Lake 385-1199 6-16-66 INSPECT MENTAL HEALTH CBffBt Obituaries JOON W. MGI8TER John W. Meister. 63, 2101 Delaware Place, died Sunday, June 12, at the home of his son, John, in Crystal Lake, where he had been living for the past two weeks. He had been ill for about two years. Born in Chicago June 29, 1902, Mr. Meister came to Mc« Henry 29 years ago. He was a time keeper for Union Specialty'Machine Co., at Huntley. Besides his son, he is survived. by his wife. Myrtle, and a daughter, Mrs. Richard (Joy) Graham of Woodstock; four grandchildren; a brother, Arthur, of Chicago and a sister, Mrs. Ethel Oritz,\ Mexico The body rested at the Peter M. Justen and Son funeral home where services were held Wednesday at 4 p.m. Burial was private. ERNEST REIF FUneral services will be held at 1 o'clock Thursday from the Island Lake funeral home for Ernest Rief, 57, of 2112 S. Highwood road, Griswold Lake. Burial will . be in Wauconda cemetery. v Mr. Reif died June 13 in Mc- Henry hospital. The deceased was born April 7, 1909, in Chicago. Survivors are his widow, Margery, and three sisters, of Chicago. Shown signing the register during last Sunday's open house at the Mental Health Center is William Tammeus of Woodstock, a board member. Others, left to right, are Mrs. Wayne Keller of Wonder Lake, clinic secretary; George Mally, administrator; Mrs. Gibson Kurtz of Woodstock, Mental Health center board members and chairman of the women's auxiliary; and Mrs. Walter J. Schuett of Woodstock, women's auxiliary board member. Group therapy to aid boys former state hospital patients, parents and divorced persons are among projects announced at the Mental Health Center f o r M c H e n r y C o u n t y o p e n house last weekend. Board members, staff members and women of the auxiliary took turns showing the new quarters of the center to visitors. About 100 persons took advantage of the chance to inspect the offices and the group therapy rooms. The board of directors used the occasion to announce a major development in the organization's plan to serve the public-- the launching of ten group therapy courses in the months ahead. With the new quarters, the staff will have adequate office space to conduct group therapy, a major method of treatment for certain types of cases involving emotionally disturbed persons. Four group therapy courses have starting times and leaders assigned. The program for boys 8-12 will begin July 15 and will be conducted by George Mally, administrator and a professional psychologist. Other 'Courses Other courses are for etf-state hospital patients and their relatives; parents with problems of consistent handling of children; and problems of divorced persons. Details on the six programs for later presentation will be given within the next couple of weeks, Mally said The board also plans a lecture and discussion concerning community mental health in McHenry county for persons who are professionals in this health care field. Visitors to the open house were given a report on care given at the center. The major form of treatment given is psycho- therapy--talking over problems with a trained professional person. All staff members--psychiatrists, psychologists and psychi- CRASHES DURING WEEK BWOLVE AREA DRIVERS A car driven by Robert E. Drake of Skyway drive, McHenry, was demolished last Sunday when he was involved in an accident on Alden road, west of Woodstock. Drake was reported to have been driving at a speed too fast to negotiate a curve. His vehicle left the road and went into a ditch. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramoska suffered only minor injuries Thursday in an accident on Rt. 120, near McHenry. Roselyn Munton was reported to have been driving behind the other auto and she was unable to stop when she saw the first car slowing. She was blamed for the crash that followed atric social workers--are trained to provide this type treatment. Staff Serves The counseling staff at present consists of a medical director, an adult psychiatrist, child psychiatrist, psychologist, and five psychiatric social workers. Their total service is equivalent to three full-time staff members. Placing the scope of the mental health care problem in perspective, H. Joseph Gitlin, president, said a county with the population of McHenry county (96,000) should have at least six full-time specialists. Move to the new quarters took place May 28. It is the policy of the center to charge fees according to die patient's ability to pay. The local board establishes policies for the operation of the center in conjunction with professional standards established by the State Department of Mental Health. Start Playing Newspaper Bligo This Week! this community for seventeen years. Mr. Krettler was a retired employee of the' International Harvester Co. His wife, Anna, died in 1965 He leaves a nephew, Joseph J., of Park Ridge. WILLIAM PICKETT William Herman Pickett, 77, of 2256 McArthur. drive, McCullom Lake, died Friday, June 10, at Harvard hospital following an extended illness. Mr. Pickett was a retired printer and was born in Chicago April 24, 1889, the son of Fred and Dora Pickett. Services wee re held Tuesday at the Matz Funeral home, 3440 N Central avenue, Chicago, with burial in Acacia Park. Memorial Rite RUDOLPH BENSON Rudolph Benson of 2519 N. Ringwood road, McHenry, died Thursday morning, June 16, at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Edward (Lois) Jornd. H i s death at 81 years of age came following several months of ill- i ness. Mr. Benson was bom Feb. 17, 1885 ,in Norway He was a retired express messenger for the Railway Express agency. He was a member of Union Park Lodge, No. 610, AF & AM Messengers, and Baggage Men's Lodge, No. 2064. The deceased movecT~ here from Chicago twelve years , ago. His wife, Anna Marie, died in 1950. In addition to Mrs. Jornd, he leaves two sons, Robert L. and Harold of McHenry; three grandchildren; and one brother, Garfield, C. Benson, of McCullom Lake. Services were held Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home, where Masonic rites were conducted. Interment was in Ridgewood cemetery, DesPlaines. Contributions may be made to the American Cancer society. y PEARL M. BERG The body of Mrs. Pearl M. Berg, who died at the home of her son in Alhambra, Calif., will be shipped to the Peter M. Justen and Son funeral home. There will be no visitation. She was the widow of Oscar Berg, former resident of Ringwood. Graveside services are tentatively set for Saturday. NEW EDUCATION GROUP FORMED WITHIN COUNTY Thirteen t&rsons met at the home of Mrs. Audrey Witzman, Crystal Lake, June 1 and decided to organize the McHenry county branch of the Association for Childhood Education. The following officers were elected to guide the newly formed organization: President, Marjorie Webber, McHenry ; vice-president in charge of nursery school, C l a i r e K o c h , C a r y ; v i c e - president in charge of kindergarten: Ann Walkington, Woodstock; vice-president in charge of primary, Lee Whitfield, Cary; vice-president in charge of intermediate, Anne Ivey, district .10, Woodstock; secretary, Jesiyn Bruce, Crystal Lake*; and treasurer, Barbara Stam, Crystal Lake. The Association for Childhood Education International welcomes all persons concerned with the well-being of children from 2 to 12. Over 97,000 persons are members in 641 branches established throughout the world. The McHenry county branch welcomes paints, educators, medical and psychological personnel interestedin children from two tp twelve. Another Day This is one of several photographs given to the Plaindealer*fby the William Dreyers of Lakeland Park, to be shared with readers. The one above, date unknown, was taken looking east from a point near the North Western depot. Note the unpaved streets and cars which appear to be of a very early, vintage. \ PLAY NEWSPAPER BINGO STEAL FROM HOME The sheriff's office has been investigating a burglary at the Michael Ryan home, 5713 Orchard drive, McCullom Lake, last week. Radios, a camera, silver and wrist watches were taken. ^ JOSEPH KRETTLER Joseph Krettler, 77, of 4404 W Lakewood road, McHenry, was laid to rest in St. Mary's cemetery Friday following a funeral Mass sung in the church. Mr .Krettler died June 7 in McHenry hospital, where he had been a patient for a week. He was born Feb. 17, 1889, in Hungary and had resided in ©i say lilt ciri fteyf Buay State Fara Mutual agent. He helpsdl m® gs'S financing tlhrragin a heal cooperating Esarafe, Aid! tfiiaft feu (g@st bank financing really saves y©mifflB©n®y!Tlia©n S Insured the car with State Farm tms and with their low rates I saved even on the offssyraim! ®y@ss a lot of car owners save like this with Stat© Farm. Say • • • why don't you call your Stat® [Farsra agent? ROBERT J. CONWAY 3315 W. Elm St., McHenry PHONE 885-5285 Mimta! AaatomaaMl© toswaia© Co. Home Office: Blooming-ton, 111. 1 tattoo A WALTER CARLSON Memorial services were held Sunday afternoon at 4, o'clock at the Community Methodist church for Walter Carlson, 59, of 710 N. Center street, McHenry, who died June 7 in McHenry hospital. MARINE FESTIVAL QUEEN OF 1966 - MISS KRISTIN! CHEUNI - CONGRATULATIONS! We are delighted to present you with an oil painting on canvas of yourself to perpetuate the glory of this wonderful event Riwerside Retail Outlet 1402 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, I1L POPttfeClFB far ll^&POPiilar Ouy On Sale at this store only - Fri. - Sat. - Sun. C<am®dicm eiub 498 fifth Reg. $5.49 4512 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY. ILL. •miiiM Phon® .385-3200 % m rm 12-Ounce 6-Pack Throw-Away LIQUOR STORES Precinct CANDIDATES .Howard J. Doyle (R) 8& Charles' H. Percey (R) 7 13 1/ Senator Lar Daly (R) Paul H. Pouglas (D) Harris Rowe (K) £% Adlai E. Stevenson (D) Supt. Ray Page (R) of Public Instruction Si? i£L an n Robert Campbell (R) Donald Prince (D) Rep. In Congress Robert McClory (R) (12th District) Herbert L. Stern (D) m Max Wildman (R) w Robert Coulsoi* (R) State Central Raymond Watkins (R) tit Committeeman (12th Congres- John J Geanca (D) sional District) I John G. Greeii (D) Robert Tarrei (D) A. B. McConnell (R) Karl Berning (R) a 4 State Robert J. Dickson (R) Senator (32nd District Norman Geary (R) Lousi J. Goossens (R) Joseph F. Wolfe (R) Albert S. Salvi (D> John B. Hill (R) Lester Cunningham (R) mil Representative Joseph R. Levesque (R) VdmJl utf we In General William E. Swanson (R) Assembly /Alo %7 William A. Giblin (D) 3 m Thos. J Hanahan, Jr. (D) k it $¥ m Frank O'Rourke (D) 27 1$ 9 Representative Albert A Adams (R) Committeeman (33rd District) Theresa O. Schultz County Vernon W. Kays y<§> M l toi- ir) 6 2 £? Clerk Powers McGuire 3 fl ^9 Cal Skinner, Jr. (R) hi 3 County Raymond A. Murphy (R) Treasurer H. Eugene Brewer (R) Doris Fortier (D) 11 John Carroll (R) JV £1 Ray Chirempes (R) County Melvin Griebel (R) Sheriff Raymond Suchy (D) L£ Wilbert Hecht (D) Hi 9 Theresa Schultz (D) % 3 County Richard Tazewell (R) 4c O ZJL i / a T H M / f I n rs of Schools O. C. O'Hara (R) U u !