Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Aug 1966, p. 11

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* \ Thursday, August 18,1966 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Two -- Page ThxM WONDER LAKE NEWS : EVELIR RA8KE PHONE 6SS4MS FINAL PLANS FOR 8KG KIWANIS CLUB , ENEFIT ARE MADE :r As Aug. 19 and 20 draw near, final touches are being put brt the following homes: Herbert White, Gonzales-Gokay, it&H Fredrickson, Russell Belstiaw and Kasper Ehlen. "'^hese are the participating homes in the second annual House and Garden Walk sponsored by the Kiwanis club of fonder Lake. These homes can ^sily be located by following to map printed on the tickets. Boat rides are scheduled to 3eave the Ehlen, Belshaw and Novak homes every half hour, istoprovcrs will be permitted at cach point. Luncheon will be served between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. at V : the Russell Belshaw residence on both days. A bake sale will be held at the Karl Fredrickson home. Anyone wishing to donate bakery goods may bring them directly there. Proceeds from the Walk will go to the Wonder Lake area Girl Scouts. 0 UNIT 491 pobbie Carroll, Publicity chairman The McHenry County Council meeting was held Friday, Aug. 5, at Crystal Lake. Members from McHenry attending were President Evelyn Ficek, Ruth Mrachek, Pauline Pickett and Bobbie Carroll. McHenry unit took first place hit the coupon contest, with 'Coupon Chairman Pauline Pick- *ett receiving the award. Crys- 'tal Lake took second place and <Richmond came in third. Huntley and Lake-in-the-Hills had the most new members for the year. McHenry county was thirity- three members short of 100 ^per cent this year. Margaret Mikota resigned as historian for McHenry county. ;A new historian will have to jbe endorsed by the units. The Election will take place at our next county meeting. Our next meeting will be held in Algonquin on Sept. 9. installation of officers was held. Mrs. Stanley Lofgren, department first vice president, was installing officer; Mrs. Arnold Chesak, district director, was installing sergeant at arms; and Mrs. Thomas F. McManus, past department president, was installing chaplain. Officers installed were Mrs. Thomas Alvis of Crystal Lake for president; Mary Kuecker of Hebron for first vice president ; Mrs. Robert Schultz of Huntley for second vice president; Mrs. Henry Cowlin of Crystal Lake for secretary; Mrs. Willard {Carlson of Algonquin for treasurer; Mrs. Willis T. Peter of Algonquin for chaplain; Mrs. Garl Jurs of Marengo for sergeant at arms; and Mrs. Warten Murray as assistant sergeant at arms. Mrs. Frank Brockrogge presented presented Marion Peter with her publicity book. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served by the Crytsal Lake auxiliary. Annual Convention ' The forty-sixth annual convention of the Department of Illinois American Legion auxiliary was called to order at the Conrad Hilton hotel in Chicago by Dept. President Mrs. Fred WiUrett. Reports WCte given by standing comrilittees, awards were presented and officers for the coming year were nominated. Election < Of officers was held on Friday qfter sessions, and installation Vas held Saturday afternoon. The Eleventh district placed {h$d in coupons, with McHenry Contributing the most dog coutions to help sixty„ blind perspns. McHenry Juniors received honorable mention for Junior History. Mrs. Robert Einspar received two cash awards, one for the largest number of published pictures and one for the largest number of published articles written by her. McHenry unit received honorable mention for outstanding service to hospitalized veterans at the Rehabilitation Forum. • Mrs. Frank Ficek attended the Gold Star,,, luncheon on Friday. Mrs. James Carroll attended the Past Presidents Paiiey ffurse scholarship dinner on Thursday evening when Miss Kathy Blake of McHenry received the Glen Boyd Memorial Nurse scholarship. Members from McHenry attending the convention were Alee (Bobbie) Carroll. Evelyp Ficek, Pauline Pickett, Margaret Mikota, Frances Matchen, Eleanor Reid and Ruth Mrachek, who was a page for the convention. Presents COD The executive board of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) presented an explanation of its aims for the coming year during and after the Masses at Christ the King Church on Sunday, Aug. 7. At each Mass, the homily centered on the theme of the Christian vocation to spread the Word of God. Father James Gaynor spoke at all the Masses. After each Mass, Robert Wade, president of the CCD, made a brief resume of the activities and invited parishioners to join in one or more of the projects. On sheets distributed to them, members of the parish checked interests classified under these headings: Studying religion social action, cultural activities and auxiliary services. Groups will hold organizational meetings in the near future. A course for teachers of religion will be given by Sister Evangeline, moderator of the board, who has experience in training teachers and is general chairman of the National CCD Committee of Religions. Officers of Christ the King CCD board are Robert Wade, president; Mrs. Barbara Kluwe, vice-president; Mrs. Nancy Fallaw, secretary; Robert Tague, treasurer; Mrs. Betty Selsdorf, Leroy McCall, Mrs. Mary Lou Cope and Miss Kay Lefebure, chairmen of sections. time. First, fiis little head was hit by a flying hdmmer and was opened in two places. As if that wasn't enough, a board that wasn't balanced too well fell on him and gave him another gash. His brother, Steven tried to follow suit by falling from a neighbor's tree. Needless to say,, he now has a gash on his chin. Let's hope that's all the cuts and bruises for awhile. Birthday And Candles Roz Sullivan blew out "5" candles on her birthday-coffee cake Aug. 9 while three neighbors looked on. June Braddock was hostess for the surprise birthday, coffee-klatch. Sharing in the coffee and cake were Roz, Mary Cummiiigs, June Braddock, and of course, yours truly. On Aug. 10, Caryn Cummings, celebrated her first birthday with her mom and dad, Mary and Gary Cummings, and her two sisters, Christine and Cathleen. Belated birthday greetings to Wayne Schleicher and Bud Schau. Expected Visitors over the past weekend. The Blumes were one time residents of Wonder Lake. Tom and Lois Mathews are anxiously awaiting the visit of Lois' brother and his wife and daughter Tom, Sandy, c and Mary Ann Hartmann, from New York. The Billy Braddocks enter- ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY tained the Jim Blume family NATIONAL PARK PROPOSED Gov. Otto Kerner has written Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall asking favorable consideration for a proposal to create Lincoln Homestead National Recreation Area in Eastern Illinois. U. S. Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.) recently introduced a bill to create the first national park for Illinois in the Charleston-Mattoon area. The proposed park would encompass Lincoln Log Cabin State Park, where the farm of the parents of Abraham Lincoln is located and the Lincoln Reservoir project is to be constructed soon. SHOP IN McHENRY Kiwanis News Last week's program was presented by Fred Zandier of Dundee. Fred is a past president of our club. He was accompanied by Pat Boyle, who also presented part of the program. Fred's talk concerned his work with the trial class of maladjusted students. Bill Cristy filled us in on the preparations for the annual House and Garden Walk. Volunteers are still needed to help with the booths and men to man the boats. Bids were presented on liability insurance and a policy was ordered. Bakery goods donations should be taken directly to the Karl Fredrickson house, where the bake sale will be conducted. Art La Greca was welcomed back after his long vacation in California. Art Lau was nominated by the club for the Kiwanis International relations citation. Arrangements are being made for Boy Scout Charter Nite. Cannons Celebrate 25th Mr. and Mrs. - Edward F. Cannon Jr. (Beryl Kent), 3606 E. Lake Shore drive celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Aug. 9. Their daughters and their husbands took the Cannons out to dinner for the occasion. Gerald Kent, father of Mrs. Cannon, was also a dinner guest. Edward and Beryl are the parents of Mrs. N6rman Williams, Jr., (Gail), and Mrs. William Forbes (Jacqueline) Harvey. They also have three grandchildren, April, "Jamie" and Beth Ann. On Aug. 6, the couple renewed their wedding vows at the Nativity Lutheran church. Wonder Lake, with Pastor Thomas Johnson officiating. Personal Shower A personal shower for Miss Janice Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson, Wonder Lake was given by Mrs. Betty McComb and her daughter, Gayle, on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 7. The bride-to-be was seated under an umbrella covered with pastel tissue carnations made by Gayle McComb. The centerpiece was an unusual mock wedding cake. Friends and relatives of both the bride and the groom-to-be were present from Chicago, Downer's Grove, Libertyville, Berwyn, Wheaton, Waukegan, Ringwood and Wonder Lake. The wedding will take place at Nativity Lutheran church on Aug. 20 at 2 p.m. Ouch! Department Poor Norman Mathews re ceived his share of bumps in two days to last him his life- ALUMINUM SIPMG Fireproof -- Waterproof -- Rustproof Reynolds -- Alsco ALSCO Premium "SQ" Siding with the DuPont Finish 30 Year Written Quarantee Stonn Windows, Door* A Awnings 'V«Ffa<i@w & AwraiiHfj So. 0318 W. Waukegan Ed. RlcHem?* UL JP1IONE 385-1180 5618 Northwest Hwy. CRYSTAL LAKE LIVING tOOM Reg. Now Save 3 PC. SECTIONAL 399.95 319.95 80.00 Kroehler, Choice of Color, Nylon Cover SOFA AND CHAIR 279.95 229.95 50.00 Nylon, Excellent Cover, Foam Cushions ULTRA MODERN SOFA 279.95 259.95 20.00 Loose Cushioned Back MODERN SOFA 269.95 249.95 20.00 3 Cushions, Excellent Cover, Kroehler Construction THIN LINE SOFA 259.95 219.95 40.00 Blue, Foam Rubber, Arm Caps TRADITIONAL SOFA .... 369.95 289.95 80.00 Crescent Front Sofa Matelasse Cover CONTEMPORARY SOFA 289.95 269.95 20.00 Loose Cushioned Seat and Back ITALIAN SOFA ... 389.95 359.95 30.00 Excellent, Fruitwood Arms, Cocoa Cover SOFA 339.95 299.95 40.00 French Provincial, Nylon Matelasse Cover SOFA .O: 329.95 299.95 30.00 Early American, Brown Coyer, 4 Cushions WING BACK SOFA .... 249.95 179.95 70.00 Maple Wings, Gold Tweed Cover SOFA 249.95 219.95 30.00 Early American, Brown and Gold Tapestry Cover AUGUST FURNITURE SAL SAVE NOW - STOREWIDE SAVINGS - USE OUR FRIENDLY TERMS SAVE 10% •• 30% Reg. 12'xl5' Beige Loop Pile 100% NYLON 119.95 12'xli' lSy@-Gr®en Tweed NYLON-ACRYLIC Blend .. 119.95 12'x20' Rainbow Stripe WOOL-NYLON 119.95 ^•xl©5 ieige Loop Pile ALL W©QL 79.95 12'xl2' Candy Stripe WOOL-NYLON 79.95 4'x6' BRAIDED RUGS 24.95 9'xl2' NYLON BRAIDED RUG 89.95 15'x7'6" Remnant GOLD NYLON 99.95 12'x4' Red ACRYLIC PILE 59.95 Now 99.95 99.95 99.95 69.95 69.95 16.95 69.95 59.95 19.95 Save 20.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 20.00 40.00 40.00 EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK -This is the big Sale you have waited for -- AND NOW YOU CAM SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS while you furnish your home with the Nation's newest and finest names in the world of furniture. FREE CASSEROLE CURS - RECUNERS Reg. SWIVEL ROCKER 89.95 Green Tweed Cover HOSTESS CHAIR 39.95 Armless, Vinelle or Material PLATFORM ROCKER .... 99.95 Gold Nylon Cover SWIVEL ROCKER 99.95 Vinelle, Choice of Color BIG MAN'S RECLINER .. 179.95 Loose Cushion RECLINER 139.95 Excellent Quality VALUE RECLINER 99.95 Choice of Color CHAIR 99.95 French Provincial, Green Cover, Fruitwood 79.95 P®9' $6.95 Value The most wonderful gift you would ever want! Imagine! This is famous Anchor Hocking, the cook, bake and serve cook ware the {Finest home magazines rave about, and ifs yours gyring this great value celebration, FREE, with any purchase of $39.95 or mora Hurry, Btaited to this event exclusively and does not apply t© any previous purchase! Reg. Now SUITE 199.95 139.95 Walnut Finished Dresser, Chest, Bookcase Bed 3 PC. SUITE 199.95 159.95 Pecan Finished, Plastic Tops COUNTRY FRENCH Style 459.95 419.95 Triple Dresser, Chest, Bed HI LEGGED SUITE 239.95 199.95 Walnut, Formica Top DOUBLE DRESSER 139.95 89.95 with Mirror, White French Provincial Style VANITY DESK 79.95 29.95 White -- as is Top 4 DRAWER DESK 99.95 49.95 White Prov. Bedroom Desk DANISH STYLE 219.95 129.95 Triple Dresser, Chest, Panel Bed ITALIAN STYLE 319.95 279.95 Dresser, Chest, Bed HARD ROCK MAPLE .... 409.95 389.95 Solid, Triple Dresser, Chest, Bed 3 PC. SUITE 249.95 199.95 Maple Finish, Formica Top Save 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 90.00 40.00 2Q.C0 50.00 ITALIAN STYLE CHAIR Print Cover TRADITIONAL CHAIR .. 109.95 Green Gold Style Chair ROCKER RECLINER 159.95 Tapestry, Kroehler Early American WING CHAIR 119.95 Kroehler, ^Choice of Color WID# ARM CHAIR 119.95 Kroehler, Brown Nylon Cover SWIVEL ROCKER 69.95 Early American, Print Cover WING CHAIR, Ottoman 139.95 Brown Print Cover CHAIR 129.95 Loose Cushions, Maple Finished Frame PLATFORM ROCKER .... 89.95 Serpentine Arm MR. & MRS. CHAIR AND OTTOMAN 254.95 219.95 Blue-Green Print CHAIR 89.95 59.95 Black Vinelle Cover Mediterranean Style Now 79.95 29.95 79.95 79.95 149.95 99.95 59.95 89.95 Finish 69.95 99.95 139.95 109.95 49.95 49.95 99.95 99.95 79.95 Save 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 70.00 20.00 40.00 30.00 10.00 34.00 30.00 C O M P L E T E S E R T A H O L L Y W O O D BED HURRY-SAVE NOW! $5 Monthly Including the box spring on legs and a good Serla innerspring mattress. Also a washable plastic modern styled headboard. SUN UMBRELLAS Reg. $49.95 MOW 39" AREA S LARGEST PURNITURE STORE SKORBERG'S It Costs Less At Skorberg's To Furnish Your Home 5618 Northwest Highway Crystal Lake • Free Pacing * °P^ Smy lite <v o) D R Ml CHEST - BOOKCASE BED Reg. $149.95 9900 $10.00 down $10.00 month

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