Thursday, August 25,1966 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Secilon Three--Page One Lakeland Pmk News Barbara Meurer--S8ff*4356 • Carole Humann--385-1608 WOMAN'S CLUB OPENS SEASON THURSDAY, SEPT. 1 Believe it or not, next week Thursday, is Sept. 1 already and is the first meeting of the Lakeland Park Woman's Club. The meeting is at the Community house and starts at 8:30 p.m. All women living in Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores who are members of the ' Lakeland Park Property Owners Association are eligible to belong to our Woman's club. The club sponsors many activities through the year to raise money for equipment and keep up our community house. We are hoping that this\year we will have hiany new members come and join us so we can plan everr^bigger and better things. ^ a I Our first project for the year • is the dessert luncheon and fashion show which is being planned for Wednesday, Sept. 28. Tickets will be available at our meeting next week. See you there. Get-Well Wishes Get-well wishes go to Mark Koch, who is home recuperating from a hernia operation at St. Ann's hospital in Chicago, last week. Hope you're up and around real soon, Mark. Little League Banquet Reservations for the Little League banquet which will be held at the Ringwood Methodist church on Saturday Sept. 17 should be turned in to your manager as soon as possible with your money. Cystic Fibrosis Drive The Cystic Fibrosis fund drive is being conducted from Aug. 29 to Sept. 10 with Mrs. Richard Janczak as chairman from our area. We hope you will all give as generously as you have' in the past when someone comes to call. Donkey Baseball Game I hope that everyone has marked their calendar for Sept. 2 when our own Lakeland Park men will play the Wonder Lake men in the world's craziest sport, Donkey Ball. This ball game played from the backs of trained donkeys is reputed to be wilder than a Rodeo and funnier than a circus. I heard that the players are on a strict diet of Mothers Oats and raw carrots in preparation for the game and the local druggists I heard, have increased their supply of liniment in anticipation of a large increase in business the morning after the game. Hope you will all join us in the fun. If you have never seen one before, you don't know what you are missing. The date is Sept. 2, at 8 p.m. at the VFW field. See you there. Community House Schedule Our fall activities will soon be commencing and Jo Rizzo would like the dates and hours for the reservation of the community housd. If you would like' a special day, better get ydur reservation in early. Tuesday, Aug. 23, 9:30 a.m. - Lakelahd Park 4-rt Club. Wednesday, -Aug. 24 * Little League open meeting. 8:30 p.m Sept. 1 - Worrtaij's j£lub Mating - 8:30' , T If Brownie Tjdpp |»jn Brownie Tro<fp "Ncfcfj have a new Me^ddr^ihis year with Bev V^flUenkaljip taking over the lerfq^rship -irom Quast. Registration for Browtiies can be called in to Mrs. Wickenkamp any time now, with meetings probably starting sometime the end of Septe m b e r . G i r l s i n s e c o n d a n d third grade are eligible. Her phone number is 385-3069. Bowling Starting Soon For Lakeland Park Couples Heard a rumor that the starting date for the Lakeland Park Couples bowling this year has been set for l&pt. 17 in Johnsburg. You will be getting a call shortly to let you know when the meeting will be for ironing out*,the details. Birthday Wishes A verfy tyappy birthday goes to Gloria Vaiiefc and John Henneberg whaTshare Aug. 25 as their nataU^iay with John turning 17. Aug. 26 has Kathy Burmann burning 5 and on Aug. 27, Colleen Rode will also be 5. On Aug. 27, June Gilbertson adds another year, and Aug. 30 has Hattie Manning and Doris Krueger celebrating along with Bill Jaenirke who shares the day with his son Steve who will be 11 and Kevin Worm who will also be 11. Aug. 31, Kitty Hendle, George Weber, and Laura Poole all add another year. Jo Anne Gladman starts off the first of September celebrating her eleventh birthday? May you all have many happy returns of the day. FilE For Acne Pimples and Blemishes. New, amazing medicated AKTEX gets rid of overactive oily skin, acne pimples and blemishes fast. Saves you from going through life with ugly pits and scars that squeezing causes. AKTEX does the squeezing for you and leaves your skin smoother and petal soft. AKTEX is not a greasy coverup but a medicine which when used regularly is guaranteed to help clear up your complexion or your money back. Now, for a limited time only, buy the regular $1.98 size of AKTEX and receive free AKTEX medicated soap. AKTEX'is sold with a money back guarantee by: NYE DRUGS 1325 N. Riverside Drive JklcIIENRY Strolling Through The Park The month of August has been the time for exchange in the Matthews family starting with Nancy going to her Aunt Pat Gampetro in Niles; and Carole going to Aunt Fran Sandre. A short time after they came home, their two cousins, Katie and Debbie Sandre, were out for three days. When they went home their brother, Ricky, took their place. He was returned via a family picnic at Holiday Park in Wauconda on Sunday. His place was taken by Pam and Chris Gampetro from Niles, who stayed for three days. The month was spent swimming, bowling, roller skating, picnicking and just enjoying the change of scenery for a while. Last Saturday, Jessie Matthews' mother and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Reid were out with her sister Kathy Beck, and her son, Bobby. Grandpa Reid had made special stakes for a volley ball net and badminton net combined, and had brought them out, so he spent i.ome time putting them in the ground. A few of our girls who have just joined the Vikettes were broken in right last Saturday when they marched in their first parade in Algonquin on Founders Day. The girls were Margie and Theresa Kroening, Kathy Campo and Shirley Meurer. ^J, went into with my nflOTtlmg my sister Joan in Wheaton, and then into Maywood to Grandma and Grandpa Meurer's. While the kids stayed at grandma's I went over to McNeil hospital in Berwyn to see my sister who was recuperating from surgery. It was a very busy day. Alan Meurer is visiting his Grandma and Grandpa Meurer in Maywood for a few days this week. Ann and Rich Wohnrade and sons, David and Robbie, spent a few days up at Devils Lake this month. They had a motel with siyimming pool facilities which they enjoyed very much and they also had some camping with Ann's niece Linda Carlstedt and her girl friend camping nearby. They were able to enjoy cooking over the campfire, (when they wanted) and sat around the campfire at night. Ann's aunt and uncle, Mary and Ed Peine were also up there with their *on, Ricky, and Gary Bpckman and they stayed at a nearby lodge, and also enjoyed the campfire with the others. Jill and Scott, the two little Wohnrades stayed home with their Grandma and Grandpa. Last Wedrftesday, Mary and Ed Peine, picked up William Bockman, Sr., and went up to Daggett, Mich., which is Mr. Bockman' s home town and they visited many of his old friends. Meg Humann started her b i r t h d a y c e l e b r a t i o n s e a r l y with a family party on Saturday evening attended by Grandma and Grandpa Humann and Uncle Harold McGuire, and uncle George and aunt Joanie and Debbie, Patty Peggy and little George. She had a clown cake and decorations in honor of her seventh birthday. Rose and Ed Oswald spent the weekend in Decatur where Ed's sister is very ill. Stevie Bockman has just completed the series of rabies shots after he was bitten by a field mouse. The offending mouse was in turn eaten by a gopher which made the shots necessary as they had nothing left to tell if it was rabid or not. He was very brave about the whole affair but was running out of places that weren't used up. The Bo,tt^ri, family spent the w e e k t r a v e l i n g a r o u n d , t h e n o r t h e r n c o u n t r y s i d e . T h e y started their safari in Winona, Minn., where they enrolled, Ray at, St. Mary's college. They spent several day^ looking around there and at La- Crpsse, Wis,, which is right acro^, <^h£ river. From there th<^; to Dells whert j M t spdenta y s . ^ e - t w g h . $$d visited [Milled ht of that cursiott Sunday August 28,1966 Sunday COMMENCING AT 11:30 DST Located at the East edge of Woodstock on Route 120 Across from Marion Central High School FURNITURE 5 Rooms of Furniture, including MW Elcctric Clothes Dryer; Easy Spin Dry Washer; 16 ft. Ben Hur Deep Freeze; Hot Point Electric Stove; 2 Complete Bedroom Sets; Dining Room Set (table, 6 chairs) Buffet and China Closet;, Many dishes, pots, pans etc.; Chairs, rugs, rockers. FURNITURE TO BE SOLD AT 8:00 O'CLOCK FARM MACHMEBY Int. 450 Tractor w/PS, FH, LP & TA (self adjusting wheels); Int. 400 Tractor w/PS, LP, TA & FH; Int. 4 Row 455 Cultivator; New Idea Mounted Corn Picker for Int. Tractor; Model NAA Ford Tractor \v/P£ Wagner front end loader -- Ram on bucket; Ford Mounted Side Rake; Dearborn 2 bot. Plow; Rear end Blade 3 Pt. Hitch; Ford Rotary Chopper 3 Pt.; 2 Loading Booms; Int. 4 bot. 14 in. Fast Hitch Plow; Int. 3 bot. 16 in. Fast Hitch Slat bot. Plow; 2 bot. J D Slat Bot. Plow; Int. 11 ft. Wheel Disc, sealed bearing; J D 495 Corn Picker w/liquid fertilizer att. Herbiside att. and spray att. New Holland 7 ft. Mower w/PTO; New Holland 66 Baler w/PTO; Gehl Hay Conditioner; 4 Sec. Wheel Drag; 4 Sec. drag, 2-2 sec. Drags; 10 ft. EZ Flow Lime Spreader; 1958 Chevrolet Truck w/new Comb. Box and rack; Western 10 ft. wheel lift Cultimuicher; 3 Knight Boxes and wagons; 4 Row Colby Rotary Hoe; D. B. Tractor Manure Spreader; Electric motors, gas engines; 2 sets Tractor chains, 38 in. and 28 in.; 2 Extension Ladders; Steel gates. 1956 2 Ton Chevrolet Truck, combination Stock Rack and Grain Box. 3 Wagons and Hay racks; 180 Amp Powercraft Welder; M H Side Rake; Int. Side Rake; 40 ft. K R Elevator w/motor; 2 Horse Trailer; 2 wheeled mounted Sprayer w/Broom; Ottowa Pull Type Corn Sheller; 4 Sec. Spring tooth Harrow; Roller -- 1 set 38x12 duals; Western Saddle, Set Harness, track; 2 Ton Chain Hoist; Fanning Mill w/motor; Thor Portable Heater, 125,000 BTU; Windrowcr att. for 7 ft. Mower; Electric Grinder; Platform scales; PTO Grass seeder; Ranger 10 ft. Driveover Gate; Ranger 18 hole Hog Feeder; Ranger Comb. Stock & Hog waterer w/gas heater; Wards Chain Saw; Cab for Ford Tractor and cab for Int. Tractor; Rabbit Hutch; Rotary Lawn Mower; Feed Bunks and Hay Bunks; Tarps; 2 Well pumps; Air Compressor; Shop tools and hand tools; 4 Stock Tanks; 300 gal. Gas Tank; Barrel Pump; 14 ft. Portable Grain Elevator w/motor. / Many articles too numerous to mention 200 bales Straw 15 bu. Red Clover Seed V. E. JOHNSON ESTATE. Owner AUCTIONEERS W. H. Russel -- W. B. Sullivan NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS USUAL BANK TERMS LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK -- Clerking three hour boat ride and mostly for the enforced relaxation involved. Home, sweet home! The Cynowas attended Ray's company picnic last Saturday at the city park in Woodstock- The weather was kind and they had a glorious day. Grandma Walker has been entertaining grandchildren on a revolving schedule for the last three weeks. First to visit was grandson, Bill Roberson, who was followed by sister, Cheryl, for the following week. That old li'l Eddy is back again, and is losing his visitor status, and almost becoming a citizen of our community. That boy sure does love his jgram and grandpa. There are more people under the weather with the flu these days that it isn't even news anymore. Hope everyone feels up to par soon. George Manning is home from the hospital and feeling better but is still relaxing. It's good to see his wave and cheerful smile again. Gayle Laursen entertained a group of ladies last week in her home at a demonstration. Dig these educational coffee clatches. Norway, 111., was Invaded by a contingent "of Kampers last weekend when the Drumls and Kamps arrived at the Viking campgrounds. Debbie Stupey and Eddie Funk were guests of the Kamp kids and Drumls added Jim Oeffling and Johnny Flannigan to their boystown. The Laursens joined them for part of the weekend. Five of the adult? group took a short jaunt, they thought, around the campground which in the end would have qualified for a Kennedy physical fitness hike. The worst part was running out of coffin nails and having nicotine fits till they reached home base again. Will those people ever learn? At least the three family dogs all enjoyed themselves. Sisters, Laura Poole and Hattie Manning, entertained daughters and grandchildren last week. Laura and Joe's daughter, Virginia Fry, came from Milwaukee with children, Jack ie, Stevie, Douglas, and David. While they were there Laura Ternes and Margie Michael and Vincent came for a few days, too. To make the neighborhood really exciting, Anna Mae Lezon and daughters, Mary Ann and Carolyn, * were visiting the Mannings next door. All the cousins really had a good chance to see each other and also the Knorr kids visited with them. The Arients visited with John's sister, Helen Skreko, and her family ^t their home on Center Lake, Wis., Saturday. Clarence and Wilma Atkinson attended the wedding, Saturday, of Ervin and Sue Hassman in Berwyn. Jim and Marion Duffy also attended the ceremonies and reception later. On Sunday, the Atkinsons were guests at the christening of her niece's baby, Scott Anthony Maggi at St. Christopher's church in Lyons. Georgia Manning received an engagement ring from Bob Boyle on July 21. They are planning a February weddihg. Best wishes to you. ' We have reports of a mysterious garden which bloomed on Ramble Road. Kitty Hendle is the lucky owner of a ready cooked stew garden complete with vegetables and gravy. Observers report that she has a little trouble harvesting the gravy. Shop In McHenry ANNOUNCE PLANS FOR JOHNSBURG SCHOOL OPENING The Johnsburg public school will open with a morning session Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1966. Attendance periods are grades 1 to 4 from 9_ajn. to 10:15 a.m.; grades 5 to 8 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Busses will run on last year's schedule on the first pick-up. New stops will be designated as students are taken home. First semester morning kindergarten children / should be brought to the school by a parent between 8:30 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. First semester afternoon kindergarten children should be brought to the school by a parent between 9:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Book fees of $9 for students in grades 1 through 8 and 52 for kindergarten are to be paid to the class teacher the first day of school. No books will be issued to students until the book rental fee is paid. The milk and cracker charge for kindergarten is $2.70 per semester and is to be paid on the first day. All student lunch tickets are thirty-five cents and may be purchased individually or in groups. Student accident insurance may be purchased for $2 per student. All boys going out for By Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 12 Years Experience Every Job FLO-TESTED For Your Added Protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE Complete Stock of Rebuilt and New Radiators Complete Stock of Original Equip. Heater Control Valves AM..;i B S. REPAIR SERY. Phone 385-0783 McHenry, 111. Next So V.F.W. 8004 W. Route 120 sports should purchase this insurance. If a birth certificate was not presented at the time of kindergarten registration, then one must be presented the first day of school. All kindergarten and fifth grade students must present a complete health and dental examination in order to attend school. If you have lost the form provided by the school a new one may be secured at the school office. If the examinations are not completed or a confirmed appointment made, it will be necessary to 'exclude the child from school. USE THE IFIEDS REGISTRATION AT HARRISON SCHOOL SEPT. 1 Registration at Harrison school, Wonder Lake, will take place Thursday, Sept. 1, with a suggested schedule as fidlows: Last names starting , A through M from 9 a.m. to noon and N through Z from 1 to 4 p.m. Rental for text books must be paid at registration time. It is $14 for the first six grades and $22 for seventh and eighth. Kindergarten students have been sent a letter stating time of registration on Thursday, Sept. 1, or Friday, Sept. 2. Tuesday Sept. 6, will be the first full day of school. A ATTEND CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY Forget that Gas; is cheaper. Remember that Gas is modern. Handsome and colorful new gas ranges give you perfect cooking control and smokeless broiiing plus all the latest automatic features. See ihe modern gas ranges at y *.ur appiianre store or call Northern Illinois Gas. Phone' 385-2081 CHRYSLER MOTORS C0HP08ATIQII AUTHORIZED DEALERS I* • • • * V . V • • • • • . * * • • • • • * • * • • • • * ft jgr- ' ^ 0 (o ir all'66 Plymouths! See your Plymouth Dealer for a Clean-up Deal FURY MOTORS, Inc. - 2508 W. Route 120