Section Two -- Page Six THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday* Augusi25# 1966 I . Visit Washington, D.C. i j f c . - v j f c V * * ' |1 ; 1 f i tV. ^•y. v: V/V*.--?. V f* Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McDonagh and two children, Michael R. and Barbara Ann, of 3606 W. Clover, Edge- _ brook Heights, have returned from a vacation trip to New York City and Washington, D.C. They are shown on r the Capitol steps while visiting with Rep. Robert McClory. .The youngsters will no doubt have many educational exj 'periences to take to class when they return to Edge- | brook school this fall. Mr. McDonaghf purchasing agent for a nearby firm, is grand knight Of MeHenry council of the Knights of Columbus. PASTOR COMES TO NEW RICHMOND BAPTIST CHAPEL REV. ERNEST GOUGE The new Baptist chapel in Richmond, which began in June of this year, will soon have a permanent pastor; The Rev. Ernest Gouge of Amarillo, Texas, has consented to lead the _p£w work, and will begin his duties Aug. 28. The Baptist faith is not new to the "oldtimers" of Richmond because the first church established there was of this faith. During the years, the congregation decreased in number until several years ago the church was discontinued. Landmarks may "be pointed out today in Richmond which are evidence of this now extinct fellowship. Rev. Gouge, his wife, Goldie, and their children, Mike, 16, Patti, 14, and Mark, 6, feel the challenge of re-establishing Baptist worship in Richmond. Rev.' Gouge is also a public sdhool teacher and has employment in the Crystal Lake school system. Mrs. Gouge is a homemaker and a registered nurse. The family will. reside in Richmond. The chapel was begun under the leadership of a local MeHenry young man, Eddie Erb, now a ministeral student at Oklahoma Baptist university. Response has been above that anticipated, and was climaxed this past week with more than forty workers and children attending Vacation Bible school held in the American Legion building. The Masonic order made facilities m available for seven weeks of the summer and now the American Legion has offered its building. The new Baptist congregation is under the sponsorship of the First Baptist Church of MeHenry. Rev. Orville Richardson is mission committee chairman for the mother church in MeHenry and Virgel Chappell is the pastor. Store Hours Daily Sunday 9 to 9 9. to 6 HORNSBY GO BACK START THE NEW YEAH OFF RIGHT ... BEGINNING WITH BIG BACK-TO SCHOOL SAVINGS From HORNSBY'S SAVE 48* i u*i» i., pter ' •' Includes .Ring BjndeiyFiller Pajifei U:• Subject Organifcdr ami' VI" |* • - !' >!! -;ir» ?6jW Value $1*45 COMPLETE HORNSBY'S PRICE Pay Less For All School Needs §V; J2 |||| ^ 'I I Big 300 CT. Non - Toxic Full Size Musonite tHWLIR CRAYONS 5 hole. Fits any binder Reg. /n Lol< 79c Heavy Spring Metal Clip 24 different, brillant colors Reg. 39c Value A Favorite TABLET Assorted litho covers. Movie stars and western heroes. Reg. m wmt 25c Ross Unite Ssnool PAST Retractable 10* IS Duraglow Composition look 5 Hole, Wire bound Reg. V;:M* 39c Value vi)il SAllPOINT PENS 36IL ERASERS SCHOOL SCISSORS <25* ..,28* WATER COLORS 25«an, $I 12 qt. Metal W Hk' Wide choice of designs Reg- $1.00 Now # O HORNSBY'S FREE PARKING IN OUR STORESIDE LOT OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 -- SUNDAYS 9 to 8 Shop 'n Save At Hornsby's Here in MeHenry And In Nearby bullaio MCANCf EDLA ANTONSON RETURNS FROM TOUR OF EUROPE Mrs. Edla Antonson of 3717 W. Elm street has returned from a twenty-four-day trip to several European countries. The jet flight took them first to London, where she saw the customary tourist attractions, including the Picadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey. After three days she continued on to Germany and into the "divided city" of Berlin. There a sightseeing trip took them through the western part to view the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial church and the East- West Berlin wall. The second week found Mrs. Antonson touring the Black Forest gi Zurich, Switzerland, with its quaint wooden houses, and later to Triberg, home of the Cuckoo Clock. Her visit in Italy was most interesting, including time spent in Florence, Rome and Milan. In "The Eternal .City" she saw the Vatican and Basilica of St. Peter.. Paris, of course, includpd such attractions as Montmarte Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Napoleon's Tomb and Notre Dame Cathedral. Shop In MeHenry FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO KOENEMANN SAUSAGE • 85 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES Phone 385-6260 Route 120 -- Just East of Route 12 -- Volo, DL USE THE CLASSIFIED immmiiw/w Remember gas is a lion with lamb chops. New infra-red radiant broiler seals in natural juices and cuts cooking time (which means less shrinkage). Food broils to perfection the smokeless way; stays flavorful and nutritious. See the many modern features of gas cooking at your local Northern Illinois Gas Company showroom or your appliance dealer's. Phone ' \ ijr.lj| 1 HI J I i ' Pf" * • i r' i; ^ < U : "1 ilffMHWh h i • •?; M-tH •: • r-M imYm ROLL IN F0RTHE RIGHTTIRE AT THE RIGHT PRICE! PICK ANY SIZE AMOCO* 120 SUPER TIRE OR ATLAS PLYCR0N ( THE ROUND TIRE") AND CHARGE! It couldn't be easier. Your Standard Oil Dealer knows tires. He wants to know you better. And right now he'll give real value on any of his famous, nationally advertised tires. No beating-around-the-bush or double-talk. You'll get your money's worth--and more. Whether you buy a set or a single. But isn't that as it should be? After all "You expect more from Standard and you get it."* CThe American Oil Company, 1366 • World's largest distributor of Atlas tires S T A N D A R D O I L 113 8bi n«l 9 aoaua? s col? *330 S CBEST?* AtfB 03 Kisog ill --AU* --pi*™ -«»9 u s p.t o".mm&JPP*Co. Use your credit card or ask about Instant Credit * NO MONEY DOWN-UP TO 12 MONTHS TO PA* * DAY AND NI6HT SERVICE * LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD TIRES --m m m m mm--m Round Tag Tiro Values are available at these participating Standard Oil Dealers: ,i'dv \\. S( 4X17 W. Kim SI. AI<Hnirv l-Sl. .atiif DON BRl'SSO Kirhniond ltd. & Klin SI. M<*1 l«Mi rv m- r TJ" «1B C. BROWN Dennis lilv<l. Sunnysitli- 1 w mmm v I1KHMAN STKFFKS 8310 W. Klin MeHenry I